Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince
Chapter 8 - Gossip, Jelly and A Little Adventure
After introducing his new found friends to his cousins, they had to get back to school as classes were going to resume whether he like it or not. Thus he reluctantly dragged his feet back to Hogwarts after saying his ' Goodbyes ' still invisible. Lunch came soon after, the Gryffindor table was oddly quiet as all the students knew of what had happened with Harry and Draco, as well as Harry getting pulled away by Professor McGonagall while Draco got away.
Louis on the other had couldn't care less being submerged in the amount of jelly he had brightened up his mood considerably from the fact that he had to leave the company of his new friends temporarily. " When was there ingredients in the jelly? Last i remember, they were plain colour and had different flavours. " One of the third years asked.
" You didn't have anything to do with it right Louie? " Annie asks softly, as Louis was seated next to his left and Richard on his right. " Of course I did, I went down to the kitchen area in the morning before going into my suitcase to ask the house-elfs whether they could spice up the jelly up a bit. Nice creatures by the way. " Louis mumbles through his mouth stuffed with jelly.
Shaking their head in defeat at their cousin, they resumed their meal. Lunch ended and the three went off for their next class with time to spare. The rest of the day was as follows, Harry came back surprise evident on his face and told Ron in secret of what happened. The boy blabbed it away, boasting that Harry was the first, First year student to be on the quidditch team, leading to the boy gaining everyone's attention at Dinner. As for Louis, Annie and Richard. Richard went into Louis' suitcase, with his permission, to attempt to perfect his spell at the end of the day. Annie, went to the gameskeeper, Hagrid the half giant, to have some tea, as she wanted to learn more about what he does for his job. Louis returned to the forest with Bandit and met up with his new friends, playing and making more friends and by the end of the day, Louis was friends with every creature and animal in sight after exploring parts of the forest.
Returning back to the common room invisible, Louis caught sight of Richard and Annie sitting together near the fire place. " So what's been happening since the last I was here? " He asks. " Not much really, just that the drama queen made a ruckus on how golden boy over there, " Richard points at Harry surrounded by other students, " Got into the quidditch team when his just a first year. And how ' his father will hear about this ' just the usual drama you know. " Annie and Louis both nod their head in understanding.
" Have you completed the spell yet Richie? I can't yet to try it! " Annie asks impatiently, bouncing up and down like a child on Christmas day. " Yes, the spell is completed after many tedious hours and researching. And no I will not let you use it. Who know what in Merlin's name you'll do if you get it! " Richard states at Annie. " What about me Richie? Surely I'm better than Ann! " " I highly doubt that Louie, the last time I have you access to the tracking spell, you tracked down the hunters that escaped and handed them to your forest friends for days before they broke down. Why In Merlin's name do you think your better than Ann? " " Richie's right! Your worse than both of us combined! " Annie stated, surprising Louis " How am I worse than you t- " " Do you really want us to list out the things that make you worse than us? " Richard asks deadpanned. Knowing he was not in the mood, Louis promptly shook his head and said shakily, " Nope! In fact, since your exhausted right now from hours of research and testing, I recommend you get some much needed rest! " Louis changes the topic as smoothly as he could wanting to live as quickly as possible.
Heading back to their dorms past the swarm of students gathered around the golden boy praising him for his accomplishments and the lie, the rest of the day was relatively peaceful.
As the sun rose for the next day to begin, Louis was as usual nowhere to be seen when Richard awoke. Knowing that his anti-social of a cousin would be in his suitcase, the boy waited for the golden boy and the red headed attention seeker of his friend, in his opinion, to leave before fetching Louis from his suitcase. The moment they left, Richard headed to the suitcase that lay beside Louis' bed.
" Louie, please tell me you got more then a few hours of sleep before heading down here to read. " Richard practically begs Louis remembering the last time he had not enough sleep, a shiver went up his spine at the recollection of it. " Yes Richie, I got more then enough sleep today. I even managed to read a few more books then yesterday! That and Bandit wouldn't really let me leave the bed unless I got enough time sleeping, " he glares at him, " you have brainwashed him ever since I got him you know that. " The boy says with spite.
Richard grins at the fact knowing that his hard work had paid off, in the nick of time as well. " Today is charms class with Professor Flitwick after breakfast. After that we have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and you know how Ann gets when we're late " They both get the chills at the thought. " I'll be ready in fifteen, just give me some time to put my books away and meet you outside. " Nodding his head, he then proceeds to leave the suitcase and prepare his books by shrinking them to a miniature size like the previous day.
A certain blonde boy appears to be in distraught at the fact that Harry got sent the brand new broom mysteriously and got into the Gryffindor quidditch team while he didn't. ' Lad seems stressed and a tad bit sad over there. I do hope he doesn't do anything he'll regret in the future. Not like it has anything to do with me, I'm just a bystander and spectator. ' Louis mentally notes as they arrive at their seats walking past Draco.
After breakfast, they headed to class and Louis turned invisible again right after they left the dining hall. Entering the class they are greeted with the sight of Harry having what seemed like a conversation with the professor. Louis, the ever so curious boy, decided to have a hear in the conversation out of pure boredom.
Walking up to the two, he finally manages to hear the conversation, " Yes my boy, we have wavered the rule on first years having no brooms for you, permission to keep the broom considering the circ.u.mstances you are in. " " Thank you professor! Thank you so much! " The boy seemed relieved at the fact he could keep his broom and use it for practice. " Yes, yes, now go to your seat. class will begin soon. " And with that, the conversation ended and he headed back to his seat, Louis went back to his cousins and took his seat seeming to be in deep thought, ' Well that was absolutely a waste of my time sneaking up to overhear the two, ' his Niffler that sneaked into class with him moved his body as if to be in agreement with him, ' even Bandit agrees! Though the one who lived seems to be the type to jump to conclusions with what I've seen. '
As classes began, they began Charms class with theory, Louis already understanding what's being thought decided to read the book he brought along and shrunk. Taking out the book and opening it, he began his mental adventure as if absorbed into the book.
Midway through Charms, Bandit got bored, and looking towards Louis, he knew he wouldn't stop reading anytime soon, thus, he left the class in search of something to do.
Roaming the hallways, he came across a few students whom luckily ran past the little guy looking to be in a rush. Continuing his small adventure, he bumped into his and Louis' new squirrel friends, Robin and Marrie. Robbie was a squirrel that liked the thrill of danger surprisingly, while Marrie was the one that made sure Robin doesn't end up on the menu every night.
Saying his hello's, in turned out that they came to the school to snatch some food to bring back home for the rest of the animals to weak to gather their own food. Deciding to help his new friends, Bandit led them to the kitchen where the house-elfs resided.
Nearing their destination with every step taken, the more danger they faced. Knowing that the safest option would be bread, turkey leg and some milk, as their the easiest to carry, Robin, Marrie and Bandit headed to where their noses led them. Spotting their first target, Turkey leg, the three took action on instinct. Bandit went to grab a bag to hold the food, Marrie stayed near where they spotted the food on look out, while Robin climbed up one of the ceilings and on top the ceiling beams walking towards the food.
With the food insight, Robin began attaching some string he grabbed on the way to the beam, to the ceiling beam. once safely secured to the beam and the squirrel himself, Robin began his descent for food. Bandit already waiting at the edge of the table with a bag on stand-by, Marrie watched with worried eyes as Robin arrived at the turkey legs. Successfully grabbing onto the turkey legs, Robin proceeded to toss them to Bandit who caught hem in the bag. On their sixth leg, Marrie warned them of incoming house-elf. Deciding that they had enough legs, Robin nodded in response and climbed back up to the ceiling to continue the mission while Bandit went to hide and wait for Robin with the food in hand.
The moment he returned in his position on Louis, class had ended and everyone had started moving to their next class. Heading out to Professor McGonagall's class, Louis noticed golden boy and red head take the wrong turn, ' I should help them, but then again, one will learn without mistakes. ' he thought as he went to catch up with Annie and Richard.
Passing the kitchen by mistake, Louis, Annie and Richard heard yells of despair from the other side of the closed door, " THE TURKEY LEGS HAVE GONE! "One yelled out, " THE BREAD HAVE ALSO GONE POOF! " Another yelled, making Louis' eyebrow arch and glance at Bandit whom seemed be controlling what could only be it's laughter, " THE MILK HAVE ALL GONE! WHAT ARE WE TO DO NOW! " What seemed to be the last cry to be heard as they left sounded desperate. " It appears that Bandit has something to do with what we heard just now " Louis noted to his cousins who could only shake their head in response. " Like master, like Pet " They said at the same time. " Hey! What's that supposed to mean! " He yelled while catching up to them, struck by their words.
Louis on the other had couldn't care less being submerged in the amount of jelly he had brightened up his mood considerably from the fact that he had to leave the company of his new friends temporarily. " When was there ingredients in the jelly? Last i remember, they were plain colour and had different flavours. " One of the third years asked.
" You didn't have anything to do with it right Louie? " Annie asks softly, as Louis was seated next to his left and Richard on his right. " Of course I did, I went down to the kitchen area in the morning before going into my suitcase to ask the house-elfs whether they could spice up the jelly up a bit. Nice creatures by the way. " Louis mumbles through his mouth stuffed with jelly.
Shaking their head in defeat at their cousin, they resumed their meal. Lunch ended and the three went off for their next class with time to spare. The rest of the day was as follows, Harry came back surprise evident on his face and told Ron in secret of what happened. The boy blabbed it away, boasting that Harry was the first, First year student to be on the quidditch team, leading to the boy gaining everyone's attention at Dinner. As for Louis, Annie and Richard. Richard went into Louis' suitcase, with his permission, to attempt to perfect his spell at the end of the day. Annie, went to the gameskeeper, Hagrid the half giant, to have some tea, as she wanted to learn more about what he does for his job. Louis returned to the forest with Bandit and met up with his new friends, playing and making more friends and by the end of the day, Louis was friends with every creature and animal in sight after exploring parts of the forest.
Returning back to the common room invisible, Louis caught sight of Richard and Annie sitting together near the fire place. " So what's been happening since the last I was here? " He asks. " Not much really, just that the drama queen made a ruckus on how golden boy over there, " Richard points at Harry surrounded by other students, " Got into the quidditch team when his just a first year. And how ' his father will hear about this ' just the usual drama you know. " Annie and Louis both nod their head in understanding.
" Have you completed the spell yet Richie? I can't yet to try it! " Annie asks impatiently, bouncing up and down like a child on Christmas day. " Yes, the spell is completed after many tedious hours and researching. And no I will not let you use it. Who know what in Merlin's name you'll do if you get it! " Richard states at Annie. " What about me Richie? Surely I'm better than Ann! " " I highly doubt that Louie, the last time I have you access to the tracking spell, you tracked down the hunters that escaped and handed them to your forest friends for days before they broke down. Why In Merlin's name do you think your better than Ann? " " Richie's right! Your worse than both of us combined! " Annie stated, surprising Louis " How am I worse than you t- " " Do you really want us to list out the things that make you worse than us? " Richard asks deadpanned. Knowing he was not in the mood, Louis promptly shook his head and said shakily, " Nope! In fact, since your exhausted right now from hours of research and testing, I recommend you get some much needed rest! " Louis changes the topic as smoothly as he could wanting to live as quickly as possible.
Heading back to their dorms past the swarm of students gathered around the golden boy praising him for his accomplishments and the lie, the rest of the day was relatively peaceful.
As the sun rose for the next day to begin, Louis was as usual nowhere to be seen when Richard awoke. Knowing that his anti-social of a cousin would be in his suitcase, the boy waited for the golden boy and the red headed attention seeker of his friend, in his opinion, to leave before fetching Louis from his suitcase. The moment they left, Richard headed to the suitcase that lay beside Louis' bed.
" Louie, please tell me you got more then a few hours of sleep before heading down here to read. " Richard practically begs Louis remembering the last time he had not enough sleep, a shiver went up his spine at the recollection of it. " Yes Richie, I got more then enough sleep today. I even managed to read a few more books then yesterday! That and Bandit wouldn't really let me leave the bed unless I got enough time sleeping, " he glares at him, " you have brainwashed him ever since I got him you know that. " The boy says with spite.
Richard grins at the fact knowing that his hard work had paid off, in the nick of time as well. " Today is charms class with Professor Flitwick after breakfast. After that we have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and you know how Ann gets when we're late " They both get the chills at the thought. " I'll be ready in fifteen, just give me some time to put my books away and meet you outside. " Nodding his head, he then proceeds to leave the suitcase and prepare his books by shrinking them to a miniature size like the previous day.
A certain blonde boy appears to be in distraught at the fact that Harry got sent the brand new broom mysteriously and got into the Gryffindor quidditch team while he didn't. ' Lad seems stressed and a tad bit sad over there. I do hope he doesn't do anything he'll regret in the future. Not like it has anything to do with me, I'm just a bystander and spectator. ' Louis mentally notes as they arrive at their seats walking past Draco.
After breakfast, they headed to class and Louis turned invisible again right after they left the dining hall. Entering the class they are greeted with the sight of Harry having what seemed like a conversation with the professor. Louis, the ever so curious boy, decided to have a hear in the conversation out of pure boredom.
Walking up to the two, he finally manages to hear the conversation, " Yes my boy, we have wavered the rule on first years having no brooms for you, permission to keep the broom considering the circ.u.mstances you are in. " " Thank you professor! Thank you so much! " The boy seemed relieved at the fact he could keep his broom and use it for practice. " Yes, yes, now go to your seat. class will begin soon. " And with that, the conversation ended and he headed back to his seat, Louis went back to his cousins and took his seat seeming to be in deep thought, ' Well that was absolutely a waste of my time sneaking up to overhear the two, ' his Niffler that sneaked into class with him moved his body as if to be in agreement with him, ' even Bandit agrees! Though the one who lived seems to be the type to jump to conclusions with what I've seen. '
As classes began, they began Charms class with theory, Louis already understanding what's being thought decided to read the book he brought along and shrunk. Taking out the book and opening it, he began his mental adventure as if absorbed into the book.
Midway through Charms, Bandit got bored, and looking towards Louis, he knew he wouldn't stop reading anytime soon, thus, he left the class in search of something to do.
Roaming the hallways, he came across a few students whom luckily ran past the little guy looking to be in a rush. Continuing his small adventure, he bumped into his and Louis' new squirrel friends, Robin and Marrie. Robbie was a squirrel that liked the thrill of danger surprisingly, while Marrie was the one that made sure Robin doesn't end up on the menu every night.
Saying his hello's, in turned out that they came to the school to snatch some food to bring back home for the rest of the animals to weak to gather their own food. Deciding to help his new friends, Bandit led them to the kitchen where the house-elfs resided.
Nearing their destination with every step taken, the more danger they faced. Knowing that the safest option would be bread, turkey leg and some milk, as their the easiest to carry, Robin, Marrie and Bandit headed to where their noses led them. Spotting their first target, Turkey leg, the three took action on instinct. Bandit went to grab a bag to hold the food, Marrie stayed near where they spotted the food on look out, while Robin climbed up one of the ceilings and on top the ceiling beams walking towards the food.
With the food insight, Robin began attaching some string he grabbed on the way to the beam, to the ceiling beam. once safely secured to the beam and the squirrel himself, Robin began his descent for food. Bandit already waiting at the edge of the table with a bag on stand-by, Marrie watched with worried eyes as Robin arrived at the turkey legs. Successfully grabbing onto the turkey legs, Robin proceeded to toss them to Bandit who caught hem in the bag. On their sixth leg, Marrie warned them of incoming house-elf. Deciding that they had enough legs, Robin nodded in response and climbed back up to the ceiling to continue the mission while Bandit went to hide and wait for Robin with the food in hand.
The moment he returned in his position on Louis, class had ended and everyone had started moving to their next class. Heading out to Professor McGonagall's class, Louis noticed golden boy and red head take the wrong turn, ' I should help them, but then again, one will learn without mistakes. ' he thought as he went to catch up with Annie and Richard.
Passing the kitchen by mistake, Louis, Annie and Richard heard yells of despair from the other side of the closed door, " THE TURKEY LEGS HAVE GONE! "One yelled out, " THE BREAD HAVE ALSO GONE POOF! " Another yelled, making Louis' eyebrow arch and glance at Bandit whom seemed be controlling what could only be it's laughter, " THE MILK HAVE ALL GONE! WHAT ARE WE TO DO NOW! " What seemed to be the last cry to be heard as they left sounded desperate. " It appears that Bandit has something to do with what we heard just now " Louis noted to his cousins who could only shake their head in response. " Like master, like Pet " They said at the same time. " Hey! What's that supposed to mean! " He yelled while catching up to them, struck by their words.
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