Harry Potter And The Lord Of Darkness

Chapter 28 - Brooms and pieces

"Do you think they'll attack us if we cross the room?" said Ron.

Arth shook his head. "I already crossed the room. They won't attack you-"

"Probably," said Harry. "They don't look very vicious, but I suppose if they all swooped down at once... well, there's no other choice... I'll run."

"There is literally no need to run-"

Harry covered his head with his arms and ran towards the door unharmed. Arth sighed.

"Can you please listen to me? Don't try to open the door because it's locked. The Alohomora charm won't work as well."

"Huh, what did you say Arthur?"

".... we need to find the key. The things flying above our heads are Keys with wings. We need to fly up and grab the key that opens the door."

"Oh, why didn't you say so," said Ron before analyzing the door. "We're looking for a big, old-fashioned one - probably silver, like the handle."

Arth noticed a large silver key that had a bent wing.

"Its most likely that one." he said to the others. "The big one with bright blue wings with the feathers all crumpled on one side."

Harry squinted his eyes as he searched for the key. "That's gonna be difficult to catch."

Ron snorted. "You are the youngest seeker in the century. How hard can it be?"

Harry shrugged and reached out towards a broom that was floating near the wall.

"I choose you Harry Potter. Use fetch! Go find the key."

"Oi, don't treat me like a slave."

Arth rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna get the key or not?"

".... I will."

"Then go get the key. Now. He who must not be named is getting closer to the stone by the minute and here you are arguing about how you don't wanna be treated like a slave. Stop using your mouth and start using your hands. Fetch."


Harry gave Arth a dead pan look before getting on the broom and dashing towards the broken key.

"Good boy." Arth said nodding his head in satisfaction while Hermione and Ron gave Arth a disbelieving glance.

The three of them waited on the floor while they watched Harry dodge the missile like keys.

"Ah, our Gryffindor seeker Harry Potter reaches out for the key and- he misses, what a shame."

"Another attempt is made by Potter as he jukes the hundred keys and lunges forward- but sadly misses."


"He is understandably frustrated as this is his fourth time missing the catch. Although showing anger to the ref is not a good idea. It is very unsportsmanlike."


Harry let out a sudden burst of speed, fueled by his anger and managed to grab the key. All of a sudden, the keys stoped chasing and went back to idly flying around.

Arth clapped for Harry as he came down to the floor.

"Well done. I expected no less from the youngest seeker in the world-"

"Shut up."

"Fuel that anger Harry. Show that 'he who must not be named' person who's the real boss."

Harry put the key into the key hole and angrily opened the door. The next chamber was so dark they couldn't see anything at all. But as they stepped into it, light suddenly flooded the room to reveal that they were standing on the edge of a huge chessboard.

Facing them, way across the chamber, were the white pieces. The towering white chessmen had no faces causing them to feel a bit intimidating.

On the other hand. There were no chess pieces on the black side.

Ron and Arth frowned.

"This will be.... difficult."

"Indeed. It seems like we will need to win with only four pieces."

"I'll be the bishop and you take the king?"

"Harry can be castle while Hermione takes the queen?"

"I think we can work with that."

"I think so too."

Harry and Hermione looked on with confused expressions.

"What do you two talking about? What do you mean be the castle?"

Arth shrugged. "We will play a little game of chess, only-"

"-We will be the pieces. Get in positions everyone."

The moment that the four of them arrived at their designated position, a white pawn slowly slid up two spaces.

Hermione let out a gasp and went pale. "Do you think that this will be like... like wizards chess?"

Arth hesitated before placing Corvus in the spot in front of him. "Hey Corvus, hop forward two squares please."

Corvus tilted his head before cheerfully hopping forward two squares, standing diagonally next to the white pawn. It looked up at the pawn with a curious look before letting out a cute peep.

There was a moment of silence before the pawn drew its sword and thrusted downwards with brutal force.

Corvus let out a shrill shriek before disappearing onto Arth's hair while trembling.

".... I think it will be exactly like wizards chess."


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