Harry Potter And The Lord Of Darkness

Chapter 32 - The End of Book 1

"Welcome back Arth. How was the hospital wing?" Asked Daphne as Arth sat down at the seat next to her.

Arth shrugged before taking a sip of water. "To be perfectly honest with you, I quite enjoyed it. Hours and hours of uninterrupted reading time. It was heaven. Although, I have to say, my mind still hurts from time to time. The cruciatus curse hurts quite a bit and it's after effects are annoying."

".... I bet that you are the only person in the world who would say that."

Arth picked up a turkey leg from one of the plates and tore of a piece with his fork and placed it in his mouth. It was very good. He reckoned that he could get addicted to it.

Especially after a week of eating plain soup and porridge in the hospital wing.

"One thing I learned from this experience is that following Harry Potter around isn't good for my health. Suicidal even."

"Told you that Gryffindors are idiots. Idiots who seek out adventure even though they have a chance of death."

"You're right about that. Honestly, I'm never accepting a favor from Harry ever again. He almost got me killed and in the end, what we tried to do wasn't even helpful."

"Mhmm. You should stick out with me more. I promise that I'm better than the idiot trio."

"Won't Malfoy get defensive?" Said Arth while raising an eyebrow. "The entire 'traitor' thing?"

Daphne shrugged. "I honestly don't care anymore. He annoys me, the way he thinks that everything is his to control. By the way, do you want to come over to my house during the summer? I asked my dad and got permission."

"Really? I would've expected him to say no-," Arth said as he tore off another chunk of meat. "-since I'm not a Slytherin."

"He doesn't really care about what house you are in, as a matter of fact, I think he would've said yes even if you were a half blood."

Arth raised an eyebrow. "Really? How odd."

"He told me that the Malfoy way of thinking is outdated and senseless. Just because one is of muggle birth, it doesn't make them unworthy of wielding magic."

"How wise. I'll ask my parents if I can go over to your house. I want to talk to your father. He seems like an interesting person."

There was a slight chime as Dumbledore gently tapped his fork onto the side of his goblet. The great hall was immediately enveloped in silence.

"Another year gone!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts...."

There was laughter at his words, to which Dumbledore gave a warm smile to.

"Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; in third, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty-six; Gryffindor has five hundred and twelve and Slytherin, five hundred and twenty two."

A storm of cheering and stamping broke out from the Slytherin table. Arth could see Draco Malfoy banging his goblet on the table, and shook his head in disappointment.

"What a total monkey."

"I agree."

"Yes, Yes, well done, Slytherin," said Dumbledore.

Professor Snape got up and shook Professor McGonagall's hand with a smirk who in turn, wore a very stiff smile on her face.

Arth sighed and turned around to pat Daphne on the back. "Congratulations I'm winning the house cup."

"Thanks. It was a close one too. Imagine if we lost to Gryffindor."

"Imagine if Professor Dumbledore showed favoritism and boosted the points of the Gryffindors so that they won the house cup?"

"I would leave this school then."


There was a tiny pop as Corvus, who was considerably larger since the beginning of the year, gave Arth an affectionate coo.

In return, Arth fed it some turkey.

"Is it really ok to feed Corvus turkey? Isn't that like.... cannibalism?"

"Since Corvus is fine with the taste, I think it'll be alright. Birds will eat any meat after all, as long as it is small enough."

"Whatever you say."

Arth got up and stretched before giving Daphne a last look. "I guess it's almost time to leave this school."

"I guess it is."

"I'll be heading off to my room then. I need to pack. See you on the train Daphne."

"See you."

Arth and Corvus made their way out of the Great Hall and the shadows casted by the flaming torches on the wall flickered. For a moment, Daphne swore that she saw all of the shadows bow down before him. Like loyal subjects kneeling to their King.

Book 1 end

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