Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin
12 Library
The class was cut short and everyone went to their common room. Theodore and Daphne were out looking for books in the library for the transfiguration homework. So Draco and Pansy were alone in the common room.
"What happened Draco?" Pansy asked with a bit of concern in her voice.
"Sigh! Nothing, just the whole idiotic things, I have seen today made me kinda annoyed." Draco said.
"Oh! The savior and Toad boy?"
"Yeah! Them."
"Why are you ruining your mood for them?" Pansy said sitting next to Draco, caressing his hair.
"Sigh! I don't know, I just... can't seem to understand them, I guess. Are they different from me because their life was hard and they just want to find happiness in whatever they can, so they don't want to fight back or are they just plain idiots." Draco said looking at Pansy who was caressing his hair, "Umm... Pansy, what are you doing?"
"Aunt Narcissa, always did it to you, to calm you down." Pansy said while blushing, "And before we came here, she told me to do it to you, whenever you get irritated since she wouldn't be around."
Draco nearly choked on what she said, 'What in Merlin's name is mother thinking!'
"Hey, are you still mad about this morning?" Draco asked.
"No, not really." Pansy said with a bit hesitant voice.
"You know, it was just a kiss in cheek." Draco himself didn't understand why he said that, but now he had already opened his mouth.
"I know, but I still want to be your first in everything." Pansy said with determination.
"Oh! in everything?" Draco asked in amusement.
"Yes, Everything." Pansy said but as soon as she said that she turned red realizing what she had just said.
"You know, Daphne isn't the first to kiss my cheeks."
"Who is the first one?" She asked getting a bit angry, looking at her, you can guess she would probably cast a curse on the person who had his first kiss.
"My mother." Draco said innocently.
"Hey, that doesn't count." Pansy said getting annoyed at his teasing.
Draco looked at the time and stood up, It was already the time to meet up with Hermione in the library. (Guessing there is some sort of clock there since classes are scheduled at certain times.)
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"I have a study date with Hermione." Draco said
Pansy looked very angry this time as she was gritting her teeth, 'How dare that Mudblood' she thought.
Draco looked at her and he figured, what she might be thinking, so he went near her and kissed her cheeks suddenly. Pansy who was fuming up getting angry suddenly looked like a deflated ball as Draco kissed her.
Draco looked at her with a gentle smile, "You are my first kiss.. on the cheeks, so calm down okay."
Pansy like Draco in the morning subconsciously nodded, Draco's face turned serious as he looked deeply into her eyes, "Pansy, You know what I hate and like, don't you?"
Pansy seeing the serious Draco nodded,
"Except for Theodore you are my only friend that I have trusted with some of my secrets, (Talking about the suitcase and some of the potion formulas) So I hope you won't do something that will make me hate you, okay?"
Pansy narrowed her eyes a little as she looked into Draco's, "I won't." She said resolutely.
"Thank you." Draco said walking away giving a gentle smile, 'Sigh! trying to change a person, who has been taught to hate since birth is really hard.' Draco thought to himself.
Draco struggled a bit to get to the library but going around here and there, and asking people for directions, he finally reached there.
"Sigh! I really need a map."
As soon as Draco walked into the library, the librarian Madam Irma Pince glared at him viciously. Draco was slightly scared by her gaze so he tried his best to avoid it, he looked around and finally found Hermione.
Draco went over and sat next to Hermione,
"Why are you late?" Hermione asked. "I thought you weren't going to come."
"Oh! How could I not come, when Ms. Granger is the one who called me." Draco said smiling, "So what are you reading?"
"Potions" Hermione said closing her book, "And I didn't call you, You came to me for help. Also, how did you finish your potions so quick in the class."
"It's a secret." Draco said gaining a glare from Hermione, "I added a catalyst to the mixture, so I could make the heating process quicker."
"What's the catalyst... you know what don't tell me."
"Hey, I was only joking you know... and it's just a stupid potion. The catalyst is Moon.."
"Stop!" Hermione said. "I don't need it, you will probably ask me for another favor if you tell me the catalyst, so I am fine without knowing about it."
Draco sheepishly smiled, "Oh! you know me so well, Ms. Granger."
"Quit your flirting you two!" Theodore and Daphne came out of nowhere.
Draco turned around, "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Yeah!" He said waving a book around in his hand.
Daphne looked at both of them with complex emotion, "What are you doing here, Draco?" She asked ignoring Hermione.
"You know I am bad at astronomy and history, right?" Draco said, "Ms. Granger here is doing me a favor, by helping me with it."
Daphne glanced at Hermione as she clenched her fist, She wanted to say, that she will teach those things to him, but she knew that she wasn't very good at it herself, so she just kept quiet.
Theodore sighed, "You are really good at it."
"No, I am not." Draco replied innocently, "You know, How much I hate remembering the name of stars and dates."
"Sigh! That's not what I am talking about." Theodore said sitting opposite to Draco.
"Oh, by the way, do you know why the librarian here seems to hate me?" Draco asked.
"I don't think she hates you." Hermione replied, "She is like that to everyone."
"Maybe, he's an exception," Theodore said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, with his reputation of being a genius young wizard, who has a short temper; who nearly burned the sorting hat on his first day and tried to attack Ms. Norris a couple times within a week." Theodore said smirking, "Why do you think Madam Pince here, who is very over-protective of the books in the library would be wary of you?"
"Che, I don't have a short temper. I just hate annoying things, that's all." Draco said pouting, "And besides I am not that stupid, that I would destroy the books in the library for no reason at all."
"Are you sure?" Theodore said causing everyone to laugh out. Even Hermione chuckled a little.
Theodore stood up from his seat, "Okay, I won't disturb you two now."
Daphne looked at Draco then at Hermione, "I will see you in the common room, Draco."
After both of them were gone, Draco and Hermione started studying seriously. Hermione was surprised by Draco's different way of thinking, even though he fooled around a lot when he was seriously studying he had a different air around him. With his quick understanding, teaching him wasn't as difficult as Hermione thought it would be.
"Hey, you are clearly good at studying, you can probably do very well just depending on the classes, can't you?" Hermione said walking out of the library.
"I never said, I was bad at it." Draco said, "And you are really a good teacher too, I would rather study with you than that ghost we call the professor, I want to fall into an eternal slumber just hearing his voice."
Hermione nodded, "Since you don't need much help, I will only teach you every Friday after classes."
"Sure!" Draco said, and both of them parted ways.
Today was flying lessons, also known as Broom Flight Class. The approach of this class was heavily anticipated by all students, who often told exaggerated tales of past flying achievements. Of course, you could tell that they were mostly bluffing.
Draco had tried riding a broom in the past since his father wanted him to join Quidditch. Draco was excited at first but after looking at the broomstick, he was severely discouraged; sitting on that stick for hours would be a real pain in the ass, he thought. But to his amazement, the broom's were enhanced with cushioning charms, which made the whole experience different than he thought it would be.
So with comfortable riding, he went out for a ride on his broom, but the higher he went the more afraid he got. Even though the seat was comfortable and the broom didn't shake much when flying, the fact that there was no protection was still a problem for Draco. He couldn't believe how people could play a dangerous game called Quidditch on the broom, with little to no protection at all. Just a moment of carelessness and you would be falling towards the ground from your broom to your doom. Draco would sometimes play games with Theodore when he had time, the game was similar to the muggle version of catch but it was played on the broom with a magically enhanced ball instead. Draco was not the best at flying but he could do it none the less.
Among all the bragging first years, you could clearly see the nervous Harry, Neville, and Hermione. Harry being Harry was uncomfortable and overthinking things, like he always did. It was as if he was begging to be made fun of, no wonder the original Malfoy always did. The relation between Draco and Harry wasn't good as the first day they met. In fact, they didn't even have a simple conversation ever since they got off the train. Draco didn't really care much about it since things would be better this way. Draco didn't want to get in the way of Dumbledore's plan, and with his identity as Lucius's son, being friends with Harry would be very suspicious as well.
On the Slytherin's table no one was nervous at all, instead, they were sharing stories of their first flight. Daphne and Pansy were chatting about their own flying experience and Theodore was sitting there reading his book.
At three-thirty that afternoon, Draco, Theodore, Pansy, Daphne, and the other Slytherins hurried down the front steps onto the grounds for their first flying lesson. The Slytherins were the first to arrive, there were twenty old broomsticks lying in neat lines on the ground. The Gryffindor's came soon after. Draco waved at Hermione, who waved back.
Their teacher, Madam Hooch, arrived. She had short, gray hair, and yellow eyes like a hawk.
Draco looking at her eyes wondered if she was really a human or maybe a hybrid.
"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she barked. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."
Draco looked at the brooms and sighed, 'I really need to talk to father about this.' Dumbledore was basically spending the school fund's else were while fooling the school Governors that the school was in top condition. He didn't want to sound like the real Malfoy, but looking at the brooms, the money is clearly being wasted somewhere else. Even though Voldemort is both their mutual enemy, Draco would never consider Dumbledore as an ally. Dumbledore has and always will be a potential enemy in Draco's mind, so funding the enemy with your own money and making the enemy stronger is the stupidest thing Draco could think of.
"Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say 'Up!"'
"UP" everyone shouted.
From the Slytherin's side, Draco's and Pansy's broom jumped into their hands at once. Theodore could do it on the second try and Daphne was still trying her hardest.
On Gryffindor's side, other than Harry whose broom jumped to his hand on the first try, the remaining were struggling to get the broom to come up in their hand.
"What happened Draco?" Pansy asked with a bit of concern in her voice.
"Sigh! Nothing, just the whole idiotic things, I have seen today made me kinda annoyed." Draco said.
"Oh! The savior and Toad boy?"
"Yeah! Them."
"Why are you ruining your mood for them?" Pansy said sitting next to Draco, caressing his hair.
"Sigh! I don't know, I just... can't seem to understand them, I guess. Are they different from me because their life was hard and they just want to find happiness in whatever they can, so they don't want to fight back or are they just plain idiots." Draco said looking at Pansy who was caressing his hair, "Umm... Pansy, what are you doing?"
"Aunt Narcissa, always did it to you, to calm you down." Pansy said while blushing, "And before we came here, she told me to do it to you, whenever you get irritated since she wouldn't be around."
Draco nearly choked on what she said, 'What in Merlin's name is mother thinking!'
"Hey, are you still mad about this morning?" Draco asked.
"No, not really." Pansy said with a bit hesitant voice.
"You know, it was just a kiss in cheek." Draco himself didn't understand why he said that, but now he had already opened his mouth.
"I know, but I still want to be your first in everything." Pansy said with determination.
"Oh! in everything?" Draco asked in amusement.
"Yes, Everything." Pansy said but as soon as she said that she turned red realizing what she had just said.
"You know, Daphne isn't the first to kiss my cheeks."
"Who is the first one?" She asked getting a bit angry, looking at her, you can guess she would probably cast a curse on the person who had his first kiss.
"My mother." Draco said innocently.
"Hey, that doesn't count." Pansy said getting annoyed at his teasing.
Draco looked at the time and stood up, It was already the time to meet up with Hermione in the library. (Guessing there is some sort of clock there since classes are scheduled at certain times.)
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"I have a study date with Hermione." Draco said
Pansy looked very angry this time as she was gritting her teeth, 'How dare that Mudblood' she thought.
Draco looked at her and he figured, what she might be thinking, so he went near her and kissed her cheeks suddenly. Pansy who was fuming up getting angry suddenly looked like a deflated ball as Draco kissed her.
Draco looked at her with a gentle smile, "You are my first kiss.. on the cheeks, so calm down okay."
Pansy like Draco in the morning subconsciously nodded, Draco's face turned serious as he looked deeply into her eyes, "Pansy, You know what I hate and like, don't you?"
Pansy seeing the serious Draco nodded,
"Except for Theodore you are my only friend that I have trusted with some of my secrets, (Talking about the suitcase and some of the potion formulas) So I hope you won't do something that will make me hate you, okay?"
Pansy narrowed her eyes a little as she looked into Draco's, "I won't." She said resolutely.
"Thank you." Draco said walking away giving a gentle smile, 'Sigh! trying to change a person, who has been taught to hate since birth is really hard.' Draco thought to himself.
Draco struggled a bit to get to the library but going around here and there, and asking people for directions, he finally reached there.
"Sigh! I really need a map."
As soon as Draco walked into the library, the librarian Madam Irma Pince glared at him viciously. Draco was slightly scared by her gaze so he tried his best to avoid it, he looked around and finally found Hermione.
Draco went over and sat next to Hermione,
"Why are you late?" Hermione asked. "I thought you weren't going to come."
"Oh! How could I not come, when Ms. Granger is the one who called me." Draco said smiling, "So what are you reading?"
"Potions" Hermione said closing her book, "And I didn't call you, You came to me for help. Also, how did you finish your potions so quick in the class."
"It's a secret." Draco said gaining a glare from Hermione, "I added a catalyst to the mixture, so I could make the heating process quicker."
"What's the catalyst... you know what don't tell me."
"Hey, I was only joking you know... and it's just a stupid potion. The catalyst is Moon.."
"Stop!" Hermione said. "I don't need it, you will probably ask me for another favor if you tell me the catalyst, so I am fine without knowing about it."
Draco sheepishly smiled, "Oh! you know me so well, Ms. Granger."
"Quit your flirting you two!" Theodore and Daphne came out of nowhere.
Draco turned around, "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Yeah!" He said waving a book around in his hand.
Daphne looked at both of them with complex emotion, "What are you doing here, Draco?" She asked ignoring Hermione.
"You know I am bad at astronomy and history, right?" Draco said, "Ms. Granger here is doing me a favor, by helping me with it."
Daphne glanced at Hermione as she clenched her fist, She wanted to say, that she will teach those things to him, but she knew that she wasn't very good at it herself, so she just kept quiet.
Theodore sighed, "You are really good at it."
"No, I am not." Draco replied innocently, "You know, How much I hate remembering the name of stars and dates."
"Sigh! That's not what I am talking about." Theodore said sitting opposite to Draco.
"Oh, by the way, do you know why the librarian here seems to hate me?" Draco asked.
"I don't think she hates you." Hermione replied, "She is like that to everyone."
"Maybe, he's an exception," Theodore said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, with his reputation of being a genius young wizard, who has a short temper; who nearly burned the sorting hat on his first day and tried to attack Ms. Norris a couple times within a week." Theodore said smirking, "Why do you think Madam Pince here, who is very over-protective of the books in the library would be wary of you?"
"Che, I don't have a short temper. I just hate annoying things, that's all." Draco said pouting, "And besides I am not that stupid, that I would destroy the books in the library for no reason at all."
"Are you sure?" Theodore said causing everyone to laugh out. Even Hermione chuckled a little.
Theodore stood up from his seat, "Okay, I won't disturb you two now."
Daphne looked at Draco then at Hermione, "I will see you in the common room, Draco."
After both of them were gone, Draco and Hermione started studying seriously. Hermione was surprised by Draco's different way of thinking, even though he fooled around a lot when he was seriously studying he had a different air around him. With his quick understanding, teaching him wasn't as difficult as Hermione thought it would be.
"Hey, you are clearly good at studying, you can probably do very well just depending on the classes, can't you?" Hermione said walking out of the library.
"I never said, I was bad at it." Draco said, "And you are really a good teacher too, I would rather study with you than that ghost we call the professor, I want to fall into an eternal slumber just hearing his voice."
Hermione nodded, "Since you don't need much help, I will only teach you every Friday after classes."
"Sure!" Draco said, and both of them parted ways.
Today was flying lessons, also known as Broom Flight Class. The approach of this class was heavily anticipated by all students, who often told exaggerated tales of past flying achievements. Of course, you could tell that they were mostly bluffing.
Draco had tried riding a broom in the past since his father wanted him to join Quidditch. Draco was excited at first but after looking at the broomstick, he was severely discouraged; sitting on that stick for hours would be a real pain in the ass, he thought. But to his amazement, the broom's were enhanced with cushioning charms, which made the whole experience different than he thought it would be.
So with comfortable riding, he went out for a ride on his broom, but the higher he went the more afraid he got. Even though the seat was comfortable and the broom didn't shake much when flying, the fact that there was no protection was still a problem for Draco. He couldn't believe how people could play a dangerous game called Quidditch on the broom, with little to no protection at all. Just a moment of carelessness and you would be falling towards the ground from your broom to your doom. Draco would sometimes play games with Theodore when he had time, the game was similar to the muggle version of catch but it was played on the broom with a magically enhanced ball instead. Draco was not the best at flying but he could do it none the less.
Among all the bragging first years, you could clearly see the nervous Harry, Neville, and Hermione. Harry being Harry was uncomfortable and overthinking things, like he always did. It was as if he was begging to be made fun of, no wonder the original Malfoy always did. The relation between Draco and Harry wasn't good as the first day they met. In fact, they didn't even have a simple conversation ever since they got off the train. Draco didn't really care much about it since things would be better this way. Draco didn't want to get in the way of Dumbledore's plan, and with his identity as Lucius's son, being friends with Harry would be very suspicious as well.
On the Slytherin's table no one was nervous at all, instead, they were sharing stories of their first flight. Daphne and Pansy were chatting about their own flying experience and Theodore was sitting there reading his book.
At three-thirty that afternoon, Draco, Theodore, Pansy, Daphne, and the other Slytherins hurried down the front steps onto the grounds for their first flying lesson. The Slytherins were the first to arrive, there were twenty old broomsticks lying in neat lines on the ground. The Gryffindor's came soon after. Draco waved at Hermione, who waved back.
Their teacher, Madam Hooch, arrived. She had short, gray hair, and yellow eyes like a hawk.
Draco looking at her eyes wondered if she was really a human or maybe a hybrid.
"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she barked. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."
Draco looked at the brooms and sighed, 'I really need to talk to father about this.' Dumbledore was basically spending the school fund's else were while fooling the school Governors that the school was in top condition. He didn't want to sound like the real Malfoy, but looking at the brooms, the money is clearly being wasted somewhere else. Even though Voldemort is both their mutual enemy, Draco would never consider Dumbledore as an ally. Dumbledore has and always will be a potential enemy in Draco's mind, so funding the enemy with your own money and making the enemy stronger is the stupidest thing Draco could think of.
"Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say 'Up!"'
"UP" everyone shouted.
From the Slytherin's side, Draco's and Pansy's broom jumped into their hands at once. Theodore could do it on the second try and Daphne was still trying her hardest.
On Gryffindor's side, other than Harry whose broom jumped to his hand on the first try, the remaining were struggling to get the broom to come up in their hand.
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