Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin

20 Dream 2 The red haired woman.

To people who felt cuckolded due to survey.. Extra chapter for you...


30th October 1991

The day before Halloween, Everyone was excited for tomorrow. With everyone busy with what they were doing, Draco spent his time mostly organizing his things inside his suitcase. He tore down his warehouse and shifted it elsewhere so the opening would be a lot bigger. Then with the help of a formation, he created with ingredients that he had stockpiled, created a stair that could be turned into a slide or be removed whenever he wanted it to.

Since there was no one to help him, he had to do everything on his own.

'Sigh! Next time I will bring some house-elf with me.' Draco thought to himself.

After a painful day of cleaning and creating the stairs, Draco went back to his bed and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.


Draco opened his eyes and he was in another place, right now.

'Is this Lucid, dreaming.' Draco looked around the place and it seemed that he was in the middle of a forest he had never seen before.

Draco looked down at his own clothes and he was in the robes that he fell asleep in.

'I can't help but have a feeling of Déjà vu.'

While Draco was thinking what was going on, he suddenly heard a growl. Draco looked back to see a huge animal behind him. It was an animal resembling a mundane mountain lion or cougar in size and appearance. But it had 3 pairs of legs instead of two and its yellow eye seemed mesmerizing.

'Holy Shit!! Isn't that a wampus cat.' Draco was surprised, he had seen pictures of Wampus cats before but had never seen one in flesh.

"Its beautiful!" muttered Draco looking at it but soon the cat growled again but this time it was louder and it looked fierce.

Draco started to back out a little, 'What the hell.'

"Grr.." The Wampus cat did a small jump trying to frighten Draco.

Draco jumped back and started running.

'Shit isn't this a dream, why does it feel so real.' Draco could feel his heart beat rising up.

Draco stopped because the Wampus cat was already in front of him.

'Shit! I forgot that the Wampus cat is fast, strong, and almost impossible to kill and its yellow eyes have the power of hypnosis and it has a power of legilimency. Meaning it can read my mind and guess what my next move is going to be.'

Draco casually lowered his eyes to not meet the Wampus because of its power of hypnosis, Draco started to run in random directions to confuse the wampus but it kept chasing him regardless.

'Outrunning it, is impossible, even if I try to run; and my power in occulumency isn't that well developed either.'

Draco glared at the Wampus who was having fun chasing him,'Wait! maybe it just wants to play.'

But as soon as Draco thought that, The wampus cat jumped towards him. Draco tried to dodge but its claws managed to scratch him.

Draco felt intense pain in his left arm, where the scratch was and it was bleeding. 'Fuck! Why does it hurt so much.'

Draco gritted his teeth as he felt his robe, to take out his wand. But to his surprise, the wand wasn't there. Draco didn't know what to do now, so he started walking backward slowly. The cat again jumped towards him but this time he barely managed to dodge.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He yelled. 'Is this cat seriously trying to play me to death.'

Draco was now in deep trouble since he didn't have anything to shield himself with, and he was in unknown territory.

'Maybe if I die, I might wake up.' Draco thought, 'No, I can't take that risk. Since the pain in my arm felt very real and I might die a painful death.'

The Wampus now looked bored as it glared at him fiercely, it looked at him like one would look at its prey.

'Shit!' Draco thought, the Wampus cat jumped towards him opening its mouth fully ready to bite into him.

Draco closed his eyes in fear, but the cat never came.

He opened his eye to look at the cat, which was in front of him, The cat was stabbed in its chest by none other than the Gryffindor's sword which had magically appeared in his hand.

Draco stood up pushing the cat sideways. It was an instant kill. Draco looked around and seeing no one was there he pulled out the Gryffindor's sword from its chest.

Draco looked at it and sighed, "I finally understand, its the same like last time, isn't it?"

Draco for the first time saw the sword as something useful. He turned towards the Wampus whose whisker were slightly moving. Draco felt immense rage build up within him. He took the sword and stabbed the cat again and again.

"Stupid" *Stab*

"Piece of shit!" *Stab*

"You wanted to play with me." *Stab*

"You wanted to torture me to death." *Stab*

"Fucking bitch!" *Stab*


"hah!!" Draco was breathing heavily finally calming down. He never felt so angry at anyone before, this time there wasn't any voice in his head, he just wanted to kill the cat himself. He was fine if the cat attacked him but it tried to play him to death, too maybe give him some hope of living before killing him. Seeing someone control the life that easily made him very annoyed.

"Are you okay? Stranger." A sweet female voice sounded out.

Draco turned to look back at the source of the voice and he was stunned. The owner of the voice was a beautiful woman with fiery red hair, She was dressed in armor with a sword hanging on her waist. She came closer to him.

"Are you okay? Can you not speak?" She asked again.

Draco snapped back and said, "How can you... *Cough* I mean, I am fine."

Draco wanted to ask how can this woman see him, but swallowed his word back since it would be a weird thing to say.

The woman looked at him for a while and took out a small bag. From there she pulled out a potion like liquid from a flask. She raised her hand in front of him as if she was asking for something. Draco tilted his head confused wondering what she was asking for.

"Sigh! Hands" She said sighing.

Draco subconsciously gave his hands to the lady, who pulled it fiercely as she poured the liquid inside the flask on to his wounds. His wounds burned for awhile but were healing at a visible rate.

Draco was surprised seeing that, there are spells which can close a wound but healing it quickly was impossible.

But this potion was making his wound heal and making the pain go as well. Soon his arms turned back to normal, not even a scar remained.

"Its done." The woman said

"Thanks." Draco said still looking at his hand in amazement.

The woman curiously looked at Draco, "The healing potion is expensive but you don't have to pay for it, take it as a commission for killing the Wampus."

"What?" Draco asked confused.

"Oh! are you new here?" The lady asked to which Draco nodded in response.

"The Wampus here has been terrorizing the nearby villages, killing people. Don't know how, but it got a taste for human flesh so it kept killing and killing." The woman said, "I was sent here by the Royal guards to kill it but you did it for me, so I will give you the healing potion as a commission."

Draco was processing all the information,

"Don't tell me its not enough!" She said looking a bit angry.

"Sorry!" Draco quickly said, "I didn't need a commission but thanks anyway, I only killed it because it tried to kill me."

She nodded looking satisfied, "Even though you don't look that much, you are still strong,"

Draco choked on what she just said,

"Normally you will need to set up a lot of Trap carefully since the Wampus are very hard to kill due to its innate ability." The woman continued. "Nice, Sword."

Draco looked at his sword and picked it up, "Yeah! It's something."

The woman looked at him for a while then nodded again, "Since the job is done sooner than expected I will leave now."

Draco nodded, "Can you show me the way to the nearest village."

She pointed at the opposite direction, "There is a small village down there. "

"Thanks." Draco said again.

The girl nodded and picked up the Wampus corpse and put it inside a small pouch,

'Oh! An enchanted pouch.'

Draco became sure that magic existed in the place.

"We will meet again if it's destined to be." The woman said and started walking away opposite to the direction she pointed at.

Draco sighed, 'What the hell is my life, I am suddenly sent to the Harry Potter world and when I am in Harry Potter World, I am sent to this weird place.'

"Well, at least this place is familiar." Draco said He was sure with the Wampus cat and magic that he was still in the Harry Potter world but it seems to be back in time. With the woman stating out Royal guards, Draco knew he was in a kingdom and with villages.. he was sure he was in the past.

'Shit! I didn't even ask that beautiful woman's name.'

Draco dusted off his clothes and placed the sword inside his robe and started walking in the direction the lady pointed at.

Draco was trying to figure what was going on but there was no explanation to anything.

Draco had already walked for more than 2 hours but he wasn't reaching anywhere.

'Am I lost?' He thought.

Suddenly he felt a bit of pain in his chest. Draco looked down to see an arrow stabbed in his chest. Before he could react another arrow came flying and stabbed him again in his stomach.

"AH!!" Draco yelled in pain.

"We got him, boss." A voice said behind the bushes.

"hAHAHA..Let's go." Another voice said.

Soon around 10 people came out of the bushes.

Draco looked at them in anger, "Who are you?"

"Who are we?" A big man who was walking in the center of the other men said, "We are your doom, who will kill you."

"So bandits huh!" Draco grunted The pain of from the arrow was excruciating.

"Hahaha... correct. You look like a rich noble. What are you doing here alone?" He asked.

"None of your fuckin... business," Draco replied.

"Hahaha.. heard him, boys." The man said and the other people behind him started laughing.

The people surrounded him and took out their swords.

"If I am going to die, I will at least take you with me." Draco said.

"What did you say, boy?"

"I said go to hell." Draco stood up with his remaining strength as he took out his sword and stabbed the man in front of him. As soon as he felt his sword go through the man's body, the other remaining bandits stabbed him.

And soon it was darkness.

"AHH!!" Draco screamed opening his eyes, He looked around and he was back in his bed.

"Sigh!" Before he could sigh in relief a pillow came flying to his face.

"Shut up!!" Theodore said sleeping back again.

'I have a feeling of Deja vu again.' Draco thought Draco looked at his arms and body. There was no pain whatsoever as if all the thing that happened was just a regular dream. Draco looked at the Gryffindor sword in his hand, since it had again magically appeared out of nowhere in his bed and even inside his dreams. The sword was still shiny and didn't have a single drop of blood on it.

Draco went back to his suitcase and put the sword back inside its room again.

'These dreams are related to the wand.' Draco thought to himself since there isn't anything other than this mysterious wand, that could cause these dreams. Talking about the wand, Draco quickly checked his robes and sighed in relief. The wand was still there.

Draco then proceeded to meditate to calm his mind, he had been nearly killed by a Wampus cat in his dream and then a group of bandits killed him again. Maybe since his brain processed the whole killing the cat and that bandit as a dream, Draco didn't feel anything about it. In fact, he wasn't even taking it seriously. If Draco were to look back at the things he did again, the experience was as if he was watching a movie but he was the one controlling the actor in the movie.

Draco took out a note and started writing down things that happened in the previous dream and today's dream to see if things were connected. Draco writing down the dream finally realized something, the woman. The woman he saw in his dreams today was one of the woman in the portrait the man was crying about.

"So these dreams are really connected."

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