Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 26 - Ch. 26 Twelve People pt.2
With my two new heads for my potions business and farms, I turned my attention back to Mr. Oliver Gunn.
"You Mr. Gunn, I will have to meet you later to discuss a rather s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e subject regarding my proposition for you." I said to the man.
He simply nods in response.
I then turn my attention to one Elaine Summers. 27 years old, long blonde hair with slight waves, striking green eyes, tall and well trained body giving her the impression of a graceful predator, a true beauty. She is bit different from the rest of those present, since she is currently working as a hit wizard the ministry, but has been heavily suppressed within her department. They have her constantly doing desk work, pushing her achievements to others around her, forcing crap assignments onto her and just generally trying to make someone almost as good as some Aurors hate working there. The reason for all of this is because some rich guy from a noble house wanted to marry her, but she flat rejected the man, to which he believed that her job was the reason she rejected him. So he started bribing her superiors to force her to quit. She now hates him and strives for success to spite the man. She also has a good sense for what is right, but can act flexibly.
"You Miss Summers are going to be a bit different from the rest of these ladies and gentlemen, because I actually would love for you to get a promotion." I said with a growing smile.
"Huh?" Was the only noise that come out due her surprise.
"You see I want muggle-borns to be involved in the ministry, it won't do any good if we just push from the outside in order to get some reforms, thus I will help you obtain results so unquestionable that they will fight to promote you." I declared with a smile.
"It might take a bit of time, but I will help train you to the next level regarding your magical power and provide training tools to improve. Opportunities will also come forward after all preparations are done." I explained to the woman.
"And you think you can teach me?" She said with a raised eyebrow, sounding challenged.
"Hmmm. Alright looks like you don't believe me. How about a small duel then?" I offer the woman.
"Oh, that confidant are you?" She said trying to test me.
"Honestly I believe i am still a bit green, but my knowledge and magical strength help me cover for it. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. The only thing left is to improve upon them." I answered.
With a wave of my wand a conjure some chalk and make it draw the dueling ring, with another I set up multiple protections protective barriers around said ring and finally I use the chalk to set some wards to strengthen and stabilize the protection.
Those present couldn't believe what they just saw. Jaws hung open and eyes were nearly popping out. Even Elaine showed shock on her face.
"Now that the duel ring is set up, I do believe we can begin. I would like to ask for us to keep to less destructive or damaging spell as this is a rented space and only a duel to show my competence." I say with my smile still on my face.
"Huuuh, uh? Yeah sure." Replied the still a bit out of it Elaine.
"Then shall we?" I said with a slight bow.
"Ready when you are." She answered, finally focused and bowing.
"Mr. Gunn please do be the referee, I know you will be suitable for the job." I say to the man.
"Alright." Answered the stern looking man as he stepped up. "As both parties agreed this shall be an incapacitation duel, with the loser determined by disarmament or submission. No lethal or damaging spells. This will be a clean fight only to show skill. Now both duelers at the ready." He said raising his hand.
We both take our stances, she raises her wand arm at the ready in stance resembling a fencer, while I stand in my own custom manner. Instead of having my wand arm in front I actually hold it behind my left hand, while keeping myself light, preparing myself to dodge. I've also taken my glasses off for the duel since, like some more advanced duelers, I incorporate Legilimency into my style, but I'm not overly reliant on that.
"Then begin!" Declared Gunn.
Elaine jumped into action, using a quick combo of debilitating jinxes to dim my vision, slow me down or distract me, capping it off with a direct trio of stunners. The only problem for her was that I was constantly using the minimal amount of movements required to dodge each one of her spells, since I could see which would come next in her head. It wasn't her fault. She knew how to preform proper combos within the limitations of the duel, it was just that my own trained abilities, my enhance speed and ridiculous reflexes give a great advantage when one-on-one. Just for dramatic effect a casually swatted her last stunner with my left hand and giving her a grin. I then started my counter attack, using my own understanding of every spell I've mastered to remove the need to say it and even remove the movements necessary, letting cast my own combo of enhanced spells with quick gestures, forcing her on the defensive immediately. She defended what she could but there are only so many spells a shield can block. This forced her to dodge, which was what I wanted to force her to do as I casted a quick series a leg-lock charms after I succeeded in blinding her for a second using a lumos I shot at her face, capping it off with a stunner.
With an obvious winner, I remove the protective spell and runes as I approach Elaine and wake her up.
"Damn, that was just downright emasculating. Couldn't even get a good shot on you before you destroyed me." Said the downed beauty.
"Don't you need to me a man to be emasculated?" I ask while helping her up.
"Ha! I've got more balls than most of the ministry combined!" She declared with a laugh."
"Hahahaha! That's the best reply I've ever heard!" I agreed as I burst out laughing.
"But you are good kid. Hit me up if you wanna get laid. You look a bit too wound up." She then said with a grin.
"Cough! Cough!" I then sputtered in response. Which makes her laugh.
"Don't worry kid, it shouldn't take too long." She said with a wink and then started laughing again.
"Thank you for the offer Elaine, but I'm ok for now." I answered politely.
"I'll send you some of my modified spells and notes on the subject to give you references. I'll also teach you the way to better your magic control." I said getting back to business and handing her the book she would need for now.
With that done and Oliver Gunn who is going to be last, I then turn to the last five in front of me.
Most of them had some experience within the ministry, but were later replaced for stupid reasons due to their positions being 'too good for them to be in' according to some people from prominent families. And so they were forced to stagnate within their positions.
"Mr. James Whitcomb." A 63 year old bald man from my aunts department, with pale brown eyes, thin frame and some wrinkles showing on his face. "Ms. Sherry Holmes" 49 year old with shoulder length black hair, showing signs of graying, extremely dark brown eyes, a pair of librarian glasses on her nose and well... a really huge c.h.e.s.t, from the department of magical transportation. "And Mr. Anthony Wall." The oldest attendee at 66 years old, really starting to fit the image of a wizard, with his grey beard, hair and robes, kinda reminds me of Ben Kenobi, but if he was more of a hippy, from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. "I wish for you three to be in charge of the FIRM center that will open in the Alley. You will initially be in charge of it in its entirety, but when we can hire more people you will move towards management and advertis.e.m.e.nt of the center. I will try to introduce new programs and products to the store within the year." I announce to the three.
I received nods of acknowledgment from them and turn my attention towards the final two. One is Ms. Catherine Forrests; 55 years old, with platinum blonde hair and clear blue eyes, really made me think if this was Draco's real mother for a while. She used to work for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The second was Jimmy Kent; 33 years old, with the Weasley hair, green eyes, on the shorter side, currently being put down, I'm guessing without my aunts knowledge cause she's wreck anyone doing this in her department, in the DMLE.
"Ms. Forrest, i would like you to be in charge of the logistics involving the farms. You have experience working with many different individuals and getting what you need to do your job properly. This will be the business with the most immediate growth in terms of human ressources so please assist Madam Chambers in it's management. You both will receive all the information regarding the properties and it's current stage of development through my aide shortly." I said to the woman, explaining my reasoning for her assignment.
"Finally Mr. Kent. You shall be in charge of the management for the current Breaking Grounds apothecary. They will need much in terms of equipment and machinery if I know Mr. Mathews ideas as I think I do. You will also be currently responsible for it finances so that our future potions master can focus on his craft." I then in turn explain to him, getting a excited nod in return.
"Now! If everyone understands everything I've said, Mr. Cross!" I yell out of the room as my side comes in with doc.u.ments for everyone.
"Each of these will be your work contracts stating the pay and conditions of the jobs you will be undertaking and doc.u.ments regarding the places you shall be working in. Ms. Summers will be slightly different from the rest, but will be basically considered sponsored by us to improve the image of muggle-borns through excellence. Mr. Gunn will have his own if he agrees later." I explain.
With everyone very happy with my quite generous conditions and reasonable restrictions, they signed and will soon be considered my employees. After which they left to take care of their affairs and prepare for their new jobs. Leaving me, Scott and Oliver Gunn alone.
Oliver is unique among those who came, since he was an active Auror during the war almost 10 years ago now. At 44 he still stands strong and proud, with a muscular body, scars on his exposed forearms, strong jaw, short brown hair and steel blue eyes. The man scream 'warrior'. The reason he is no longer an Auror is because during said war his family was killed, with Voldemort himself present and himself being forced to watch. And unfortunately his death eaters were very pressed to impress their lord, making his wife suffer a lot before they killed her, but they left him alive to suffer. In return he went rogue and started to hunt known dark families supporting the mad-man. When he was found they couldn't give him too harsh a sentence because he made sure his targets were guilty and left evidence, making the final verdict on him 8 years in Azkaban.
"Now, Mr. Gunn. I would like to thank you for both your patience and time." I start off with a slight bow.
"I'm guessing this is going to be a rather s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e subject then Mr. Folster." He answered in a direct manner.
"Yes, it has to do with the enterprise I wish to begin with you at the helm and a dangerous secret as to why I wish to do so. But first a question. What do you think about the current defensive capabilities of the ministry?" I asked the man.
"What capabilities? They constantly cut funding. They're planing to stop accepting new Aurors. Hit wizards are corrupt to no end. And to top it off the current minister is a coward." He answered with a huff.
"Yes and that is why I wish to start a specific business with you: private protection." I said delicately.
"You want to make a mercenary force?" He asked with surprise in his voice. "Why? Isn't that the opposite of what you said?"
"This isn't related to my movement. It is about something much more dangerous in this world of ours." I answered with a sigh.
After hearing that Oliver narrowed his eyes at me. "Explain." He simply demanded.
"What if I told to you the Dark Lord isn't truly dead?" I simply said.
"Impossible, he died that night against the-boy-who-lived!" He exclaimed.
"True he did technically die." I admitted. "But the problem is that the man feared death the most. That's why his men are death eaters. Why the killing curse is his go to tool. Because it is what he believes is the greatest fear of all men. And so he sought a way to beat death. And in his search he found a way, a very dark way. He made a horcrux." I said to the man in all seriousness.
"A what?" He asked.
"Scott, the book please." I said to Scott as he handed a book to Oliver.
"Please go to page 82 Mr. Gunn" I say.
"You mean to tell me He did this?" He asked with a shaking voice.
"Yes and he will return." I answered coldly.
"That is why I wish to prepare a force to fight him when he returns. Something the ministry is to corrupt to implement. If I'm wrong then all that happens is I make a new business providing security to those who can afford it and if I'm right we can have professionally trained experts to combat those f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastards." I announced to the man.
"How's this going to work?" He asked with determination in his voice.
"It will start with you. Get some people you trust and invite them in as executives. I'll put adds out into the prophet and our own paper when it's up and running, also within the center. You can also recruit people down on their luck or try to poach people from the ministry. I'll bankroll what you need. A facility is already being built in secret and no one will know where it is located. It will be the training ground. You will be the trainer and I'll give you the books I've prepared for you. Scott will inform you about everything else." I explained to the man.
"I'll be ready." He answered simply.
And that's how these twelve people were brought in under me.
"You Mr. Gunn, I will have to meet you later to discuss a rather s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e subject regarding my proposition for you." I said to the man.
He simply nods in response.
I then turn my attention to one Elaine Summers. 27 years old, long blonde hair with slight waves, striking green eyes, tall and well trained body giving her the impression of a graceful predator, a true beauty. She is bit different from the rest of those present, since she is currently working as a hit wizard the ministry, but has been heavily suppressed within her department. They have her constantly doing desk work, pushing her achievements to others around her, forcing crap assignments onto her and just generally trying to make someone almost as good as some Aurors hate working there. The reason for all of this is because some rich guy from a noble house wanted to marry her, but she flat rejected the man, to which he believed that her job was the reason she rejected him. So he started bribing her superiors to force her to quit. She now hates him and strives for success to spite the man. She also has a good sense for what is right, but can act flexibly.
"You Miss Summers are going to be a bit different from the rest of these ladies and gentlemen, because I actually would love for you to get a promotion." I said with a growing smile.
"Huh?" Was the only noise that come out due her surprise.
"You see I want muggle-borns to be involved in the ministry, it won't do any good if we just push from the outside in order to get some reforms, thus I will help you obtain results so unquestionable that they will fight to promote you." I declared with a smile.
"It might take a bit of time, but I will help train you to the next level regarding your magical power and provide training tools to improve. Opportunities will also come forward after all preparations are done." I explained to the woman.
"And you think you can teach me?" She said with a raised eyebrow, sounding challenged.
"Hmmm. Alright looks like you don't believe me. How about a small duel then?" I offer the woman.
"Oh, that confidant are you?" She said trying to test me.
"Honestly I believe i am still a bit green, but my knowledge and magical strength help me cover for it. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. The only thing left is to improve upon them." I answered.
With a wave of my wand a conjure some chalk and make it draw the dueling ring, with another I set up multiple protections protective barriers around said ring and finally I use the chalk to set some wards to strengthen and stabilize the protection.
Those present couldn't believe what they just saw. Jaws hung open and eyes were nearly popping out. Even Elaine showed shock on her face.
"Now that the duel ring is set up, I do believe we can begin. I would like to ask for us to keep to less destructive or damaging spell as this is a rented space and only a duel to show my competence." I say with my smile still on my face.
"Huuuh, uh? Yeah sure." Replied the still a bit out of it Elaine.
"Then shall we?" I said with a slight bow.
"Ready when you are." She answered, finally focused and bowing.
"Mr. Gunn please do be the referee, I know you will be suitable for the job." I say to the man.
"Alright." Answered the stern looking man as he stepped up. "As both parties agreed this shall be an incapacitation duel, with the loser determined by disarmament or submission. No lethal or damaging spells. This will be a clean fight only to show skill. Now both duelers at the ready." He said raising his hand.
We both take our stances, she raises her wand arm at the ready in stance resembling a fencer, while I stand in my own custom manner. Instead of having my wand arm in front I actually hold it behind my left hand, while keeping myself light, preparing myself to dodge. I've also taken my glasses off for the duel since, like some more advanced duelers, I incorporate Legilimency into my style, but I'm not overly reliant on that.
"Then begin!" Declared Gunn.
Elaine jumped into action, using a quick combo of debilitating jinxes to dim my vision, slow me down or distract me, capping it off with a direct trio of stunners. The only problem for her was that I was constantly using the minimal amount of movements required to dodge each one of her spells, since I could see which would come next in her head. It wasn't her fault. She knew how to preform proper combos within the limitations of the duel, it was just that my own trained abilities, my enhance speed and ridiculous reflexes give a great advantage when one-on-one. Just for dramatic effect a casually swatted her last stunner with my left hand and giving her a grin. I then started my counter attack, using my own understanding of every spell I've mastered to remove the need to say it and even remove the movements necessary, letting cast my own combo of enhanced spells with quick gestures, forcing her on the defensive immediately. She defended what she could but there are only so many spells a shield can block. This forced her to dodge, which was what I wanted to force her to do as I casted a quick series a leg-lock charms after I succeeded in blinding her for a second using a lumos I shot at her face, capping it off with a stunner.
With an obvious winner, I remove the protective spell and runes as I approach Elaine and wake her up.
"Damn, that was just downright emasculating. Couldn't even get a good shot on you before you destroyed me." Said the downed beauty.
"Don't you need to me a man to be emasculated?" I ask while helping her up.
"Ha! I've got more balls than most of the ministry combined!" She declared with a laugh."
"Hahahaha! That's the best reply I've ever heard!" I agreed as I burst out laughing.
"But you are good kid. Hit me up if you wanna get laid. You look a bit too wound up." She then said with a grin.
"Cough! Cough!" I then sputtered in response. Which makes her laugh.
"Don't worry kid, it shouldn't take too long." She said with a wink and then started laughing again.
"Thank you for the offer Elaine, but I'm ok for now." I answered politely.
"I'll send you some of my modified spells and notes on the subject to give you references. I'll also teach you the way to better your magic control." I said getting back to business and handing her the book she would need for now.
With that done and Oliver Gunn who is going to be last, I then turn to the last five in front of me.
Most of them had some experience within the ministry, but were later replaced for stupid reasons due to their positions being 'too good for them to be in' according to some people from prominent families. And so they were forced to stagnate within their positions.
"Mr. James Whitcomb." A 63 year old bald man from my aunts department, with pale brown eyes, thin frame and some wrinkles showing on his face. "Ms. Sherry Holmes" 49 year old with shoulder length black hair, showing signs of graying, extremely dark brown eyes, a pair of librarian glasses on her nose and well... a really huge c.h.e.s.t, from the department of magical transportation. "And Mr. Anthony Wall." The oldest attendee at 66 years old, really starting to fit the image of a wizard, with his grey beard, hair and robes, kinda reminds me of Ben Kenobi, but if he was more of a hippy, from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. "I wish for you three to be in charge of the FIRM center that will open in the Alley. You will initially be in charge of it in its entirety, but when we can hire more people you will move towards management and advertis.e.m.e.nt of the center. I will try to introduce new programs and products to the store within the year." I announce to the three.
I received nods of acknowledgment from them and turn my attention towards the final two. One is Ms. Catherine Forrests; 55 years old, with platinum blonde hair and clear blue eyes, really made me think if this was Draco's real mother for a while. She used to work for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The second was Jimmy Kent; 33 years old, with the Weasley hair, green eyes, on the shorter side, currently being put down, I'm guessing without my aunts knowledge cause she's wreck anyone doing this in her department, in the DMLE.
"Ms. Forrest, i would like you to be in charge of the logistics involving the farms. You have experience working with many different individuals and getting what you need to do your job properly. This will be the business with the most immediate growth in terms of human ressources so please assist Madam Chambers in it's management. You both will receive all the information regarding the properties and it's current stage of development through my aide shortly." I said to the woman, explaining my reasoning for her assignment.
"Finally Mr. Kent. You shall be in charge of the management for the current Breaking Grounds apothecary. They will need much in terms of equipment and machinery if I know Mr. Mathews ideas as I think I do. You will also be currently responsible for it finances so that our future potions master can focus on his craft." I then in turn explain to him, getting a excited nod in return.
"Now! If everyone understands everything I've said, Mr. Cross!" I yell out of the room as my side comes in with doc.u.ments for everyone.
"Each of these will be your work contracts stating the pay and conditions of the jobs you will be undertaking and doc.u.ments regarding the places you shall be working in. Ms. Summers will be slightly different from the rest, but will be basically considered sponsored by us to improve the image of muggle-borns through excellence. Mr. Gunn will have his own if he agrees later." I explain.
With everyone very happy with my quite generous conditions and reasonable restrictions, they signed and will soon be considered my employees. After which they left to take care of their affairs and prepare for their new jobs. Leaving me, Scott and Oliver Gunn alone.
Oliver is unique among those who came, since he was an active Auror during the war almost 10 years ago now. At 44 he still stands strong and proud, with a muscular body, scars on his exposed forearms, strong jaw, short brown hair and steel blue eyes. The man scream 'warrior'. The reason he is no longer an Auror is because during said war his family was killed, with Voldemort himself present and himself being forced to watch. And unfortunately his death eaters were very pressed to impress their lord, making his wife suffer a lot before they killed her, but they left him alive to suffer. In return he went rogue and started to hunt known dark families supporting the mad-man. When he was found they couldn't give him too harsh a sentence because he made sure his targets were guilty and left evidence, making the final verdict on him 8 years in Azkaban.
"Now, Mr. Gunn. I would like to thank you for both your patience and time." I start off with a slight bow.
"I'm guessing this is going to be a rather s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e subject then Mr. Folster." He answered in a direct manner.
"Yes, it has to do with the enterprise I wish to begin with you at the helm and a dangerous secret as to why I wish to do so. But first a question. What do you think about the current defensive capabilities of the ministry?" I asked the man.
"What capabilities? They constantly cut funding. They're planing to stop accepting new Aurors. Hit wizards are corrupt to no end. And to top it off the current minister is a coward." He answered with a huff.
"Yes and that is why I wish to start a specific business with you: private protection." I said delicately.
"You want to make a mercenary force?" He asked with surprise in his voice. "Why? Isn't that the opposite of what you said?"
"This isn't related to my movement. It is about something much more dangerous in this world of ours." I answered with a sigh.
After hearing that Oliver narrowed his eyes at me. "Explain." He simply demanded.
"What if I told to you the Dark Lord isn't truly dead?" I simply said.
"Impossible, he died that night against the-boy-who-lived!" He exclaimed.
"True he did technically die." I admitted. "But the problem is that the man feared death the most. That's why his men are death eaters. Why the killing curse is his go to tool. Because it is what he believes is the greatest fear of all men. And so he sought a way to beat death. And in his search he found a way, a very dark way. He made a horcrux." I said to the man in all seriousness.
"A what?" He asked.
"Scott, the book please." I said to Scott as he handed a book to Oliver.
"Please go to page 82 Mr. Gunn" I say.
"You mean to tell me He did this?" He asked with a shaking voice.
"Yes and he will return." I answered coldly.
"That is why I wish to prepare a force to fight him when he returns. Something the ministry is to corrupt to implement. If I'm wrong then all that happens is I make a new business providing security to those who can afford it and if I'm right we can have professionally trained experts to combat those f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastards." I announced to the man.
"How's this going to work?" He asked with determination in his voice.
"It will start with you. Get some people you trust and invite them in as executives. I'll put adds out into the prophet and our own paper when it's up and running, also within the center. You can also recruit people down on their luck or try to poach people from the ministry. I'll bankroll what you need. A facility is already being built in secret and no one will know where it is located. It will be the training ground. You will be the trainer and I'll give you the books I've prepared for you. Scott will inform you about everything else." I explained to the man.
"I'll be ready." He answered simply.
And that's how these twelve people were brought in under me.
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