Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 52 - Ch. 52 The Cannon Continues
My talk with Dumbledore was nerve wracking to say the least. It is very hard to lie in front of the man, Occlumency or not. It does help that I only lied about how I deduced my knowledge from clues I'd found, and that I don't have to tell him about my past life. But I do believe he will at trust and/or believe me enough that he won't think I'm going dark. I also hope he won't shut me down if I'm ever trying to start something in the school again. I'm going to have to keep an eye out to see if this changes things. I personally think Lockhart is still going to show up as DADA Professor because the world still believes he's competent and I honestly don't give enough of a shit about the idiot. He'll busted by the end of the year anyway, with Lupin his most likely successor due to the bill Umbitch is trying to push through, which I'm going to use to my advantage to show how stupid the ministry is and boost the Heralds reputation. Then I'll just change the law.
I had returned to my class a bit weary, but I could soon find my rhythm again.
A few days passed and it was now early November. The damp and cold weather of the UK amplified during this time of year, and with it the Quidditch cup would begin at Hogwarts once again. Now. I can respect the skills required to play the sport. I will support my friend and the team he is playing in, I mean I'm trying to make a broom custom for his position. But the rules of the game are completely unbalanced. No time limit. No score limit. Things only end with the snitch being caught and the thing is worth 150 points, almost always rendering the work of everyone else on the team worthless. So unless Christian is playing, I don't really care. Unfortunately I wanted to make sure everything played out as canon, with Quirrell cursing the broom, Snape trying to counter it, Hermione stopping it in a funny way and Harry swallowing the snitch. I've got a nudging suspicion Dumbledore might have made that happen so the kid could get some confidence, but I'll wait and see.
Luckily enough, everything went properly, and it turns out that the Headmaster did make the snitch a bit easier for Harry to catch and stopped the Slytherin Seeker from getting while Harry clung to his broom for dear life, but the swallowing was completely accidental. During the game though, Woods was still hit by that foul the troll face committed, so I had to check him over and take care of his injuries, but he wasn't going to wake up for the next few hours so I sent him to the infirmary. A quick look over to see Harry wasn't sporting any injuries from his tumble at the end and gave a hardy congratulations. With my duties done I simply left and returned to my own devices with Christian who came to check out the new Seeker's skills. He wasn't terribly impressed with his actual skills and felt annoyed someone tried to mess with the kids broom, but he also admitted the kid was a natural at the sport.
The trio was actually coming to the Exchange less than before and I'm guessing it's because they're researching Nicholas Flamel. In the meantime I've been continuing the combat training for my friends and they have been improving at very quick pace. Christian is developing a very unorthodox style of combat, by using his athletic body to constantly move while throwing debilitating jinxes and hexes, forcing openings to strike quick and hard. Victoria is a more refined fighter, using quick and efficient combos to leave opponent struggling to ward off her assaults and letting her dispatch them if they fail to do so. James had some issues actually taking down opponents as he focuses a lot more on defense and restrictions, preferring to work as a supporter, but was really getting good a smothering his opponent through sheer defensive prowess. I still don't need to move, but it's getting harder and harder to use spells only for my defense.
With no more events until Christmas, I was free to tinker away and use my personal doc.u.mentary on the dark arts to learn everything I could. Brought to you by Quirrellmort, the best and darkest channel since 1991.
But before the holidays something surprising happened, I was rushed by the golden trio as I was locking up the Exchange alone. Harry looked nervous, Ron had an odd look like he always did around me and Hermione was nervous and determined.
"I don't see you three all that much anymore. How come you're so keen on coming to the Exchange when it's over?" I asked with a chuckle to myself.
"Well we had something we wanted to ask, but it's kind off a secret." Said the very bad liar known as Hermione.
"Oooh. I love a good secret project. I'm working on three this very year!" I answer excitedly. Getting some surprised looks in response from 2/3 of the audience and a scoff from 1/3.
"Wait you're working on things outside of class?" Asked the more learned of the trio.
"Why yes. But since we are going to be sharing secret projects, let's do it where they are going to stay secret shall we?" I say as i reopen the Exchange room and usher everyone in.
"So we wanted to ask-" started Harry before I raised my hand.
"One seconde Harry. It's always good to make sure your secrets stay secret." I say with a small smile as I wave my left hand to close and lock the door, while using my wand in my right to cast privacy and detection spells. Resulting in Hermione freezing as she was the only one to understand what was happening as usual.
"That was silent casting, they don't teach that till 6th or 7th year! And did you do magic without a wand!? At the same time as you did some with your wand!?" She questioned in disbelief.
"Hahaha! I did tell you before that I've already finished everything that could be taught at Hogwarts and then some no? But to answer you questions, it's yes on all counts." I answer with a bright smile at the limited knowledge the boys possess and Hermione being utterly speechless.
"What so special about that. Kids use magic without a wand all the time and loads of wizards do spells without saying them?" Grumbled the red-head.
"Don't be daft Ronald! Intentional and controlled wandless magic is incredibly difficult, much less used silently while doing other spell work. I reckon only Dumbledore can do that." She explained.
"Wait. You're as good as Dumbledore?" Suddenly spoke out Harry in shock.
"Goodness me no." I say.
"Ha! See? No way he could be as powerful as Dumbledore." Exclaimed Ron like he somehow won something.
"Certainly true. I've not gone through my third maturity and he's had decades more experience. So although I should be above Professors McGonagall and Snape, I am still quite a ways away from Dumbledore's level." I simply say to the trio.
"What!" Almost shrieked Hermione. "But they're Professors!"
"Yes, and they are the strongest magical combatant in the school alongside with Professor Flitwick. I don't believe I can outdo them in their respective fields, but I am much more well-rounded than all of them." I responded.
"Flitwick?" Questioned Harry with a weird look.
"Oh, don't judge on his appearance and pleasant personality Harry. He is a master duelist and has won so many championsh.i.p.s they asked him to give rising duelists a chance at winning. If you ever found yourself in his office, you'll find it full of trophies from his golden days." I then inform the boy.
That information actually surprised the three more than my opinion about my standing in the castle.
"But back to the more interesting matters at hand. You tell me your secret project and I'll tell you one of mine." I say with an excited grin.
They look at each other for a while and finally come to a decision regarding the matter silently.
"Well it's like this. We have recently been trying to figure out what is being guarded behind Fluffy." Started Hermione as she spoke carefully.
"Fluffy? You mean Hagrid's Cerberus?" I ask them with 'surprise' in my voice.
"""you know it?!""" The trio exclaimed.
"Well yeah. I've been visiting Hagrid since first year with some of my friends. My friend Christian and I really like magical creatures and the man has more experience than many experts in the field. The problem is that he forgets everyone else isn't as strong as himself and doesn't understand why creatures which can't harm him are classified as dangerous. But back to Fluffy. He's really well trained and I've played with him before, but if he was sent into the castle to guard something, it's gotta be serious cause there's only one known way to get past his species." I explain with smile.
"Yeah, that's actually what we've been trying to figure out. We think something really valuable is hidden there and Snape is trying to steal it." Started to explain Harry, but i interrupted.
"Wait a sec!" To stop him in his track. "Why does it sound like you've been into the place the Headmaster said would be certain death and how did you even get in? And why do you believe Snape wants whatever is in it? He probably helped in preparing its defenses." I question, already knowing the answer.
"We didn't go there on purpose." Bem.o.a.n.e.d Ron.
"Yeah it was an accident after Malfoy tried to get us into trouble, then the stairs moved and we ended up there without knowing." Supportes Harry. "But we saw Snape limping after Hallowe'en and we think he tried to get past Fluffy and got injured." He continued
"And whatever is down there has to do with Nicholas Flamel. I've been looking everywhere for famous wizards of our times, but I can't find him anywhere. And well, you're the smartest person in the castle we could ask without getting into trouble." Then explained Hermione, sounding hopeful and nervous.
"Thank you for the compliment and at least some of your trust Hermione." I answer with a smile. "And the reason you can't find Nicholas Flamel in any of those books you've been looking at is simply because he isn't a wizard of our times. He is currently well over six hundred years old and the only known maker of the philosopher stone." I answer with a smile.
"Over 600 years old!?" The three exclaimed in shock.
"That must be what is hidden behind that trapdoor!" Then said Harry with certainty.
"Yeah, but if it is then I don't really see a reason for Professor Snape to steal it." I add.
"What? Why?" Questioned Ron.
"Well because he is a brilliant potions master, a shit teacher and house leader, but a brilliant potions master nonetheless. I'm sure he's given you all his little speech he gives every year about bottling fame, brewing glory and stopping death right?" I ask and get nods. "Well he's not joking about that. Being a potions master makes it very easy to make a lot of money and if you're a good one, you can keep yourself alive for a very long time. And Snape isn't exactly near death, so the delaying of death brought by the elixir of the stone should hold minimal appeal. So do be careful of pinning everything on him immediately or you'll miss other clues to find your culprit." I finish by saying.
This does make the kids think for some time, but I can see from Harry's surface thoughts that because of Snape's behavior, constant harassment and the misunderstanding from the Quidditch game, that he's still convinced about him being the culprit.
"But, since you've told me about your secret project. You three now get to chose one of mine. I've got three categories: Safety, Quidditch and Healing." I say as i break them out of their musing with a grin.
""Quidditch!"" Answered the two brooms for heads.
"Healing!" Tried to say Hermione, but realized she's been outvoted.
"Sorry Hermione, you've been outvoted and this was apparently a democratic vote." I chuckle as I talk to her. "Well my project related to Quidditch is that I am currently developing my own broom, specialized for Chasers and I'm about to start the testing phase with it. If everything goes according to schedule, I'll be able to start really selling them by your third year, alongside another new broom I'm sponsoring. They are going to make waves I tell you." I answer proudly, getting surprised looks.
"I didn't know you liked Quidditch Aedan." Said Hermione.
"Well not really. Don't like the rules of it. But one of my best friends is a chaser for our house team and i want to support him. So I'm making a broom!" I explain simply.
They look at me with both admiration for my reasons and questioning how my mind works for going so far. But with their original question answered, they could leave satisfied.
Nothing else happened as the plot stopped progressing even if I've let them know about the stone in advance. So the winter Holidays quickly arrived at Hogwarts once again and it was time to head back home.
I had returned to my class a bit weary, but I could soon find my rhythm again.
A few days passed and it was now early November. The damp and cold weather of the UK amplified during this time of year, and with it the Quidditch cup would begin at Hogwarts once again. Now. I can respect the skills required to play the sport. I will support my friend and the team he is playing in, I mean I'm trying to make a broom custom for his position. But the rules of the game are completely unbalanced. No time limit. No score limit. Things only end with the snitch being caught and the thing is worth 150 points, almost always rendering the work of everyone else on the team worthless. So unless Christian is playing, I don't really care. Unfortunately I wanted to make sure everything played out as canon, with Quirrell cursing the broom, Snape trying to counter it, Hermione stopping it in a funny way and Harry swallowing the snitch. I've got a nudging suspicion Dumbledore might have made that happen so the kid could get some confidence, but I'll wait and see.
Luckily enough, everything went properly, and it turns out that the Headmaster did make the snitch a bit easier for Harry to catch and stopped the Slytherin Seeker from getting while Harry clung to his broom for dear life, but the swallowing was completely accidental. During the game though, Woods was still hit by that foul the troll face committed, so I had to check him over and take care of his injuries, but he wasn't going to wake up for the next few hours so I sent him to the infirmary. A quick look over to see Harry wasn't sporting any injuries from his tumble at the end and gave a hardy congratulations. With my duties done I simply left and returned to my own devices with Christian who came to check out the new Seeker's skills. He wasn't terribly impressed with his actual skills and felt annoyed someone tried to mess with the kids broom, but he also admitted the kid was a natural at the sport.
The trio was actually coming to the Exchange less than before and I'm guessing it's because they're researching Nicholas Flamel. In the meantime I've been continuing the combat training for my friends and they have been improving at very quick pace. Christian is developing a very unorthodox style of combat, by using his athletic body to constantly move while throwing debilitating jinxes and hexes, forcing openings to strike quick and hard. Victoria is a more refined fighter, using quick and efficient combos to leave opponent struggling to ward off her assaults and letting her dispatch them if they fail to do so. James had some issues actually taking down opponents as he focuses a lot more on defense and restrictions, preferring to work as a supporter, but was really getting good a smothering his opponent through sheer defensive prowess. I still don't need to move, but it's getting harder and harder to use spells only for my defense.
With no more events until Christmas, I was free to tinker away and use my personal doc.u.mentary on the dark arts to learn everything I could. Brought to you by Quirrellmort, the best and darkest channel since 1991.
But before the holidays something surprising happened, I was rushed by the golden trio as I was locking up the Exchange alone. Harry looked nervous, Ron had an odd look like he always did around me and Hermione was nervous and determined.
"I don't see you three all that much anymore. How come you're so keen on coming to the Exchange when it's over?" I asked with a chuckle to myself.
"Well we had something we wanted to ask, but it's kind off a secret." Said the very bad liar known as Hermione.
"Oooh. I love a good secret project. I'm working on three this very year!" I answer excitedly. Getting some surprised looks in response from 2/3 of the audience and a scoff from 1/3.
"Wait you're working on things outside of class?" Asked the more learned of the trio.
"Why yes. But since we are going to be sharing secret projects, let's do it where they are going to stay secret shall we?" I say as i reopen the Exchange room and usher everyone in.
"So we wanted to ask-" started Harry before I raised my hand.
"One seconde Harry. It's always good to make sure your secrets stay secret." I say with a small smile as I wave my left hand to close and lock the door, while using my wand in my right to cast privacy and detection spells. Resulting in Hermione freezing as she was the only one to understand what was happening as usual.
"That was silent casting, they don't teach that till 6th or 7th year! And did you do magic without a wand!? At the same time as you did some with your wand!?" She questioned in disbelief.
"Hahaha! I did tell you before that I've already finished everything that could be taught at Hogwarts and then some no? But to answer you questions, it's yes on all counts." I answer with a bright smile at the limited knowledge the boys possess and Hermione being utterly speechless.
"What so special about that. Kids use magic without a wand all the time and loads of wizards do spells without saying them?" Grumbled the red-head.
"Don't be daft Ronald! Intentional and controlled wandless magic is incredibly difficult, much less used silently while doing other spell work. I reckon only Dumbledore can do that." She explained.
"Wait. You're as good as Dumbledore?" Suddenly spoke out Harry in shock.
"Goodness me no." I say.
"Ha! See? No way he could be as powerful as Dumbledore." Exclaimed Ron like he somehow won something.
"Certainly true. I've not gone through my third maturity and he's had decades more experience. So although I should be above Professors McGonagall and Snape, I am still quite a ways away from Dumbledore's level." I simply say to the trio.
"What!" Almost shrieked Hermione. "But they're Professors!"
"Yes, and they are the strongest magical combatant in the school alongside with Professor Flitwick. I don't believe I can outdo them in their respective fields, but I am much more well-rounded than all of them." I responded.
"Flitwick?" Questioned Harry with a weird look.
"Oh, don't judge on his appearance and pleasant personality Harry. He is a master duelist and has won so many championsh.i.p.s they asked him to give rising duelists a chance at winning. If you ever found yourself in his office, you'll find it full of trophies from his golden days." I then inform the boy.
That information actually surprised the three more than my opinion about my standing in the castle.
"But back to the more interesting matters at hand. You tell me your secret project and I'll tell you one of mine." I say with an excited grin.
They look at each other for a while and finally come to a decision regarding the matter silently.
"Well it's like this. We have recently been trying to figure out what is being guarded behind Fluffy." Started Hermione as she spoke carefully.
"Fluffy? You mean Hagrid's Cerberus?" I ask them with 'surprise' in my voice.
"""you know it?!""" The trio exclaimed.
"Well yeah. I've been visiting Hagrid since first year with some of my friends. My friend Christian and I really like magical creatures and the man has more experience than many experts in the field. The problem is that he forgets everyone else isn't as strong as himself and doesn't understand why creatures which can't harm him are classified as dangerous. But back to Fluffy. He's really well trained and I've played with him before, but if he was sent into the castle to guard something, it's gotta be serious cause there's only one known way to get past his species." I explain with smile.
"Yeah, that's actually what we've been trying to figure out. We think something really valuable is hidden there and Snape is trying to steal it." Started to explain Harry, but i interrupted.
"Wait a sec!" To stop him in his track. "Why does it sound like you've been into the place the Headmaster said would be certain death and how did you even get in? And why do you believe Snape wants whatever is in it? He probably helped in preparing its defenses." I question, already knowing the answer.
"We didn't go there on purpose." Bem.o.a.n.e.d Ron.
"Yeah it was an accident after Malfoy tried to get us into trouble, then the stairs moved and we ended up there without knowing." Supportes Harry. "But we saw Snape limping after Hallowe'en and we think he tried to get past Fluffy and got injured." He continued
"And whatever is down there has to do with Nicholas Flamel. I've been looking everywhere for famous wizards of our times, but I can't find him anywhere. And well, you're the smartest person in the castle we could ask without getting into trouble." Then explained Hermione, sounding hopeful and nervous.
"Thank you for the compliment and at least some of your trust Hermione." I answer with a smile. "And the reason you can't find Nicholas Flamel in any of those books you've been looking at is simply because he isn't a wizard of our times. He is currently well over six hundred years old and the only known maker of the philosopher stone." I answer with a smile.
"Over 600 years old!?" The three exclaimed in shock.
"That must be what is hidden behind that trapdoor!" Then said Harry with certainty.
"Yeah, but if it is then I don't really see a reason for Professor Snape to steal it." I add.
"What? Why?" Questioned Ron.
"Well because he is a brilliant potions master, a shit teacher and house leader, but a brilliant potions master nonetheless. I'm sure he's given you all his little speech he gives every year about bottling fame, brewing glory and stopping death right?" I ask and get nods. "Well he's not joking about that. Being a potions master makes it very easy to make a lot of money and if you're a good one, you can keep yourself alive for a very long time. And Snape isn't exactly near death, so the delaying of death brought by the elixir of the stone should hold minimal appeal. So do be careful of pinning everything on him immediately or you'll miss other clues to find your culprit." I finish by saying.
This does make the kids think for some time, but I can see from Harry's surface thoughts that because of Snape's behavior, constant harassment and the misunderstanding from the Quidditch game, that he's still convinced about him being the culprit.
"But, since you've told me about your secret project. You three now get to chose one of mine. I've got three categories: Safety, Quidditch and Healing." I say as i break them out of their musing with a grin.
""Quidditch!"" Answered the two brooms for heads.
"Healing!" Tried to say Hermione, but realized she's been outvoted.
"Sorry Hermione, you've been outvoted and this was apparently a democratic vote." I chuckle as I talk to her. "Well my project related to Quidditch is that I am currently developing my own broom, specialized for Chasers and I'm about to start the testing phase with it. If everything goes according to schedule, I'll be able to start really selling them by your third year, alongside another new broom I'm sponsoring. They are going to make waves I tell you." I answer proudly, getting surprised looks.
"I didn't know you liked Quidditch Aedan." Said Hermione.
"Well not really. Don't like the rules of it. But one of my best friends is a chaser for our house team and i want to support him. So I'm making a broom!" I explain simply.
They look at me with both admiration for my reasons and questioning how my mind works for going so far. But with their original question answered, they could leave satisfied.
Nothing else happened as the plot stopped progressing even if I've let them know about the stone in advance. So the winter Holidays quickly arrived at Hogwarts once again and it was time to head back home.
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