Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 56 - Ch. 56 An obvious, but important result
The next day Victoria and I got ready and dressed ourselves properly. She decided to wear a set of formal robe, mostly black, but with green embroidery and accents to match her eyes. She came down and looked like an imposing young witch. I decided to wear a proper grey three piece suit, but I've changed my hair color to black like Victoria's, hiding my scar and changing my eye color to green as well. I was basically making us look like brother and sister, to hid the fact that I'm attending the trial. The reason for that is because I have some level of fame due to BonesWorks and I've only appeared in a public or social event once, and I got Umbitch to lose her shit at it. So I'm prime gossip material.
"Your hair looks nice in black too apparently." Victoria said with a small teasing smile.
"Jealous? I've been told my hair is unfair to women." I tease back. "But those robes look good on you, brings out your eyes." I add an actual compliment to the young lady.
"Why thank you." She responded with pride in her voice.
"You two ready? If yes, let's go. I have to be there early to make sure everything goes well. No one will mess with this trial." Asked and declared a very determined Amelia.
With a nod from the both of us, we all Floo to the ministry.
We come out of the fireplace with practiced ease. We've all been to the ministry before, but seeing so many fireplaces constantly letting wizards walk out in a flash of emerald fire is always interesting to watch. The starry ceiling and black tiles make the entire hall quite sleek, especially for wizard standards. But that statue of magical races looking up to wizards in admiration has always made me frown, even if I can't show it. Honestly wanted to melt it down. If they want to be proud of being wizards, there are many other ways to make a statue about it, but no. We've got to piss off any other species that might visit.
We quickly move past the entrance and have our wands checked in. The man is surprised at my unique core combination of Phoenix heart feather and Whampus cat hair, but there were no troubles anywhere, especially with Amelia Bones guiding us. Anyone annoying or delaying her today is not going to have a pleasant time.
We made our way to the elevators and boarded alongside 5 others. A few got off at different floors, but it seems the two older wizards were heading to the trial. As everyone exited the elevator, we quietly walked to the bas.e.m.e.nt room of Wizengamot.
It was a rather cramped room for the amount of people who were going to be present, with the seats of Wizengamot members arranged to see the accused from every angle and the chief warlocks seat above everyone else as they are the ones mainly asking the questions. Dumbledore was excused due to his known bias on the matter of death eaters and the ministry was trying desperately to give off a sense of fairness. Fudge had enough sense in him to not be directly in charge of proceedings, not wanting to be blamed by his usual allies, hence Amelia Bones was going to act as Chief Warlock today. Go aunty.
As time passed more and more member of the court began to trickle in, everyone of the dressed in plum-colored robes and sporting an elaborate W on the left side. Pretty much all of them were old wizards and witches from important families or/and positions. Quite a bit of overlap in those departments.
"It's no wonder a lot of people answer that the average in here is 87 on the W.O.M.BAT's." I whisper quietly to Victoria. Getting me a giggle and a shoulder punch for making her do so.
As the room filled out, security members positioned themselves around the room. Reporters almost fought amongst themselves to get in and the broadcasters for the WWN set up their equipment.
'I should try to improve the radio system or introduce tv's if possible.' I thought to myself seeing the Ancient looking recording equipment.
And finally the trial would begin.
"We are here today to commence the trial of Mr. Vincent Crabb Sr., Mr. Gregory Goyle Sr. and Mr. John Gibbon against the representative of one Micheal Folster, Scott Cross." Opened aunt Amelia in a dominating voice.
The trial itself was set up with the barrister responsible for the trio representing them fully, unless questions needed to be asked to one of them specifically. Meanwhile, Mr. Edward Tonks will be trying to push for the maximum punishment for the three of them. He was apparently extremely excited when he heard he'd be brought in as our legal consultant if he performs well. It also made his day when he got so much evidence against the idiots.
"On the charges of attempted property damage how do you plead?"
"On the charges of reckless endangerment how do you plead?"
"On the charges of attempted murder how do you plead?"
"Not guilty."
"On Attempted kidnapping how do you plead?"
"Not guilty."
And so the debate began. The defense wanted to get away with paying a fine for the property that would have been damaged and the endangerment, avoiding Azkaban itself. The only problem with the defense was the evidence we had on the three of them. The man could fight hard, that's certain, but he apparently hasn't heard the evidence on the recorders and I'm guessing it's because no pureblood knew what the things were. They are so anti-muggle that never bothered to learn anything about them. A few might know about firearms and know they can block them with magic, cars are know, telephones and radio, but that's about it. They know f.u.c.k all about the constantly developing tech and have probably squashed any mention mention of my magic adapted tech from everyone near them.
"I would like to call in Mr. Gibbon for questioning please." He announced.
A minute later, he was brought in by an escort of hit-wizards, with the Aurors around the room ready for action. He was sat down and strapped in.
"Mr. Gibbon, you have pleaded not guilty for attempted murder and kidnapping. Is that correct?" Ted began by asking.
"That's right. I didn't try to kill or take anyone, just wanted a bit of fun." He answered with a grunt.
"Is that so? Then do you know what this device, which your barrister was supplied with, is?" He asked with a growing smile.
"No idea what that muggle contraption is." Gibbon spay back.
"Well that's very unfortunate. That is because this is a voice recorder introduce in the FIRM center after it had been properly modified to work in our world. It serves to record the voices and sounds heard around the device and to able to replay them at a later time." Explained Edward. "And the reason this has been acknowledge by the court as evidence, it is because the security hired to protect Mr. Folster's businesses all carry these devices on their person at all times, alongside each team having a camera in their expanded pouches. This is to gather evidence of wrongdoing against their clients and prove the trustworthiness of their agents. And this very device recorded a very interesting conversation between you and Misters Crabb and Goyle Sr." Explained my barrister. It was nice of him to advertise my product and security company in that explanation, I might get a bump in business after this.
But as I was thinking happy thoughts, Gibbon clearly knew what he was referring too as his face paled. In a moment of desperation he lunged at Edward as he was about to press a button, trying to stop him or get the device. Hit-wizards immediately drew their wands at the man and prepared to sling some spells, forcing him to give up as the trios voices started playing.
"Now you know the deal you two. We go in, torch the place, take down anyone in the way and bring back at least one person. If we don't, we're not going to hear the end of it by that pompous git. Hell, he'll probably use the Cruciatus on us." Resounded Gibbon's voice.
"Hmph" grunted another person.
"We know Gibbon. Shut up." Came Goyle's irritated voice.
"What do you two troll brains know? That's why I'm in charge of you two." Gibbon replied with a lot of disrespect.
With only that little clip presented to everyone in the room and heard by anyone listening on the radio, it sealed their fate. That was before photos of the three of them were distributed as they were trying to break into the center with very damaging curses and some recordings of their intent to use some unforgivables to relieve stress after they had succeeded.
"I do not think we need to hear anymore Mr. Tonks. I will now call for a vote to find the defendants guilty on all counts." Announced Amelia.
Almost everyone in the room raised their hands to pronounce them guilty, with only a small minority trying to stem the tides.
"You have hereby been found guilty of all charges laid against you. Due to the fact that no one has been hurt and no extensive damage has been done despite your intentions and efforts, your verdict has been agreed to be reduced to a degree." She said with some reluctance as she glared at some members whose faults this is apparently. "You are sentenced to three years in Azkaban for the crimes of attempted property damage, kidnapping, murder and reckless endangerment. With the amount which would need that have been paid if the property and it's contents had been destroyed taken straight from your vaults!" Declared Amelia as she smacked her gavel.
A very scared Gibbon was escorted out of the room and the members of the court left in a bit of a hurry. Victoria and I simply waited in silence together, waiting for aunty to come and get us. But I was able to think during this time.
'This was good. Lucius is going to lose is pawns until i graduate, while also forcing him to swallow the fact that I'm buying his creature related businesses and holdings. But I wonder if it's destiny that they will be released in three years. Becoming free just in time for the return of their lord a few months after.' I thought to myself curiously
'I doesn't matter, I'll be ready by then and they won't know what hit them.'
"Your hair looks nice in black too apparently." Victoria said with a small teasing smile.
"Jealous? I've been told my hair is unfair to women." I tease back. "But those robes look good on you, brings out your eyes." I add an actual compliment to the young lady.
"Why thank you." She responded with pride in her voice.
"You two ready? If yes, let's go. I have to be there early to make sure everything goes well. No one will mess with this trial." Asked and declared a very determined Amelia.
With a nod from the both of us, we all Floo to the ministry.
We come out of the fireplace with practiced ease. We've all been to the ministry before, but seeing so many fireplaces constantly letting wizards walk out in a flash of emerald fire is always interesting to watch. The starry ceiling and black tiles make the entire hall quite sleek, especially for wizard standards. But that statue of magical races looking up to wizards in admiration has always made me frown, even if I can't show it. Honestly wanted to melt it down. If they want to be proud of being wizards, there are many other ways to make a statue about it, but no. We've got to piss off any other species that might visit.
We quickly move past the entrance and have our wands checked in. The man is surprised at my unique core combination of Phoenix heart feather and Whampus cat hair, but there were no troubles anywhere, especially with Amelia Bones guiding us. Anyone annoying or delaying her today is not going to have a pleasant time.
We made our way to the elevators and boarded alongside 5 others. A few got off at different floors, but it seems the two older wizards were heading to the trial. As everyone exited the elevator, we quietly walked to the bas.e.m.e.nt room of Wizengamot.
It was a rather cramped room for the amount of people who were going to be present, with the seats of Wizengamot members arranged to see the accused from every angle and the chief warlocks seat above everyone else as they are the ones mainly asking the questions. Dumbledore was excused due to his known bias on the matter of death eaters and the ministry was trying desperately to give off a sense of fairness. Fudge had enough sense in him to not be directly in charge of proceedings, not wanting to be blamed by his usual allies, hence Amelia Bones was going to act as Chief Warlock today. Go aunty.
As time passed more and more member of the court began to trickle in, everyone of the dressed in plum-colored robes and sporting an elaborate W on the left side. Pretty much all of them were old wizards and witches from important families or/and positions. Quite a bit of overlap in those departments.
"It's no wonder a lot of people answer that the average in here is 87 on the W.O.M.BAT's." I whisper quietly to Victoria. Getting me a giggle and a shoulder punch for making her do so.
As the room filled out, security members positioned themselves around the room. Reporters almost fought amongst themselves to get in and the broadcasters for the WWN set up their equipment.
'I should try to improve the radio system or introduce tv's if possible.' I thought to myself seeing the Ancient looking recording equipment.
And finally the trial would begin.
"We are here today to commence the trial of Mr. Vincent Crabb Sr., Mr. Gregory Goyle Sr. and Mr. John Gibbon against the representative of one Micheal Folster, Scott Cross." Opened aunt Amelia in a dominating voice.
The trial itself was set up with the barrister responsible for the trio representing them fully, unless questions needed to be asked to one of them specifically. Meanwhile, Mr. Edward Tonks will be trying to push for the maximum punishment for the three of them. He was apparently extremely excited when he heard he'd be brought in as our legal consultant if he performs well. It also made his day when he got so much evidence against the idiots.
"On the charges of attempted property damage how do you plead?"
"On the charges of reckless endangerment how do you plead?"
"On the charges of attempted murder how do you plead?"
"Not guilty."
"On Attempted kidnapping how do you plead?"
"Not guilty."
And so the debate began. The defense wanted to get away with paying a fine for the property that would have been damaged and the endangerment, avoiding Azkaban itself. The only problem with the defense was the evidence we had on the three of them. The man could fight hard, that's certain, but he apparently hasn't heard the evidence on the recorders and I'm guessing it's because no pureblood knew what the things were. They are so anti-muggle that never bothered to learn anything about them. A few might know about firearms and know they can block them with magic, cars are know, telephones and radio, but that's about it. They know f.u.c.k all about the constantly developing tech and have probably squashed any mention mention of my magic adapted tech from everyone near them.
"I would like to call in Mr. Gibbon for questioning please." He announced.
A minute later, he was brought in by an escort of hit-wizards, with the Aurors around the room ready for action. He was sat down and strapped in.
"Mr. Gibbon, you have pleaded not guilty for attempted murder and kidnapping. Is that correct?" Ted began by asking.
"That's right. I didn't try to kill or take anyone, just wanted a bit of fun." He answered with a grunt.
"Is that so? Then do you know what this device, which your barrister was supplied with, is?" He asked with a growing smile.
"No idea what that muggle contraption is." Gibbon spay back.
"Well that's very unfortunate. That is because this is a voice recorder introduce in the FIRM center after it had been properly modified to work in our world. It serves to record the voices and sounds heard around the device and to able to replay them at a later time." Explained Edward. "And the reason this has been acknowledge by the court as evidence, it is because the security hired to protect Mr. Folster's businesses all carry these devices on their person at all times, alongside each team having a camera in their expanded pouches. This is to gather evidence of wrongdoing against their clients and prove the trustworthiness of their agents. And this very device recorded a very interesting conversation between you and Misters Crabb and Goyle Sr." Explained my barrister. It was nice of him to advertise my product and security company in that explanation, I might get a bump in business after this.
But as I was thinking happy thoughts, Gibbon clearly knew what he was referring too as his face paled. In a moment of desperation he lunged at Edward as he was about to press a button, trying to stop him or get the device. Hit-wizards immediately drew their wands at the man and prepared to sling some spells, forcing him to give up as the trios voices started playing.
"Now you know the deal you two. We go in, torch the place, take down anyone in the way and bring back at least one person. If we don't, we're not going to hear the end of it by that pompous git. Hell, he'll probably use the Cruciatus on us." Resounded Gibbon's voice.
"Hmph" grunted another person.
"We know Gibbon. Shut up." Came Goyle's irritated voice.
"What do you two troll brains know? That's why I'm in charge of you two." Gibbon replied with a lot of disrespect.
With only that little clip presented to everyone in the room and heard by anyone listening on the radio, it sealed their fate. That was before photos of the three of them were distributed as they were trying to break into the center with very damaging curses and some recordings of their intent to use some unforgivables to relieve stress after they had succeeded.
"I do not think we need to hear anymore Mr. Tonks. I will now call for a vote to find the defendants guilty on all counts." Announced Amelia.
Almost everyone in the room raised their hands to pronounce them guilty, with only a small minority trying to stem the tides.
"You have hereby been found guilty of all charges laid against you. Due to the fact that no one has been hurt and no extensive damage has been done despite your intentions and efforts, your verdict has been agreed to be reduced to a degree." She said with some reluctance as she glared at some members whose faults this is apparently. "You are sentenced to three years in Azkaban for the crimes of attempted property damage, kidnapping, murder and reckless endangerment. With the amount which would need that have been paid if the property and it's contents had been destroyed taken straight from your vaults!" Declared Amelia as she smacked her gavel.
A very scared Gibbon was escorted out of the room and the members of the court left in a bit of a hurry. Victoria and I simply waited in silence together, waiting for aunty to come and get us. But I was able to think during this time.
'This was good. Lucius is going to lose is pawns until i graduate, while also forcing him to swallow the fact that I'm buying his creature related businesses and holdings. But I wonder if it's destiny that they will be released in three years. Becoming free just in time for the return of their lord a few months after.' I thought to myself curiously
'I doesn't matter, I'll be ready by then and they won't know what hit them.'
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