Harry Potter And The Rise Of The Protector
Chapter 68 - Ch. 68 Canon fight, original end
All my goals before Fifth year had been achieved, with the minor exception of the vaccine, but that is something which will undergo enormous amounts of testing to make 110% sure of every effect it will have, making it a long term project. The plans regarding it involve proper testing and data collection for the next two years before submitting it for approval, with proper observation and data collecting for the next 5 minimum. After that, it will be standard operating procedures to keep track more loosely unless someone wishes to dedicate themselves to it.
The school year was nearing and Susan was excited to go back to Hogwarts, to be with her friends and learn more magic besides my special ones. She says it stops her from getting weird looks when she does the spells differently. Made me sad when I heard she didn't like my spells, but she assured me that she liked them but didn't want to always get it 'wrong'.
But there was a rather large surprise came with my letter this year: a badge with the words Head Boy. This confused me greatly. Not because i wasn't expecting a badge, I would be surprised if I didn't get the prefect badge this year honestly. But shouldn't the Head Boy/Girl be in their seventh years? Aunty was both ecstatic and confused when she realized it as well. Then I noticed an additional letter.
'Dear Aedan,
I know you will be confused over this matter, as you know full well how the prefect and Head Boy/Girl system operates. But let me assure you that the badge now in your possession is rightfully yours. I had to discuss it with the Board of Directors, but your stellar academic record, remarkable displays of ability and leadership due to your Exchange, and your unbiased views and actions in school were more than enough to prove that you are the most deserving student in Hogwarts. Your work and results outside of school have probably helped influence the decision of the board as well.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.
Albus Dumbledore.'
My aunt and I read the letter over, after which she just burst out with pride and gave me a big hug.
"That's the first time in centuries it wasn't a seventh year getting the head boy position! I'm so proud of you Aedan!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah. I really wasn't expecting that." I answered hugging her back. It's nice when she loosens up like this.
Susan came in wondering what was happening, then she joined aunty in congratulating me. Tilly popped in feeling worried at the noise, but left excitedly as she went to prepare a celebratory feast. The house was filled with merriment that evening. Aunty also talked to the family portrait after some drinks, crying and laughing as she did, sharing the news to those she missed.
After that Dumbledore bomb, I decided to make sure everything was still happening as it should. So I headed over to Diagon Alley, waiting for the Weasleys to come do their shopping. I'm just spending time doing some preparations for the year, and yes Lockhart is coming and yes I've read his stupid books. They are appalling as biographical works, but mildly entertaining when I read them as works of pure fiction at least. The guy is still a total ponce though. It's the first time I've seen such narcism. But whatever, It's not like I'll listen to the idiot.
A few day into my wait, I then saw a group of nervous red-heads looking around in a hurry.
'Guess Harry messed it up even after I told him how it works. Probably should've let him try it once, but then he wouldn't spot the Malfoy's, whom I've also spotted as all of them, along with Hagrid, came out of Knockturn Alley one after another.
'Good to know I'm not f.u.c.k.i.n.g things up too much so far. All that's left is for the pansy to sneak the bloody horcrux to little Ginny.' I thought as I observed the situation from afar.
It was hilarious to watch two grown-ass wizard men start a fist fight in a book store. They're just so bad at it. But before all the commotion, I was able to confirm Ginny getting the journal, so with my goal met, I decided to intervene.
"Well isn't this a sight. The great Lucius Malfoy, fighting like a muggle. Wonder how the paper will spin that bit." I say loudly enough for everyone to hear me.
Most people stop panicking and look at me, the one who dared openly mock the Malfoy lord. But then they see me. Standing at 6'0, wearing a light, black colored robe over a similarly black undershirt, contrasting my flowing silver hair and flame-like eyes, finely chiseled muscle visible through my shirt and pants. They parted way to let me reach the brawling pair, who seemed not to have noticed my entrance. I saw Hermione being shocked at my presence, Harry was happy to see me, Molly and Ginny Weasley didn't know who I was, but Percy was curious, George and Fred were excited to see me in action, and Ronald had a very ugly expression on his face.
As I walked to approach the two, the fight suddenly escalated as they both went for their wands, to the shock of everyone present. So in that moment I channeled some magic into my legs in a practiced manner and burst into a blur as I take Arthur's wand from him before he can noticed me, and garb Lucius' wrist to flip him completely by forcing him into an awkward position and then sweeping his feet with enough force. I heard the gasps of the spectators as I ended the fight then and there, with a wand in each hand, a stunned Arthur and furious Lucius on the floor.
"How dare you assault me brat!? Do you know who I am!?" Was his furious response to events.
"I know very well who you are Mr. Malfoy." I reply evenly. "You are a very rich man and you have the ears of many important people. But do you know who I am?" I asked back as he stood up in rage.
"Why should I care who some mixed-blood bastard is?" He spat back out with venom.
"Oh you should really care. Simply because of who I am and who my aunt is. Because if she found out what you were about to do in Diagon in Alley, in front of so many witnesses, you'd be joining some old friends in a very happy place by next week." I reply with a true devils smile as the statement immediately sent a shiver down his spine.
"And who is this aunt of yours? You would be able to get me in trouble with her? How preposterous!" He scoffed as his head cooled a bit.
"Amelia Bones." I respond with the brightest smile.
Lucius' face paled noticeably as he realizes just how bad this is.
"Right! I forgot to introduce myself properly to you. My aunt would kill me if I didn't show proper decorum to such a distinguished lord." I suddenly say as I properly perform a nobles greeting. "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to officially meet you Lord Malfoy, I am Aedan Bones, heir of Noble House Bones. May we have a long and pleasant relationship." I finished with a polite smile which did not reach my eyes.
He couldn't respond. He knew just how eager my aunt would be to take him down for the slightest law breaking. And a duel in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded Diagon Alley was definitely something she could use. So although I humiliated him in my takedown, I did him quite the favor and he knows it. So he now has to show either proper decorum and get payback later, or be angry now and leave in a huff. But he is smart, and very slippery, I know what he will pick.
"Then I will have to thank you Heir Bones, for mediating mine and Arthur's disagreement. Come Draco, let's go." He said with no emotions on his face or in his voice as he simply departed after snatching his wand back from me.
With that it was over and people quickly dispersed, I'm guessing they really wanted to tell the people they knew about this one.
After everyone left, I turned my attention to Arthur Weasley, a man who apparently loves muggles but never tried a c.o.n.d.o.m.
"Here you are Mr. Weasley. I hope you can at least do such things in a proper venue next time. I hear muggles have many fighting competitions, maybe there would be a good place." I say with a chuckle as I hand his wand back to him.
"Ah, yes. Thank you for that. But are you really Madam Bones' nephew? Not many have seen him, I knew his parents and you look... different." He hesitated to say.
To which I show him my Heir ring and answer. "A lot has happened, but yes I am her nephew. I was actually here to work on some stuff at the store. I'm almost finished making a new product, it'll be great." I say with a smile. "Then I heard and saw the commotion." I say with a teasing grin.
"Yes, me and Lucius are usually at odds with each other to explain lightly." He replied awkwardly with some embarrassment.
"I get it. The man has a dark past, present and probably future. But at least try not to fight him in a public area next time. He is a total prick, but an influential and dangerous one." I said seriously. "And don't worry about my aunt, I'm not telling on anyone. Just said that to make him sweat." I add with a grin.
"Thank you for that. Now I better get back to my family. It looks like Molly might hurt me more than Lucius has if I don't hurry." He said with nervous chuckle. And with the look on the woman's face, I can't blame him.
I said a quick hello to Harry, Hermione and Percy, who although has a stick up his a.s.s, I've gotten to know well enough in the Exchange. The twins were energetic as could be due to the sight of father Malfoy on his a.s.s and were shaking my hand in an over exaggerated manner for the fun of it. I introduce myself to little Ginny, who looks up in awe at what I did, finishing with just a polite hello to Ronald, whom continues to be a prat.
The school year was nearing and Susan was excited to go back to Hogwarts, to be with her friends and learn more magic besides my special ones. She says it stops her from getting weird looks when she does the spells differently. Made me sad when I heard she didn't like my spells, but she assured me that she liked them but didn't want to always get it 'wrong'.
But there was a rather large surprise came with my letter this year: a badge with the words Head Boy. This confused me greatly. Not because i wasn't expecting a badge, I would be surprised if I didn't get the prefect badge this year honestly. But shouldn't the Head Boy/Girl be in their seventh years? Aunty was both ecstatic and confused when she realized it as well. Then I noticed an additional letter.
'Dear Aedan,
I know you will be confused over this matter, as you know full well how the prefect and Head Boy/Girl system operates. But let me assure you that the badge now in your possession is rightfully yours. I had to discuss it with the Board of Directors, but your stellar academic record, remarkable displays of ability and leadership due to your Exchange, and your unbiased views and actions in school were more than enough to prove that you are the most deserving student in Hogwarts. Your work and results outside of school have probably helped influence the decision of the board as well.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.
Albus Dumbledore.'
My aunt and I read the letter over, after which she just burst out with pride and gave me a big hug.
"That's the first time in centuries it wasn't a seventh year getting the head boy position! I'm so proud of you Aedan!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah. I really wasn't expecting that." I answered hugging her back. It's nice when she loosens up like this.
Susan came in wondering what was happening, then she joined aunty in congratulating me. Tilly popped in feeling worried at the noise, but left excitedly as she went to prepare a celebratory feast. The house was filled with merriment that evening. Aunty also talked to the family portrait after some drinks, crying and laughing as she did, sharing the news to those she missed.
After that Dumbledore bomb, I decided to make sure everything was still happening as it should. So I headed over to Diagon Alley, waiting for the Weasleys to come do their shopping. I'm just spending time doing some preparations for the year, and yes Lockhart is coming and yes I've read his stupid books. They are appalling as biographical works, but mildly entertaining when I read them as works of pure fiction at least. The guy is still a total ponce though. It's the first time I've seen such narcism. But whatever, It's not like I'll listen to the idiot.
A few day into my wait, I then saw a group of nervous red-heads looking around in a hurry.
'Guess Harry messed it up even after I told him how it works. Probably should've let him try it once, but then he wouldn't spot the Malfoy's, whom I've also spotted as all of them, along with Hagrid, came out of Knockturn Alley one after another.
'Good to know I'm not f.u.c.k.i.n.g things up too much so far. All that's left is for the pansy to sneak the bloody horcrux to little Ginny.' I thought as I observed the situation from afar.
It was hilarious to watch two grown-ass wizard men start a fist fight in a book store. They're just so bad at it. But before all the commotion, I was able to confirm Ginny getting the journal, so with my goal met, I decided to intervene.
"Well isn't this a sight. The great Lucius Malfoy, fighting like a muggle. Wonder how the paper will spin that bit." I say loudly enough for everyone to hear me.
Most people stop panicking and look at me, the one who dared openly mock the Malfoy lord. But then they see me. Standing at 6'0, wearing a light, black colored robe over a similarly black undershirt, contrasting my flowing silver hair and flame-like eyes, finely chiseled muscle visible through my shirt and pants. They parted way to let me reach the brawling pair, who seemed not to have noticed my entrance. I saw Hermione being shocked at my presence, Harry was happy to see me, Molly and Ginny Weasley didn't know who I was, but Percy was curious, George and Fred were excited to see me in action, and Ronald had a very ugly expression on his face.
As I walked to approach the two, the fight suddenly escalated as they both went for their wands, to the shock of everyone present. So in that moment I channeled some magic into my legs in a practiced manner and burst into a blur as I take Arthur's wand from him before he can noticed me, and garb Lucius' wrist to flip him completely by forcing him into an awkward position and then sweeping his feet with enough force. I heard the gasps of the spectators as I ended the fight then and there, with a wand in each hand, a stunned Arthur and furious Lucius on the floor.
"How dare you assault me brat!? Do you know who I am!?" Was his furious response to events.
"I know very well who you are Mr. Malfoy." I reply evenly. "You are a very rich man and you have the ears of many important people. But do you know who I am?" I asked back as he stood up in rage.
"Why should I care who some mixed-blood bastard is?" He spat back out with venom.
"Oh you should really care. Simply because of who I am and who my aunt is. Because if she found out what you were about to do in Diagon in Alley, in front of so many witnesses, you'd be joining some old friends in a very happy place by next week." I reply with a true devils smile as the statement immediately sent a shiver down his spine.
"And who is this aunt of yours? You would be able to get me in trouble with her? How preposterous!" He scoffed as his head cooled a bit.
"Amelia Bones." I respond with the brightest smile.
Lucius' face paled noticeably as he realizes just how bad this is.
"Right! I forgot to introduce myself properly to you. My aunt would kill me if I didn't show proper decorum to such a distinguished lord." I suddenly say as I properly perform a nobles greeting. "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to officially meet you Lord Malfoy, I am Aedan Bones, heir of Noble House Bones. May we have a long and pleasant relationship." I finished with a polite smile which did not reach my eyes.
He couldn't respond. He knew just how eager my aunt would be to take him down for the slightest law breaking. And a duel in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded Diagon Alley was definitely something she could use. So although I humiliated him in my takedown, I did him quite the favor and he knows it. So he now has to show either proper decorum and get payback later, or be angry now and leave in a huff. But he is smart, and very slippery, I know what he will pick.
"Then I will have to thank you Heir Bones, for mediating mine and Arthur's disagreement. Come Draco, let's go." He said with no emotions on his face or in his voice as he simply departed after snatching his wand back from me.
With that it was over and people quickly dispersed, I'm guessing they really wanted to tell the people they knew about this one.
After everyone left, I turned my attention to Arthur Weasley, a man who apparently loves muggles but never tried a c.o.n.d.o.m.
"Here you are Mr. Weasley. I hope you can at least do such things in a proper venue next time. I hear muggles have many fighting competitions, maybe there would be a good place." I say with a chuckle as I hand his wand back to him.
"Ah, yes. Thank you for that. But are you really Madam Bones' nephew? Not many have seen him, I knew his parents and you look... different." He hesitated to say.
To which I show him my Heir ring and answer. "A lot has happened, but yes I am her nephew. I was actually here to work on some stuff at the store. I'm almost finished making a new product, it'll be great." I say with a smile. "Then I heard and saw the commotion." I say with a teasing grin.
"Yes, me and Lucius are usually at odds with each other to explain lightly." He replied awkwardly with some embarrassment.
"I get it. The man has a dark past, present and probably future. But at least try not to fight him in a public area next time. He is a total prick, but an influential and dangerous one." I said seriously. "And don't worry about my aunt, I'm not telling on anyone. Just said that to make him sweat." I add with a grin.
"Thank you for that. Now I better get back to my family. It looks like Molly might hurt me more than Lucius has if I don't hurry." He said with nervous chuckle. And with the look on the woman's face, I can't blame him.
I said a quick hello to Harry, Hermione and Percy, who although has a stick up his a.s.s, I've gotten to know well enough in the Exchange. The twins were energetic as could be due to the sight of father Malfoy on his a.s.s and were shaking my hand in an over exaggerated manner for the fun of it. I introduce myself to little Ginny, who looks up in awe at what I did, finishing with just a polite hello to Ronald, whom continues to be a prat.
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