Harry Potter But AU???

Chapter 148 - 148- a smile


While Harry had no plan to go to the Yule Ball, after getting blackmailed by Professor Snape that if he didn't his time turner would be confiscated, Harry decided to go.

Though, considering he only had one true female friend, who he knew that without a date would be unable to go, and he truly didn't want to go without her, he decided to ask Luna.

"Hey Luna," he asked as they sat at the ROR, Luna in her books, and Harry had GAI read him about his medical studies as he finished another one of his runes.

"Yes Harry?" She said without raising her head from the book.

"Would you go with me to the Yule Ball?"


It finally happened, he asked her to go with him to the Ball.

She hoped it would happen, hoped he would ask her, knew her chances were better then most as Daphne was already asked and he doesn't have many friends.

But still, she knew there was a chance he wouldn't, he could have asked one of the foreigners, the French champion didn't have a date yet and she was one of the friends Harry made this year.

With other people it was easy to know how to talk to, with their emotional creatures (how she and Harry started to call the beings she saw in peoples mind) and their auras it was easy to know how most people would react to anything.

But not with Harry.

Harry, for some reason, had no creatures close to him, a reason she felt Harry knew but had no plans to tell her, something that while annoyed her sometimes, she learned to live with, yet with it, and his aura being defended by Occlumency, only showing her colors related to it, made it impossible to know how he felt.

So, when he asked her she wasn't ready to that type of question at all making her brain freeze.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked if you would go with me to the Yule Ball."

"Em.... yes, yes I would." She said smiling

"That's great," he smiled the same smile he had after their concert at the quidditch World Cup, a smile that was more genuine then any another smile she saw him ever having.

Harry's smiled usually have a secret purpose behind them, like a shrewd businessman closing a deal, even if both sides win, there is always an agenda to his smiles.

It is only those smiles, the ones he has when they play music or when he explain magic to her or now, that feel like a sunrise, like the night is over and the day is about to begin.

It is a smile she hope to one day see every time he looks at her, it is a smile full of life.


While Harry focused most of his time that month about learning the ritual how to make an object horcrux, he didn't forget his other projects.

He finished most of his sixth year's medical studies, having only a book left for him to be done.

His runes reached the number of 62, making him only need 12 more to create his new magical container, one that is connected to smaller containers with a floo network to make it possible to pass the magic people use in duels to it.

While apparition works like the switching charm, switching between you and the air it the place, therefore creating a void for second which is the cause of the sound, and portkey works by making the world believe for a second that the two places are the same space, making it the hardest magical transportation method to create, with the vanishing cabinets working the same way those two are the second most dangerous methods to travel.

Floo network is surprisingly, is the most dangerous method of them all as it is the only method that works surprisingly like phones.

In phones the sound waves is being converted into electrical current that moves to the other phone and then strikes the diaphragm in a way that converts it to sound waves.

In floo network, it works by the same way only changes your entire body into magical energy, which is probably why neither Voldemort or Dumbledore use it, like ever.

It is also why it is the best thing to use on his magical containers.

As for his research about metamorphmagus and other shapeshifting methods, it is a slow going, as he needs to slowly create ritual that combines both it and the animagus ritual, and to do that he would need a lot of Guiana pigs, which he will only have in about a year.

The last thing that he works on, the Fidelius charm, actually progressed more then expected, Harry managed to confirm that the more people that know a secret, the more belief and magic it takes to cast the charm, and that casting it on any part of the werewolf curse would be impossible, in the other hand, he might be able to twist this charm into a rune scam and create a room in which the world's beliefs don't affect the beings that inside.

As for Christmas presents, Harry made each of his friends a leg bracelet that not only had unbreakable charm in it, but also a charm whose ability is to lower air resistance, making them faster and an unnoticeable, dormant tracking charm which can only activate by GAI if he needs to find them.

As for other people who he needed to give gifts to, he gave Remus similar leg bracelet, also unbreakable, only instead of air resisting charm, he has put the intent of trust on it to strengthen his loyalty while simultaneously putting a cheering charm to make him addicted to the object and so every time he has bad moment he will pour magic into the bracelet, he also made a hair clip for Daphne from coals and pressed it to become diamonds, not putting anything extra in it, at least not for now.

But non of that mattered right now, as he looked up and saw Luna coming down the stairs in her dress, saw her smiling as she waved toward him, and it was just so her, yet at the same time, it was like seeing someone totally different.

It wasn't Luna, the eleven years old girl he became friends with on the train.

It was Luna, the amazing young women he knows now, who isn't only beautiful, but can actually hold conversation with him without any of them being bored.

"Shall we, Mademoiselle?" He said with a smile.

"Oh, monsieur, we shall." She answered in a smile that looked like the sunrise, full of life, as they walked in.

As they walked in Harry looked around to see what they did with the place, as the room filled with applause.

The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

Walking toward the middle of the field, Harry remembered to take a glance on who were the other champion's partners, and unsurprisingly, they stayed the same, maybe he should have warned Victor about Granger, but he didn't, if only because one thing, the song he wrote for this occasion, but that will come after the slow dances at the start.

While dencing slowly with Luna was enjoyable, he could see both of them were waiting for the faster, more energetic songs, so when the first song was over, both for them left for the table, to eat and talk while other people dance.

No matter what, he was sure this will be a memorable night.

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