Harry Potter But AU???

Chapter 24 - 24- Nikola Tesla and practicing control

Harry's pov

the room Harry entered into was filled with Tesla coils. Harry was surprised by that and didn't know what he is supposed to do with them to practice control. After looking around for sometime, he found a desk with a book on it, the book was called "master's control, the way to master your magic and transfiguration." By Nikola Tesla. The books had nots belonging to a professor.

Tesla apparently was a wizard from America that by using magic and science together managed to create a lot of inventions, then he made sure to make his inventions with only science and sold them to the muggle population.

The Tesla coils where an invention of his that was supposed to help children control their magic better but even though he was a brilliant scientist, he was an average wizard, that's why almost no one believed him, except the professor for transfiguration here at Hogwarts in the year 1888 and bought a lot of the coils, but just as he was about to start using it, something happened and it never happened, Tesla was never respected for his inventions and he moved to live as a muggle forever. Interested to know what happened to the professor Harry left the room, asked while walking three times to know what happened and got into a new room with only a desk and a book of Hogwarts a history, apparently the professor was caught with a student and was fired.

Harry then came back to the Tesla coils room and finished reading the book that explained how to use the coils to learn control.

You use your magic to send pulses of energy to the coils and the coils release the energy in different types of currents and by controlling the type of current you learn to control your magic better.

Harry decided it was time to try and started using the device.

Five hours later

It only took five hours and Harry was already magically exhausted, yet he could already feel the difference in control, he couldn't wait for next class to see his improvements but knew that even if for now did knowledge is enough. he still has much to learn about the atomic and molecular structure of most things to become great in transfiguration, and to do that he needs to focus on chemistry in his muggle books.

So with the room to better his control and amount of magic, and chemistry books for the knowledge, he was sure he would be great.

After that he got out of the ROR went to dinner and then took his telescope to the astronomy tower.

Third class- astronomy

This class was an educational class for most students, but for Harry? He wanted to puke!

He had two reasons for that:

1) 60% of the information was about the mystical elements of the stars (non related to divination), and while interesting had no affect on magic.

2) 25% of the information was wrong,

the professor was talking how the earth was the center of the universe, and that every star, moon and sun was moving around it. And as we all know, as Galileo already said, it's the earth that spins around the sun.

Worse is that no muggleborn was trying to say anything, he thought that a muggle born in Ravenclaw would, but it looks like he has the 'I have magic flu', and by the time he would get out of it he would be too deep to realize that the information is wrong, he would have to help Hermione notice this before it was too late

The only plus side was that while everyone else used old telescopes, he used the telescope his parents gave him, one of the last things they gave him

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