Harry Potter But AU???

Chapter 81 - 81- changes and body strangthening

Harry's POV

After Harry left Greengrass's house he went back to his apartment, where he started preparing for the next year.

After all, not only there was just one month left until the next school year, two days ago Sirius black escaped Azkaban! Which meant, if the plot of canon was right, Lupin would be the DADA Professor.

Now, Harry had enough problems with canon Lupin, a man who never checked on the son of two of his best friends. A man who would rather believe the news that told him another one of his best friends betrayed them all than to check it himself. A man who abandons his pregnant wife just cause he is scared his son would be like him.

Yes, Harry didn't like canon Lupin, but the biggest problem is that this world isn't like the books, it might share similarities, it might have the same 'plot lines' or destiny, but the people he met, or more precisely, interacted with are not the same, the only thing he hasn't managed to figure out is whether or not it is because he changed them or not.

Think about it, if everything Dumbledore said to canon Harry in the books are true then it was destiny that a boy would survive Voldemort's attack, but as there were twins, it couldn't work with the sacrifices of Lily, which is why destiny chose instead to protect ether me or Marcus in another way.

Hermione shouldn't have had friend until Halloween, by having them she grew too much confident and believe she can do no wrong.

Neville shouldn't have true friends nor any confidence, but he should have a sense of right and wrong.

By making him and Hermione best friends, Neville got happiness but lost his sense of justice.

Now, it sounds like everything he changed turned worse, but it isn't true.

Luna isn't bullied and have friends, Malfoy doesn't control Slytherin and the twins pranks advanced so much that their prank candies are already made- 1.5 years in advance!

The point is that this isn't canon, which, when Harry understood it by the end of the last school year, brought some basic knowledge he had into question.

Is Sirius truly an agent of the dark?

Who is the biggest threat? Voldemort or Dumbledore?

Are the Horcruxes in the same place they used to be?

It didn't take him long to understand that the first question would be answered next year, and that until it does, he won't go near the dog animagus.

The second question can't be answered nor does it important, after all, as long as Harry let the plot work itself Dumbledore's death is a sure thing, so he just need to make sure the next few years continues as close as possible to the plot and only change unimportant things while he prepare himself to finish Voldemort off and get revenge for the death of his parents. This was one of the reasons he put the Fidelius Charm on his magical power, as without enough magical power no one would take him seriously.

As for the last question, the diary is destroyed, the tiara is in the room of lost things and the one other thing he can Check on is the ring- something that is supposed to be able to kill Dumbledore, there is no way he goes any closer to it!

As Harry can't do anything about all of the above questions right now, Harry could only put them in the back of his mind and focus on what he can change.

For the last month, while traveling the world, Harry has eaten only basilisk meat, fruits and vegetables, and while the affects on his magical power's growth were minimal, the physical affects can be seen.

Not only is he 182 sm. tall, his figure is even better and his muscles are filled explosive power.

He knew that he was closer then ever to the next level in his body, in fact he would have been already there he if he only managed to figure out one thing:

what is the next level?

After getting the goblins to create an extremely expensive lesson about the body, where he only studied books they had about the levels of the body.

After compiling all the knowledge they gave him and what he understood before, Harry finally had understanding about the three first levels of body strengthening.

The first level is a level of regular people, you can get to the pick of it by ether working hard or by infusing magic into your body.

While being in the pick of the first level doesn't grand you more strength then what regular people can accomplish, it gives you healthy life and foundations to grow with.

The second level is maximizing the foundations, by infusing a lot more magic into your body while working hard, your body reach to an extreme.

It is possible to reach the middle or even the latter of this level without magic but it is much harder.

Most wizards are stuck on the first level while only elites are in the second one most wizards are stuck in as while they are putting magic into their bodies they aren't willing to work hard.

The problem with this level is that it is extremely easy to grow unbalanced foundations, where you have strength but not speed or speed but no endurance, it is another problem most wizards strangle with, as they are usually focus on dueling which require spotted but not strength.

The third level is more personal.

It is a level that every person walked in a different way, a level where you leave behind the general strengthening and focus on your specialty.

Which brought the question- what kind of a person is he? The one who strengthen his body to become metal Or Diamond like while losing the ability to gain more speed?

The kind of person whose body specialize in destruction? Or the kind of person who specialize in creation?

Is he like the goblins and would take his body to the extreme? Or like the wizards that use the body only as a vessel?

It was like his body try making him choose a path, just like when you go to a university you are supposed to choose one subject to focus on.

Just like the magical world did when he was supposed to disconnect from the muggle world.

Harry wasn't willing! He knew the body has unlimited potential, and he wanted to be the one who walked on the road to unleash that potential as far as possible.

It was why Harry decided to start study the one thing he knew that might help him in the endeavor - the philosopher's stone

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