Edward’s next target was the DNA sample of the Kryptonians, as he had great use for it. Manufacturing high-tier clones is a very costly endeavor as he needs the Mana to forcefully raise their tier while also considering how to nurture their souls. After mastering Soul Law, he mastered the ability to create artificial souls, making things slightly easier but still costly.

Additionally, these clones have very limited lifespans, which is a problem in itself.

But the Kryptonian Life Code is the key to solving this problem. He can now clone them in mass like any other clone before placing them in a facility with immense solar energy. He can design the place to accelerate these clones’ ability to absorb solar energy to increase their growth.

With this method, he can manufacture Tier 5-6 Clones in batches, creating a mighty army. These clones won’t be even more powerful because he needs to modify their Life Code to remove the Kryptonians’ natural weakness against magic. Of course, he also has to worry about possible revolts and so on.

Once that was finished, he searched for his next target — the Anti-Life Equation. The Anti-Life Equation was a transcendental mathematical formula initially said to allow those who knew it to dominate the will of any sentient race; this is the ultimate goal of Darkseid.

Edward wanted to get his hands on it as he believed he might access the Mind Authority after studying it and the Mind Stone from the MCU.

“It’s not working,” Morgana declared. Whatever form of divination I try, I cannot find the location. We might have to buy the information from the Akashic Record.”

“I tried, but even news on where this thing is too expensive,” replied Edward. “Let’s try a little cause-and-effect trick to see if we can find it.”

He cursed whoever held the Anti-Life Equation; his purpose was to find this person through the karmic link formed between them after cursing the individual. Normally, this tactic would not have worked since curses require a medium or more information to go on, but since he controlled Curse Rule, he had fewer limitations.

“It’s not working,” sighed Edward.

“That’s to be expected; we’re searching a single thread from an infinite multiverse,” replied Morgana. “What now? We can try hunting down variants of Darkseid.”

“No, we have a better way,” said Edward.

“You mean luck?”


“This might work,” nodded Morgana as she summoned a Felix Felicis. Luck, or the control of probability, was a powerful thing. Over the years, the Luck Potion has been thoroughly studied, understood, and updated. Edward does not like to overuse this thing as it has long been revealed that overusing the potion will have severe consequences, primarily a Curse of Misfortune, where someone will have terrible bad luck.

Edward wiped the corner of her mouth.

“So, what’s on your mind?”

“I have this urge to see Diana again.”

“Could her timeline contain the equation?” asked the little elf.

“Very likely.”

“In that case, let’s go. We can get the equation and say our goodbyes.”

The Netheril opened a breach in space-time before navigating to its destination.

“Are these the wonders of interdimensional travel? Regardless, it’s good to see you again.”


“Diana, are you going to introduce us to your friend?” asked Superman.

“Wonder Woman, get away from this man,” yelled Flash.

“Flash, what’s with this reaction?” she asked.

“The moment I laid eyes on him, I received a great warning from the Speed Force; this man is extremely dangerous.” Everyone once again raised their guards, which they’d previously lowered.

Diana frowned before looking at Edward, “What did you do?”

Edward calmly smiled, “Remember the research I told you about?”


“Well, I was studying how to replicate the Speed Force, and it did not like that. Let’s just say I used some extreme means to succeed, and we are not on good terms.”

Diana wanted to shake her head; she had long known he was not law-abiding. Luckily, he usually resorts to peaceful methods instead of force when dealing with things.

“And what kind of extreme measures?” asked Batman.

“Nothing that concerns you,” replied Edward.

“Okay, Edward is my friend, and I vouch for him,” said Diana before looking at him. We’re in an important meeting. If you don’t mind, wait until we finish.”

“Are you guys discussing Darkseid?”

“Darkseid? You know who is trying to invade Earth?” asked Cyborg.

“I saw the Parademons on Earth, and that’s his army,” replied Edward.

“Who is this Darkseid?” asked Hal Jordan—a Green Lantern. Unlike Flash, he felt a connection with this stranger and wondered about its origin.

“Darkseid, ruler of the nightmare world, Apokolips. He’s a New God that has conquered countless worlds, and Earth is his next target.”

“How do you know so much?” Batman asked, but Edward did not pay him any mind. He looked at Diana and said, “I’m interested in Apokolips Technology. I don’t mind helping you out if you want.”

Diana did not immediately accept but looked at the team, “What do you think?”

“We could use all the information possible,” uttered Superman, and soon, the others, with the exception of Flash and Batman, also agreed. So, Edward sat next to Diana as he participated in this Justice League meeting.

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