Ancient One's Quarters:

Wong knocked on the door and only entered after hearing her voice. "Wong, what can I do for you?" Wong hesitated momentarily, "Are you sure he's trustworthy?"

"I thought we had this conversation before."

"All I'm saying is he's from a different dimension and has no incentive to protect ours." The Ancient One once had this reservation as well. However, in the future he saw with Edward, he never left for his own dimension, which made the Ancient One suspect that something had happened to it; this could explain why he crashed in this place.

"What brought this on?" she asked.

"I spent the past few hours looking at those missions, and I'm wondering whether he was not trying to kill us, given how absurdly difficult, nay, impossible, some of them looked."Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

"Have you tried to take on one of these missions?" The Ancient One asked.


"Try the hardest difficulty."

Wong was confused but still followed her example. He focused his mind on his Gate of Truth, and a hologram screen materialized before him. He found an SSS-rank mission: Infiltrate the Hell Dimension to steal or destroy the [Pool of Soul].

[Mission Selected. Detecting Sorcerer's Ability.] Wong was surprised by this cold voice and looked around to detect its origin.

[Detection Ended. Survival Rate: 0%. Sorcerer's Ability does not meet the mission requirement. Please increase your skill before taking a mission of this caliber.]

Wong looked in shock.

The Ancient One suggested, "Try the lower difficulties," and Wong did so. The mechanical voice said the same thing until he chose a C-rank mission.

[Survival Rate: 70%. Sorcerer meets the requirement, but continuing training and increasing the survival rate is recommended. Do you still wish to take this mission? Yes/No.]

"No," said Wong instinctively.

[Wise Choice. Prudence is the key to a long life.]

"As you can see, not anyone can do the missions," said the Ancient One. "The Mission System is designed to ensure your maximum survival rate. Although the percentage is not a hundred percent accurate due to too many possibilities, it is the best we have."

"I see. I did not expect it to be so meticulous."

"One of the reasons I choose him is because of his meticulous mind that is brought upon by his maddening paranoia," said the Ancient One.

"I understand," nodded Wong.

"He's following your instructions and dealing with his mental health."

"Good. Now, let's get us some allies," muttered Edward before opening a portal in Wakanda: not the one seen by the outside world but right before their nation's cloaking field. Edward touched the field and waited a few seconds before saying:

"Black Panther, protector of Wakanda, I'm the Sorcerer Supreme. I believe your intelligence network has alarmed you of our existence."

After a few seconds, T'Chaka, T'Chala's father, walked from the field dressed in his black panther suit with the Dora Milaje behind him.

"The mystics from the Himalayan Mountains?" asked T'Chaka.


"How do you know about our existence?"

"Since you know about us, why can't we know about you?" replied Edward. T'Chaka was not happy with this explanation and did not focus on it. "Why have you contacted us?"

"I've come for an alliance."

"Wakanda does not intervene in the affairs of the outside world," immediately declared T'Chaka.

"And you don't have to. I'm here merely for an exchange of resources."

"As expected, you are here for our vibranium," said the commander of the Dora Milaje, and her words increased the tension of the meeting.

"Wakanda does not exchange vibranium."

Edward was interested in vibranium since it was a great inducer of magic in the comics, but he was unsure about the ones in the MCU. Regardless, vibranium was not his main interest in coming here. He waved his hand to conjure a box.

"This is my gift for the Kingdom of Wakanda. After analyzing it, you will realize the value of trading vibranium with me," declared Edward. "And once our alliance is stronger, we can exchange more things, such as the location of Ulysses Klaue."

"You know where that thief and murderer is?" asked King T'Chaka.

"Who knows?" shrugged Edward. "Anyway, please consider my words." He opened a portal behind him and left. King T'Chaka looked at the remaining box and ordered someone to take it with him.

"Your majesty, we should be more careful."

"You saw the magic he used. Do you think it could ignore our cloaking field?"

The commander paused, "Very likely."

"Then, you understand."

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