Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 620: Project Speedster (I)

A baby opened its eyes and looked around. Its eyes were dull at first before a glint of wisdom materialized. ‘It’s a success?’ Edward thought as he closed his eyes to check his memories. “Excellent.” His main body reincarnated a new soul, but this one was different as it contained his main memory, personality, and a significant part of his knowledge bank.Discover new chapters at wuxiahere.com

Edward looked at his baby hands, “I seem to be human. However, this doesn’t appear to be Earth.” His eyes could see the writing in whatever nursery it was in, and he did not recognize the language.

‘It’s good I’m not on Earth since it might cause trouble to act under the Sorcerer Supreme’s eyes,’ he thought before acting. He closed his eyes to detect his genetic information.

‘Damn, that was harder than it needed to be,’ he thought as he felt tired. ‘This soul is too weak, and its talent is mediocre. I need to do something about that.’ Even though he had his main body’s memories, he did not inherit its talent, and the soul used for reincarnation had to be mediocre to prevent detection — especially since this one came with a vast quantity of memories.

Edward focused on gathering any energy in his surroundings to rapidly accelerate the development of his genes and body. Although this body was primarily human at its core, it had many differences from the humans on Earth, so he needed to study them beforehand to ensure no problems.

Then, in the span of a minute, this newborn baby turned into a grown man. Afterward, Edward used the vast knowledge of his mind to grow his soul to the limit of his body to prevent any imbalance.

‘The limit of Tier 1? Enough for now,’ he thought, sensing the power he could use with his current soul without backlash. He glanced at the three nurses in charge of this nursery who were looking at him, too shocked to speak. With a glance, he entered their minds to get a basic knowledge of this place before erasing all memories of what they just experienced.

Edward then looked at the camera in the nursing room. He wanted to teleport to his destination, but he was unable to. He had no mana, and sensing any kind of spatial energy would take a while. Lastly, he could not use Karmar Taj’s method without a sling ring. He had no choice but to use a different tactic.

“Found it,” He found a planet under the Nova Empire’s rule about 26,000 light years away, and it appeared that place was a laboratory for the Empire. He opened a portal to the laboratory and immediately took over the minds of every individual working there.

With state-of-the-art technology and control over some of the best scientists and engineers of the Nova Empire, he created his Quantum Computer in three days. He then erased all traces of his appearance before teleporting to Planet Morag, where he procured one of the infinity stones — the Power Orb.

The orb’s purpose was still a way for him to recreate Morgana so that Project Speedster could be accomplished as soon as possible. So, after getting his hands on it, he built a powerful Tier 10 soul with no emotions by converting the energy in the stone into soul energy. He combined the soul with the miniaturized Quantum Computer to further boost its processing power before finally fusing it with his own soul.

“Welcome, master,” said a soothing voice. “Do you want to give me a name?”

“Nara,” Edward said randomly. He chose an approach similar to Jarvis for this mission to save time, so Nara did not have a shape or personality like Morgana.

“What a wonderful name,” Nara praised. “What is your first order?”

“Let’s start by building your database.” He immediately installed all the knowledge he brought with him, including the ones he took from the Nova Empire.

“Done,” said Nara after a few minutes. It took way longer than Morgana, even the old one, but that was to be expected.

“In that case, let’s run some basic tests before proceeding to the next stage of the plan.”

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