Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1016 Divine Comedy Playing World

She was lying in a mist, the ground was flat and lukewarm, as if it had been artificially constructed.

She sat up, checked her body, there was no injury, then she stood up, looked around, and there was an umbrella-shaped flower blooming above her head, which was cultivated in Greenhouse No. 3 at Hogwarts , out of her personal hobby, she raised this tropical plant together with mandrake seedlings.

There is no soil on the roof, and its roots grow in the air like tropical orchids, absorbing water by absorbing water mist in the air, so the greenhouse needs to be kept moist all year round.

Juvenile Mandrakes are harmless, like juvenile Fenrir, Whelk, and Voldemort.

But as they grew bigger and bigger, they gradually turned into monsters, and it became extremely difficult to eliminate, and many people paid the price for it.

Their sacrifice must not be in vain.

So the great lover Mr. Snape chose to die with her, but he screwed up in the end and forgot to stab her with the basilisk's fangs.

How long do I have to wait? She said tiredly, but it was strange that the ghost would feel tired all of a sudden.

Who are you waiting for?

Pomona followed the voice and saw that the speaker was Albus Dumbledore.

He still wore the horrible star robe, the long silver hair and beard, the crooked nose, the blue eyes hidden behind the half-round glasses, everything was the same.

Students who let you down, she said.

There are a lot of people who have disappointed me, which one are you talking about?

She didn't dare to say his name, as if he was as terrifying as the mysterious man.

You are afraid of him and you are waiting for him. Sometimes I really don't know what the witches are thinking?

And why are you here? Are you waiting for someone, Albus? Pomona asked.

Where are we now?

Greenhouse Three at Hogwarts.

The old fool raised his eyebrows, I am amazed by other people's heads every time.

This is my world, although I'm not an alchemist.

It seems that I seldom visit your greenhouse.

That's because you usually stay in the principal's office.

Is that why you chose to meet there?

Oh, don't mention it. She covered her face and said with shame.

Hogwarts has seven greenhouses, why choose this one?

Greenhouse No. 7 is too dangerous. She said anxiously.

Dumbledore smiled at her.

Because you have special memories of this greenhouse, right? The two of you had a great time working together.

You're happy too. She said blankly.

If you want the young eagle to learn to fly, you must let go, but after all, we are running a school founded by humans, not cruel nature, and necessary protection measures are still needed.

Pomona looked at him and shook her head.

Being able to talk about playing tricks so grandly, no wonder others say he has a dexterous tongue.

If someone is with you, the time won't feel so long, said Dumbledore.

It's better. She said with some disappointment, it would be better if it was Severus who was chatting with her at the moment.

I thought you and Severus, like Minerva and Felius, were just friends.

It's possible if Severus is as short as Felius. She looked around again. Where's Voldemort?

He left, said Albus.

What? No...

Losing his body will make him very weak, and he needs to rest for a period of time. He rested for eleven years last time. After all, something happened suddenly. In order to repeat the same mistakes, he made preparations when he returned to human form. This time he rested for six years.

So, endless?

I don't think so. Dumbledore said happily, You taught him something, something that even I didn't think of, and when he understands, he won't be the Dark Lord, let alone destroy it.

I don't think I'm that great.

Love or kindness, which do you think is more powerful?


Tom grew up in an environment that lacked kindness, but the Muggle orphanage was not all that bad. The dean did her best to take care of the orphans, and she was not called around by her relatives like Harry. Tom can't feel it. Kindness is amazingly powerful enough to change us. There is no doubt that we will live better in a world full of kindness. However, whether it is human nature to be good or evil is wrong and dangerous. , I have made mistakes before, I have said that indifference and neglect can often cause more damage than outright disgust, I don't really care much about people in this school, as you said, I am in the office I stayed here for too long, and cared too much about things that a principal shouldn't care about, so that I didn't notice what kind of changes happened to the people around me.

Don't say that, Albus.

Understanding is the first step in acceptance. Only after acceptance can one truly recover. The Dark Lord is recovering. He no longer cares about others being afraid or praising him.

That's what he wants? To be touted?

Tom, like most people, has no resistance to sweet talk, even if he is a wizard with superpowers.

Pomona felt struck by lightning.

The world is huge, but the defenses we can do are extremely limited. Although an undefended heart can send out a lot of goodwill, it is also easy to be exploited. Cinderella let go of her guard against Tom and he was pulled The crown of Winclaw, which is why Defense Against the Dark Arts is so important, not only because it teaches defense against the dark arts, but also because this class teaches children how to protect themselves and how to see the world. Lily died too Young, and her way of looking at things is too absolute...

You're different from her. You also took in werewolves and Death Eaters.

But I resent Severus, and he feels it too. Young people can't understand the thoughts and feelings of elders, but if old people forget what it was like when they were young, they are also at fault... I once forgot that I too I was younger. Albus said sadly, I said this to Harry, people say that time heals everything, but I think it made me forget and ignore a lot of things.

One hundred and fifty years is a lot of time, Albus.

Is that so? He smiled back and asked, Have you heard the story of Huangliang Yimeng?

Of course I know.

The scholar, he spent his whole life in a dream, and when he woke up, he found that the cook's pastry was not ready. There is an Indian mythology. A man asked the cow god Krishna to let him see the illusion. He fell in love with a A woman, marry her, have children, work, and become rich. Later, he experienced bankruptcy and disasters. Just when he was about to be killed by the flood, the cow god appeared, and God told him that everything you experienced was just a moment, time The flow is a magical illusion, all of us lack a clear concept of eternity, and astronomers and physicists seem to think that time is measurable.

Isn't it?

When you look at the clock, do you see the passage of time, or the mechanical movement? What is the difference between a fast and slow rhythm in a song? It's a psychological effect, dear, when you're sitting on a train On the Internet, watching the scenery fly by outside the window, you may feel that time is passing quickly, but the scenery you see may be as false as the weather shown in the windows of the Ministry of Magic office. When the time converter starts to rotate, The scenery around me will be quickly reversed, and I can hear the sound of ticking clocks in my ears, which is different from the slow sound rhythm of the pendulum of the bell tower.

What do you mean?

The dance isn't over yet, you should go back. Albus waved her goodbye. The clock hasn't struck twelve yet.

She was completely bewildered now, as the fog began to thicken and Albus' figure thinned out.

Not long after, she opened her eyes again, and a strong smell of rust filled her nostrils.

She didn't feel any pain. Falling from a high altitude would definitely hurt her whole body, but she didn't, and then her face kissed the ground passionately in the next second, and her face hit the cold and hard ground, which hurt her so much Aw had to cry out.

There was the sound of another heavy object falling to the ground beside her, and she looked in that direction, it was Severus, he looked alive and kicking, his too pale face glowed white at the bottom of the dimly lit sinkhole, It looks more like a ghost.

You guys said, you want to help me rescue Master Regulus.

There was a muffled, bullfrog-like sound behind a mossy stone, and Pomona saw a pair of bony fingers appear on the edge of the stone.

You don't keep your word.

Klitsch? Pomona asked.

You did it just now? Severus asked.

Pomona looked up at the sky. The sinkhole is not a super shaft, but an irregular triangle. The place where the sun shines is covered with green plants, and only a small passage can be seen on the exposed limestone surface.

The so-called rust smell is not caused by real rust, but the smell emanating from the soil here. It seems to be soaked in blood, and the smell of blood will be all over your hands when you save it.

In the Middle Ages, theodicy was the core of Christian philosophy, and its main task was to clearly distinguish God from evil.

If God is supremely good, omnipotent, omniscient, and created man, then where does man's evil come from?

At the end of the day, dealing with God and the devil is dealing with good and evil, and the word sin is derived from evil and is the result of evil.

Why can God rule the world?

This is not only because it has signed a contract with people, but also because it represents eternal justice.

In front of it, whether it is a slave or an aristocrat, it will not show any favoritism, and it will not be unfair due to the different identities of the judges in the Human Law.

In front of it, people are as naked as those depicted in Michelangelo's paintings, as if we were born.

We are all creatures.

She laughed out of nowhere, and Severus and Klitsch looked at her together.

It's a funny story, don't you think? she said, laughing.

Nobody paid any attention to her.

Pomona bet they thought she was crazy.

But she couldn't help being ecstatic.

Because it feels so good to be alive.

I love the Ravenclaw chorus~

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