Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 104 The Soundless Bird

Animagus is related to a person's character. Sirius' character is loyal, while Pete Pediru is timid. He wants to make himself ignored so that he doesn't have to be hurt. He can't help much at that time, Professor McGonagall's Animagus is a cat, and it's useless, and Sirius and James are mainly responsible for preventing him from attacking and humanoid ones on moonlit nights. Pomona.

Werewolves mainly attack people. When they lose their minds, as long as they walk on two legs, they attack like goblins. She was in charge of attracting attention, James was in charge of holding Remus with antlers, and Sirius stood in front of her, because neither of them knew whether a half-breed veela would turn into a werewolf after being bitten.

Although the Auror said that the wizard in the Animagus state will not turn into a werewolf if he is bitten, James is still very scared. The only animal he can think of that has a "fork" and is very strong is the stag. He was arrogant and mean to Severus, but he was still brave, and what really made Pomona hate him was his attitude towards women, as if he thought he was a Quidditch player and girls were supposed to follow him .

Herbivores are always docile than carnivores, but Sirius' fangs don't turn on friends, except for Pete James, Sirius and Remus are all fond of joking, as if they're laughing away at the horrible memories of those horrible nights.

As long as no "footprints" are left, the Marauder's Map will not record the location of people. The reason why Harry can't see Sirius on the Marauder's Map is because his four paws never touch the ground. Going to bed, the shoes will not be displayed on the ground and the feet will not be displayed on the bed. This is how Sirius' nickname Padfoot comes from.

I solemnly swear an oath to no good, many stupid oaths, but Hogwarts accepted the oath, maybe Hogwarts itself is a kid who likes to joke.

James was very dissatisfied with calling her senior all the time, so Sirius also nicknamed her Knox, because she always accompanied them on their adventures around Hogwarts at night, but Pomona was puzzled What's more, how did Severus know this nickname?

He has always been very obedient and obedient, and he doesn't make troubles like predators. After gaining a foothold in Slytherin, he began to become a "bookworm" again. Prince's family has more books than Ravenclaw, and he likes the habit of reading It seemed to pass to him along the bloodline.

She's lazy, because she not only has herbalism class but also has a college student, and after having the idea of ​​fuchsia against Lupin, she tricked Severus out by teaching him how to create spells, and asked him to help her As for the original Cutting Curse after it was modified, Snape gave it to her as a gift.

She was actually like Slughorn, manipulating the students who wanted her favor, and what was worse was that she taught the spells written by Severus to his enemies, good things to share.

Fortunately, she still remembered that Kamikaze Wuying already had the effect of black magic, and it was not spread throughout the school like the Fuchsia Bell. Anything abused, even if the purpose was good at the beginning, would turn bad. Severus was forced by himself It's just that he didn't die in the experiment like other Luna's mothers, but was ashamed in front of the whole school.

"I hope they all die!" The boy in the voice-changing period cried heartbreakingly. He was still wandering in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night and he was not afraid of encountering any dangerous magical creatures.

Fifteen-year-old boys are pretty stupid, and most of them will forget the previous grievances when they become adults, but she just taught him patience is for revenge, and life will not be easy to become his enemy, Harry is the most unlucky One of them, who called him the son of that culprit of James Potter.

She didn't go through it at that time, and let him vent to his heart's content in the deserted forest. She hoped that he would become strong after going through this incident.

But it was obvious that she was wrong. She allowed the seeds of hatred to take root and germinate. This time, she wanted to correct her mistakes and prevent the tragedy from happening again.

"You called me, godmother?" Draco Malfoy pushed open the door the same way he used to enter his godfather's office at school.

When you are doing something shameful and shady in the dark, it feels so embarrassing for someone to come in suddenly, and Pomona feels like her soul is going out of her body.

"Don't call me godmother!" Pomona suppressed her anger, how could the spell of the old bat on the door knocker allow Draco to come in and out at will!

"Then what should I call you?"

"Kristine, or Knox!"

"Knox? That's your nickname?"

"That's right."

Xiaolong thought about it, and felt satisfied, "Okay, I'll call you Knox from now on, shall we continue practicing today?"

"Before that, let me show you something." Pomona took out her interspatial pocket, a very ordinary black velvet silver-edged lady's handbag, and took out a golden egg and a fish tank from it, "Know this What is it?"

"The golden egg that Harry Potter took out from the dragon's nest during the Triwizard Tournament!" The little dragon's eyes lit up immediately, "Do you want to give it to me?"

"I just lent it to you, and you will return it to me after you learn Parseltongue." Pomona put the golden egg on the table between the two of them, put it in the fish tank, and used it A spring of clear water "Open it."

Draco shook his head hastily, "I heard there was a piercing scream coming from inside."

"That's the mermaid's singing that can only be heard in the water. There are tape recorders in the Muggle world, and we use a kind of animal mucus to record magical voices. The egg recorded is the snake when Harry talked in his sleep. Lao Qiang."

Draco hesitated, but finally pressed the button on the golden egg. As the outer shell slowly opened, a snake-like "rustling" sound came from inside.

"What's the slime in here?" Draco said through the glass, pointing at the bubbles.

"The saliva of the soundless bird, it does not sing once in its whole life, until the moment of death it will make the best sounds it has heard in its life, starting from the best sound, its feathers can be used In Veritaserum and Memories."

"You did this?"

"No, your godfather did it." Pomona said angrily.

"The bird thinks Parseltongue sounds good?" Draco asked rhetorically.

"How do I know, there are always stupid birds who think its voice is nice."

"Then can I raise Jueyin Bird?"

"No, as I said, your prize is the Rune snake. You must not be greedy, Draco."

"Okay." Draco looked at the Parseltongue-speaking golden egg with a satisfied smile. "When will I get it?"

"Which one? The snake or the egg?"


Pomona took out her wand "Remember how we practiced in the last class?"

"Of course, come on." Draco stared into her eyes, and Pomona cast the Legilimency spell on him.

After a while of white mist, Draco pushed away the old bat's eerie office full of all kinds of bottles and jars as if he had returned to his own home. He still had a bitten apple in his hand .

What seemed like hell to Neville Longbottom felt very comfortable to him.

"Where is the soft-clawed land shrimp that mother said?" He murmured alone, looking for it in glass jars containing various animal carcasses.

As we all know, eating that kind of creature that looks like a common lobster will bring bad luck. Even if you are bitten by it, you can’t do business related to gambling and speculation that requires good luck, because it can bring bad luck, and eating it will also bring you bad luck. An unsightly green rash can develop.

"Let's show you off, Potter, and we'll see how proud you are of eating it."

"What are you doing here?" Snape's closet was next to the office, and Draco heard his voice coming from the open door.

Draco peeked in through the crack of the door. His godfather was standing very politely, with his hands behind his back, his pale face expressionless, and a woman in a black hooded cloak was standing opposite him, She lifted her hood, revealing her winged gray hair.

"I miss you, do you miss me, Severus?"

"You should go back," said Snape, "while it's still possible."

"But I don't want to go." The woman reached out and stroked his cheek. "I feel so lonely, maybe you can accompany me."

"How do you want me to accompany you?"

The woman took another step closer, her height barely reaching Snape's shoulders.

"Any way you want." She muttered softly, her voice sounded like she was crying, and the vampire-like man in black lowered his head as if he couldn't stand the temptation...

As the spell dissipated, Draco and Pomona returned to the warm and cozy tea room compartment, and he looked at the gray-haired beauty in horror, as if afraid of her next moment of anger.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, do you know what your problem was just now?"

"I don't know." Seeing that she was not angry, Draco said cautiously.

"Next time, remember to knock on the door before entering." Pomona said blankly, "Occlumency is to clear the distracting thoughts in the mind and form a solid wall. The open door is the gap for other people's magical invasion. You just have to close the door so people don’t see the message they want.”

"Yes, godmother."

"Let's do it again." Pomona stood up, raised her wand, and cast Legilimency on Draco again.

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