Chapter 106 Distortion

Pomona couldn't figure it out, since she was older, why is it Severus who is stronger now? Is it because she put too much energy on food magic?

"Calm down, Pomona, you can do it." She found an empty place in St. Mungo's convalescent area, rubbed her hands together nervously, thought for a while and took out a mirror from her space bag to look at it. In the photo, she looks stunning, with her gray hair let down, a lily in her ear, light makeup and skin that glows like the Bulgaria team mascot.

She didn't understand why she was nervous, it was just a meal with Severus, was it necessary?

After waking up, she put the mirror back into the interspatial bag, and touched her stomach.

"You're sick, Pomona."

She recalled the Slytherin freshman who often came to the greenhouse to have picnics with her when she was in school. Her exclusive and secret food was delicious. Lily also met during the picnic. The three of them cleaned up the greenhouse together. , the pot of Humeizi Eliminator was sprayed smoothly, everything is normal, the cunning senior is still happy that there are two people working for her for free.

Bargaining is impossible, and the two sweethearts never thought that they still have a share, otherwise how would the school that divides into threes, threes, and fours make money.

Professor Slughorn appreciates Prince, who is half-blooded, but as a freshman, he has not established himself in Slytherin. , then it would be a waste to waste energy on Severus Snape. I heard from the mermaid at the bottom of the lake that he didn't dare to sleep too deeply, for fear that some pure-blood child would suddenly rush into his bedroom and teach him a lesson. .

What a poor little thing, what are you afraid of him doing?

Pomona took a deep breath, took out her wand and cast the spell "Amoreleprechaun" on the ring.

As the fresh white smoke drifted away, the front suddenly began to twist, and a tall man in a black robe appeared in front of her out of thin air.

She once visited Lily's house during the summer vacation, and the Muggle girl took her to the movies, where the hero and heroine of the play had a tryst in this kind of garden.

"You called me?" Severus asked.

"I think you're going to forget dinner, am I interrupting your work?"

A dimple curled up at the corner of his mouth, he strode over while pulling his robe, holding her hand, "What's for dinner tonight?"

"Red wine beef, your favorite." She jumped up excitedly, "Do you remember that we had a picnic by the Black Lake when we made Screaming Golden Eggs? How about eating outside today?"

"where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you go, I will go with you." She took his arm, "Principal."

The smile on Snape's face froze, "You think I'm Dumbledore?"

"It's me who believes in you like Dumbledore. You are a man as powerful as him, and you can take me and apparate anywhere like he took Harry."

Snape looked at her with a new look, and after a moment he smirked. "Did you bring your dress, dear?"

"I'm here to be hospitalized, how can there be such a thing." She said foolishly, curling her long gray hair.

"Forget it, that's it." Snape looked her up and down. "You're doing very well."

"Are we going to a banquet? I promised Draco to take you to meet him after dinner."

The arrogance that had just been raised by the Demon King dissipated immediately.

"Damn it," Snape cursed through gritted teeth.

"I don't want to socialize, I want a picnic!" Her intelligence began to act like a spoiled child.

"Bring your things and let's go."

Pomona immediately ran to the confidential ward, picked up the picnic basket at the door, and flew back to the former principal like a skylark.

"Grab my arm, Pomona."

She did as she was told, and the next moment she felt Severus' arm was about to break free from her grasp, she quickly grabbed it even tighter, and she felt a strong squeeze from all directions, and she couldn't breathe at all. Suddenly, the eardrums seemed to be pressed into her head, and when she could breathe the cold night air normally, they were already at the edge of an oak forest, with a small lake in front of them, and an abandoned wooden house not far away.

The scenery here is not romantic at all, but very private. There is no one else but the two of them. They sat down on a fallen stone tablet, put their dinner on it, and ate quietly listening to the sound of the lake lapping on the shore. .

"I heard Lucius say you're teaching Draco Occlumency?"

"That's right, he caught us having a tryst." She inexplicably felt a sense of embarrassment that her parents were making out in the room and being discovered by her son, but Draco didn't publicize it everywhere, this is a very good habit.

"Which time?"

"I went to the Slytherin cellar to seduce you." She pouted, feeling terribly ashamed. "I set a bad example for the children."

Hufflepuff's code of conduct fifty-eight, set an example to influence others.

The damage done by a bad example is enormous, just look at Tom Riddle, who is on the verge of being like a ***.

"But I feel very happy." Snape asked eagerly, grabbing her arm. "Will you do it for me again?"

"Yeah." She nodded vigorously.

Severus hugged her tightly, and she could feel his beating heart through the clothes, that's what it felt like to be alive.

"Can you give me some euphoria? I don't think the chocolate is enough."

"You want Draco to drink?"

"I told him about his parents' divorce. He has suffered a lot."

"What about me, how do you comfort me?"

"How about I sing to you?"

"Except for that song, you can do anything else." Severus gritted his teeth and said, "I think that song is magical."

"Written by a Muggle called Elvis Presley, who probably didn't realize he was a wizard."

"Are you all right, Severus?" Pomona asked concerned when he didn't reply for a long time.

"I'm fine," Severus whispered. "Thank you, Dumbledore."

"What are you thanking that old fool for?"

"He loves you like his own daughter, and doesn't let you get any dirty things. Do you know how painful he was when you cursed him to die?"

"Is it because of me that he wanted to resurrect Arianna?"

"You are her substitute. She was fourteen when she died, about the same age as you."

Surprisingly, she didn't feel sorry for herself.

"Albus Severus Potter, Harry loves you too, Severus."

"Why?" The person who was so tender just now suddenly turned into a frightening old bat, and his tone was like asking why God punished him like this.

"He has a kind heart. Dumbledore taught him very well. He is different from his father."

"How much do you know about Arianna?"

"She lost control of her magic and was admitted to St. Mungo's. She was timid and cute when she was normal, and she was desperate when she was crazy. Later, Dumbledore and Albus took her home to prevent her from staying in the hospital for the rest of her life. , At this time Dumbledore met Grindelwald, Grindelwald felt that Arianna would drag down their dreams, and wanted to kill her, the three of them injured Arianna in the melee, and finally she lost control of her magic power and died."

"Her epitaph says, Where the treasure is, so is the heart, Aberforth has her portrait as his comfort, and you are Albus's comfort, so he hates me as a thief, stealing Take his treasure."

"Hahaha, you are so funny." She imitated his tone and said.

"When I was teaching Harry it never occurred to me to give him a euphoria, maybe I was too hard on him."

"He's not like you, Severus, he's just a normal guy who just happens to be the savior."

"what about me?"

"You are the champion!" And she was his coach.

"I don't need it." Severus said indifferently, "You told you when I was standing in the headmaster's office that I don't want his inheritance, I want his treasures, don't you understand? "

"I've given you everything, what do you want?" Pomona looked at those terrible eyes, they were not empty, but covered with bloodshot eyes. "

"You messed with me first, you forgot, senpai? I was your little spy, and you turned me into a Gryffindor who infiltrated Slytherin, a brave and tragic hero, Sirius Black and I It's just as pathetic." Snape laughed suddenly, "I'm so thankful Bella killed him, it was probably the best thing she ever did."

Pomona was stiff all over, and she finally understood why Sissy was afraid of him.

He really doesn't have any humanity left, like a top that's been screwed too tightly, it's almost broken.

"Sirius should have died, Severus, by the lake in the Forbidden Forest, his soul was sucked by the dementors, and it was Hermione who turned the time-turner that gave him two extra years of life."

Just like the lake in front of her, Pomona looked over his shoulder at the pitch-black lake, and in a trance, she seemed to see a white light flashing in the forest on the other side of the lake, like a deer.

"Show me your Patronus, Severus, please."

"I told you that the patron saint can be changed, you just need to trust me."

"My Patronus is a swan." Although she thought Severus didn't want to know, she told him "a beautiful stupid bird."

"I thought it was Cygnus, what if we had a son called that?"

The names of nobles are all named after constellations, but Harry is a very common name, so Lily must have chosen it.

"Yeah!" She replied simply.

Hufflepuff's 20 rules, pretending to be stupid is a talent, we all know it, just solve the problem, don't ask the bottom line, she decided to be a fool Hufflepuff, even if he still has Lily in his heart, as long as the living women except There is no one else but her.

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