Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1063: A Flashing Golden Memory

Liverpool's Albert Dock is the most famous scenic spot in Liverpool. It is surrounded by the beautiful Liverpool Eye and the Beatles Memorial, which makes people feel peaceful and peaceful all the time.

But in the Victorian era, one-third of the world's black slaves were transported here on ships bound for America.

It takes 20 minutes to walk from the pier to the Titanic monument. The starting point of the maiden voyage of this dream ship is the port of Liverpool.

After the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912, families of passengers gathered at the Platinum Steamship Company headquarters in James Street, Liverpool, to await news of their loved ones.

The Titanic disaster led to the bankruptcy of the White Star Line, and the headquarters building was abandoned. Until the real estate agent Lawrence Kenlet took over, it was transformed into 63 rooms, all of which were furnished in the style of the Titanic.

Pomona enjoys fish and chips as she walks the deserted pier.

Come out, Kritch, there's no one here, said Pomona.

The house little elf appeared with a pop, looking as sullen as she was.

Want some food? She generously handed her fried fish to Klich.

No, thank you, wait. Kerry changed his mind, chose the smallest piece from the fried fish, and chewed it in his mouth.

Pomona let out a long sigh.

The Chinese said that seeing each other every day was like three autumns apart, and she was already thinking about him after only three hours of being separated from Severus.

There are 24 hours in a day, every 8 hours is a year, and 3 hours is half a year.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl only meet once a year. What is the first thing they do when they meet?

Oh, my God. She wailed, covering her face, her ears blushing.

Krich looked at her inexplicably, and then he pulled Pomona's coat hem, Mistress, look.

Pomona put down her hand and looked in the direction he was pointing, only to see a little girl holding a puppy standing by the pier, looking out at the sea covered with dark clouds.

There was a man not far from her. Judging by his clothes, he should be a wizard, or else a cross-dresser who was too obsessed with the Victorian era.

He has the beard of a gentleman of that era, has a pince-nez on his face, wears an evening dress, holds a cane in his hand, and is very interested in picking up feathers that fall on the ground.

As a scenic spot, the pier is cleaned regularly, and it is not easy for him to find feathers.

Although wizards are rare, they are not uncommon, and there are many in Diagon Alley.

They're ghosts, Klicher said, and they don't know they're dead.

How do you know? Pomona asked.

Krich's ears drooped in frustration. After a long time, he said in a bullfrog-like low voice, I have lived with Mistress Blake, who has been turned into a portrait, for more than ten years. There are only two of us in that house.

Then what is the difference between the living and the dead?

They don't feel it, Klicher said. It should be cold in such thin clothes.

So do you feel cold? Pomona asked.

Kerry didn't answer.

I'm not going to give you a dress.

We can't leave the house, Klicher said. We'll freeze to death if we leave the house for too long.

This is actually a very simple problem. If you feel cold, you can just wear clothes. However, there are many reasons why people living on the streets cannot add clothes, such as the little match girl who froze to death on Christmas Eve under the illusion of fire.

Pomona was not sure whether to disturb the two ghosts, they were not like the pearly white ghosts of Hogwarts, they were colored, and the little girl was still wearing a green dress and red ballerinas The shoes look very cute.

What are you waiting for? Pomona said as she passed the little girl.

My dad. The little girl looked back at her. He's sailing to New York.

Pomona knew who she was.

It is said that there was a girl named May in Liverpool Dock. Her father boarded the Titanic and never came back, but she still hugged her puppy and waited for him on the shore every day.

In order to comfort her, her uncle put on a diving suit and went into the sea to find the wreckage of the Titanic, and finally brought back her father's relics to comfort her.

Pomona stood on the pier, imagining the scene in the movie, but there was nothing in front of her except two seagulls.

What are you doing again? Pomona asked the other ghost.

I'm looking for a pen. The ghost looked at the seagull and said, There is an important document that I need to sign.

Why not a pen? Pomona asked. And do you know how to make a quill?

Go away! the ghost coaxed her away ferociously.

I need a feather for a pen.

After she walked away, the ghost looked at the seagulls in the sky and said, Please give me one.

Of course the seagulls ignored him, they spread their wings and circled in the air current, but refused to land.

How about we make a deal? said Voldemort. I tell you what I know, and you tell me what you know.

I'll still call you Tom, said Pomona, and you'll swear you won't punish me like you did.

Feathers, said Voldemort, when you think of wings, you think of feathers. The best quills are taken from the outer wings of geese or swans, the fifth feather from the tip of the wing. Some scribes also use the feathers of crows to write those. Smaller text.

Oh. She was very surprised.

In the past, scribes had to send people to farmers or the seaside to find suitable feathers. But the collected feathers could not be used directly. They had to undergo a certain hardening treatment first, and some were placed in a bright place to dry for several months; It will be soaked in water, then placed in a heated sand tray to artificially harden. When the barbs and oily cuticles on the feathers are removed, the inner pith of the quill must also be emptied, leaving only one It is a hard and almost transparent tube. When using it, people will use a short, sharp knife to thin the sides of the tip of the tube, and then draw a slit in the middle, so that the ink can be used.

But the wizard quill doesn't seem to be that troublesome.

Pomona took out her quill and looked it up in her hand.

The feathers of the augurs cannot be used as quills, because they repel ink. Voldemort said, Do you know what the material of the ink is?

Ink of different materials have different effects. Ink with tincture of invisible beast can become invisible, and ink with eternal potion can never fade.

My diary originally had writing on it, but all of it disappeared later. It can also absorb ink. The ordinary ink used by students now does not contain ingredients such as invisible beast tincture and eternal potion, only pigments or dyes. However, in In the Middle Ages, people used carbon ink and metal ink. This metal ink was made by mixing oak galls with green vitriol. The color of iron gall ink was light when it was first written, and it would turn black after iron oxidized in the air. It cannot be erased or washed, but can only be removed by scraping the surface of the paper. In the 5th century, cinnabar, which is natural mercury sulfide, was mixed with white eggs and gum arabic. Mixed, red ink was obtained, and eventually, the combination of red and black ink and quill pen became standard on medieval desks.

Merlin's beard. Pomona whispered, Mengnes asked for quicksilver in gold coins...

Maybe he accidentally knocked over the two inks one day, and then came up with this wonderful idea. Voldemort continued, Sometimes, the red ink can be replaced with blood, which also contains iron.

So, the feathers in Corvus represent lead, and the feathers in Cygnus represent iron?

Five guesses have been made, and there are two more. Voldemort said, The ear of Virgo still has the last level of the labyrinth that has not been opened.

Don't you ask me, does the copper represent the star?

You said it was a deal, I've already said mine, and it's your turn to fulfill the contract.

So I can still call you Tom?

Love is a kind of sweet poison, but knowledge makes iron and blood blend. The combination of the two is a pair of wings of death. When the last light in the fallen angel's heart disappears, do you think he is still an angel?

What do you mean? she asked confusedly.

Using the heart of a lion to represent the heart of a king. Voldemort sneered sarcastically, The lion is a beast, just like the sun is just one of the stars, not worthy of worship, even this can't be figured out, a Muggle is a Muggle.

Pomona couldn't find words to refute him.

What do you want to say? He asked condescendingly.

Damn poisonous snake. She thought for a long time and only came up with this sentence, Why are you so annoying.

How cool does a lion look, the Gryffindor logo is a lion.

Stupid, reckless, irascible, arrogant lion. Voldemort countered not to be outdone, What else can you do except call everyone Slytherin is evil?

You guys are pretty evil...

Ha, exclaimed Voldemort exaggeratedly, Severus was right, you're a different fool than the average fool.

Can you tell me clearly...

Think slowly with your meager brain, not full of food and love!

After talking about Voldemort, he ignored her again.

It's Vega! she said to the crow hiding somewhere. Those statues are Stynpharos lake monsters.

She still hasn't received any reply.

Ah! I hate Slytherin! She was so angry that she stomped her feet as hard as it hurt.

Whether it is parchment, ink or quills, these office supplies are very difficult to come by, so in order not to waste precious office supplies, exquisite copyists must copy on a special table in a rather awkward posture.

They had to sit upright on high-backed chairs and tilt special tables, because quill writing works best when the tip of the pen is at right angles to the surface of the parchment.

The process of copying in this way is painful, but compared with farmers who work in the fields, soldiers who practice martial arts, and scholars who think about problems, is the pain of the scribes really painful?

Maybe one day in the Middle Ages, a certain scribe planned to relax after a day of copying, and then it occurred to him that maybe in the future, a machine could replace him, such as a doll or something, so that he could leave without being so tired. In this room, I enjoyed the spring sunshine with the girls on spring outing outside the window.

It's a pity that this is a dream, so after a short break, he started to write again, working hard for the next meal of bread.

With an automatic quill, what kind of recorder do you want Rita Kisser to be? Probably because the quill isn't particularly reliable.

Oak galls are bumps caused by certain gall wasps, such as chemicals in the trunk, in order to hatch their larvae, usually from oak trees

Harry's home in Godric's Hollow was written in eternal ink, and Rohart's violet ink, and the acceptance letter magically said the sea, the cabin on the rocks, and the emerald green on the floor ink

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