Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 114 Encouragement

During the summer vacation at Lily's house, Muggles invented a refrigerator to store food. Every time she went out to play and returned to her house, Pomona would drink a bottle of drink called "Coke".

Even someone with a sweet tooth like her finds it too sweet. No wonder so many Muggles get diabetes nowadays. After becoming a wizard, there is no such worry. Anyway, Pomona has never seen Slughorn Eun worries about his blood sugar as much as Vernon.

Pomona wouldn't be interested in Severus if he became like that walrus-like old man, who seemed to value her figure more than her face. Now that I think about it, there is really no other opposite sex in Hogwarts for her to "dream about" except him. He has brains, talent, and a good figure. Even though his face is average, he insists on that weird greasy hair The style has also become pleasing to the eye when there is nothing to choose.

Later, Dumbledore also used a method to bring Sirius and her together, that is, to live under the same roof, and Mrs. Longbottom lived alone. If she could be persuaded to use Longbottom's house as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Neville and Hannah would be happy. It is also possible to "lonely men and widows live together in the same room". In this way, the Longbottom family also has a blood lineage, and it is still a negotiable deal with the Albert family, which is also the same sacred twenty-eight family.

Professor Sprout has many students, and her influence in high society is no worse than that of Slytherin's old snot-nosed spirit. It is not impossible for Hermione Granger to become the Minister of Magic at a young age, even if she is a A mascot with no real power is stronger than the current crochet hat.

After training, the girls sat on the grass with Pomona and ate beer and ice cream like a picnic. The magic heat preservation spell will have the same effect as a refrigerator, and you don’t need a “plug” to connect to the grid, so you can take the refrigerator around, but it is also time-sensitive. The longer the heat preservation time is, the more magic power will be used. Lily once gave A gift from Slughorn, a fish that lived in a bowl, it was transformed by magic, when Lily, the source of the magic power, died, the little fish disappeared with a "poof", just like a power outage. The dessert made by Pomona was to be given to Professor McGonagall, but they went to Gringotts first in the morning. I don't know if her "Potter" delivered the gift to Minerva. .

"So, Ofeukes is Professor Snape, right? Dean?"

It seemed that even beer and ice cream couldn't stop Hannah's mouth. After her cleaning up, Hermione looked as radiant as at the dance.

"Opheus, why did you choose such an unlucky name?" Miss Know-it-all was obviously better at astrology than Hannah, and Pomona couldn't figure out how he got his strange style.

"It's complicated." Hannah replied instead of her. "Maybe you will be lucky if you choose an unlucky name. What do you think, Dean?"

Pomona continued eating ice cream.

"Maybe it's because there's a snake in Ophiuchus." Hermione said with a weird expression, "A giant python that traverses most of the night sky."

"Serpens is also a snake." Hannah seemed to know how much Slytherin liked snakes. "He is such a mysterious person."

"How about we talk about Ron Weasley, Granger, I heard he is also a Quidditch player, does he have better muscles than Victor?"

Hermione was stunned as if under a petrification spell, while Hannah put away her obsessed expression and became very excited. She prefers athletes to Quidditch Hufflepuff girls, even after graduation. The main reason is that they have the kind of muscles that make people want to bite at first sight, which is called "sexy" in the current Muggle language.

"Victor!" Hannah clenched her fists excitedly, "Hermione, is he still in touch with you?"

"I'm married, Hannah." Hermione smiled wryly. She looked much more mature than Hannah even though she was the same age. Suffering always makes people grow up quickly, and Pomona felt very distressed.

"Then do you feel happy? Granger, I heard from George that Molly kept herself busy after Fred died, urging you and Fleur to have a baby as soon as possible." Pomona sympathized with Molly, but she disagreed with Molly. Li's approach, she can't take for granted that all women should dedicate their lives to their families like her.

"Ron told me to ignore her." Hermione frowned while eating the sweet ice cream. "Fleur also thinks that now is not the time to move out. Molly needs someone to accompany her."

"I remember when Ron cursed Malfoy for saying the wrong spell in the second grade, and he vomited slugs for a day." Hannah said with a deadpan face. In the always smiling Badger Yard, this expression was anger.

"He's kind of silly sometimes." Hermione didn't defend her husband at all, "but Molly has always been nice to me..."

"You can't spend your whole life with her just because you are grateful to her." Pomona also said blankly, "What about your thirst for knowledge, Hermione Granger?"

"What's the use?" Hermione poked at the ice cream on the plate. "I don't think what I learned before is useless now."

"Stay at home, of course, unless you study spells like Ravenclaw, I ask you Granger, do you think your mission is complete after you kill Voldemort? Clean up the mess! Do you know where Hannah and I met today? Gringotts, because the dragon that guarded Gringotts was released by you, and it is no longer the safest place in the world Do you remember the history of magic? What happened in the 17th century?"

"The goblin rebellion."

"It's not written in the book how the war will be quelled in the end, but all pure-blood wizards know that if one of the pure-bloods dies, all their family's property in Gringotts will belong to the goblins. Now that the wizards tear up the agreement, what do you think will happen?"

Both Hermione and Hannah froze.

"How much do you know about the habits of dragons? Have you ever thought about the dragon recovering and returning to Gringotts for revenge?"

"No, do you mean it's wrong to give people freedom?" Hermione was thinking of something else.

"I want you to find a way to clean up the troubles you caused in the past. Charlie Weasley studies dragons, use your clever brain, and don't put all the blame on Severus." Pomona was unwilling He looked at the lioness timidly.

"Is this what Professor Snape is doing secretly? To save the wizarding world again?" Hannah looked forward, and Pomona was extremely depressed.

The delicious pumpkin pie was of course everyone's mouth watering, and she regretted letting Hermione know that Severus was still alive.

"Granger, your brain now has information that needs to be kept secret. Do you know how much panic and confusion will be caused if everything I just said is leaked out?"

"Yes." Hermione replied seriously.

"Pierce Thicknesse was given the Imperius Curse and became Voldemort's puppet minister. If you don't learn Occlumency well, you may be manipulated by someone using Imperius. I need you to concentrate on mastering this spell as soon as possible. , you have other things to do."

"Yes, Professor."

"Don't think women can't be ministers for magic. Eugenina Jenkins, minister for magic from 1968 to 1975, handled the pure blood riots during the Squib parade brilliantly. Severus suspects that your ability is not because of you Your gender, but your age, I will help you solve the problem about Molly, and now you can concentrate on doing what you should do well."

"Thank you for your kindness, Professor, but I think I should solve this problem myself." Hermione looked at Pomona calmly. "Professor Snape has also arranged other tasks for me."

Pomona felt heartbroken looking at this poor, sensible little man. Just as she thought before, Gryffindor men are useless at all, arrogant and vain, and lionesses are still reliable.

"Dean, can you call Professor Snape?" Hannah said with bright eyes.

"What did you call him for?"


"I wouldn't call him for such a trivial matter." Pomona said arrogantly. Before parting, he asked her to wish her good luck. God knows how big things happened today.

"Did you forget why you were hospitalized? Weakness makes him prone to curses. You need to keep him healthy."

Hannah's remarks moved Pomona's heart.

She twirled the ring on her right middle finger hesitantly.

"He will think I'm clingy because of trivial things." Pomona said as if she had regressed with age.

"Oh, Dean, Professor Snape gave you the ring in the hope that you would be clingy, don't hesitate, call him here." Hannah urged eagerly, while Hermione watched as if watching a good show.

"I committed a lot of crimes to take care of you some time ago, shouldn't you thank me?"

What he said in the kitchen in the morning rang in Pomona's ears, and she felt that she should do something to repay him.

"You two keep practicing, hurry up!"

The two girls complained of disappointment together.

When the two of them were far away, Pomona walked into the reeds taller than a person.

The place is open enough that it should be possible to Apparate.

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