Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1193 Game World (Part 1)

With the help of Goncey, Severus finally read the spell correctly, and then something miraculous happened.

A Mamluk sword appears on the floor of the Louvre.

How is it a sword? Severus asked Conseil. Shouldn't it be a slate?

I think at this point in time, you need force more than anything else, said a teenager in an old-fashioned tone. My stepfather told me that nowhere did he feel more free from the shackles of civilization than Egypt.

Severus and Goncey looked at the boy who appeared out of thin air together. He had dark chestnut hair, wore lace and embroidered clothes of old-time nobles, and wore a gorgeous collar of the Legion of Honor around his neck. Like a court boy.

Eugène de Beauharnay, murmured Conseil.

Young Eugene laughed, We met in the Tuileries, but didn't introduce myself, how did you recognize me?

I have seen your portrait, said Conseil, but you were a little older then.

When my stepfather and mother met, I was as old as I look now. Ou Ren walked slowly in front of the two with his hands behind his back, I was 17 years old at the time.

Napoleon and Josephine met because Eugene wanted to return his biological father's sword...

I know. Severus interrupted Gonseil impatiently. I need to know where the next statue is, you know?

Of course I can tell you. Eugene bowed gracefully, You have already sworn an oath.

He understands English? Severus asked Gonseil.

It seems so, said Conseil.

I can still speak a little bit. Eugene said in English with a little French accent, although God made us speak different languages, so that we can't communicate.

What did you just say? Severus asked.

I can tell you where the rest of the crocodiles are, because you have sworn your oath, Eugene said in English.

Does that mean I have to be a man of integrity for the rest of my life? Severus asked.

Eugene turned sideways as if listening to a whisper.

The contract states that you must maintain integrity during the game, Eugene said.

Why you? Severus looked at Eugene, It seems that you are not the only general under Napoleon.

Do you know why, Frenchman? Eugene asked Conseil.

Conseil was speechless, speechless.

My stepfather left many things to the king of Rome. Eugene said with some disappointment, including his silver-plated sword, the consul's sword, and his steel sword, but left his Mamluk sword and silver candlestick to for me, because I had accompanied him to Egypt.

You love your stepfather? Severus asked Eugene.

Love is a powerful word, wizard, I thought you were a person who didn't say love easily. Eugene bent down and picked up the Mamluk sword. Let's go.

I know you managed some of Napoleon's property in Italy. Severus asked after Eugene, but since when will you use a sword too, Prince?

Eugene drew his sword out of its sheath without warning, and Severus dodged in a hurry, avoiding the sharp blade that was drawn towards his neck.

Why do you ask such a stupid question, wizard. The young Eugene smiled sarcastically, You actually have doubts about whether a soldier can use a weapon.

You don't look like a soldier in this outfit. Severus touched his cheek, a little blood dripping from the wound.

Your reaction speed doesn't look like a real wizard. Ou Ren put down his sword, Maybe it's because you put too much energy into exercising your body, so that you didn't allow the nutrition of knowledge to enter your brain.

Severus sneered, Do you think wizards are supposed to be clumsy like logs? Or old, with one leg already in a coffin?

Calm down, gentlemen, said Conseil to the two persons. Don't forget our mission.

I know why you asked that question just now. Eugene looked at Severus not to be outdone, It's much easier to be a selfish person than to be an upright and just person. You don't want to imagine your Is it so tiring like a teacher, right?

I don't know who you're talking about? Severus said flatly.

Of course you know who I'm talking about. Eugene looked at Gong Saiyi. You just don't want him to know your real name.

Conseil looked at them calmly.

He failed so many times before because he didn't add his own name. Later, he succeeded by reporting his real name while you were not paying attention. Ou Ren said with a sneer, He doesn't believe you.

We just met today, said Conseil. It's not even love at first sight.

Should I tell him your real name, Professor? Eugene asked Severus.

You don't like me. Severus smiled. Why?

Eugene did not answer him.

Is it because the British let Napoleon defeat Waterloo? Severus bared his yellow teeth.

Victory and defeat are commonplace. What I hate is your newspaper. Malicious slander is not a gentleman's behavior.

Severus raised an eyebrow.

Do you expect the British newspapers to speak well of those who intend to invade Britain?

Eugene communicated with Conseil again in French.

What did he say? Severus asked.

He asked me, do you want to work for the British? Conseil said strangely.

Napoleon wasn't French, I remember, Severus said. And he betrayed the people of Corsica by becoming Emperor of France?

Let's go. Ou Ren sheathed his sword, Let's end this pain as soon as possible.

French, Severus said through gritted teeth after Eugene turned around.

Conseil walked at the back in embarrassment, and also left the exhibition hall.

==================================================== ===============

Perhaps because Hathor was entertained by the half-breed Veela's dance, she summoned a golden basin, which looked like a mirror and could clearly reflect the figure.

The golden basin was slowly filled with water, and when Hathor lightly touched the water with his fingertips, three figures appeared inside as the ripples spread.

Why does Prince Eugene also become your servant? Pomona asked Hathor.

“The Black Death was going on in Napoleon’s army at the time,” Hattoll said. “He didn’t want to die so young.”

I think there are many soldiers who don't want to die so young, why is he special?

Let me think about it... because I think it's very interesting. Hartoll nodded his chin with his fingertips, and said unconscionably, I want to know that he watched his respected stepfather die because he learned that his mother had moved on. What would it be like to be less dedicated?

Pomona momentarily lost the ability to speak.

During Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, Eugène was his adjutant. When that little Cleopatra appeared, he had to accompany him in the car. Everyone would feel embarrassed by that scene, so he asked for a vacation.

What? Pomona asked confused.

Napoleon was a passionate man, and sometimes he would do some very intimate things in his carriage...

Stop, Pomona wailed, interrupting Cupid's gossip.

What's there to be ashamed of? Haven't you done it yourself? Hathor's fingertips touched the water again, and the picture inside changed again.

It was on a sightseeing carriage in London, and the protagonist was herself.

Oh, Merlin~~~ Pomona wailed and stomped her feet, trying to find a crack in the ground to get down.

Napoleon wanted to fight back. He not only found a mistress, but also told her son all about Josephine's scandal. He hurt Eugene. Hathor said sympathetically, He was still a child at that time.

I've never done that! Pomona said.

You don't have it now. Hathor touched the water again, But do you want to know the future?

Before the ripples returned to calm, Pomona turned her head.

Why don't you dare to read it? Hathor smiled teasingly.

Are you punishing me? Pomona asked tremblingly, holding her elbows.

Sinners are punished. Do you think you are guilty? Hathor asked.

A lot of thoughts were running through Pomona's mind.

After returning to Paris, everyone was persuading my 'lion' to divorce Josephine, except Eugene, who begged Napoleon like a child who didn't want his parents to divorce, and Josephine kept crying outside the door, he My heart softened. Hathor sighed in a low voice, Napoleon opened the door for her and let her in, do you know what Napoleon's other dream was besides becoming Augustus?

No. Pomona said shyly.

He wants to be a father who can support the whole family. He thinks it is his responsibility and honor. Do you think this dream is more realistic than 'for the French people'?

If there is no France. Pomona said habitually, her mind went blank, as if she had lost the ability to think, then his home would be gone.

Exactly. Hathor walked slowly towards Pomona, flax rustling with her footsteps, Does this remind you of anyone?

Pomona wept softly.

Why are you crying, wise man? continued Hathor.

Pomona shook her head.

Speak up. Hathor whispered in her ear, grabbing her shoulders.

Please don't make me talk. Pomona covered her face.

I like what he said, the more sober a person is, the more absurd he is. Hathor murmured in a hoarse voice, Your teacher taught too many things that a woman shouldn't understand, why don't you forget those who do An ordinary man.

No, Pomona said, crying.

You're also interested in politics? Hathor said sarcastically, That blond little Cleopatra, she thought she could replace Josephine and have an influence on the general. Do you want to be like her?


Then what exactly do you want? Hathor asked angrily.

Pomona thought of the Burrow, and the abandoned house of the northern farmer.

They're rudimentary, but very cozy, even if they don't have the same rowdy kids as the Weasleys.

Too bad those days are gone.

She was crying so sad that she almost thought her heart was broken, when she heard a familiar cry.

She opened her tearful eyes, and found a pair of wide red wings passing by, Nefertari took a few big steps back,

Benu! The Egyptian god of love looked at her in shock, Why do you have Benu?

Pomona looked at the phoenix Fawkes soaring in the hall of seven hearths, and a warm current flowed back from the limbs to the heart.

She raised her wand and turned the wooden box containing the bronze sculpture into a tree on which the phoenix could stand.

It's called Fox, not Bennu. Pomona made a face at the Egyptian god of love. What a fool.

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