Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1210 The Beginning of Chaos

In ancient Egyptian legends, the universe began as a dark, lifeless land covered by the boundless water of Nun.

Later, a hill appeared in the water, so there was land, and a lotus flower suddenly appeared, and a creature appeared in the blooming lotus flower, which was the sun—La.

The rising sun dispels the darkness and illuminates the universe. Rashen spits out Shu and Tefnut from his mouth, representing air and water. These two form the sky, and their counterparts are the earth. Gabe is the ancient Egyptian mythology. Among them is the god who represents the earth. He not only controls the storage capacity of the plants on the ground, but also controls whether the souls of the dead will go to heaven or hell. Shu, Tefnut and Geber are the Egyptian gods of creation. Later, Tefnut and Geber combined and gave birth to the eldest son Osiris.

Although he was the god of the underworld, he was not the devil or the god of darkness. Instead, he symbolized the hope of eternal glory that the Egyptians believed.

Every night, the sun, aging due to overburning itself, will come to Osiris to rejuvenate his youthful vitality, and Osiris also represents the power of regeneration.

Horus is the son of Osiris, and so is Babi. At first, Horus was the son of Geber and Nut like Osiris, and later he became the son of Osiris and Isis, the husband of Hathor, the god of love, Babi, who represented the firstborn son of Osiris, was forgotten.

If Osiris inherited the underworld and the power to judge the undead from Geb, then Babi inherited the power of regeneration from Osiris.

But just as Osiris could be killed and dismembered, Babi could also be killed. In Egyptian mythology, the god also died and was finally buried in a piece of land in the underworld.

Killing God will definitely be cursed, the premise is that someone really treats a group of baboons as gods, but Severus did it anyway, and the baboons after removing the ribs all turned into sand, as if representing the god of the desert Seth, without a trace of blood.

But the strong dark temperament on his body was more obvious. He dissected those baboons with a pharaoh's dagger, and that golden dagger was the only color on his body.

Everyone, including the dead ghost Champollion, looked at the black-robed wizard with fear.

He raised his wand and cast Flame Blaze on the devil's web on the ground, and it quickly burst into flames.

Ordinary flames are useless to the cloth soaked in Phoenix's tears, and he has applied fire-resistant ointment, these ordinary flames can't hurt him at all.

He was like a devil coming out of the flames, or a black dragon that could breathe fire, walking towards the onlookers.

Nadia looked at him with admiration, but he ignored her.

He gave Conseil the cloth sacks that contained Barbie's ribs.

You know how to use it? I don't want to encounter the situation just now.

Of course. Gonseil showed the book in front of Severus.

I can't read hieroglyphs, you just need to understand. Severus looked at Nadia. What's your plan?

I'm done playing chess, how about you? Nadia asked.

Severus laughed. He couldn't play chess with the dead so he let you play? What did you win?

What's your bet with them? Nadia asked back.

Severus shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more, he led everyone to the secret room on the top floor, as if he was already very familiar with the once-traveled path.

Nadia followed for some reason.

No one chased her away, because judging from her performance just now, she should be regarded as the human side, and it is not a bad thing to have an extra beneficial ally.

==================================================== ===============

In order to find the black dog, Pomona went into the forest.

She didn't dare to call Sirius' name, God knows if he changed the dog.

But after walking for a while, she realized something was wrong. When did the forest in the Tuileries Garden become so big?

Of course, the royal garden is carefully cared for by the gardener, and they are all trimmed into a neat shape. It is guaranteed that anyone who dares to show their head will be cut off with a click. However, the forest she is in at the moment is full of wildness, and the grass and trees grow naturally, covering the sky and the sun. It's like a dark forest.

Hator, what have you done? Pomona muttered, groping forward in the forest.

Not long after, she heard the laughter of the children.

She followed the voice, and when she walked out of the forest, she found herself in a strange yet familiar palace.

She habitually went to take out her flannel pocket, but found that there was no space extension spell in it, and there were no travel magazines.

This is a dream. She felt more and more sure of this, and then she looked at the laughing children, they were playing with model warships in the fountain in front of the palace, competing whose ship could run faster and better.

The children were serious about the game, but the adults watched it as if it were a game. These people not only had well-dressed people, but also some poorly dressed people. Among them was a man in a smock who was skillfully repairing the children's careless The broken boats were quickly repaired, and the children took the models and put them in the fountain to compete.

Boys, she said helplessly, and sat down on a bench in the park, watching them play with model warships.

From people's clothes, she could feel the passage of time. The cold winter has passed, and spring is waking up. Everyone's clothes have become much thinner, but men's clothes are still a few monotonous colors, far less colorful than women's clothes.

She suddenly giggled.

Neville's Boggart became Professor Snape. Under Remus' guidance, he transformed him into Augusta's clothes. In order to avenge him, the stingy Potions professor Let him dissect a whole bucket of longhorned toads that are the same as his pet Rifle.

The tranquil water in the fountain made her feel a kind of peace and tranquility. Even though the sailboat models disturbed the calmness of the water, she still felt alive, which was much better than nothing, a pool of stagnant water.

After sitting there with an empty head for a while, a feeling of drowsiness swept over her. She didn't know what time it was outside. Staying up all night was not suitable for a person of her age, but she was not sure if she would sleep like this. Will not wake up.

Her upper eyelids and lower eyelids struggled for a while, but finally they couldn't resist the sleepiness and closed them slowly.

Just squint for a while.

Before going to sleep, she swore that she would continue to find her way back when she had enough rest.

Then she had a strange dream, she dreamed that she was floating up, as if flying into the clouds, of course it felt comfortable lying in the clouds, she was really reluctant to get up, but she still remembered to go home, so I sat up from the cloud very reluctantly.

She opened her eyes and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth habitually, but it elicited a burst of laughter.

She followed the laughter and looked over, her sleepy eyes suddenly became clear.

She looked around for her wand, and finally found it on the white gilt nightstand, and she swooped down to grab it.

That's your weapon? Napoleon sat in an armchair holding a pamphlet, looking at Pomona calmly.

Why am I here? Pomona stood barefoot on the thick Persian rug. She had just been lying on an oversized four-poster bed, which was almost as big as a commoner's bedroom, but it It seems small in this luxurious palace because it is so spacious.

Immediately afterwards, she found that her clothes had changed. It was a conservative white pajamas, but the thrilling effect almost made her scream.

She immediately pulled up the sheets on the bed and wrapped herself up, her hand holding the wand kept shaking.

Don't worry, the maid changed it for you. Napoleon put the booklet on the desk aside. You have been wearing the same clothes since that ball, and this is the only one you can change into?

She didn't know how to explain this problem to this dreaming guy.

Do you have a place to live? Your husband kicked you out of the house?

We've been separated for a while, Pomona said. He'll find me.

I can arrange a place for you...

I don't think that's necessary. Pomona interrupted him. I'm a free woman.

Free to be homeless, sleeping in a public garden? Napoleon sneered. Isn't such freedom a little too miserable?

Humans have two ways of nomadic and sedentary...

Are you a gypsy? Napoleon interrupted her.

If I say yes, will you despise me? And banish me? asked Pomona.

Napoleon sighed, Who the hell are you?

The woman in the red dress.

You're not wearing red now, tell me your name.

Otherwise what?

I can have you interrogated for espionage, and believe me, you don't want to go through that, said Napoleon.

Pomona sneered.

why are you laughing?

I thought you were people who had been baptized by civilization and stopped doing barbaric things like interrogating wizards.

Napoleon blinked and asked in surprise, Are you a wizard?

Don't I look like that?

He laughed out loud.

You don't believe in magic? Pomona calmly looked at the future Muggle emperor, wondering what he would say.

You say you are a wizard, how can you prove it? Napoleon asked frivolously.

I can't, said Pomona. The International Statute of Secrecy says I can't use magic in front of Muggles.


That's what someone like you is called without magical powers.

Napoleon's eyes were fixed on her, shrewd and calculating like a fox.

Others don't think so. Napoleon slumped in an armchair, hands on his stomach. They think my command is like magic.

You mean, you are a magician on the battlefield?

I don't like war that much. Many people will die whether they win or lose a battle. Napoleon said, If war can be like playing a game, it would be great if there is only winning or losing but no death.

Why are you telling me this? Pomona frowned.

I wrote many letters to Josephine, telling her what I saw and heard on the battlefield, but she was not interested in those. Napoleon changed his posture and sat up a little more straightly, Not only can you listen, but you Seems like you understand what I'm talking about.

Aren't you worried that I'm a spy, revealing your secret?

Isn't this what you want? Peace, I know how proud you British are. No matter how bad the situation is, you will never propose a truce. I think it doesn't matter if you leak the secret. Napoleon said with a pun Did you wait outside the Luxembourg Palace until you fell asleep in order to wait for the result of our discussion?

Oh, so it turns out that the Luxembourg Palace! Pomona slapped her forehead, and she remembered where the garden she went to before was located. It was the seat of the French Senate.

You British are very good at giving gifts, much better than our diplomats. Napoleon gritted his teeth, and said with a sullen face, You only know how to spend money.

I'm not a gift! Pomona corrected him.

Napoleon didn't believe it at all.

You don't want to tell me your name, so I'll pick one for you, how about Georgiana?

Don't name others yourself!

Do you know what Georgiana means? Napoleon asked again.

Yes. She hesitated for a while, and finally said reluctantly.

What is it? He deliberately prolonged the ending, as if teasing a child.

Queen of the Greek language, muttered Pomona, also the name of Darcy's sister in Pride and Prejudice.

For the famous quote you recited earlier, 'A purple robe is the most beautiful shroud'. Napoleon took out a snuff bottle, opened the lid, took a little snuff, put it under his nose and smelled it, and said after a while, There is still That Nika that stands for 'freedom'.

Pomona looked at the hunched man in front of her, and felt sympathy for a moment.

Even though she knew that he was dead and his ashes were placed in the Invalides, he still kept a living soul.

It's easy to forgive someone for being wrong, but hard to forgive someone for being right, said Pomona. You've done a good job, Corporal.

You don't think I'm a tyrant? asked Napoleon.

This is a game for the brave. Maybe one day there will be a civilian leader who dares to continue to advance in the face of artillery fire. Pomona said with a smile, At that time, it will be your turn to be afraid, the 'tyrant'. It's not safe anymore.

Is this your prophecy?

Probably. Pomona recalled history. Does such a person exist?

Georgiana, cried Napoleon.

She actually responded immediately.

Have you ever thought that your inability to have children is not your problem, but your husband's problem. He stared at her and said, Why don't you try another person?

You told me at the ball that day that if I dare to say that I live with a man in order to survive, you will lock me up. Pomona said flatly, I'm your prisoner now?

Napoleon sneered, stood up slowly, and walked out of the bedroom.

Find me some books to read! She yelled at his back, Except math!

No one answered her.

So she jumped back to lie down on the cloud-like bed, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Damn French! she muttered. I hate your lover culture.

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