Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1235 The Prophecy About the Prince

Many people were distributing pamphlets on the streets of Paris. Pomona took it, thinking it was an advertisement, but she opened it and found that it was actually a pamphlet for Louis XVI.

Before she could look at it, she was snatched away by Napoleon Bonaparte. He read it quickly, and it didn't take long for a smile to appear on his mouth.

Pomona turned her head and found that Mr. Jenner was not far behind them, being supported by his male servants, walking with difficulty. The roads in Paris were terrible for a man his age, and he was fat and clumsy.

Look for a place to sit for a while. Napoleon pointed to a cafe not far away and said.

No one would hang out in the dirty streets and fall in love, even if the city is Paris, there are many women in the cafes.

I'm going to wait for Mr. Jenner, Pomona said. I'll go in when he says yes.

Have you ever been to Venice, have you ever been to the Café de Flore in Venice? Napoleon asked, It's in St. Mark's Square.

Been there.

you alone?


Your husband. He followed her words and said, I understand, as long as you mention things related to him, you will use that tone.

I think it's stupid for a married woman to be the mistress of a married man, Pomona said. Can you stop playing the game?

Could you tell me where I lost? He lowered his head, looking humbly asking for advice. I don't remember him being particularly handsome.

Pomona wanted to say it was because of her height, but she couldn't continue when the words came to her lips.

I made a vow to God, Pomona said. I will not break my vow.

You like me to kiss you. He said a little rebelliously, It's just a defense for you to say that.

You are a very attractive man, Monsieur Bonaparte...

Don't forget your address, he corrected sharply, and Pomona felt his anger.

My Lion, she said in a soft voice, I wish for peace, and for that I will sacrifice my own reputation.

Because Georgiana doesn't exist, does she? You think you can disappear with him anytime?

This is a dream. You said it in court that day. We all know what the reality is like. She begged.

This time he didn't speak.

Mr. Jenner came over panting at this time, pointed to the cafe and said, Come on, let's go in and have a rest.

After he finished speaking, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Napoleon looked at her with a smirk.

No matter how much you reject the arrangement of fate, you are always in the hands of the person who created it.

Then he helped Mr. Jenner in like a son supporting his father.

Pomona remembered that Napoleon was the center of attention as soon as he appeared on the stage, and even without the emperor's dress, he could make the dance floor where the cheerful waltz was being danced as quiet as a tomb.

But when he entered the cafe full of people at this moment, he didn't attract anyone's attention, as if he was an ordinary person.

Sometimes you have to admit that there is such an invisible thing as momentum.

At this time, two of Napoleon's servants appeared behind her, and their eyes seemed to be wary of some magic tricks she might use to escape.

Okay, I'll go in by myself. Pomona said helplessly, and followed into the cafe.

As long as the thought of the seine water polluted by sewage and the drinking water of the residents in the city come from it, Pomona will not be in the mood to drink coffee. Fortunately, soda water is provided in the cafe, so she ordered a bottle .

What would you like to drink, Mr. Jenner? Napoleon asked courteously.

Same as this lady. Jenner gasped.

So Napoleon, like an ordinary 30-year-old young man, took on the responsibility of taking care of the ladies and the elderly.

You have to admit that having someone around and serving you is very different than having to do everything yourself.

But it is easy to become dependent, and Pomona thinks that she should maintain her own style of doing things by herself.

Eve in the movie The Mummy can't forget that American soldier because of a kiss, she is not such a fool.

Not long after the waiter left with the menu, a tall, thin man in gray sat down at the table next to them.

Pomona recognized him, he was the scavenger who put her leg in shackles, and he waved to Pomona friendly, as if to greet her.

She already had an idea, and planned to hand things like notes to Mr. Jenner while no one was paying attention. He was more free than her, and maybe Severus would think of finding himself through him.

But the appearance of this scavenger made her lose her mind.

Even though Napoleon was a Muggle, he was no easy task for the Dursleys.

Perhaps it was because the Muggles that Voldemort and Grindelwald came into contact with were too stupid, which gave them the ambition to rule the world with magic, but even if there was no such thing as Napoleon in the 20th century, there were other smart people. How ridiculous arrogance would look in the eyes of those people.

The International Law of Secrecy allows wizards to live in a very closed circle. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is safe and quiet, but the disadvantage is that people will become very naive.

Leta Lestrange could have survived. The British Ministry of Magic sent Aurors all over the world, including France.

They thought that the French couldn't catch Grindelwald because they were incapable, and it was strange that the French would be warm and friendly to the British.

Britain has been gloriously isolated and the whole world is unpopular. A Muggle university professor even wrote a letter to the newspaper to protest that he was charged a high meal fee in Venice. This is the result of living in a closed circle.

Rousseau said that in a democracy the masses are the slaves of public opinion.

British newspapers made Napoleon a burlesque, French a hero.

Apart from being captured by the Secret Police for the first time at the Grand Trianon Palace, Napoleon should have given Mr. Jenner a good impression. Now they can even chat around a table.

Don't talk about politics, just talk about what you have seen and heard in Europe, a bit like the younger generation trying to curry favor with the elders.

Your water, ma'am. The waiter came with three glasses of soda with lemon slices on a tray, and Pomona impatiently took the one in front of her and drank it.

Compared with the elegant etiquette in public places and in front of men, she has more serious issues to think about, and the wizards and nobles she contacts are all free and casual, so she is too lazy to maintain the elegance of the Titanic first class.

What are you looking at? Pomona glared at Napoleon.

He shook his head with a smile, looked away, and looked at Mr. Jenner.

Mr. Jenner visited Georgiana's estate?

Yes. Mr. Jenner said, staring at Napoleon. You are very generous, Monsieur Bonaparte.

Georgianna hopes it can be used to its full potential. It happens that there is a shortage of doctors in France. What do you think of using it as a medical school?

How much medical school are you going to open? Mr. Jenner asked in amazement.

You saw that soldier just now. Napoleon said calmly, The Directorate conscripted all the surgeons and surgeons in the country into the army and let them serve as military doctors, but immediately dismissed all the military doctors as soon as there was an economic problem. Field hospitals and field hospitals The doctors here are all recruited locally, it’s like a hell on earth, I don’t want to describe the horrific horrors to you, if the soldier’s leg was properly treated, the soldier’s leg might be saved.”

If you didn't start the war, there wouldn't be so many tragedies. Mr. Chenner said seriously.

You are a merciful person, otherwise you would not use your property to promote this cause that benefits mankind, not to mention that Georgiana wants to do good deeds, and you are only helping her complete them as her guardian.

Mr. Jenner still looked displeased.

It seems that this question touched his bottom line.

I can lie to you, but I think it's better to tell you the truth. Some of the graduates of this medical school will definitely serve in the army.

I'll think about it. Mr. Jenner picked up the soda water on the table and took a sip.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull, completely different from the lively surroundings.

So a normal woman should start another topic to make the dull atmosphere lively again, right?

Pomona sipped her soda leisurely, enjoying the rare atmosphere that would make a dictator uncomfortable.

The word impossible has never been in someone's dictionary, and now he has come across it?

So don't speak too early and too full, otherwise others will easily break you.

==================================================== ===============

The guests were all gone, leaving only two empty wine glasses on the card table.

Severus stared blankly at the cigarette in his hand.

Here you are. John placed an ID in front of Severus.

What's this? He opened the folded paper.

Your pass, France has imposed a complete blockade on Britain, and even goods and merchants are not allowed to enter and leave at will. Only visiting scholars can travel freely. John said, This was given to me by William before he left.

William is that fellow from England. He has just received news that Gouvion Saint-Cyr has left his manor and his whereabouts are unknown.

If France's plan to invade Portugal is true, it will be too late to run back to England now.

Gouvion Saint-Cyr was a brave but cruel general. The characteristics of Napoleon's army are suitable for forced marches. Due to the lack of horses, the baggage and wounded will be left behind, wounded, sick or exhausted, and finally died of hunger and cold. There are many soldiers.

This is a pure wolf army, and Saint-Cyr is so cruel, they can do things like robbing local farmers for supplies.

William, who realized the seriousness of the problem, left immediately. Britain is not just an intelligence station in France, and they don't care about the next thing.

That idiot is actually the contact person. Severus sneered and put down the ID in his hand.

You're not necessarily so smart. John poured a glass of wine to Severus. Do you know how the French deal with the assassin who assassinated Kleber?

Severus stared at John.

They nailed him to the public square in Cairo until he died. Later, the skull was brought back to France and made into a medical specimen. Do you want to be a specimen too?


It's just a woman, you don't have to take such a risk. John persuaded, You are a very good talent, you can work with us in the future.

for what?

For the country, for the UK.

You're a fool in my eyes too. Severus raised his glass, touched John, and drank it down.

To the fool. John said humorously, and drank the wine.

You know, the Shu'an elements have been on the move recently. John smacked his lips and said, There is a prophecy in the pamphlet they printed.

What prophecy?

In the ravaged Europe there will be a prince who will rise up against the obscurantism and oppressors who threaten us with impunity, and thus become the protector of humanity, justice and culture. The current tsar thinks that man is himself. own father.

Severus sneered.

The royalists are also using this prophecy. They want to promote Napoleon as the oppressor waiting to be defeated. How about we use it too?


John laughed, I knew you were a smart man. During the Brumaire coup, in front of so many people, Lucien swore that if Napoleon dared to threaten the freedom of France, he would impale his brother with his sword. Let's see Let's see if his sword can go through.

Just then, there was a whistle outside.

Let's go, the police are here. John said sullenly, This is already the fourth time this month.

Looks like we're only halfway through the month, Severus said.

Yeah, more often than visiting their parents. John cursed and took away the cards and wine glasses from the table.

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