Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1237 The Thorn Castle

On the other side of the Seine, opposite the Jardin des Plantes in Paris is the Bastille.

Pomona stared blankly at the construction workers who were building the bridge with stone from the Bastille.

The origin of the French Revolution is full of confusion and misunderstanding.

If they hadn't met a vampire, Pomona's knowledge of the French Revolution would be limited to what she knew in books.

The scene of disorder and chaos is very terrifying. Even if someone rectifies the name of Louis XVI, no one will rectify the name of a warden.

The right to speak is a wonderful thing. When people don't know what kind of person Marquis de Sade is, when they hear his roar in prison, they think he is an innocent prisoner, so they follow his instructions. If they knew what the marquis was like, they would only feel ashamed of it, and would not bother to pay attention to him.

Harry used to say that Voldemort was back, and no one believed him at all, but thought he was a liar, and Dumbledore was a fool.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, people believed what he said, including justifying Severus' name.

If Madame du Barry said that the national hero was a embezzler and a smuggler, the citizens would think her crazy.

But if Montesquieu said that these people are hungry wolves in sheep's clothing, the citizens will be skeptical.

A person's identity and reputation determine her prestige. If Pomona directs a villain to arrest everywhere as a mistress, others will think that this is another round of persecution. Napoleon becomes incompetent and let a foreign woman To make waves in France, there is no need for royalists to do anything, and the citizens will treat him as a scoundrel.

On the monarchy, it is said that you can leave the annoying things to others to avoid contempt and hatred for yourself. At the same time, he must maintain a great, lofty, heroic, steady, and powerful image. The comprehensive result is that after Pomona helped Napoleon eradicate those self-sufficient military generals who acted recklessly, she was very likely to become a victim of the public's anger, and was eventually sent to the Go to the guillotine.

That would be an ending full of the great spirit of self-sacrifice, just like Bella was willing to be imprisoned in Azkaban in order to express her loyalty, and let her beauty disappear, becoming pale and thin, looking like a dried rose.

The same is true of Mrs. Walewska, the Polish lady. She dedicated herself to Napoleon for the Polish people, and later fell in love with him and became one of the objects conquered by Napoleon.

If she is really so patriotic, she must find a way to get Napoleon to provide benefits to Poland, just like the Venetian concubine in the Sultan's palace, so that Venice has a diplomatic advantage in the competition with Genoa in the Mediterranean.

Considering that she is 17 years old and her husband is enough to be her grandfather, dedicating herself to the country is actually a fake and an excuse.

A woman's mind is best known to a woman herself, and Pomona does not intend to dedicate her life to Britain like the Polish lady, no matter in which way.

That kind of peace at the expense of women would shame the proud Briton, and she needs to think of a smarter way.

French civilian generals are very interested in foreign goods, and they still retain the way of thinking in the civilian period. Things need to be bought with money, and goods need to be sold to obtain money. Their fiefdoms produce nothing but grain, wine, and silk. The products that need machinery to produce belong to the state, and they don't take into account what effect the sale of grain will have on the whole of France.

They should also have experienced the Great Revolution. The cause of the Great Revolution was directly related to famine and skyrocketing prices, but those who are preoccupied with fighting may not have thought of this.

But these are all Pomona's imagination and reasoning. She doesn't know the real situation of France. Let her understand one thing through the Arc de Triomphe and Ordinary City Gate. Sometimes there is a big gap between her imagination and reality. , the French will spend a lot of money to repair the Arc de Triomphe, but they are not willing to spend money to repair beautiful and practical city gates with tax functions.

Smart girls shouldn't be involved in politics, at least not in the same way as mistresses are.

But Napoleon did need help, and his sisters could forget about it, and Josephine might be better off by comparison.

She's jealous, which is a good sign, she's only jealous when she loves someone, although she probably doesn't love Napoleon that much, because she's not jealous to the point of madness.

On the contrary, Hortense's hostility towards Pomona was so amazing that her eyes were about to burst into golden flames like Hathor's.

Pomona knew that Louis Bonaparte had someone she liked, but she never thought that Hortense would also have a crush.

The Marquis de Sade once lived with a mother and daughter, which was a scandal even for his corrupt libertine.

If a stepfather conspires against a stepdaughter, it would be a scandal enough to bring down a politician in the 21st century.

So whether or not Hortense is obsessed with her stepfather like a girl worshiping a hero, she cannot cross that line.

Women all over the world can have scandals with Napoleon, but Hortense can't. Anyway, as long as she marries someone she doesn't like, it doesn't matter who she marries. Her burning anger and self-contradictory melancholy temperament are at the same time It can be understood when it appears on the body.

I should really become a novelist. Pomona smiled and shook her head, her imagination was really not ordinary.

What are you laughing at? Hortense looked at her hostilely.

Are you complaining about your mother? Pomona looked at Hortense with a smile.

You shameless woman...

A lady shouldn't curse like a shrew. Pomona corrected her with a cold face. This city is already full of country girls who come from the countryside to take risks. I don't want to see another one.

how dare you……

I know you are of noble origin, but a person's conduct and upbringing are not determined by his birth. Your parents are entertaining guests now, so don't embarrass them.

Compared with those vicious soldiers who could tear her to pieces with a sword at any time, what's so scary about a little girl?

An incredible idea flashed in Pomona's mind, why not let Hortense become the Saint who helps the poor?

It's just that she was going to marry Louis Bonaparte. With such a prestigious wife, could Louis become a threat to Napoleon?

It is really easy for people whose thoughts are locked up by the church to rule, but doing so is not conducive to the progress of the times.

And those who took the lead in emancipating their minds did not intend to serve the people. Those lawyers first thought of their own interests and used the country as a tool for their own profit.

Napoleon's special court does not require lawyers to appear in court, and a defendant who does not understand the law at all can only be slaughtered in the trial seat.

But even if the judge agrees with the defendant to hire a lawyer, many people are unwilling or have no money to hire a lawyer. The rule of the Directory government discredited the lawyers. They were portrayed by Napoleon as a malicious image. She did not believe that they did nothing during the ruling period. Pass.

Once people's negative views are formed, it is difficult to eradicate them. The status of mistress gives her convenience, but also loses her integrity. She is more suitable behind the scenes than in front of the stage.

Who would doubt the alleged molesters of the innocent children? So children are superhumans.

Maybe it was because Pomona ignored her, or because Hortense was confused and didn't know how to retaliate, or because she was a sensible child and didn't want to lose face in front of the guests, she finally left.

Educating the next generation is always a hassle.

Pomona really envied those parents who gave their children to the teacher after they were born and said, I leave everything to you, and then they were happy to live their own lives.

According to the education law, these children cannot be beaten or scolded, for fear of hurting their fragile hearts.

Even taming animals requires two lashes of the whip. Sure enough, you can command blindly without teaching yourself. Leaving school is really the right decision.

But her mind was turbulent. A raft of Medusa was drifting on the sea, and she seemed to see a person holding up a cloth towel and waving at her.

To be or not to be.

This is a really difficult question.

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Masquerade balls were banned during the Great Revolution, and Versailles Palace used to be held frequently, but the police chief Fouché abolished this ban, and the Paris Opera House will hold four masquerade balls every year. John took out a blueprint of the Paris Opera House and Sever Ruth discusses I heard Napoleon is going to the masquerade next week, and your... I think she should too.

Going out with a mistress? Severus smiled kindly. Sounds really bourbon.

She has a guardian, Edward Jenner, and Napoleon is very respectful to him. John suddenly laughed when he said this.

why are you laughing?

It's like back in my youth, and I also helped my friend pursue his beloved girl. John wiped his face. I didn't expect my job to be so interesting.

It's not funny at all, Severus said grimly.

Did you run into any competition when you were courting her? John went on, grinning.

One. Severus said after a moment of thought.

Only one? John exclaimed in surprise.

What's wrong?

You lucky guy, John exclaimed. You're so lucky.

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