Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1252 Enduring Pain

On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar, who monopolized the military and political power of Rome, was surrounded by a group of people when he entered the Senate.

These nobles who wore ancient Roman robes and were known for their eloquence took out daggers from the toga.

They looked at the people around them in amazement, trying to distinguish whether the other party was planning to stab Caesar's body with the dagger or the body of his accomplice, and then they would get more rewards from the future emperor for their meritorious service in escorting them.

After conspiring for so long, even the last step of execution may fail due to a small mutation.

Until one person stabbed the first sword from Caesar's back. Although it is not known whether it was because of his lack of killing skills or because of cowardice, he aimed at Caesar's shoulder. After seeing the blood, other conspirators also surrounded him. 60 Personally stabbed 33 knives, at least half of them did not do it directly.

They did not act, but they were still accomplices, and were later retaliated by Caesar's loyal followers.

The dagger of Kamos I obtained by Severus was untied from the mummy of the pharaoh and given to Napoleon III, the nephew of Napoleon.

He used this dagger to destroy items like Horcruxes. If the sword of Gryffindor can destroy the soul fragments in Voldemort's Horcruxes, then the dagger in Severus' hands can also be used to destroy Napoleon. The soul of Bonaparte.

Napoleon fought very well in the Battle of the Pyramids. The Mamluk cavalry rushed towards his infantry phalanx round after round like waves, but these cavalry who had defeated the Mongols were still defeated by the French. There are many victories, the number of casualties is much less than that of the Mamluks, and the gap in weapons is not big, even the weapons of the Mamluks are better, because many of them are nobles, and they can afford more than those purchased by French quartermasters. The cheapest weapons are much, much better weapons.

Warriors respected the strong. After this battle, Napoleon's reputation spread throughout Egypt, and no one sympathized with the soldiers who died in battle.

If you don’t plan to risk your life, don’t join the army. It’s okay to go home and farm at home. The benevolence of women doesn’t work in the army. What’s more, after winning the battle, Napoleon restrained the army and didn’t rob the locals. The military discipline is strict and respects the locals. The Egyptians called him Sultan.

Sultan is the title of the supreme ruler of Arabia. He holds monarchy and divine power. Pharaohs only hold secular power. The last ruler of the Seventeenth Dynasty died in battle when he led troops to resist the invasion of the Hyksos. Hyksos The Greek translation of Foreign Ruler is Foreign Ruler. Kamose I wanted to drive away Napoleon, the foreign ruler, and so coincidentally, Severus also wanted to stab Napoleon to death at this moment. Even after five thousand years, they are already allies.

Kamose I contributed, and Severus was in charge, all of this was an arrangement of fate.

As for the use of the dagger obtained by winning the chess game, Severus is still unclear. At worst, the whole of Paris will be flushed with floods like a flush toilet, and the dung mountain outside the city wall will be flushed with the people inside. Flushed away, it was clean and hygienic with a wow.

If people have nothing to lose, they will have no scruples. This is similar to fighting in the wilderness, without any constraints of civilization.

This feeling of being able to do whatever you want without worrying about punishment is the feeling of mastering the royal power that is not bound by the constitution. After eating it once, you will become addicted, and you can't quit it at all. It is more powerful than opium.

In the British law in the early 19th century, stealing a piece of bread was punishable by hanging, and rebellion was also punishable by hanging, and death was the same. Of course, one would not take a risk for a piece of bread.

What Napoleon was most afraid of was the riots of hungry people. He could eat meat without bread. He attached great importance to animal husbandry. Although the price of bread increased the price of everything, the meat supply provided by animal husbandry was sufficient. The problem is that after Snape played tricks, he didn't dare to eat common meat. If he didn't eat bread or meat, could it be possible to eat air or music to fill his stomach?

The two of them met a total of two times, and there was no formal communication. Now they have become enemies who must fight to the death.

In this regard, there is absolutely no reason for reconciliation. Napoleon has a gray horse named Bruni, and he himself likes to wear a gray coat. Now this coat is wrapped around Georgiana.

Soldiers like three things, BMW, swords and beautiful women. The first two can be given to each other, which is a symbol of friendship. The last one depends on culture. Arabs can give female slaves as gifts, but Europe does not have the custom of giving women to each other. There is a custom of robbing women. In order to win, everyone fights with martial arts.

In the past, it was because Georgiana was unwilling, so she let go. The ever-victorious general who is good at grasping the opportunity of battle naturally chose to make a decisive decision.

Napoleon Bonaparte, standing naked in the water like a newborn being christened, scooped up a handful of water and poured it on his face.

His left cheek was slapped red and swollen, this slap was really hard, it was different from the flirtatious slap before, it hurts when touched.

But this didn't affect his good mood at all.

He took a long breath, then plunged into the water and began to swim. After swimming around, he went ashore again and tried to take back the coat covering Georgiana's body, but she refused.

How could you do that, she said in a hoarse voice, crying, I'm wearing a nun's clothes.

This is the main concern of yours? asked Napoleon.

Then she burst into tears.

If you don't like it, you can say so. He said coldly, Do you hate me?

You won't understand! Georgiana cried more hysterically.

Napoleon didn't understand, his big smart head seemed to have stopped working, and his expression was dumbfounded.

In the end, he really didn't understand what the woman was thinking, so he walked towards the two guards who were standing guard naked, and asked them to go to the carriage to get spare clothes for himself.

For women in the 21st century, many will not only have a boyfriend once. If the current boyfriend cares about her past, then there is nothing to talk about in this relationship.

After breaking the law, there is still a chance of redemption. A woman cannot forgive even if she is wrong once, as if she has been dirty since then.

This feeling of self-disgust sometimes comes not only from society, but even from women themselves.

Their vows do not imply that they must die together, they just live and die together, and wise people know there are loopholes to exploit.

Hufflepuff's stubbornness and honesty made Pomona feel guilty and blamed herself, and her whole body was almost swallowed by guilt.

Some things have to come out on your own.

Maybe she finally figured it out and sat up slowly by herself.

Who never dreams. She murmured, I must be dreaming.

I don't think so. The Corsican short sat down beside her, put his arms around her shoulders and pressed her down again.

I feel so real, whispered the Lion of the Wild after a long kiss. What about you?

I'm a bad woman. She said almost self-defeating, I gave up resistance so easily.

He laughed. Do you know how hard it is for you?

How long! said Georgiana angrily.

You intend to fight a long war? asked General Bonaparte.

That's right!

He sighed, Do you think you can win if you meet me in a protracted battle?

You are known for being good at surprise attacks and onslaughts.

Do you still remember my battle in Jaffa, Egypt, when we had nothing, but Abdala Aqa had British warships to send supplies, and finally we took down that fortress. He kissed again lick her lips Do you mind if I eat cat meat?

The cat is so cute, why eat it? she said dejectedly.

Because I'm hungry. He sniffed her body, as if he had appetite again.

My bottom line is cannibalism, you can't cannibalize people, Georgiana said. I know there are occasions where you might encounter it.

I, like you, can't accept it, but I admire those who break the bottom line for their own beliefs and responsibilities, how about you?

Anyway, if they don't kiss me, it doesn't matter if I admire them.

There is no one else, just me, and your ex. He looked at her with gloomy eyes. If you dare to be like Josephine, I will not forgive you.

Then I can be with him...

No! roared Napoleon before she could finish. You are mine now.

He won't let you go, Pomona said.

If he has any doubts, he can come to me. If he hurts you, or speaks vicious words to you, then you don't have to think about him in the future. He is a loser. The greatest glory in life is not to never fail, but to never fail. It lies in being able to rise up repeatedly, as a spy, he has done a good job so far, but if he only knows these methods of assassination, then he is not qualified to be my opponent.

He can do magic.

To really know a person, one needs to examine him in his misfortune. Napoleon said softly, I am sorry for taking away his happiness.

Then will you give me back to him?

He didn't answer the question, got up and went to pick up the clothes that the soldiers found for him.

She somehow felt a sense of loss that she didn't have with Severus.

It didn't take long for her to figure it out, because Severus was willing to waste his time with her, while Napoleon Bonaparte was not, and he had his own career.

Severus was dead in the eyes of everyone, and his career, reputation, status, and prestige had dissipated. He was more like a dead man than Napoleon who was dead and still working.

Have mercy on the living, not on the dead.

She seemed to hear Albus' voice, but she didn't see the old mage with the white beard around.

So what is the boundary between life and death? Really just physically alive?

Just as she was thinking about this question, she was picked up with her coat and carried on her shoulders, as if she was a cargo in a sack.

It wasn't even Napoleon himself who carried her, because he was an intellectual general and the physical work was left to someone else.

Bastard! she screamed angrily, but no one paid her any attention.

After getting into the carriage, as soon as the guards closed the door, the Corsican did everything he had done on the shore before, except that the step of taking off her clothes was missing.

This time she felt humiliated, as she remembered the previous experience of riding in a carriage in London, where Severus had been cornered to blackmail her by exposing the entire wizarding world.

This kind of hatred gave her the strength to push away the person who was pressing on her.

You got what you wanted, can I go back? She calmly looked at the person she had a crush on, but now she couldn't feel anything.

How is he better than me? You keep thinking about him like that! Bonaparte yelled excitedly, his neck turned red.

Seeing him like this, Pomona's heart softened again.

I love him more than I love you, she whispered. You're a strong man. He's not. He needs me.

Like your lion cub? he gasped, his eyes widening.

She didn't answer the question.

No. When she realized that Napoleon wouldn't let it go without answering the question, she lied, He's a grown male lion just like you.

It seems that one of us must die. Bonaparte said calmly, put on his clothes again, and then sat in an aristocratic and elegant sitting posture, looking civilized and restrained, not at all the barbaric and out-of-control appearance just now .

Pomona wrapped herself tightly in the gray coat, which was the only cloth she could cover herself at the moment.

She was clutching the collar tightly, while Napoleon was looking out the window, no one was in the mood to speak, his irritable panting sounded all over the carriage, as if he was still alive.

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