Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1269 Black Deal

Women should stay out of politics.

Josephine said it herself, but she didn't actually do exactly what she said, just as Leon himself wasn't really a French national hero.

There is a real resemblance between this couple.

It is a man's nature to be warlike. Since Napoleon has decided to fight Prussia, no one can make him change his mind. Fortunately, he is not one of the lawyers of the Directorate. He knows that he should not start a war easily, provoke enemies everywhere, and fight anyone he sees.

He will make alliances, win over and divide, and business is only part of it. His stepson and brigadier of the ruling guard Eugene will marry the Bavarian princess. The overall situation of the friendship between France and Germany has been set.

He gave Georgiana German sweets, so Georgiana would also give Germany some sweets, and the next pheasant feast held in Rambouillet would definitely invite Germans to participate.

They may not launch the Crusades, but they can deal with Prussia together. Otherwise, why would Beethoven, a German composer, write a heroic symphony for the first ruler of France?

Georgiana is an English woman who loves peace and hates war, but she is not stupid enough to persuade Napoleon to give up declaring war on Prussia.

A peaceful environment is good for business, which is good for a mercantilist Britain, just as Cecilia made the Sultan treat Venice better diplomatically.

It just so happened that Britain also produced thoroughbred horses. Georgiana could buy British thoroughbred horses to pull her own cart, and she could also form her own female cavalry guards.

Female cavalry is basically a decoration in the eyes of male soldiers, but female cavalry is indeed a beautiful city landscape. Anyway, it’s just a joke. It’s better to hold a masquerade party like Marie Antoinette. Equality between men and women is the continuation of the spirit of the Great Revolution. Women also wore men’s clothes during the Great Revolution.

Laughing and laughing, women's tea parties are far less serious than men's parties, as if they can't sense the political storm on the other side.

If the man in the family falls here, no matter how good friends the women are, it will be difficult to see each other again. This is one of the many misfortunes of women.

When a person disappears from another person's life, what he or she leaves behind becomes a sustenance of missing.

The smell of that person often remains on the clothes, and it smells like he is still around. This is a different feeling from a lively love.

The problem was that there was nothing Severus left with Georgiana, except for the black swan pendant.

He was like a phantom, a lover who didn't exist, like those nuns in the convent, an illusion that she wanted too much for love.

There is no magic in this world.

Another world full of magic and wonder is a fantasy world similar to Peter Pan, and it's time for her to learn to grow up.

Georgiana sat alone in the garden, after the ladies had left with their loads of news.

As a human woman, she will definitely face the problem of aging, while Veela does not change so fast, but it is also one of human nature to like the new and dislike the old. A man who is unwilling to abandon his original wife after he becomes great, even if he does not So dedicated, it's much better than those men who have a little achievement and are replaced by men whose wives are envied by everyone.

What kind of wife is everyone envious of?

Young, beautiful and virtuous.

Georgiana would go out of her way to help Josephine get the ceremonies she wanted, and the Habsburg princess he later married was of little use to him except for bearing him a son.

Although she is not as profligate as the deficit queen, she did not provide any support for Napoleon. Mary at least tried to help Louis XVI escape, and Louisa was full of the interests of the Habsburg family. As Napoleon's wife.

She never thought that one day she would analyze Napoleon's love history in this way, maybe this is another fantasy woman's daydream.

She is a lonely woman, and he is a lonely man. They both have the bondage of marriage. The correct way is to turn around and leave instead of taking the risk of being cast aside and robbing other people's wives.

He is not a knight, and a knight would not do such an immoral thing.

Paris is not Egypt, and the scandals will be so ugly that she can't hear those gossips in this secluded farm palace.

He was indeed taking care of her, just like a husband taking care of his wife, giving her living expenses, and planning to let her go to his fief to manage those properties.

Some women are thunder horses of the cavalry, which can bring beauty to men.

Some women are heavy-drawn horses, and they work to bring food to people.

The heavy-drawn horse is exhausting, and no one cares about it, but the thunder horse is relaxed and beautiful, and some people brush its hair and feed it champagne.

Sometimes you can't blame a woman for being too realistic, and you need to find someone with a certain material foundation.

The key is that some people are only willing to share hardships, but not joys and sorrows. After finally reaching the moment to enjoy the fruits of victory, he kicked the people who accompanied him all the way, who would do such a stupid thing.

It is not willing to change to a man. The government sees peace coming, and the soldiers who quell the rebellion are useless. If they did not declare war everywhere as if they were in a daze, and they were defeated after declaring war, Napoleon would not have left everything in Egypt and ran away return home.

No matter how corrupt and squandered the government is, it will not dry up a country's treasury. Only expenditures such as military expenditures will cause huge deficits.

The usual way to deal with deficits is to print money, but France uses coins, which are not as easy to print as British paper money. But France has things like bonds, which are the domain of financiers, and the ruling government is actually controlled by these bankers.

What is worse than empty talk is delusion. The army is still the same army, but the generals are different generals. It seemed easy to watch Napoleon fight, and the man who wanted to overpower him wanted to try it himself. As a result, all the victories Napoleon had won in Italy were lost in a short period of time.

During the Second Italian War, he had a debt of 65 million. This requires honest work. When will he be able to pay off the salary of 3 francs a month?

That's the difference between being capable and not being capable. Severus probably wouldn't perform as well as Napoleon if he did it. His field of expertise was different from Napoleon's.

In a woman's mate selection criteria, choosing the strong is also a kind of nature, and now Pomona is suppressing this nature, she is so sad that she wants to pass out.

Severus cried a lot, and she dreamed he was crying again.

She wanted to put her arms around him and tell him not to cry, but a chain bound her.

She can see the sun, but she is clearly at night, and the place is as dark and cold as the underworld.

With her own strength, can she really leave?

A wizard should not believe in God, especially God. The Inquisition has witches and witches who have been wrongly imprisoned, and they are judged by the clergy.

But now she longed for a little light, she was Draco Malfoy's godmother, although not as powerful as his godfather.

’ You shouldn’t want something and take it from the living, Hades. '

She heard a voice say, and she couldn't tell if it was her hallucination again.

Then she saw Lyle, who was standing in front of an altar, and on the ground was the carcass of a black horse, its blood dripping everywhere.

I can make a deal with him. She heard an unidentifiable voice say, I know he still has a beloved woman, and I can bring that woman's soul back from the underworld to him.

I'm afraid he won't say yes, Lyall said.

The negotiation is not successful once, otherwise what do you want? the voice said, I will reward you if it is done, and he accepts that it is beneficial for all of us.

This cold tone made people feel chilled, and she began to feel cold from the inside out.

Only Severus' crying made her feel a little warm, but what if he chose to accept the conditions?

In his later years, Theseus gradually felt old and lonely, and the friendship with the young hero Pirithous aroused in his heart the desire to undertake a bold and reckless adventure. Pirithous' wife died shortly after their marriage, and Theseus was now a widower, so the two went on an adventure together, trying to grab a wife for themselves.

The daughter of Zeus and Leda, later known as Helen, was still very young. She was brought up in the palace of his stepfather, King Tyndarius of Sparta. But she has become the most beautiful girl of that age, and her charm is well known to all Greeks.

When Theseus and Tritus went to Sparta, they saw Helen dancing in the temple of Artemis. Both of them ignited their love for her. Carried away, they snatched the princess from the temple, and first brought her to Tegea in Arcadia.

Here they cast lots for her, and both sides made a friendly promise that whoever wins will help the other to win another beauty. Theseus won the lottery, and he took the girl back to Aphidna, in the region of Attica, and gave it to his mother, Etra, under the protection of another friend. Then Theseus and his comrades continued their expedition, and Pirithous decided to take Hades' wife Persephone from the underworld to compensate him for not getting Helen. But this plan failed, and Theseus and Pirithous were sentenced to eternal imprisonment in Hades.

It's a bad idea, and while James Potter isn't as scary as Hades, it's against the rules to do so.

What a troublesome man.

She soon woke up from the fugue-like hallucinations, lying limply on the garden bench, as if waiting to be carried away.

She hated being treated like a princess waiting to be rescued!

She tried her best to sit up, but found she couldn't, but her voice was still manageable.

Mirror...mirror, she said. Eris...mirror.

What did she just say? said a slightly strange man.

Are you there, Pomona! Severus asked.

She was about to answer when Leon appeared.

Sleeping outside at night will make you sick. He said softly, Let's go back to the palace.

She couldn't say no, the Corsicans themselves were not strong, but there were many strong soldiers, and one of the guards picked her up.

Perhaps it was the same at the Luxembourg Palace that day.

He acted like the knight who saved the beauty back then, if only he had always been so polite.

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