Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1276 Olfactory Pollution

Snape and Goncey brought the sleeping Pomona back to the Malfoy family's winery.

Please, Mrs Young, Snape said to Felix Young's mother.

She's comatose again? Fiona said worriedly, She's so often comatose, why don't you see a doctor.

My godson is a doctor, and it's not because of her illness that she fell asleep. Severus said with a gloomy expression, Please take good care of her.

Don't worry, I will, Fiona said, and Severus closed the door and went out.

He went back to the house where the vampire Giovanni had been convalescing. Conseil now lived in it. His things were many and messy, but he still didn't fill the room.

You have so many houses, said Conseil, as he was arranging his things.

Not as much as him. Severus sneered. Have you found any clues about the 'City of Beggars'?

It was a city that never existed. The city hall was burned during the Paris Commune. Even if there was a plan, I can't find it now. Gonseil stopped sorting out. How about we go to his territory to see?

All France is his.

No, it was Rambouillet, who stayed there the night before going to Elba, said Gonseil. He liked that place very much.

Like the Last Supper of the Condemned, Severus said sarcastically.

Do you want to go? asked Conseil. If you don't want to go, I can do it for you. Isn't that why you pay me?

Thank you very much. Severus said after a moment of silence.

I can't believe it's only been one day, said Conseil. We were fine when we dined together last night.

Severus turned and left.

She loves you very much. Just as Severus was about to open the door, Goncey said, I'm sure she won't change her heart so easily.

He used a love potion on her, Severus said, before closing the door and leaving.

Would the potions of this world work on ghosts? After confirming that Severus was gone, Gonseil shook his head and whispered, You're a bastard, Napoleon.

After he finished speaking, he put down the things in his hands, picked up his suitcase, and apparated away from the winery.

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Rambouillet was abandoned after the French Revolution in 1789, and Napoleon divided the land for his own when he became first consul last year.

He heard people talking about this place when he participated in a social event, and he was very curious why a French king would build an English-style garden for the German queen, and he didn't want to leave after he came.

But at that time, he was still an insignificant person, even if he was greedy, he could only think about it. After he got the power, he pretended to be a public servant, and took this place with lakes and mountains as his own.

He asked the designer to transform the room he chose into a Pompeii-style bathroom. Apart from that, the castle was almost unchanged. The original king's bedroom was converted into a large banquet hall, which can be seen from the window of the banquet hall. Canal landscape.

Some scholars once said that a unified country is for the construction of water conservancy. In addition to the Saint-Martin Canal, Bonaparte also wanted to build other canals to connect the dependent countries, so that even if they do not need to rely on sea transportation, they can also use ships on land. Shipping.

Heavy materials and horse-drawn carts cannot be transported by sea. Even if many horse-drawn carts can be built, it is still impossible to pull goods without so many horses, and the roads cannot support them. With the exception of France, some parts of southern Germany and some parts of northern Italy, the roads are not paved with gravel, which would increase the cost of transportation.

The continental system of Lord Bonaparte is still inseparable from water, and Georgiana listened absently to his idea while collecting wild vegetables on the roadside.

He didn't take her to the dairy or the farm, as he said the smell of those places was too strong and would affect his sense of smell.

He likes to be clean. Although the water flowing in the small valley is cold and can be used for bathing, he doesn't allow her to go to the river to wash.

This was one of the many strange hobbies of Bonaparte the Bonaparte, not taking a bath to tidy up, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She doesn't care about the unification of Italy's trade, doesn't care how imperfect France's shipping system is, and doesn't want to know what impact the opening of the Simplon Channel in the Alps will have on the politics and military of Milan and France.

She wanted to jump into the river now to wash off the smell on her body.

Are you listening to me? Leon asked impatiently.

Why can you wash, but I can't? She said unwillingly, It's not fair.

He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and finally said to her patiently and gently, You are a girl, taking a cold shower is not good for your health.

Excuses, she accuses. You want to put a scent on me.

You talk like I'm an animal.

Severus had the same problem as him, but she wouldn't tell him.

A stag would fight if it smelled other stags in its own territory, let alone a lion.

What kind of wild vegetable is this in your hand? He changed the subject under her glaring gaze.


Is this delicious? He picked a leaf and smelled it under his nose.

It's not tasty, only people will eat it when it's time to save the famine.

Apart from humans, can other animals be eaten?

Georgiana smiled Of course.

What animals can be eaten?

Pig! She pointed at his big head. Horses can eat it too, but if they have a choice, they will still choose alfalfa.

He froze for a moment.

With horses, don't horses need to eat grass? In addition to buying war horses and heavy-drawn horses, do you also need horses to pull wagons? After buying these horses, where will they graze?

He took her hand and held her in his arms.

If you were a man, I would definitely make you a minister. He said softly, I'm afraid your guardian will really have to change.

What happened to Monsieur Lyoncourt?

He was sent to another province as an investigator.

Then who is my new guardian?

Guess what. He said like playing a game.

I don't know any of your French officials.

You said you used to be a teacher, how much do you know about the education reform in France?

She froze for a moment.

You want the Minister of Education to be my guardian?

I have more urgent things to do. He let go of his arm and looked into her eyes. I will leave my sugar factory and technical school to you.

You are leaving me at Rambrier?

You know how I feel now? I want to see you, but you avoid me, you cruel woman.

It was as if she had been struck by lightning.

She actually had feelings of missing and reluctance for him.

Whether it's in the city or the countryside is not safe now, I will be very happy if you and Josephine stay here, and you help me take good care of her.

No problem. She agreed without hesitation.

Instead he was unhappy.

You're not jealous at all?

You will not let her leave Malmaison until an emergency. How many troops have you left to protect the territory?

You don't have to worry about this, Juno will know how to do it. He said flatly, Aren't you afraid at all?

Have you ever seen a giant? she asked rhetorically.

I've seen it.

Where did you see it?

Mantua Duke's Palace, Romano Giulio's frescoes, Titan Wars, the art committee originally wanted to bring it back to Paris.

Don't you want it?

I was busy with other things at the time, and the defenses in two sectors were weak...

I can have people build a school in the territory, and then paint a mural in the hall of the school that is exactly the same as the Titan War. She interrupted him, It doesn't have to be brought back, and what is Mantua? ?”

You said giants. He changed the subject again, Is there really giants in this world?

That's right, I also fought against them. At that time, I led a group of teenagers. You were seventeen when you went to war for the first time, right?

He nods.

Those children were younger than you were then, they were not afraid, what else should I be afraid of. She said indifferently, After the war, I heard that Severus was dead, and my mind went blank, and then he suddenly appeared in front of me, I didn't think about anything, left the letter of succession and left with him.

You pass the position?

I'm a dean. You think I'm an ordinary teacher. Compared with jealousy, jealousy and infighting, I think the most urgent thing now is to distinguish between priorities and priorities. How serious is the current situation?

I want to raise a million quintals of wheat and sell it at a low price. I expect to spend 22 million francs and lose 15 million francs, but this is less than the 65 million military expenses of the Second Italian War. Much cheaper,

Are you going to Italy?

He sighed. I asked Shaputal to buy food.

Then what?

Aren't you that smart? Keep guessing!

She wanted to punch the bastard twice.

Shaptar is your new guardian, a chemist with a medical degree...

Isn't he buying food?

That's right.

Because of his ineffectiveness, he was demoted to be the Minister of Education?

That's right.

Can you make it clear at once! she yelled angrily.

I'm a pig.

Only then did she realize that she had been tricked.

She threw all the wild vegetables she had just picked on this modern Hannibal.

He didn't hide, the smile on his face faded a lot.

He was a soldier who escaped death. I shouldn't have taken his wife away, but I don't regret it at all. Bonaparte said calmly. There is no problem with the governor, I will agree to him, as long as I want you back.

She wanted to say that he was dreaming, that Napoleon's empire was long gone in the era of Severus, and he was promised to be a governor.

But isn't she in a dream right now?

'It's time for you to get up. ’ She heard a woman say, ‘You sleep too long. '

Tell me what you're thinking? Bonaparte asked her, very unsure.

Don't choose a wife from a flirtatious woman, don't choose a minister from a scientist or a smart person, and the minister who made you think this way is Shaputar?

The Republic needs a scientist, and I need him to use a new chemical method to make gunpowder. He pulled his hair impatiently, Spain and the United States wanted to hire him at a high price, and I used my official position to keep him, but he is really not a politician. .”

Who will take his job?

Uvral, he was dismissed for speculating and smuggling grain.

Oh, my God. Georgiana covered her head and laughed. You're going to give me a hard time, Leon.

The two of you want to keep me with him, and you can do anything except that you sleep with him.

Where's your logic? she asked inexplicably.

I need someone to do things. Whether he is a criminal or a scientist, it's okay to take away any maid he likes, but you two can't.

She still didn't understand the logic, but she probably knew what was going on.

Mr. Shapthal is angry?

I proposed to give him the Medal of the French Legion of Honor, but he didn't accept it, what do you think? His Excellency Bonaparte waved his hand, and began to chatter again.

She found that the clever Napoleon really seemed to have a pig moment.

But it is really difficult to communicate with people who are not in the same world. She hasn't figured out how to deal with Josephine yet.

Then she recalled that in the past, she communicated with Severus as smoothly as she communicated with Bonaparte?

As soon as the idea came to her, she didn't want to think about it.

Gunpowder is used in war, and you are against war, my lady, what are you thinking?

Had her teacher been alive, he would have asked her that question.

She seems to be getting more and more confused as she gets older. Fortunately, she resigned from her job as the dean, otherwise she would have taught many confused students.

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