Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1284 Lakeside Poets

The fuse of the American War of Independence was the Boston Tea Party. The cause, process, and results of the event are clearly described in the book.

The Donald Tax Act replaced the stamp duty as a means for the British government to squeeze the colonies, and all paper, glass, lead, paint, and tea exported from the United Kingdom to the colonies were taxed.

These things are currently unavailable in North America and must rely on the UK. Napoleon took a different approach, taxing the colonies' exports of goods. There is price competition in the market. Of course, there are many customers for cheap and good things. On the premise that prices cannot rise, additional taxes will of course cause dissatisfaction in the colonies. It will be a matter of time before the outbreak of the same thing as the American War of Independence.

His purpose is very clear, which is to start a war, because only in this way can those hungry wolves who have been imprisoned in Paris for a long time be released to carry out robbery.

After the Portuguese war, some soldiers had already instigated a mutiny because they were jealous of Lucien Bonaparte's spoils. He suppressed that crisis, but this was not a long-term solution after all. Since the beginning of the French Revolution, every time the French soldiers went to war, they were in extreme crisis situations. Napoleon’s two expeditions to Italy were burdened with huge debts.

To soldiers who can make a fortune in war, a profitable war is more attractive than an unprofitable peace.

Napoleon has bigger plans in Europe, and Europe represents civilization, he will no longer launch brutal wars in Europe, compared to overseas colonies are the best targets.

This is indeed not something a woman should know, and it will tarnish her pure soul, but since he said Milan just now, he told her the answer indirectly. The citizens of Milan have a good impression of the French, but it does not mean that the people around Milan have a good impression of the French. Pavia is in Lombardy like Milan, where a special military tax of 20 million was imposed, and then there was a riot there. Pavia Later, the rebels in Asia also joined forces with the Walled Guards in Milan, causing chaos in the city and blazing fires in the neighborhoods.

This was originally a piece of history, and with all her brains, she would never have guessed that her extramarital partner was actually the bandit who directed this brutal war.

In other words, she never thought that she would get married in this life at all. She felt that the idyllic life of farming flowers, cooking food, teaching students, and occasionally drinking butter beer was pretty good. She didn't need a troublesome man at all.

The biggest difference between civil law and Anglo-American common law is that it cannot be changed arbitrarily. In the administrative process, an amnesty is required to operate flexibly, and this amnesty requires the signature and consent of His Majesty the Emperor.

It will take some time for this pardon to be effective. In comparison, the kidnapped Pope's special envoy is even more terrible.

The church has a lot of land, the land will produce food, and there are countries around that have trade with the Pope. Napoleon needs 1 million quintals of food to relieve the famine, and he needs to sell wheat worth 70 million pounds to the UK. If the envoy has an accident, don’t It is said that his Roman dream is gone, even his position as the first ruler may not be secure. He has seen the scene of citizen riots with his own eyes. safe.

A pretty girl like Sophie would especially be the prey. Will the young man who loves to write love poems to her come to rescue her?

No matter how nice the words are, no actual actions can tell the authenticity of a person.

Between the poet and the prince, she will choose the prince without hesitation, although the prince is sometimes very unreasonable and does not know how to care for women.

She looked at the bustling gardens at Rambouillet, a place as lovely as heaven, but she was a fool who chose the truth between the truth and the joy, and so she was always alone in worry when everyone was happy.

Such an unsociable character, but she still has to pretend to be gregarious. No wonder she felt so tired from socializing before.

Napoleon chased the guests out of the suite, but the English guests stayed, and were more at ease in the garden, where Wordsworth, who looked a little like Severus, was chatting with his friends.

Severus wouldn't smile like Wordsworth at social events, and the young man was too thin, not nearly as strong, and although he was also dressed in black, he didn't have that dark tension.

Wordsworth may have sensed that someone was looking at him, and as soon as he turned his head around, Sophie stood between them.

Let's go and see the swans, miss. Sophie said with a meek smile.

Georgiana smiled and left the garden with Sophie.

Originally, Rambouillet was in a state of tightness on the outside and looseness on the inside, but now she has become much more tense, and Napoleon's guide soldiers are wandering around her.

He had brought these soldiers back from Egypt, and she thought it would be better for him to loosen her fetters than these Muggle soldiers.

He has strange preferences and likes to tease her feet. She can only understand that the fetters restrict her freedom and give him a sense of control.

The Leon who covered her eyes yesterday and led her to see the swans like a sunny boy seemed to be a phantom, and the person who appeared in front of her just now was a devil surrounded by war and darkness. This metaphor is very dramatic, but Bo Isn't His Excellency Nabal's life dramatic?

She stood by the pool and looked at the swans from England. In just ten years, a down-and-out kid on the streets of Paris became the object of the King of England. No wonder that in the biography that Severus showed her, He'd say it's all like a dream.

...Wait, Stefani...

A man's voice came from the forest.

I have nothing to say to you, Louis, please get out of the way! A woman's voice sounded.

Let's elope, the man said. Let's leave this horrible country.

After being rumored for so long, she really never thought that she would see the scandal one day. She took Sophie to hide behind a tree and peeped by the pond.

She knew the male lead, who happened to be Louis Bonaparte, and the female lead looked familiar.

You...you are so rude! the girl said angrily.

I love you, I don't want to marry Hortense, that's all my brother's idea. Louis begged.

Then you can reject him like Lucien, instead of pleading with me. If I leave with you, what can I get? You will come back and continue to be your heir, but my reputation will be ruined...

You just want to be the Duchess of Baden! Louie yelled, He's old enough to be your grandfather!

I'm not marrying the Duke of Baden himself, but his heir. Besides, that's after I become Your Excellency's adopted daughter. It's too early for you to say that now.

You have no love in your heart! Louis said angrily, and then turned away from the pool.

After he left, Stephanie held her heart, stood for a while as if she couldn't breathe, and then staggered away.

That's Mademoiselle Stefani de Beauharnay, said Sophie in Georgiana's ear. Louis will marry Mademoiselle Hortense after the National Day.

She really has nothing to say.

Albus, you really deserve to see this show. She smiled nervously.

That is, after Eugene, another child of the Beauharney family wanted to marry the Germans. As a politician, Napoleon Bonaparte was no less cold-blooded than those hereditary monarchs.

She couldn't let cold politics run through his veins too, it would kill him.

Let's go, let's go back and look at the map, where is Baden. Georgiana took Sophie's arm and walked back to the castle.

She found a more interesting purpose than peace. Compared with ability, brains, money, and courage, she still prefers a humane man. If he also becomes a political animal, she will not be interested in him.

Then she'd wave goodbye to the little French lover and spend the night with her spy husband, if Severus was willing to accept her as a slut.

Can I ask you a question? Sophie asked carefully.

What's up?

What's so special about that Mr. William Wordsworth?

He looks like my husband, but younger and too thin. She smiled with some covetousness. My husband's muscles are very strong, just like steak.

Sophie's face turned red.

Hahaha. The old woman laughed heartily, with the joy of a hooligan molesting a little girl.

The book you read in the study before was written by Rousseau? Sophie asked.

That's right, but I don't recommend you watch it.


You are too young.

Sophie nodded half understanding, Then what book do you suggest I read?

Pomona recalled a long list of book titles in her mind, and suddenly she didn't know which one to show her.

Miss, what do you like about the first ruler? Sophie asked excitedly.

He is sincere, brave and strong, like a lion.

Sophie looked weird.

Poor guy, even the little girl doesn't believe you are a good person. Georgiana watched Sophie shake her head and continued walking towards the castle.

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