Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1292 National Treasure

If you're causing trouble, of course you want to go as far as you can.

The commotion on the left bank of the Seine did not reach the right bank, and the coachman took Georgiana and Sophie to the Basilica of Our Lady of Victory near the Louvre.

This was built by Louis XIII to celebrate the victory over the Protestants in La Rochelle. He attributed the victory to the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Directory, it was used as the headquarters of the lottery and the stock exchange. On July 15, 1801, the second day of the French National Day, the special agreement on educational affairs was officially signed, and the church resumed its original function.

If it was in the past, she must have unconditionally supported peace, because no matter how bad peace is, it is also beneficial to women.

But in addition to participating in profitable wars, men will also participate in unprofitable wars. This unprofitable war maintains the morality in their hearts and something they think they can sacrifice for.

It is understandable that the government does not believe in God, but they should not pollute this peaceful church with lottery tickets and noise.

This church was famous for its votive objects, and the nuns had just packed it up to receive people, and someone put prayer cards on the shrine, and besides, she found some military medals.

Someone's hope of convincing Chaputal through Georgiana to accept the Order of Honor of the Republic at the National Day Dinner failed. Chaputal still did not accept it, and he remained in Rambouillet to manage the sugar factory.

What he did as a guardian was so bad that the First Consul wanted to change her guardian again.

She didn't know whether Leon was looking for a fig leaf or for political purposes, anyway, he could do whatever he wanted.

When the carriage passed the left bank of the Seine, she subconsciously glanced in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, remembering the last time she took a walk with another person.

They had a terrible dinner and a good dance, and he took her to the hotel afterwards.

It was a similar day at the Rambouillet dinner, she could dance the waltz, but the minuet was terrible, and the lord of Rambouillet held back until he made fun of her when he returned to his tent at night.

The tent by the pond was luxurious, not at all like a marching tent, and he taught her minuet in the tent.

Then the ending was the same, as if the tricks of men of their type were so similar, lacking novel ideas, and not at all like other young people who were good at tricks.

When the First Consul handed out the medals, Chaputal did not watch, and walked into the garden by himself, seemingly forgetting his duty as a guardian.

Georgiana had to find a guardian to watch herself.

A world-class chemist, Chapthal could have sought refuge in the United States during a time of unrest in France, but he didn't. At that time, other European countries wanted to carve up France, so he was forced to get involved in the war, and used his knowledge to make gunpowder and other powder for war, so that France would not be under the double pressure of economic blockade and military blockade, because Lack of necessary minerals and ran out of food.

He didn't care who ruled France, whether it was the Jacobins, the Directory, or Napoleon, as long as he could protect the country from turmoil and foreign invasion, he was content.

Honor is just a foreign object to him, and he values ​​real things more.

As a scientist, he has a very good relationship with the church representing superstition. The director of education that Napoleon just established has 4 places, and he is also qualified as a recommender. There are several monks in his list of candidates.

Napoleon was a soldier, but he did not intend to build France into a country ruled by warlords. Only one of the four directors of education was reserved for Daomairon. Daomairon used to be the Brienne Military Academy, Napoleon's alma mater My teacher, Napoleon is very nostalgic.

At the same time, he also holds grudges very much. His views on politics cannot be refuted by others. One day he was having dinner in the countryside with a few comrades-in-arms. Then he walked back to Valence alone.

A storm came suddenly on the way, and he had to run under a tree to take shelter from the rain. After a while, the captain who had just argued with him passed by alone in a two-wheeled carriage, pretending not to recognize Napoleon, and later became Mr. Bonaparte. At the peak of his power, no matter how many people proposed to promote this officer, he always refused.

This is very puzzling to many people who don't know, because Napoleon has been trying to find comrades whom Valence knew and arranged them in good positions.

Duomairon happened to be one of the insiders. He and Chaputal were both members of the Education Reform Committee. The two chatted about it, and then Chaputal told Georgiana.

The captain was really excellent, and there were too many people who recommended him, so Napoleon used his insincerity to prevaricate him, saying that he would not be promoted. Later, in order to buy food, he used Uvral, who was really evil, to replace Chaputal. At first, Shaputal didn't understand, but later he figured it out, he was really not suitable for this kind of work.

Georgiana has only been in contact with wizarding schools and ordinary Muggle schools, and has never been in contact with boys in military schools.

Later, she didn't pay much attention to what Shaputal said, and she was busy imagining the military school boy who hid under the tree in the storm and stared at the enemy's carriage with hatred and jealousy.

She is an old woman who is almost fifty years old, but she is as dreamy as a 15-year-old girl in her heart.

She imagined what would happen after she drove a two-wheeled carriage, stopped in front of the military school boy who was hiding from the rain under a tree, and kindly picked him up for a while.

He would thank her insolently and turn away, or would he wait under the tree for her to drive past again.

She caressed the medal left by someone who didn't know who left it on the shrine, and her mood regained calm, although she didn't hear the singing of the choir in this place.

what's on your mind?

asked the nun at the church, smiling.

An insolent boy, laughed Georgiana.

Who is he to you? Mammy asked knowingly.

The girl of my dreams, she said with a smirk.

What is he doing?

A soldier.

Mammy was slightly surprised.

It's not because of his uniform, Georgiana argued.

Then what do you like about him?

There were many thoughts in her mind.

Just love it, she concluded. It's a pity he's in a terrible job and has to get his hands dirty, but he's a clean guy.

You are clean too. Mammy stroked Georgiana's forehead. Come, pray with us.

She shook her head and refused.

It's not necessary to be a Caesar to understand Caesar, and I don't have to be a believer to understand the church.


She turned her head and looked at the person standing at the door calling her.

Come with me. The boy in the military school in the rain said firmly to her.

I'll go first. She waved goodbye to Mammy.

When she approached, the military school boy immediately grabbed her hand and led her to run, as if hiding from the rain.

She didn't know where he was going to take her, but she was willing to go anywhere.

In the end he just took her out of the church and on the street corner he started kissing her.

The weather in summer is really abnormal. It was clear and cloudless just now, but now it is pouring rain.

The indoors with a roof are definitely more comfortable, but the rain is like a baptism, washing away the filth from them.

As if she was a girl and he was a teenager.

When the kiss was over, she tasted blood, maybe a bitten lip.

He put his forehead against hers and closed his eyes as if enjoying himself.

You are my treasure, he whispered.

Instead she thought of Albus's epitaph, and then she thought of another wizard.

You stole something from someone else and you have to give it back to them.

He looked very unhappy.

She thought of the captain, no matter how good he was, how many people persuaded him, the Corsicans said he would not be promoted if he was not promoted, so she stopped talking about this topic.

I want to see the Crown of Thorns, she said. Is it still at Notre Dame?

He stared at her like a graceful deer.

You think it should be returned to the Holy See?

Stay in France, of course! She replied hastily, Unless we return to the dark Middle Ages, the divine right of kings is not allowed.

Girl, thank you for avenging us. Bonaparte said politely.

I still think revenge will cause more problems. She pressed herself against the wall uncomfortably. Can you back off a little?

He kissed her again, provocatively this time.

Before getting distracted, she pushed the shameless thief away.

What are you thinking! This is a church!

The groom can kiss the bride at the wedding, I didn't make a mistake. He said arrogantly, looking particularly aggressive.

Don't hate them. They also want to survive. I think that soldier has his own problems. How could he easily give up the life his parents gave him?

I'll tell them when they come back. I'll add one more sentence to the order of the guards. Suicide is equivalent to running away and being willing to suffer defeat.

What about those who drank the opium wine?

They chose not to drag us down, Napoleon said quietly. They died in peace and dreams, and they will go to heaven.

How about a Mass for those who died in the Great Patriotic War? I think they deserved it.

I'll speak to the Archbishop.

She didn't know what to say.

What's wrong with you? He smiled wickedly.

Her mind went blank.

You can say, kiss me, the girl of my dreams. He coaxed her.

She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

He was not angry, and even closed his eyes with some enjoyment, and shouted to the sky, Thank you, God, I love you.

She didn't bother to talk to this lunatic anymore.

She was about to leave when she was grabbed by the hand. He picked her up and walked around in the rain laughing.

Put me down! she threatened ferociously.

But a certain person was unmoved and continued to circle around, as if he suddenly had supernatural power.

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