Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2371 The King's Shadow (Part 2)

Although Viennese waltzes became popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and many composers wrote them, the music played by Di Boer is not the kind of decoration that can be regarded as the background.

All took a drink and stood around him, Georgiana also took a drink and stood in a corner with Bonaparte.

She could feel someone judging her with the back of her head.

Well, the dumping of tea and coffee is a joke. The Americans just felt that the French were no longer a threat after the Seven Years War, so they were unwilling to pay taxes to England.

She watched Di Boer's performance, imagining the scene when Frederick the Great listened to Di Boer's performance in the Sanssouci Palace, and she couldn't help but compare everything in front of her eyes.

The alliance between the French and the Ottoman Empire has existed since Francis I. At that time, it was still called the union of the lily and the crescent, and other countries preferred to call it the alliance of blasphemy. First, Francois was defeated and captured in the Battle of Pavia, and Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire imposed very harsh conditions.

Francois agreed, and then quickly regretted it. The relationship between the two countries soon fell into tension. Charles V clamored to fight Francois I. Francois did not challenge, and then he was between the knight kingdom Reputation discredited.

France and the Holy Roman Empire were reconciled through the Treaty of Our Lady of Cambrai signed by Marguerite of Austria, and François I allied himself with the Ottoman Empire.

After the Eastern Roman Empire fell in 1453 and Constantinople was renamed Istanbul, Hungary became the front line against the Ottomans. When Hungary can't hold it anymore, Vienna will be besieged. In 1529, the Ottoman Empire first tried to capture Vienna, sending 100,000 troops, and then in 1683, during the reign of Leopold I, 30 years had just ended During the war, the Ottomans did not abide by the rules of recuperation and recuperation. They wanted to take advantage of the situation, but they did not succeed. sold.

Despite Bonaparte's easy words, she wasn't too convinced that his 80,000 Italian legionnaires would take Vienna.

In trade with the Ottoman Empire, the important thing is not coffee beans, but Levant thaler, that is, a thaler with a head of Maria Theresa. Tetal also does not need to be converted into Turkish currency to sign a treaty, that is, a currency treaty.

In the 20th century, before the U.S. dollar, the pound also played the role of world currency, but at that time, the pound was made of coins made of precious metals, and because of its high quality, it led to the outflow of a large amount of precious metals, especially silver. In 1717, Newton established the gold standard, and silver became the currency of the world. Tokens.

Coins are not like banknotes. Find a place, dig a hole, put the coins in a jar, and then cover them with soil. They can still be used for hundreds of years. There is a lot of money in the small court vaults of the German princes.

There are others besides them who hide money in such a way that no matter how many new coins are minted, it will still be deflationary. During Roosevelt's New Deal period, he talked through the fireplace and asked the American people to deposit their banknotes in banks with good credit, which saved the deflation during the Great Depression.

By spreading the news, Georgiana asked the middle class in Annecy to take out their coins and exchange them for the right of way of the newly built track, and they were already close to Germany. If according to the Treaty of Westminster signed by Frederick the Great, no foreign power is allowed to take the land of moral will, it is already a violation of the rules for Ney to lead troops into Switzerland. If Frederick the Great is still there, May have united with Britain to declare war on France in the name of breach of contract.

Only places that are profitable will set up checkpoints to collect taxes, and who will build toll stations in uninhabited areas where no one goes.

If it was an ordinary moment, when Bonaparte so provoked the relationship between Prussia and Austria, Austria would not necessarily be fooled, but now that their patriotic enthusiasm has been ignited, no one knows what they will do.

The French must first establish their own good credit before they can get rid of their dependence on the Dutch credit. She believes that Bonaparte will not tell her about Utrecht for no reason. In the 16th century, most of the American silver coins were minted in the Mint of the Netherlands under Spanish rule. Does this mean that a new mint will be built in Utrecht?

She didn't dare to ask, and she was also afraid that she would guess wildly and release false news, which would lower her credit in the future.

And Georgiana is not sure whether to take advantage of this opportunity to operate foreign exchange, in case she ruins her agent like Josephine.

Hufflepuff is famously honest, she can't do this kind of speculative business, and she doesn't want to do it.

She had lived peacefully with old-fashioned people like Augusta, which showed that she was also an old-fashioned person, although she was much younger than the Longbottoms.

Just when she picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a person. It was the rich widow she had met once, Boers, one of the partners of the Belgian Industrial Promotion Bank. Mrs. Kee, the old lady is raising a glass to her.

Women age faster, but live longer than men. Many wealthy couples in the Netherlands leave a lot of inheritance and widows when their husbands die. They rarely choose to remarry.

The Dutch often find a local woman to marry, and the woman's relationship can allow him to integrate into the local circle. There are also some people who will marry young wives after their careers are successful, and then there will be some young, beautiful, rich, innocent and lovely widows.

Even they are unwilling to invest money into this so-called Belgian Industrial Promotion Bank, which shows how bad the reputation of Napoleon or the French is, but Mrs. Borski invested money, and decided how to deal with the assassin who assassinated Napoleon that day. She was also present at the meeting.

Georgiana took a sip of her wine, she didn't dare to look at Bonaparte's expression at all.

She acted too calmly, which may arouse his suspicion. He has made strange speeches a few times recently, as if... suspected that she was involved in the plan to assassinate him.

He specifically asked her why she didn't climb the tower that day, and she really felt that it was too tiring for an 80-year-old man in such a full suit to climb so high.

Who made her disappear that night inexplicably?

She needs some normal people's reactions after encountering an assassination, such as fear and fear. He is standing here not because he is free, but because he is here to accompany her specially. But will it be too late for her to show it now?

One of the characteristics of antisocial personality is indifference, suspicion, and lack of empathy, and her greatest advantage is empathy.

When she cuts off her sympathy, becomes indifferent, and indifferent to the suffering of others, is that still herself?

Although she knew many ways of poisoning and poisonous plants, she had no intention of using it.

Mrs. Zabini got richer with each marriage, and a woman like her was nicknamed the Black Widow.

As a woman, you will always be bound by many moral constraints. If a Venetian man owes a lot of debt to gambling, and can continue to appear in public after dark while wearing a mask, a woman will be crucified. Besides, there will be others Teach them piety, and pray to Maria that the plague will end soon.

She put her head on Bonaparte's shoulders.

She cast herself a creaking spell that tickled her so much that she laughed, but when she held it back, she trembled, almost like fear.

Later, she found out that it was really unnecessary. Just this feeling of wanting to laugh and cry at the same time tortured her almost crazy, so there was no need to pretend.

The woman she envied most was actually Molly, no matter what she became, Arthur still called her little tremble.

Didn't their marriage fulfill that vow? Regardless of poverty or wealth, beauty or discoloration, prosperity or adversity, love him, respect her, and accept him (her).

In the past, due to the limitations of the times, she had to listen to live performances of chamber music. If in the 20th century, she could find a place to lie down and drink juice while listening to records or the radio, that would be the real enjoyment. The way she looks now reminds her of Rose on the Titanic, the suffocation that made Rose run to the stern and nearly jump into the icy sea.

But there she met Jack, under a sky full of stars.

You're shaking, she heard someone beside her say.

It'll be fine in a while, she said softly, Don't tell anyone else.

He didn't answer.

So she leaned against him like this, and listened to the piece until Dubort played the last note, and she removed the spell and clapped with the others.

As if everything was business as usual.

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