Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3065 The Veil of Ignorance (6)

Minerva and Felicity rummaged through Kelly Wharton's dormitory to find some clues, and they found a lot of love poems:

Your voice is like a fortune-telling bird that heralds the rain.

I am your loyal and lovable swallow-tailed dog.

I have your spell on my heart.

And so on, but as far as people familiar with the matter know, Kylie does not have a relationship.

Although Kelly doesn't wear glasses like Myrtle, she has a plain appearance, reminiscent of a bulldog. She also has a bad temper. Anyway, no one would want to laugh at her appearance like Humbey did.

She was last seen walking in the corridors of the library, bouncing along as if rushing to an appointment.

So what are we looking for?

Pomona asked after looking up and down the library.

Severus was looking around as well.

Everything is business as usual here, there are really no clues.

There is a portrait of the Gray Lady in the corridor, but she probably won't be able to get anything out of it because it's just a portrait.

In the era when the Gray Lady was alive, the painting style was different from that painting. It looked more like it was painted for her by a painter after the Renaissance.

Could she have been taken to the back room? Pomona asked.

He looked at her in surprise.

You mean Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

Otherwise, which secret room is there?

He gave her a look that said this hypothesis was impossible.

Otherwise, let's find a secret passage. Pomona asked tentatively, Maybe she is in a secret passage.

We only know part of the secret passage. Maybe Miss Wharton is in an unknown secret passage. Severus said.

What should we do? she asked anxiously.

He was actually in the mood to laugh at this moment, and Pomona was so angry that she wanted to punch him.

Do you think the sky will fall if Dumbledore resigns? he asked easily.

Are you trying to say that Dumbledore is not irreplaceable? Pomona asked.

Maybe the new principal can bring a new atmosphere. He said rather frivolously.

What new trend?

Not as lax as now, so...

Aren't you worried about losing your current job? Pomona said.

Are you worried? he asked.

Pomona was a little reluctant to give up, but she felt that was not the focus now.

We can be good partners. He looked at her intently, We will have greater achievements in the future.

Pomona thought of Atricia Braque and Eunnan Wood. They worked really well together in their careers and created many terrifying mazes.

What do you think? he said.

She looked at the Slytherin in front of her.

Aren't you worried that if your patron falls, you will suffer as well?

He just doesn't become the principal, he's also the president of the Wizards' Federation. He said nonchalantly.

Pomona thought about examples, but instead of one that would disprove him, he found one that supported him.

After Octavian became consul, he freed the slaves attached to Caesar at the Curia Congress. These slaves were very wealthy and did not become slaves because of debts.

In Roman law, there was a kind of natural debt, which was neither a civil debt nor a moral obligation. Although it had legal effect, it had no right of action and could not be enforced.

Caesar needed them when he was alive, and they also needed Caesar's protection. Now that Caesar is dead, they can be released through Octavian and become Roman citizens.

If slaves are not released according to formal ceremonies, they are semi-citizens and cannot enjoy the rights of civil law.

The tribune is also a type of asylum system. He is the protector of the civilians just like the patron has the obligation and responsibility to protect his protected person. However, the tribune can only punish the wrongful death penalty to prevent the civilians from suffering some unhappiness. Fair treatment, but cannot allow them to enjoy various rights.

Curlia is composed of clans. The earliest king was only a military leader, the highest judge and the highest priest. He did not have the power of a king, nor was he an autocratic monarch, nor was he hereditary...

You forgot what the centaur said, 'he' will come back. Pomona stared into Severus's eyes and said, Harry was marked by 'him'.

The smile disappeared from Severus' face and his expression stiffened.

Pomona looked out at the clear sky.

In the Iliad, Zeus causes torrential rain to pour down on the earth, venting his dissatisfaction because humans in the assembly judge unjustly and reject justice without regard for the punishment of the gods.

Harry did have a lightning-shaped scar on his head. Why did she think of the rainstorm?

What do you think, we make it rain? Pomona said.

What? he said in surprise.

That day we found the big-headed monster in the school auditorium, Pomona said. It was raining in the auditorium at the time.

Normally there shouldn't be water in the auditorium, but those floating candles didn't work.

Change another place.

Pomona had no objection and followed him to find a place far away from the library to rain.

Justice is a principle to James. Even if he hates Severus, it doesn't mean he can watch him being torn to pieces by Remus.

Remus was a friend, not a tool to carry out murders. Sirius took advantage of Remus's irrational side. He also knew that Remus would be exempted from the punishment of murder because of his madness.

Transforming into a werewolf, unlike animagus, is uncontrollable. The Ministry of Magic even defines werewolves in the transformation period as beasts.

After Caesar's assassination, both Brutus and Antony gave public speeches.

Brutus said to everyone, As long as Caesar lives, you and I will be slaves for one more day. The sooner Caesar dies, the sooner we and I will be free.

After Brutus finished speaking, he received support from many people, and then it was Antony's turn to take the stage.

I came today to bury Caesar, not to praise him. I found that life in this world is like 'good things sink into the sand and bad things spread thousands of miles.' If Caesar was ambitious, which is indeed the case, then it would naturally be Caesar's big mistake. , but Caesar is dead to make up for his sins. Caesar turned out to be a close friend of mine. He treated me honestly and fairly. I thought that when he won the battlefield, all the property captured would return to the country. Is this ambition? Whenever he hears Common people's hobbies will also shed tears of sympathy. Can ambitious people be so kind-hearted? In the past, you loved him very much. I think it was not for no reason. Today he died, but you did not shed tears for him. This is really It makes me puzzled, hey, conscience, have you gone to an animal?

At this point Anthony burst into tears and then continued.

Today, he lies here, but no one cares about him. If my words can arouse your conscience, then I am sorry for Brutus, sorry for Cathy, because they are a group of decent people! I would rather be sorry I myself, I'm sorry to all of you, but I can't ignore these gentlemen, but I have a piece of paper in my hand, and I don't want to read the content on it, because if I read it, even the ignorant people will be dissatisfied with Caesar's words if they hear it. The corpse hugged his head and cried.

Then the people shouted loudly: Please read the will to us quickly.

Anthony said, Don't worry, I must not read it to you, because once you know the care expressed for you in this suicide note, it will probably be a bad thing. You are not a stick or a stone, you have feelings. People, after listening to Caesar’s words, I can’t imagine what kind of trouble everyone will cause!”

The audience below urged Antony to read, and when the emotions below were almost brewing, Antony took out Caesar's bloody clothes, pointed at the incisions, and told who caused them.

Then Antony said, Friends, I am not here to incite your indignation. I cannot speak. Without the eloquence of Brutus, how can I inspire people? But I ask you to listen to me for a few more words. I ask you, Why Caesar deserves to be loved.”

Then Anthony took up the will.

Each Roman citizen was assigned seventy-five drachmas, and his garden trees were also given to everyone forever as a public playground for your descendants to enjoy. People like Caesar are the best in the world. Are there any more there?”

The audience screamed like crazy and rushed to Brutus. The gentlemen escaped under escort, and then the citizens rushed to Brutus's house and set fire to his house to avenge Caesar.

As a woman, it is not difficult for Pomona to understand Medea's mood. A person eager for revenge can do anything.

She suddenly stopped and grabbed Snape's robe.

I have a question, why doesn't he get revenge? Pomona gasped.

He looked at her.

When he entered the school, everyone knew he had every reason to hate and expected him to be sorted into Slytherin.

You mean Albus Dumbledore? he asked.

It was amazing that he could understand her words that were so inconsistent, but she still nodded.

Why didn't you say it was because of love? he said mockingly.

You told me a lot of truths, but I forgot. Pomona said pitifully.

What do you remember? he said calmly.

If she had a father like Percival Dumbledore, she would forgive him.

But she didn't say it, because it wasn't like what a good girl should think.

In other words, she should choose to forget, instead of being like Myrtle, who would not let people feel peaceful even if she died.

Bella told me that she would kill Sirius Black the next time she saw him. Do you know why? Severus asked.

Because Sirius is a 'traitor', Pomona said.

No, he said decisively.

Why is that? Pomona said perfunctorily. Does Bella need a reason to kill someone?

Do you think Death Eaters are all crazy and can kill people at will? Severus asked.

Pomona didn't say it directly.

Isn't this obvious?

Do you know about blood revenge? Severus asked.

I know. Pomona said obediently, as if answering a teacher's question in class, The deceased's tribe will kill the murderer or the murderer's tribe.

What if the victim and the murderer were of the same race? Severus said. Like Bella and Black.

Pomona opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

Black was expelled from the family. Even if Bella kills him, it does not belong to the fratricide within the Black family. Regulus Black does not have to avenge him, and of course his parents.

Bella is married too, Pomona said.

But she has not been removed. Her name is still on the tapestry of the Black family. How many pure blood do you think there are now? The twenty-eight Holy Families are all gone.

She really hadn't expected this, so no wonder Sirius was so shocked when he heard that he had been removed from the list.

If Dumbledore falls this time, you cooperate with me and think about it. Severus said calmly, Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Where are we going? Pomona asked in fear.

He said nothing, held her hand and moved on.

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