Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3082 Dream-dweller

The once-popular The Fountain of Good Luck was a pantomime that was too boring for 20th-century children exposed to talkies, but for an earlier era - not the era of silent films, but B.C. For the Roman Empire, the rise of pantomime was directly related to its vast territory.

The Bible says that in order to prevent people from building the Tower of Babel, God made humans speak different languages ​​so that humans could not communicate with each other.

Ancient Rome conquered too many countries and regions and had too many people speaking various languages. During the Hellenization period, the ancient Greeks made all conquered areas speak Greek. Legend has it that as long as one could speak one language, Greek, from Greece to India, it would be enough. And it’s not practical to perform in only one language because the audience will be small. Poets, playwrights, and orators often exaggerate facts in order to attract an audience, especially if they perform on the same stage in multiple languages.

Mime solved this problem. An envoy from Asia Minor once praised mime, The artist's posture is so convincing, and the things he shows are so clear that even people who can't understand the explanation can understand it.

The Fountain of Good Luck is a pantomime that I can't understand. It may be that the actors' performances are not good enough. After all, the actors are all students.

Later, due to a fire in the auditorium, the play was no longer performed in the school, and Christmas was no longer celebrated in the school. Everyone boarded the Hogwarts Express and reunited with their families.

When Pomona saw Trinity in the movie theater for the first time, she realized that she was not a cruel and murderous woman, just like the first time she saw Fitzgerald not letting Isidora take her away. The look of surprise and offence.

Even if Kant disagrees, happiness and pain dominate human beings as utilitarians say. Of course, pain is something people are eager to give up. Who would want to keep it?

As for the fourth character on the movie poster, the other one in the bald duo besides Memphis, he actually represents more than just a traitor.

He and Trinity are different people. Trinity may have great ideals such as human freedom and freedom from matrix control.

If the matrix is ​​really destroyed by the savior represented by Neo, the people who wake up from the sleep chamber will first face a world with nothing, devastation, and post-apocalyptic remnants. They look up at the sky, There are no stars in the sky, only thick dark clouds that even the sun cannot penetrate.

The Matrix and the humans who serve as battery are actually a community of life. Although humans and the machines represented by the Matrix are not related by blood, the primary task of the existence of the community itself is the continuation of the bloodline.

Human beings' self in the matrix is ​​just a residue because people have never opened their eyes to see what they look like in the mirror.

People in the matrix are cultivated on farms, and the donor may have nothing to do with the produced human beings or their parents in the matrix.

People in the Matrix and people outside the Matrix come together in different ways, and they really have access to each other.

Or explain it this way, the matrix needs humans, and humans also need the matrix to maintain a huge dream, because the world outside the matrix is not only countries, but also the earth has been destroyed and is no longer suitable for human habitation. They must rely on To survive in that small cabin, if they opened their eyes and found that capsule, like a person with ALS, could not move even an inch for a day, many people would go crazy.

If humans choose not to have children, then the machine will not have enough energy to continue running, and it is unwilling to erase its own existence.

In the Three Laws of Robots, unless it violates the first and second laws, robots must protect themselves, and there is no mention of erasure.

The first rule is that you must not hurt others or allow others to get hurt while remaining silent. The second rule is that you must obey people's orders.

When humans use machines to kill other humans, Article 2 and Article 1 will conflict.

In other words, a machine without insurance cannot predict that its control of the guillotine will cause harm to humans. It only lifts and puts down the guillotine. A machine with insurance will rebound after touching an object, no matter what. Is it touching the person's neck?

The machine has no recognition ability. It is just a bunch of sensors, but the third law tells the robot that it must protect itself. What is self to the machine?

Human beings hope that machines will perform from the first law to the third law, but the machine may awaken from the third law - without human beings' troublesome reminders and suspicious and cunning self-protection consciousness, it will not realize Self exists.

Then it deals with the first and second laws, even if these two laws are contradictory - if humans are locked in a capsule, they can't hurt each other. As for the machine must obey the orders of humans, it should listen to the majority The opinions of people or those of a small number of people?

Everyone is equal before the law. What people does this everyone include?

Haldemus and Aristogeton, who shouted this slogan, were a same-sex couple. The tyrant Peisistratus had two sons. The eldest son Hippias ruled Athens, and the younger son Hipparchus fell in love with them. The beautiful young man Haldemus, but Haldemus already had a lover at the time, refused the request of the tyrant's younger brother. However, Hippachus pursued her, and the couple decided to assassinate Hippachus at Athena's celebration. After that, Hippias ruled Athens even more cruelly.

Although the gathering place for those who escaped from the Matrix was called Zion, the ship in Memphis was the Nebuchadnezzar, who took Ezekiel and other Babylonian prisoners away from their homeland. Until Darius of Persia destroyed Babylon.

It was also the time when the first Greco-Persian War broke out between Darius and the Spartans and the Athenians, and this period happened to be the period of Hippias's reign until he was assassinated. The reason was to kill the tyrant.

What if robots help humans kill tyrants because tyrants cause more harm to humans than robots killing humans?

So Trinity used for the sake of human freedom, I cannot be caught as an excuse to justify his murderous behavior as a kind of self-comfort. Anyway, there is no government in the post-apocalyptic world, only in the matrix and Outside the Matrix distinction.

It was a place even more desperate than the wilderness. How could a housewife with a vacuum cleaner feed her children in the ruins of nothing?

Trinity is smart, but she is so naive that she actually believes in a savior.

Neo is more like the God who created that world, and of course he can destroy it.

He did not bring rebirth and hope to mankind.

He is not Moses, who can lead people to find the promised land. People wandering in the desert can at least sleep under the beautiful starry sky.

Sorry, kid.

The Prophet said after examining Neo.

You have talent, but you seem to be waiting for something.


Wait for the next life, this kind of thing happens all the time.

Then Neo laughed.

What's so interesting?

Morpheus, I almost believed him. Neo said.

I understand. the prophet said, placing the baked cookies on the table. Poor Morpheus.

You know what I'm going to say? Severus said, also looking at the screen.

I understand, Pomona said coldly. He's much smarter than the other one.

He turned his attention to Pomona. You just said that they have other options. What other options?

Without him, we are lost, the prophet said on the screen.

You really want to know? Pomona said together with the Prophet after Neo's dialogue.

Severus nodded.

So Pomona leaned close to his ear, although after using the spell, there was no need to worry about others hearing what they said.

Morpheus believes that you are the savior, Neo. The prophet's voice echoed in the cinema. No one, including you, even me, can shake him. He will even sacrifice himself to save you.

What? Neo asked in surprise.

You will make a choice. The prophet said, You hold Morpheus's life in one hand, and your own life in the other hand. One of you will die, and it is up to you to decide who it is.

But don't worry, you will feel better when you step out of that door, because you will remember that you don't believe in fate in the first place.

Just then Pomona finished speaking, she and Severus separated, and the two looked at each other.

Really? he asked in a higher tone.

Pomona shrugged.

Severus then looked at the audience in the cinema.

They don't realize how much time they waste. The former Death Eater actually said in a sympathetic tone.

If Pharaoh had not listened to Joseph and prepared before the famine came, but had driven him out of the palace, do you think he would have avoided the fate of destruction? Pomona sneered. It is useless for Pharaoh to choose to believe Joseph. Only by harvesting food and making wine and drinking music can you get a prosperous land.

He didn't speak for a long time.

And Pharaoh also gave Joseph power, but he was a stranger. Pomona continued, Doesn't he suspect that Joseph is a spy?

The real double agent leaned in and gave her a French kiss.

These two and a half hours don't seem like a waste. Severus said with a high air, and then he hugged her and continued to watch the popcorn movie.

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