Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3132 delirium (2)

Pliny the Elder said in his discussion of sea water in Natural History that in Rome, soldiers' wages were originally salt, and the word wage was derived from salt.

But what he was talking about should be around 640 BC. At that time, Rome was still a land of seven hills. For the Romans at that time, salt was indeed difficult to obtain. The earliest natural route to Rome One of the roads formed was used to transport salt.

However, with the expansion of Rome, especially after the conquest of areas such as Gaul and Spain, metals and mining began to be widely used. Therefore, currencies made of metals replaced salt and became soldiers' pay.

A little-known ancient Roman historian once wrote: Ensuring the supply of the army is the guarantee of the combat effectiveness of the Roman army. Insufficient food is more fatal to the army than defeat in battle, that is, hunger is more terrible than the sword.

In a battle, the most advantageous weapon in your hand is to ensure that you have enough food and grass, while trapping the enemy in a situation of starvation.

Although there is a lack of historical records, the temperature in the northern hemisphere near the north should have been relatively low during that time. Not only the Germans, but also the Huns also often moved south.

Compared with the Huns, the Germanic society was more primitive. They did not know what slavery was, nor did they know the value of Roman weapons and gold and silver jewelry. They threw all these trophies into the river to worship the river god, and even the river water became It doesn't flow.

Except for the Romans' own internal problems, the Germans had no so-called tactics at all. They relied entirely on their own fighting instincts, followed tribal leaders or warriors, looked for weak points on the battlefield, and then pounced on them like beasts to bite them. In Rome A hole was opened in the encirclement of people to break through.

The citizen soldiers of the Roman Legion were also farmers before joining the army, and their horses had to be trained so that they would not be afraid of the loud noises and the smell of blood on the battlefield. In short, they retreated, and they were tightly trapped in the river valley by the Germans, causing the originally clear Rhone River to instantly turn bright red.

During the first Sicilian slave uprising, Rome sent Italian legions to suppress it. They encountered unprecedented resistance in the city of Enna, which was later razed to the ground like Carthage.

During the Second Sicilian Slave Revolt, the people sent to suppress it were all new soldiers, just for salary. Are they so desperate?

This time to suppress the slave uprising, Rome's military operation failed completely, and both commanders were exiled. However, rich Sicily faced a food shortage problem. In addition to Rome's double tithe, the rebels also destroyed transportation lines. , not only hindered the mobility of the Romans, but also severed the connection between towns.

The stalemate continued until 101 BC. When the crisis in the north was resolved, the consuls brought the mules to Sicily. A fierce battle broke out between the two sides, and countless slaves were crucified after being captured. superior.

In the end, 1,000 slave rebels were left. They resisted for a long time, were deceived into trust by the consul who led the army, and then surrendered. Then they were sent to the Colosseum.

According to Roman custom at the time, the seats with the best views in the front row were reserved for the Senate and the consuls. Women and slaves were at the back, and could not see anything clearly without telescopes. And beast fighting is not like a racing car. The drivers will wear colorful clothes. Even if they can only see a small dot of color, the audience wearing the same color clothes can tell who is the racing driver they support, and then everyone will have fun together. shouting and cheering.

There is an oil painting of a newly victorious gladiator carrying a bloody sword, walking to the edge of the arena and asking for a kiss from a lady in golden silk in the audience. The red, white, and gold colors are very visually impactful.

Around the fifth century AD, when the Roman Empire collapsed and gradually transitioned to the Middle Ages, the Latin word moderni appeared, from which moden was derived.

In Tacitus's records, those Germans in Gaul who lived closest to the Roman garrisons began to use Roman currency. These currencies were mainly used by the army, but the currency was not popular in civilian society and was only near the military camps. The number of civilian settlements and market currencies gradually increased.

In Roman Britain, a considerable monetary economy and large-scale handicraft production had been formed. When the Romans withdrew in 410, the money supply in Britain was greatly reduced, and the newly formed market quickly collapsed...

Good morning.

Pomona raised her head, and the first thing she saw was a face with a passionate smile.

That was the connector who came to the apartment last time. He was wearing the clothes of a foreman today.

The weather is good today. He looked out through the window of the terminal. Today is a rare sunny day in London. There will be an air show later. If you keep your head down, I'm afraid you will miss it.

Sorry, I'm too bored. Pomona quickly put the book away.

It doesn't matter. Normally there would be many passengers reading in the airport lounge, but today is the opening ceremony. The contact person smiled in a friendly manner, Enjoy this good time.

Pomona smiled awkwardly, then he turned and walked away.

The person who contacted me last time was dressed like an ordinary company employee. It was not strange at all to appear in such a business airport.

But after turning his head, Pomona saw the guests who had arrived in advance. They were all wearing handmade coats and were as well-dressed as Gerald.

There is a dining bar in the terminal. There is a lot of food on the table, including sushi and fruits, but they are all for guests. I got up at four in the morning and went to Pomona at the airport before five o'clock to eat. One work meal was a depressing meal of bean soup and pancakes, with no sausage or omelette.

Even if she wanted to eat something good, there was no airport restaurant in this small airport, and the cafes and restaurants on the pier were not open at this time.

The staff waiting in line for meals all looked languid and were relying on coffee to cheer them up. Pomona finally understood why some people like to drink black coffee, which is bitter and astringent.

The guests were not interested in the dazzling array of food in the restaurant bar. They were busy socializing and each looked energetic.

What am I crazy about? she muttered.

Excuse me, where is the dressing room? a man asked.

Pomona turned around and found that it was Lucius Malfoy, still holding the snake-headed cane in his hand.

Miss? Malfoy asked cautiously.

Over there. Pomona said, pointing in a direction, which was indeed the direction of the bathroom.

But Malfoy didn't move.

Aren't you going to take us there? said an arrogant child.

Pomona looked down and saw a smaller version of Lucius Malfoy.

Draco, be polite. Lucius said to Draco Malfoy in a long tone, Even if others don't understand the rules.

Draco looked at Pomona with an obviously ferocious expression, and then walked away with his father in great vigour.

Merlin's beard, why are they both here! Pomona couldn't help complaining.

Obviously, they were invited guests, said a passing waitress. And I heard he just bought a jetliner.

Pomona looked at the other person.

You just mentioned Merlin, are you a wizard? the waitress asked.

Who are you……

Auror, the waitress said to Pomona. I'm here to follow Malfoy.

You just told me your mission directly? Pomona asked in surprise.

What's the matter? I'm not the only Auror following him. The waitress stood next to Pomona. Where did they go?

Toilet, Pomona said.

What excuse do you think I'm going to use to follow them in? the waitress said.

While they were talking, the two male guests also walked towards the men's restroom.

Why did he buy a jet plane? Pomona asked the female Auror.

Why do wizards buy Rolls-Royce? the female Auror asked.

Pomona understood instantly.

When the opening ceremony is over, they will take that plane to Europe. Can you help me find a way to get in? the female Auror asked.

What makes you think I can do anything? Pomona asked.

Do you have any idea? the female Auror said irresponsibly.

In fact, Pomona actually had a plan, such as asking her to pretend to be a flight attendant, which only required a bottle of Polyjuice Potion.

But why should she help this female Auror?

She didn't want to admit that when she had this idea, the first thing she thought of was Severus, and Severus was the godfather of the impolite boy just now.

Assisting the Ministry of Magic to maintain the International Statute of Secrecy is the responsibility of every citizen of the magical society. Do you know what Malfoy did before? the female Auror asked.

But you have no evidence to prosecute him. Pomona said coldly. That's why he can get away with it.

We are collecting evidence now, and you don't seem to want to...

Getting into trouble. Pomona interrupted coldly. I was just passing through.

Then she left this post. Although she was considered AWOL by doing so, who paid her salary?

Went to his.

She thought in a bad mood that it was time for the restaurants in the port to open and she wanted to eat real food.

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