Chapter 3285 Orchard Dream (3)

The decoration of the large greenhouse started yesterday. Many people were busy when Georgiana arrived. There was a corner that was particularly lively. She couldn't help but curious and went to check it out.

Liege was originally a bishopric and had been autonomous since the Middle Ages. However, after the founding of the French Republic, Liege's autonomy ceased to exist. After 1795, Liege was incorporated into the territory of the First French Republic.

There was a story during the partition of Poland. Emperor Frederick the Great said that Queen Maria Theresa cried, but she still accepted it.

The coal mines in Liege are not exclusive to France. With the re-opening of the Shird Canal, it has not only become a waterway in and out of Antwerp. British ships can also unload cargo in Antwerp, transport it to flat boats, and then load coal back. .

The United States has a dual judicial system, with state and local courts and federal courts having different jurisdictions. For example, in the Gideon case in Florida, the first instance was in the state court. Although Gideon was charged with theft, the amount involved was not large enough to require the direct jurisdiction of the federal court.

Florida stipulates that only capital crimes will provide defendants with free lawyers. Gideon's crime was far less than capital crimes, and because he was not active in pleading guilty, he was sentenced to the heaviest penalty within the sentencing range after failing to defend himself.

Because he didn’t have a lawyer, Gideon didn’t even know where the state appeals court was. To appeal, he needed to prepare documents. Gideon chose to teach himself, write his own appeal, and figure out the appeal process. It was not necessary to have a lawyer. .

But if he doesn't appeal, he will have to serve his sentence in prison until he is released.

After the first-instance judgment in civil law, the judge will ask the defendant whether he wants to appeal. If the defendant chooses "yes", the first-instance court will submit the information to the appeals court. Even death row inmates can appeal.

Rousseau's assumption in "Letter from the Mountain" that the small cabinet directly skipped the preliminary trial would definitely not work according to the judgment of the criminal case.

But there are definitely rules to follow in the preliminary hearing, especially when it involves foreigners. Even if Georgiana herself didn't want to make the matter a big deal and hold the three perpetrators accountable, some things still couldn't be avoided. Just like she now has a British passport and a French pass, this situation will definitely not last long.

Over in Italy, their judges adopted British-style magistrates... She hadn't finished reading these yet.

The laughter was still good, and the girls gathered around a handsome doctor whom Georgiana knew as Nicolas Deye, a member of the Council of Health and Hygiene of the Seine Department.

There is a Red Cross in Paris, and they are mainly responsible for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on drowning victims, just like bringing people back to life.

He recently published a paper on the physical and chemical properties of human milk, cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep's milk, donkey's milk and mare's milk, for which he was awarded first prize by the Royal Society of Medicine.

Deye had a good relationship with Duroc, a pharmacy was organized at the Château Saint-Claude, and Josephine was said to be very fond of him.

The girls gathered around Deye as soon as he appeared. He was also a member of the chemistry group in the physics and mathematics classes at the Collège de France and taught chemistry at the School of Pharmacy. Except that he was an old nobleman and his younger brother was a royalist, who was sent to the Revolutionary Court and executed by guillotine, everything was impeccable.

Normal girls either blush and their hearts beat when they see him, or they suddenly become reserved, hoping to show their most elegant and charming side in front of him.

Georgiana didn't react when she saw him, maybe because she was really not normal.

There was lemonade on the table, and she poured a glass of it and drank it. She guessed that no one would poison the water that so many people drank, so she had to take a big gulp.

She looked up at the glass above her head. The weather was nice today, but she wondered if the sky over the Mediterranean was that blue.


She followed the sound and saw that the handsome Dr. Deye left the group of girls and walked to her side.

In fact, if you look closely, Deye is not as handsome as Sirius Black, although he is also very dazzling.

"Good morning." Georgiana smiled politely at him.

"Do you need to bring a doctor with you when you go to Italy this time?" Deye said directly.

She really hadn't thought about this, even though the people who went to Italy this time were not very old and didn't have any diseases.

"I think you're going to need universal vaccination," Deye said.

The reasons he gave were difficult to refuse, but Georgiana thought of the handsome dragoon Charles.

"I'll think about it," Georgiana said with a smile, then turned and walked away.

The jealous eyes behind her almost set her back on fire.

Along the way she met Focroy, who had succeeded the assassinated Marat on the Committee of Public Education in 1793 and was now Minister of Public Education in the French Ministry of the Interior.

She didn't know how these big shots discussed education. As a former teacher, she had to deal with students who were not paying attention in class, discussed their own topics in private, and then made mistakes when doing so. There is also homework that tortures students and teachers. In fact, everyone knows that no one does it seriously, so why spend time on it?

Robespierre also proposed opening a boarding school for children aged 5-12. Although everyone applauded enthusiastically, no one implemented it. Robespierre may have been considering the issue of soul shaping. If Georgiana was unfortunate enough to be assigned to that school Here, the first thing she did was to check how many people were unable to take care of themselves.

Severus didn't know how to do his own laundry. The best he could do was throw the dirty clothes into the clothes basket.

When Mazie told her, she had a hard time believing it...but if she didn't want to pay someone else to wash it, it seemed like the only way.

"Why don't you use magic to deal with them?"

Just as she was about to step out of the greenhouse, an American mercenary said.

"Or are you afraid of shattering them?" said the Purifier.

There are people who worry about the misuse of water, just as there are people who worry about the misuse of magic. Even good things can become bad if misused.

But she didn't think the Purifier would understand.

St. Augustine said in "On Teachers" that the most important thing to teach is to remind people of something, to learn by recalling it.

Voldemort's soul was so mutilated that it could not bear to be near a soul like Harry's, like tongue on frozen steel, flesh on fire.

"Soul? We're talking about the mind!"

Minne in Old English means love, originally a cherished memory.

She doesn't want others to think of her and always associate it with the destructive power of earthquakes.

"I have knights." Georgiana said with a smile. "Just like a princess."

The Purifier looked at her and smiled, like a hunter seeing his prey.

She didn't run away like a rabbit. There were people coming and going here, and it was impossible for him to take advantage of the chaos and do something like he did during the chaos.

Peace and order are always for women.

In fact, logically speaking, the Italian trial judge should submit the appeal materials to the Court of Appeal. However, in the final "witch case", all procedures followed the process.

Sir Bacon said that a crime only pollutes the water, but an unfair justice pollutes the water.

Then she remembered something and walked towards the Botany Library.

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