Chapter 3299 King Mesa’s Garden (8)

There is an Arab proverb that goes like this: If there is a paradise on earth, Damascus must be in it. If paradise is in the sky, Damascus must be as high as it.

When visiting the church where the wedding was held in St. Louis, the bishop took out the vestment that the pope had worn when he was stationed here. It was a gorgeous robe made of Damascus brocade. Seeing it, Georgiana remembered such a proverb.

The church did not suffer much damage during the French Revolution. When the mob tried to rush in and rob it, they were blocked by the citizens, and the vestment was spared. But other churches were not so lucky. One Gothic church had its windows smashed.

Although Georgiana did not have a huge living expenses, she could use the income from the Sèvres porcelain factory. With the purpose of restoring cultural attractions, Georgiana allocated a sum of money to Sanz, and also allocated a budget for the reconstruction of the Alfor Veterinary Hospital. After a short stay, they were on the road again, heading towards Troyes.

She stayed up late last night. Although sleep was not necessary for her, she still felt very tired. The Roman road was still flat even after many years. She sat on the sofa and fell asleep quickly.

"Why are you so polite to that person?" Just when Georgiana was about to fall asleep, Polina suddenly said.

Georgiana didn't understand military affairs, but since Caesar valued that place so much, if Napoleon lost one day, that place might become a line of defense to protect Paris.

Georgiana thought to herself.

Troyes is really located on the Seine, which in turn joins the two rivers at Sens at Monterey Foyonne.

"tributaries cannot be ignored, floods can come from anywhere." Georgiana said to Paulina, "I know he is not as handsome and polite as the people you met before."

Polina snorted coldly, as if she was dismissive.

If your brother was not in the situation he is in now, you would see the mayor's attitude being different from what it is now.

Georgiana thought to herself, and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Polina, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

On the way, they had dinner in a small village called Fontwane. They did not enter the village, but bought fuel from them and had a simple meal. Then they continued on the road. They arrived before dark.

History books say that this was an ancient Roman town. It was not very small in terms of size, but there were actually 10 churches in such a large place. If this density was followed, Paris would have to have 400 churches to compete with Troyes. Comparable.

It can be seen that this town is very wealthy, after all, it is located on the main road of land and river transportation, and it is so close to the Burgundy and Champagne regions.

The churches here are equipped with very gorgeous stained glass windows, perhaps only comparable to Notre Dame in Paris, and there are ten here.

Georgiana wanted to stay here for a day to see what the flooded embankment looked like, but as soon as they settled in, the messenger from Paris arrived.

There were two letters, one of which was written by a captain named Ceroni and addressed to Moreau.

This letter must have been intercepted, otherwise it would have to be found in Moreau's house before it appeared in front of Georgiana. Cerroni was a captain of the Italian Third Army. In the letter, he called himself a "patriot." It was hoped that Moreau would assist the Italians in preventing Napoleon's annexation of Italy.

This riot has developed in an uncontrollable direction. She doesn't know how Moreau will deal with this situation. At this time, Moreau reminds Georgiana of the man who was dragged out of his home by the people during the Nika uprising and raced in the car. Field of nobles crowned with golden circles.

So will Moreau be "inspired by justice" and have a Coup of Brumaire like Napoleon?

Georgiana threw the letter aside, and then looked at another letter. There was an "n" mark on the envelope.

She opened the letter.

Adam Smith said that the purpose of the British restriction on wine trade was not to prevent people from entering hotels for consumption, but to prevent people from buying cheap and high-quality drinks, because the elimination of foreign wine taxes would cause the British middle and lower classes to become temporarily intoxicated, and soon they would develop temperance. Wine customs. I'd like to see the Governor of Gibraltar get the garrison to stop drinking. They hate him more than any enemy.

But Adam Smith was right when he said that the strategy of "mutual care" was a despicable strategy of small businessmen, but it was later adopted by the great empire and became a political method. From the British standpoint, they should treat the Portuguese favorably, reward them, and "look after each other." Their sole purpose of building a large empire is to cultivate a group of customers. At first glance, it does seem to be suitable for a country of shopkeepers. However, this is not actually suitable for a country of shopkeepers, but it is very suitable for a country where the government is influenced by shopkeepers.

You left in such a hurry, didn't say anything in detail, and didn't write back when you left. What do you want me to do?

Georgiana immediately asked Ferrier to prepare stationery, then walked out of the window and looked at the scenery of Troyes.

She looked for those books written by Arabs, with the purpose of finding the book about the soul. One day she would still have to leave this world.

There was also a tavern in Fontwane for people to relax in. It reminded her of the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

After staying in so many gorgeous palaces, would she still want to stay in such a dilapidated hotel?

However, if she is not a wizard, she will not reach the underworld, just like these souls who believe in reason and science will not encounter wizards while alive.

When you die and someone misses you, they will pay a psychic to communicate with you.

And did those psychics really summon the souls of the dead, or were they deceptive?

There used to be a student in Pomona who fell in love with a ghost, and Tom Riddle had also been in contact with the Gray Lady. As far as a woman could understand, the Gray Lady would at least be moved by Tom Riddle and tell him the secret.

This kind of "movement" is not pity, which is why the Gray Lady is so angry when she learns that she has been fooled.

"Ma'am, you're ready," Ferrell said.

Georgiana sat at the desk, picked up a pen and started writing a letter.

I met the mayor of Sens today, who entertained us with a sumptuous banquet, I thanked him for his kindness, and then we went to visit the church of St. Stephen, where St. Louis married the Princess of Provence.

I discussed with Mr. Mayor what Saint Louis should do if the king's duties and religious ideals forced him to do something inconsistent with the king's behavior. Later we looked at the vestments of the bishops. They were made of Damascus brocade. You remember that we Was St. Louis seen at Notre Dame wearing the linen robe that greeted the Crown of Thorns?

Someone asked in The Legend of Giants, which comes first, thirst or drinking? The answer is, at an age when we are not familiar with the world, who can drink without being thirsty? When you become an academician of the academy, who doesn’t have a cup of wine in hand and chat and laugh happily?

Leon, I was reading about Richelieu recently. The Treaty of Compiègne he signed in 1624 not only changed the battlefields of Europe. He felt that France should not miss such an era of great navigation, so he passed a peace treaty to allow French ships to obtain the right of passage on the sea.

Richelieu gave up a lot, but did not take off his priestly robes like Talleyrand. I heard that Talleyrand has recently put on clothes again. If he can't stay in Brussels, I asked him if he would go to Rome. Do you think the Pope would welcome him?

After finishing Talleyrand's joke, she thought for a moment and added another sentence.

I still want to develop beet-based sugar. This kind of sugar is not stained with the blood of slavery, and I will feel happy when I eat it.

After she finished writing, she folded the letter, sealed it with wax, and gave it to the messenger.

At this time, the bells outside rang. In fact, it was not necessary for all the bells in the city to ring to tell time. The sound sounded like an alarm bell, full of uneasy rhythm. It was not beautiful and peaceful, but it made her feel calm.

Because it's etiquette, and it's better than farmers with pitchforks surrounding her place.

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