Chapter 3411 Joseph's Granary (Part 1)

Humboldt once proposed to Georgiana to use the geomagnetic declination to draw a new coordinate system map. If the origin of the equator is a natural law, then the prime meridian involves too many non-scientific factors.

In fact, before Humboldt, someone had already proposed a geomagnetic declination map and even surveyed it. In addition to discovering Halley's Comet, Halley also published the first meteorological distribution map containing prevailing ocean winds in 1686.

He stayed on St. Hena Island for two years, collecting information about the ocean from ships and navigators, and drawing maps of the wind systems of "trade winds" and monsoons.

Between 1687 and 1700, Halley started his exploration activities in the Atlantic as a captain and surveyor, and drew a map of the magnetic declination contours in the Atlantic region from 52 degrees north latitude to 52 degrees south latitude. The British Navy specially customized an expedition ship for his scientific expedition, the purpose of which was to measure the geomagnetic declination.

However, according to the data Humboldt collected from the "ugly" Marquis, the geomagnetic declination may have a double curvature in North Asia, and these data were provided to the Marquis by two British scholars. After all, getting lost in the Siberian forest is not a fun thing, and the Marquis wants to figure out what's going on.

This geomagnetic double curvature may have a consequence, that is, the magnetic declination will form a closed system and emanate from the same center.

Pomona remembered that the Earth's magnetic pole did not seem to be at the North Pole. The Earth's magnetic field is produced by the molten iron in the outer layer of the Earth's core. This liquid iron flow will affect the position of the Earth's magnetic pole. In history, the Earth's magnetic pole has reversed many times, and even auroras have occurred at the equator.

In 1701, Halley's world map of geomagnetic declination contour lines came out, and was later integrated with the wind system map and reprinted countless times. It is almost a must-have for all navigators.

As people's understanding of the world deepened, they gradually realized that the division of meridians had nothing to do with magnetic fields. The observatory ordered by Louis XIV was built according to the specific location of Midsummer Day. Not only was the day and night equal in length, but there were also various festivals to celebrate. Moreover, Cromwell had been executed at that time, and Charles II returned to England. England and France ended years of war and formed an alliance to deal with the Netherlands together.

Shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream. In fact, Oriani did not know that there would be a poor harvest this year by observing the stars. One day he observed until late, but he did not wait for the comet he wanted to see. The comet was first discovered by Pons of the Marseille Observatory. He had an extraordinary memory and could remember the distribution of stars, so he could detect even the slightest change.

Except during the Great Revolution, he discovered a new comet almost every other year. After comparison, he found that it might be related to the comet near Aquarius discovered by Méchain at the Paris Observatory in 1786. Méchain had reported it to Messier, the director of the Observatory, but the weather was not good the next day, and dark clouds covered the sky, so the record was shelved.

Halley's comet return was still a hypothesis in Messier's time. According to Halley's estimate, it would take 76 years for the comet to appear again after he discovered it. Messier became interested in astronomy when he saw a six-tailed comet at the age of 14. After becoming a naval employee, he had the funds to build a better telescope to search for Halley's Comet.

However, he did not become the one who discovered Halley's Comet. Instead, it was discovered by an amateur astronomer in Germany. Messier discovered the Crab Nebula, which is the remains of a supernova and looks very much like a comet. From then on, a new category appeared in astronomy-comet hunters.

In fact, this category existed a long time ago. During the Salem witch trials, there was a person who paid more attention to the sky rather than what happened on the ground. Besides, he didn't know those women, unlike Kepler, who went to collect evidence because his mother was accused.

William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus, who designed and built a new reflecting telescope, had a sister named Caroline. She discovered a comet with an invisible tail near Scorpius in 1795, which matched the record of Méchain.

Oriani was waiting for it, but Oriani was old. He was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes until the second half of the night, so he lay on the desk for a while. He planned to wake up and continue observing, but he didn't expect to have a strange dream.

In the dream, there was wind, rain, thunder and lightning, as if the great flood in the story of Noah's Ark was coming.

After he woke up, he drew everything he saw in the dream and told Father Piazzi who was watching Hermann's new telescope in England.

If people drink too much water before going to bed, they will also have dreams about water.

But Oriani felt that the dream was too real. Judging from the clothes worn by the characters in the painting, it seemed to have happened in the summer.

Georgiana moved her eyes away from the observation port of the telescope and looked directly at the starry sky.

The publicity materials of the Louvre in the 20th century said that the Dendera Constellation Panel was built in 50 BC. It was not as old as people imagined. At that time, Greece had been conquered by Rome, and it had been more than 200 years since Alexander the Great died in Thebes.

The ancient Egyptians had only 360 days in a year at the beginning. The lives and agriculture of the Egyptians depended on the annual flooding of the Nile River. It was more important to determine when the flood would come than when the sun rose and set. The remaining 5 days were used to worship the gods, making the time of the year close to 365 days.

Later, they found that when Sirius rose, the sidereal year was more accurate than the average tropical year, with 365 and a quarter days in a year. The Latins called it the "wandering year" angus vagus, which gradually became out of sync with the solar year. So Caesar ordered the compilation of the Julian calendar based on the Egyptian solar calendar.

Zeus was renamed Jupiter, but Apollo still used his Greek name. Although the Romans did not worship the sun like the ancient Egyptians and regarded the supreme god Ra as the sun god, the status of the sun was also high.

After establishing the Paris Observatory and the prime meridian passing through it, Louis XIV surveyed the French border.

The French officer caught by the British was surveying the topography of Egypt at the time. In fact, Bonaparte and his team should have done this when they were in Egypt, but they were busy "exploring" in various monuments, or surveying the Suez Canal, but they "forgot" this matter.

In the 15th century, the Ottomans also went treasure hunting in ancient Egypt. Although there were tomb robberies in ancient times, the scale of the 15th century could only be compared with the European "antiquities collectors" in the 19th century.

Mummies were sold publicly in the market in Cairo, so that a "mummy tax" appeared. At that time, people believed that mummies were a kind of "medicine", and even Francois I carried a bag with him in case of emergency.

However, there were still a large number of magic scrolls in Egypt at that time. Compared with Tutankhamun's curse, the tombs of dignitaries who prepared their mausoleums before their death were more dangerous-in various senses.

Tutankhamun's tomb is intact because the name of the pharaoh was changed. His original name was Tutankhatun. His father Amenhotep IV once introduced a large number of Aten gods, which posed a threat to the Amon priests.

The murals in the tomb were not dry yet, and the Amon priests sealed the tomb, so that in such a dry place in Egypt, mold spots actually grew on the murals.

Once, Napoleon's army opened a tomb for sacrifice. There was a turquoise chair inside, but the person sitting on it was a turbaned Kurna man.

At that time, there was no concept of cultural relic protection. Even the Colosseum in Rome was destroyed by people who took stones. It was only by the Pope's order that it was barely preserved in its current appearance. The door of the tomb was blown open with explosives. Even if the man was a tomb robber, how did he get in? And how did he sit there?

Going further in, there were body parts all over the ground, arms and legs scattered all over the ground, and it was impossible to tell whose was whose.

Later, the small team withdrew. Most people did not take anything, but a private soldier wrapped the gold necklace in the hands of the Kurna man sitting on the turquoise chair in his clothes and took it away.

There was no curse. They returned to France alive and told everyone about it.

Bonaparte sometimes believed in "omens", such as if something grew on his body, he would think that something bad was going to happen.

The private soldier was found. Bonaparte's letter did not say how he died. He only said that he went to the pawnshop to deal with the necklace. He might have been seen because he did not agree on the price with the pawnshop owner, so he took the necklace away.

In nature, in addition to the old, weak, sick and disabled, pregnant females are also easy to be attacked by wild beasts. Pregnancy makes them bulky and not fast and flexible enough.

This reminded her of Grawp who went to pawn the Slytherin locket while pregnant. Platinum Blog did not consider that she was pregnant and gave her a few more gold galleons.

She sighed.

In order to make herself sleep more comfortably, instead of sleeping on the table like Oriani, Georgiana asked someone to bring a recliner.

That bookcase should continue to be a bookcase.

But French mahogany is in short supply now and needs to be imported from Cuba unless the Americans start exporting again.

The land purchase case has not yet been completed. Logically, Louisiana's wood can still be exported, provided that the French and Spanish can also enjoy the freedom of passage along the Mississippi River stipulated in the Treaty of Jesse.

She decided not to think about it and went to lie on the recliner for a while.

While lying and looking at the muse on the ceiling, she couldn't help wondering, should she write about Caroline, herself and Vernon losing their memories in the strange ritual in the next reply?

Then she closed her eyes and didn't care about it anymore, just "clear my mind" first.

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