Chapter 3420 The Path of the Creator (IV)

There is such a legend about King Arthur.

There is an island in the middle of a lake next to King Arthur's palace Camelot. On the island, there is a woman named Charlotte. She has lived in a high tower on the island since she was a child. No one has ever seen her. Only farmers who get up early in the morning to work can occasionally hear her singing from the high tower.

It turned out that the woman was cursed. She couldn't look out the window directly, otherwise she would die. So she sat in front of the loom every day, occasionally raised her head, looked at the world outside the window through the mirror, and wove the pictures she saw into the tapestry through the loom.

Later one day, she saw the Knight Lancelot, and Charlotte's fate changed from that moment.

She never expected anything before, but now she is looking forward to the Knight Lancelot passing through her mirror every day.

Later, for some reason, maybe the knight had something to do, or was away on a war, anyway, he didn't appear for a long time, so Charlotte wanted to leave the tower to find him.

This idea was not a sudden impulse. As time went by, it became more and more firm. The threads on the loom seemed to sense that she was going to do something stupid, and they entangled her, preventing her from leaving the tower.

The threads flew in the air, tightly entangled Charlotte. She struggled to break free from the threads, and finally escaped from the window, and then stepped onto a boat to find her lover.

The boat drifted towards Camelot, but when it docked, Charlotte on the boat was dead. It happened that the knight Lancelot passed by at this time. He did not know Charlotte, let alone that she died because of him. He just looked at her lovely face and said mercifully that he wished her soul to rest in peace.

In Cervantes' story, the young squire Don Quixote imitated the appearance of a knight, rode a horse, put on armor, and found Sancho as his squire, and then went out into the world like a knight-errant.

In the customs of Lombardy, it was not only the nobles who had knights and squires. The wife of a doctor or lawyer would also be accompanied by a "knight", who was often a family friend. When the doctor went out, the lawyer would accompany the doctor's wife, and the doctor would also appear beside the lawyer's wife. They did not have a feudal personal dependence relationship.

For example, after East Prussia obtained the Polish territory, these territories needed people to cultivate and manage, and some vassals and serfs would go with the lord, even if the serfs did not want to leave their hometown.

It is said that when Maria Theresa first visited the Galicia region, she cried again. There was "nothing" there. Except for the capital and some cities, the rest of the place, especially the Carpathian Mountains, was pure wilderness, with no grass, and nothing that had anything to do with civilization existed.

"West Prussia" was a different situation. It was a center of active administrative intervention, towns were improved, new canals were opened, and enlightened monarchy was implemented.

So it is no wonder that the Fire Dragon Sanctuary was established in Romania. Maria Theresa went there once and never went there again. Later, Galicia was visited by her successor Joseph.

In short, when the French first entered Lombardy, they generally could not understand this system. Many French nobles had gone to Versailles, and the lords who stayed in the countryside did not care much about public affairs. If they had to care about housework and property management, what were the supervisors and housekeepers for?

When he had to personally supervise every bit of life, the comfortable, luxurious, happy, and festive life would no longer exist.

Feudalism can be understood as enfeoffment and construction. For example, the Zhou emperor in the east enfeoffed many princes and asked them to herd horses, cast tripods, etc. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the territory of the Zhou emperor was not as large as that of a prince, and the surrounding princes built the country very rich and powerful, forming the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

The French word feudalism is another explanation. It is not just the narrow sense of feudalism such as enfeoffment and vassalage. It can be said that it includes all the drawbacks of the old system.

In short, there is a "very troublesome" thing now, and what is more troublesome is that Paulina has no intention of intervening at all, and Georgiana can only find a way out by herself.

But she was not a smart person, so she needed to learn from others' wisdom, and Zabini had no intention of being "Merlin".

Squires can be rented, some for four or five years, some for more than ten or twenty years. During this time, she can treat him as a husband who is busy with other business outside, but not every husband is known for wisdom.

So she asked someone who could help her find a solution, and then she looked at the peridot "Eye of Horus" necklace in the pavilion of the "Eastern Gate Palace" in the afterglow of the sunset.

Under the orange-red sunset, its original green color is not so conspicuous, showing a very dark gray.

Whether it is a white skirt or a black skirt, a skirt that can cope with all occasions is indeed very convenient, just like a master key, all doors can be opened.

Sirius gave Harry a dagger, which can open all the doors of the Department of Mysteries, but it can't open the door called "love".

Just now many people were asking how Georgiana "conquered" Napoleon, as if they also wanted to master this trick.

But she felt that he still loved power, and she just gave him another "possibility".

France's colonial expansion has a lot to do with diplomacy, especially during the period of Cardinal Richelieu. At that time, Britain was not yet a maritime hegemon, and the "sea coachman" played a major role in maritime trade.

The Netherlands first got rid of Spanish rule through the Dutch Revolution, and its industry and commerce developed rapidly. Then came the Thirty Years' War. Because the Dutch ships could load, the freight price was only half of that of other countries' armed merchant ships. This approach was very risky, and there was no Without the artillery platform, it is impossible to effectively prevent pirates and make them invincible in the competition.

Someone asked Georgiana if the necklace around her neck was the same as the British "eye of the beholder."

Many British people painted miniature portraits of their lovers in lockets, and George IV gave many mistresses a portrait of one of his own eyes, including the Catholic widow Maria Fitzherbert.

She was actually 6 years older than George IV, and her first two husbands were both older than her.

Because of Maria's refusal, the Crown Prince actually raised a dagger towards his heart. Of course, this matter was not known to everyone, but there was no airtight wall in the world, not to mention that the Prince of Wales made so much noise that night.

Fortunately, the miniature portrait also showed loyalty to a political figure, and Polina also had Napoleon's face on her body, so the ambiguity passed.

At this time, she heard footsteps and looked up to see Julian coming bathing in the sunset. He was the "think tank" she invited.

"The Princess of Wales is still in Italy. Should I invite her to Easter Mass?" Georgiana asked.

"Do you think there's a problem?" Julian asked.

Of course there is a problem, she would rather the Prince of Wales take the Princess back.

No matter how much he claimed to be Maria's husband, their marriage was not valid, not to mention that he threatened Maria to marry him.

"You don't want to salute her?" Julian asked.

"It's not a matter of saluting." Georgiana sighed, "If she shows up, it will be a disaster."

"Then don't invite her," Julian said tiredly.

"She's the Princess of Wales, that's where the status is," Georgiana said.

"You know, Georgiana, Napoleon was almost assassinated because those people believed that killing the tyrant would free the people." Julian said with excitement, "Every day I put some people in prison."

She looked at him quietly.

"I'm not like you, oh, God, I wish I hadn't left Paris," Julian said.

"Then you won't be able to see a different world." Georgiana said calmly, "I was just like you before I went to Belgium."

He looked up at her.

"I thought everyone loves freedom and equality." She breathed a sigh of relief. "My opinion about Italians is that they don't like change that much. They are not even willing to install gas pipelines in the city to avoid damaging the city. "It's an old building, so if you install gas street lights, put the gas in a tank. If the gas in the tank is used up, replace it with a new one."


"Mr. Smith is a dedicated person, and it is difficult for him to change. I think there are few people in the world who can be like him. Now I will tell you something I have learned recently. You must first learn to give to yourself. Those who are important for the sake of Fighting and devoting oneself to beliefs and opinions is important, but efforts to deliver the truth to those who are qualified are equally important." She stood up slowly. "We once gave power to the wrong people, and it caused more harm than him. It is much greater when there is no power, and our ancestors carefully selected a successor they thought was qualified, but she thought that as long as the pain in the world was eliminated, it would become better. You are a professor, and so am I. Like you, I stayed in school for many years, although my reasons for leaving school were different from yours.”

"You eloped." Julian said with a smile.

"What's so funny?" Georgiana said, rolling her eyes.

"Did the heir do it?" Julian asked.

Julian didn't ask which heir, and she couldn't tell which one he was talking about.

Is it Voldemort with a snake face, or Isidora.

She just wanted Harry to know that he shouldn't feel unfortunate. Although he didn't have parents, he already had a lot of things that others didn't have.

Fate is cruel, his fate is Voldemort.

However, defeating Voldemort does not mean that everything is over. There is a girl who uses magic unscrupulously in public. She thinks that she is different from the Death Eaters, and Muggles are different from the pure-bloods.

Helping those who deserve help is like giving alms to those who are upright and can do noble things. Wickham also wears a military uniform, and he easily gains Elizabeth's trust.

"Those who change the world should be more masculine, not those who are still controlled by pain and joy." She smiled helplessly, "I am watching how one person changes the world."

"Why can't a woman change the world?" Julian asked.

She thought of the ropes that bound Charlotte.

"Maybe not everyone, but women can't live without love." She smiled bitterly.

Bonaparte left France to pursue his dream in Egypt, which lasted a year or two.

"You will be surrounded by love," Julian said.

"I hope you are right, and come with me for a walk," said Georgiana, leaving the pavilion.

Although Milan can also see the Alps, it is not as complete and shocking as what you see here.

Fitzgerald gave up a woman's happiness and chose another path.

Fortunately she did not choose to get married, otherwise she would not have read the book.

It answered many of her questions, albeit only theoretically.

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