Chapter 3422 The Path of the Creator (VI)

In the Battle of Cold River, after encountering an ambush from the Western Roman Empire, Emperor Theodosius of the Eastern Roman Empire first sent the Goths as the lead to face the wooden walls that the Western Roman Empire had already prepared.

This was a very bad battle strategy, and it could even be said that it was a bit like Theodosius I deliberately consuming the power of the Goths.

In 375, the Huns launched a fierce attack on the Ostrogoths. The Ostrogoths began to move westward, and the Visigoths also moved westward. With the permission of the Roman Emperor Valens, they crossed the Danube south and entered the empire. Take refuge.

However, the Roman rule over the Goths was arbitrary and cruel, which eventually led to the Visigothic Revolt in 378. They quickly received support from the Ostrogoths, Roman slaves and some Huns, quickly occupied Thrace and advanced to Constantinople.

Although Valens suppressed the uprising, he himself died, and Theodosius I, who subsequently came to the throne, organized the Goths into an auxiliary army, and they followed Theodosius I to the Cold River.

The battle took place in September. The Bora wind that raged in the Adriatic Sea in winter came on the second day of the battle. Theodosius I, who was in a downwind position, had an advantage over the Western Romans. The Roman arrows also knocked their hastily built fortifications to the point of collapse, and soon the Eastern Roman Empire's army gained the upper hand.

After winning, perhaps the Goths could not help but begin to wonder, what was the purpose of the tragic battle the day before?

Attila did not invade Rome. Around the beginning of the 5th century, the Visigoths frequently attacked mainland Italy.

Around the end of the fifth century and the beginning of the sixth century, the Germanic Kingdom established a barbarian code of law, but it was still the Visigothic Kingdom that was the first to codify the code.

According to Montesquieu's "The Spirit of the Laws", what the Burgundians, Goths and Lombards wanted to see most was for the Romans to retain their status as defeated people. However, the Romans entered the West as citizens. in the laws made by the Gothic kings, the Burgundian kings, and the Lombards.

It was not until after the Saxons were conquered that their free citizenship and property ownership were deprived by Charlemagne. It was not until Louis the Pious came to power that their freedom was returned to the Romans.

In the past, the Romans could not only watch gladiators and beasts killing each other in the Colosseum, but they could also use slaves as tools to show off their extravagance.

In Thackeray law, if the deceased was a vassal or vassal of the king, a settlement of 600 sous was required. If the deceased was an ordinary Roman, only 100 sous was required. If the deceased was a freed slave of a Frank and a Roman People only need to pay a settlement fee of 45 sous.

Rousseau once mentioned in "On the Origin of Human Inequality" that population size is used as a symbol of national prosperity. Countries with large populations have more flexibility in the face of natural disasters and will not be overwhelmed even in cruel war years. defeat.

But he also said in "Emile": "All the education a woman receives should be related to men. Women are created to be devoted to men and endure their injustice."

He also believes that a woman should dedicate herself to her husband and motherhood, so she needs to endure injustice. Women are naturally subject to the will of men and are opposed to women participating in social activities.

Georgiana spent Nietzsche's book reminding people not to get lost in love.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man stated that private property was sacrosanct, and the status system of Roman law personified the mixture of public and private.

Are children the private property of the family or the common interest of the state?

In a German ballad, a young mother wants to go out and play, but in order to take care of her child, she has to complain and take care of her child at the same time. Does she want the baby in the cradle to be "consumed" like those Goths?

Georgiana did not spend the night at the "Palace of the Porta Oriente". She returned to the Marino Palace, took off the peridot necklace around her neck, and then found her manuscript.

In that book on the soul it is said that when a young father is the father of many sons, he is young only in comparison with all his sons, because he has the nature of youth in himself, and therefore he is all relations of the core.

She couldn't understand this sentence before. In other words, the son exists through the father, and the father exists through the son. This is a relative relationship, just like the specific identity between husband and wife.

Voldemort created seven Horcruxes, the most special of which may be the one in the diary, because at that time his soul was still relatively intact and he was still very handsome, not at all like him when he was resurrected.

Tom Riddle Sr.'s bones were used in the resurrection ritual, and he was said to be identical to Tom Riddle Jr., so based on the appearance of Voldemort's second body, his appearance did not play a role in it.

The core of "young father" is "youth", so if it's not appearance, what is the core of this father-son relationship?


There was also murder when Helena hid Ravenclaw's diadem. Barrow the Bloody killed Helena and himself...

Pomona picked up a pen and wrote down the thoughts that just occurred to him.

Voldemort died from his own death curse. Lily reflected the death curse and sacrificed her own life. It was a kind of sacrifice.

Helena was not a voluntary "sacrifice", she was more like a sacrifice, and her soul returned to Hogwarts from Albania.

There is a tree in the Room of Requirement, and the crown made into a Horcrux is also hidden in the Room of Requirement.

This is a "passageway". Voldemort can sense his Horcruxes and come to Hogwarts from Godrick's Hollow, and then "return" to Albania from the Room of Requirement, where he met Nagini and Quirrell.

As a soul, Voldemort can't do anything. Nagini can understand the old snake tone. Under Voldemort's command, Quirrell was driven to the tree by Nagini. After all, such a big snake is still quite scary. Voldemort took the opportunity to possess Quirrell's back of the head.

The purpose of sacrifice is to establish some kind of connection and gain some kind of power.

Helena didn't want to "go home" at first, even if her mother wanted to see her for the last time.

When being chased, Hermione subconsciously returned to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, which she thought was the safest place.

Some people feel depressed on rainy days, while others feel very suitable for sleeping, because rainy days are not suitable for going out, which is of course not happy for hunters. But as prey, they feel safe, so they fall asleep in the sound of rain.

This is a memory recorded in the human subconscious, which may have existed since the primate period. It is part of instinct.

Veela likes loyal men. Isn't it because he is a loyal man in the legend that she likes Bonaparte?

And Severus is the same. She has to resist this instinct, just as Remus resists the attraction of flesh and blood to werewolves.

She was finally calculated by the old fool.

When she put down the manuscript and looked up at Zabini at the door, the question now is how loyal this squire knight is and whether he is willing to cover up her disappearance.

She didn't know what the other Horcruxes looked like when they were destroyed, but when Neville destroyed Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor, her body turned into smoke, and a blurry human face could be seen-no nose like Voldemort.

This Horcrux is "synchronized" with Voldemort, but the one in Tom Riddle's diary is not. That soul fragment is like a 16-year-old young man.

"Young father".


The soul originally belongs to "one" and cannot be destroyed. In the essence of "one", "one" will not be divided.

For thousands of years, people have always believed that Horcruxes are "singular acts".

The Horcruxes created by Voldemort after the diary may be different from Herbo's Horcruxes. After all, no one has tried to make multiple Horcruxes.

Although Horcruxes need to be murdered, she thinks that the essence of this "one" is not necessarily murder.

There are hundreds of years between the fall of the Ostrogothic Kingdom and Helena's appearance in Albania, which is enough for a tree to grow up and form a tree hole to store the crown.

If it is a tree as thick as an arm, even if there is a tree hole, the crown cannot be placed.

"Filier!" Georgiana shouted, she now needs to find a book about Gothic mythology.

But no one agreed.

She couldn't help but become curious, is Feilier asleep?

So she left the study.

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