Chapter 3428 Winter King (Part 3)

Although the Adriatic Sea in the 16th century was the "Gulf" of Venice, the territory of the Republic surrounded the Dalmatian coast, south of the Istrian Peninsula and north of the Bay of Corto, which was called Dalmatia of Serenissima. Serenissima was once the name of Venice, and it means "peace" in Byzantine.

From the south of the Bay of Corto and the hinterland of Dalmatia had fallen into the control of the Ottoman Empire. After the Habsburg Empire began to use the Usk people to deal with the Ottomans, the area from Rijeka south to Zrmanja north was used as a "buffer zone", and the area north of Rijeka was called "inner Austria".

Pirates of course need ships. After controlling the Bay of Corto, the Venetians did not allow locals to engage in shipbuilding. The shipyard in Rijeka provided the Usk people with an armed fleet. They did not stay in Rijeka, but established their headquarters in a place called Senj, south of Rijeka, and then they would send the "catch" to Rijeka for sale.

The Pope and the Emperor forbade the Uskos to do so, but the people of Rijeka and Uskos did not listen to these warnings. First, the Habsburgs paid the Uskos very low wages. If they did not sell these "catch", it would be difficult for them to get the supplies they needed. Second, the attitude of the locals. If the city executed the orders of the emperor or the Pope and did not allow them to purchase or sell "catch", they would go to the suburbs to trade. The Uskos got along well with the farmers and shepherds. They got help from the shepherds, and the shepherds also got help from the Uskos.

When Venice started to do business with the Ottomans, they would sail their ships to Splint, which was a good shelter. Unlike Seni, the ships had to be tied with ropes, otherwise the bora wind would blow the ships out of the port and blow them to who knows where.

These Venetian ships often carried expensive spices, silk, jewelry and other items, which the rural people in Dalmatia could not use, but they could provide the Usks with shelter, food, transportation, news, etc. The Usks often paid for them with spices, so that some rural people could not bear this temptation and listened to the pirates' recruitment and became one of them.

Compared with the lords and greedy landlords, these pirates were simply heroes. They were people worthy of admiration, help and support. And while cities such as Venice accumulated wealth through trade with the Ottoman Empire, the countryside was often attacked by the Ottomans, so that the entire coastal area became such a trend.

After the signing of the Treaty of Vienna, the Habsburgs, Venice and the Ottomans reached peace, so the Habsburgs sent a committee to Senj to control these Usks, and the Venetians hoped that the area would return to peace.

However, the Ottomans soon destroyed the peace in Hungary and attacked Hungarian fortifications, and then the Usks were allowed to go out to sea and "collect" spoils at the mouth of the Splint and Neretva Rivers.

During this process, the Uscos did not cause any harm to the Venetians, but only "requisitioned" their ships and supplies, and quickly paid for them with "coins of the kingdom".

When Murat left, he also requisitioned a lot of things from Milan, all of which required payment, especially the dry food in the soldiers' backpacks.

Magenta remained silent, perhaps because she was too angry to speak, because the last time the French paid a large number of assignats in exchange for Piedmont's coins and supplies. At that time, the assignats were not only like waste paper, but what did the assignats secured by French land have to do with the Italians?

20 million francs was not a small amount. Ney's garrison in Switzerland was only 6 million francs, and no one said whether the 20 million included the cost of the navy. Anyway, no sailor has come to her to ask for it so far.

Judging from the general direction now, assuming that the navy continues to go north and Murat's army goes south along Dalmatia, they may meet somewhere, and then the army will board the ship in Dalmatia and be transported back to Italy. After completing the operation, they can return to Lombardy to rest.

Before that, they may have to make a long-distance raid like Attila's army, and Murat is also good at forced marches. It is possible to leave garrisons in several coastal cities, provided that those autonomous places are willing to accept them.

It seems simple, in line with Bonaparte's usual style. The simpler the order, the easier it is to execute.

However, to restore the government functions of Dalmatia, the daily expenses must be solved first. She estimated that the French would not allocate funds from their own finances to the Austrians to form a government.

The Austrians have to pay the bonds in Belgium last time. They should have been waste paper. Talleyrand got inside information and wanted to exchange them at par, and he made a lot of money for this.

There is also the treaty reparations after the war was lost. For this reason, opal mines were mined without restraint. In this case, how can Austria care about Dalmatia?

Fortunately, there is a Zoisette here, who not only runs an iron ore factory and owns a mine, but also lives in Agam all year round after his legs became unable to walk. There is a Slovenian club in the local area, which is mainly responsible for restoring the language, culture and self-confidence of the Slovenians. He also has correspondence with the Humboldt brothers in Prussia.

After canceling the postal route between Agam and Slovenia, he had no idea what was happening in Slovenia. As for the "buffer zone" that Fredli drew on the map last time, it happened to be the "buffer zone" between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire in the past, except that the Usk people were moved from the coast to the interior, and there was an area in the "buffer zone" that still belonged to Slovenia.

Withdrawal may mean a "fruitless battle", but it is better than being stuck in a quagmire.

The Crusades once conquered Jerusalem and Constantinople, as well as territories and islands in Greece, the Aegean Sea, and the Asian continent. This area is called the Latin East, which is the forefront of the intersection of Latin civilization and other civilizations. The Knights Templar used to dominate this area, after all, they had banking business between Jerusalem and Europe. However, when the French "beautiful men" destroyed the Knights Templar, in 1400, some of these settlements were still controlled by the Latins, although the Ottoman Turks controlled a considerable area of ​​Anatolia and the Balkans. The scattered ports and islands of the Levant formed an international region, unified by the sea, shipping and extensive trade, and the Latins traveled through it. The formation of this environment depends on sea breezes and ocean currents, and in winter, most areas are cold and snowy. After a long and dangerous sea voyage, Westerners arrived along the coast, which was supplied by land caravans from eastern Asia.

Georgiana did not expect that the Egyptian withdrawal would take so long and not be completed. She saw the formation of the Egyptian expeditionary force at the founding ceremony of the Shannan Republic, and two generals even dueled.

Once it became an open war, these people were intercepted by enemy warships. Where would they go? Would they wander around like the knights of Rhodes?

There is a sentence in "Book of Rites: Suburban Sacrifice": The wax sacrifice is the utmost benevolence and the end of righteousness.

"Wax" here does not mean candles, although Pomona did not understand how "wax" means to ask for something.

This sentence probably means that the ancient gentleman should repay as long as he used something. "Sacrifice" welcomed the cat god because the cat ate the field mouse; it welcomed the tiger god because the tiger ate the wild boar.

Sacrifice for oneself, and for the world, which shows "benevolence and righteousness".

In fact, it was not the Qilin that ate the "self-dead" beast, but the Zouwu, which is also a kind beast, but it was tied up with chains and performed in the circus.

There was also a "Qilin" that was killed, so she remembered a sentence in "The Romance of the Gods":

Replace violence with benevolence, and defeat the unrighteous with the righteous.

In the Book of History, Tang Shi, before Shang Tang attacked King Zhou, he issued a mobilization order in public, which roughly meant "It was not me who committed the rebellion, but the King of Xia committed many crimes, and the will of heaven will punish him."

The unicorn's reluctance to trample on all things is a kind of "benevolence", and destroying things that harm the world is also a kind of "benevolence". In the Aeneid, Hercules destroyed the "evil man", didn't people celebrate it as a celebration?

Napoleon's mobilization order was not as righteous as Shang Tang's. Whether he was a hero or a tyrant, he was a character.

Duke Ai of Lu also got a unicorn, but he killed it on the way to hunting. When Confucius saw it, he cried and stopped writing "Spring and Autumn Annals".

Xunzi also wrote about the dialogue between Duke Ai of Lu and Confucius. Duke Ai of Lu said: I was born in the deep palace, raised by women, and I have never known sorrow.

She guessed that this was not what Duke Ai of Lu said himself. Who would say that about themselves?

However, the posthumous title of the king of Lu who did not know "Ai" was "Ai".

The announcement of "an olive branch in one hand and a sword of victory in the other hand" not only made Mr. Martin feel that "a rare commodity is worth keeping", but she also liked it.

Confucius said: Don't worry about not having a position, worry about what to stand on.

It means that you should not worry about not having a position, but worry about not having something to stand on.

Wealth and honor are what people desire, but if they are not obtained by the right way, they will not be kept; poverty and humbleness are what people hate, but if they are not obtained by the right way, they will not be abandoned. If a gentleman abandons benevolence, how can he become famous?

This sentence is quite difficult to understand. The first half of the sentence is probably "A gentleman loves money, but he gets it in a proper way", and don't take ill-gotten gains.

Poverty and humbleness are what people hate, but in the context of the East, there may be a way to get out of it, and if it is not proper, it will not be violated.

But in the Western Middle Ages, "keeping poor" was a virtue. According to "The Guardian of Peace", the divine law cannot force anyone in this world, but there are some rules that people make for the state of the afterlife, so the divine law has a binding force on those who violate it.

Another is the German noble who violated the order of Frederick the Great. He refused to rob for revenge.

He could have made a fortune, but he died in debt. What if he "had a low moral character but a high position" through improper means such as "sensationalism" for the king's favor?

Augustus already had an altar of peace, and she didn't plan to imitate one without creativity. Hercules was obtained by people's devout prayers after sacrifice. She estimated that the Roman Pantheon would not be changed as she thought, so she built a new one, imitating the scene of Aeneas listening to the story at that time.

After the war, if there was still a surplus, she would return some of the money to the Piedmontese.

Although she knew that this was wishful thinking, just like the 200,000 francs she lent to Murat, it would probably be wasted.

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