Chapter 3430 Winter King (V)

The garden of the Ciconiara family was inferior to that of the palace in terms of size and degree of decoration, and it was not even comparable to the garden of the Chaptars' family.

However, considering that Chaptard's home once belonged to the Marquis de Choiseul, Talleyrand, in addition to his residence in Paris, also had a castle in Valence. I heard that it was almost a small Tuileries, and Talleyrand was there I spent a lot of time there, and countless dignitaries and diplomats from Europe would visit there. To a certain extent, the diplomats’ home was also the country’s “small living room”.

If the Knights Templar also had someone dedicated to diplomacy, there might be no need for the leader to return to Europe in person. The Knights of Malta has its own dedicated person in charge of foreign affairs and internal affairs, no matter how small a country it is.

Louis IX, the grandfather of "Beautiful Man" Philip IV, launched two Crusades and emptied the treasury to welcome the holy relic "Crown of Thorns".

So even though he grew up in the court and had never been to the Holy Land, after he ascended the throne, he tried his best to get rid of the Crusades and devoted himself to the unification of mainland France and the consolidation of royal power.

The direct consequence of the elimination of the Knights Templar was not only the loss of the Holy Land and those Crusader countries. Since Yuan Renzong disrupted the order of succession to the throne, the Yuan Dynasty has been in turmoil for at least twenty years. Although the Mamluk Sultanate expanded rapidly, they had excellent cavalry but no navy. After annexing most of the land of the former Roma Sultanate, the Ottoman Empire occupied Usküdar. It was not only a port, but also located on the east coast of the Bosporus. Across the strait was the Balkans.

It was not that easy to conquer Constantinople, so the Ottomans landed in the Balkans and almost completely isolated Constantinople. By 1453, Byzantium had only one Constantinople left.

After occupying Constantinople, the Ottomans planned to pursue their victory and attack Rhodes with their navy. However, this last remaining force in the Latin East was repulsed by the Hospitallers. It was not until 1480 that the Ottomans occupied Rhodes. island.

Philip IV could only think about one thing...

"Is that person your knight squire?" Fredly asked.

Georgiana followed Fredly's gaze and saw that Zabini was chatting with a French wizard holding a wine glass.

"That's right," said Georgiana.

"Italian?" Fredelli asked.

She hesitated.

"An Italian wizard," Georgiana said in a lower voice.

"Oh, I see, he's watching you, right?" Fredley asked.

"I don't know what you mean," asked Georgiana.

"I heard that you organized a competition. If we win, the Italians will have to accept the International Secrecy Law. Who won in the end?" Fredelli said unintentionally.

This was new to Georgiana, because there was no record of what Fredry just said in wizard history.

"I don't know. I heard that a little accident happened before reaching the finish line." Georgiana said.

"So you plan to go around in a circle and spread the international confidentiality law from France to Italy?" Fredelli asked.

Frederic spoke more directly than Sir Merry, so he didn't have to guess too hard.

"It's possible." She said pretending to be mysterious.

"Maybe that's why the 'little accident' happened. They didn't intend to accept it." Fredly smiled frivolously. "If it were me, I wouldn't want to lose my freedom."

In the files of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is said that Pitt was a very arrogant prime minister. In other words, the French felt that if Pitt was in Tsarist Russia, if he did not achieve a revolution, his tongue would be pulled out and he would die under flogging.

"The repair spell can repair the arena, but it cannot repair lives, sir." Georgiana smiled restrainedly.

"I think you already understand why that 'attendant' would take the initiative to approach you. Don't trust him completely." Fredly said.

She didn't ask about the British Ministry of Magic sending people.

Perhaps in Lufkin's eyes, she was no longer someone she could completely trust.

"Speaking of freedom, do you want to build a new prison like in Belgium?" Fredly asked.

This was the topic of the morning dinner party, and she didn't know how Fredley knew it so quickly.

"No...have you done any research on "The Book of Changes"?" Georgiana asked Fredly.

"I'm not that interested in the East. Although many people here like it, I just need such an identity to integrate into it." Fredly said with a smile.

"There is a 'brigade' coat in the Book of Changes. It is not only related to travel." She smiled and said, "You must be careful when using torture, and you cannot lock people up for too long. That is more terrible than causing an injustice."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what that means." Fredley frowned in confusion. "How can locking someone up for a long time be more terrifying than unjust imprisonment?"

"Because that means it's harder to correct. Have you ever heard of Plato's cave?" Georgiana asked.

Fredley thought.

Georgiana did not interrupt him and left him to his own thoughts.

The "Lv" hexagram is preceded by the "Feng" hexagram. If the number of heaven and the number of earth are added, the result is 55. The Feng hexagram is the fifty-fifth hexagram, which means mastering the largest resources between heaven and earth.

"Feng" and "Lv" are reversed, representing prosperity and decline. Travel was not a good idea in ancient times, probably related to exile and exile. At the same time, this hexagram also represents crises everywhere. Unlike the 20th century, travel means Looking forward to anticipation, fun and pleasure.

You never know what will happen where you travel, so be extremely vigilant while traveling.

"Mr. Paris" has a famous saying. Someone asked him, "How do you sleep at night after executing so many people?"

"Mr. Paris" replied, "If tyrants and dictators can sleep well, why can't I, an executioner, sleep well?"

The Italians who planned to assassinate Bonaparte wanted to free Italy from the "tyrant"; there were also French people who blocked bullets for him to protect him.

Whether Napoleon was a "tyrant" or a "wise king" was not something she could personally evaluate, and she also did not intend to "correct" their views. She was not very wise, otherwise she would not have believed the rumors and thought he was a single-minded person.

Excessive violence and harshness would also cause people to run away, and it is not difficult to immigrate to the New World now.

In fact, even if Louisiana was sold along the Missouri River, France would still lose money. The Great Plains in the middle of the country is a good granary, which just solves France's bread problem. But if the problem of freedom of navigation on the Mississippi River is not solved, these grains cannot be transported out.

Both the Jay Treaty and the Amiens Treaty had third-party witnesses, although strictly speaking, the third-party witnesses of the Jay Treaty were not considered true third parties.

No one expected that Caprara would be kidnapped before signing the treaty. Although he pretended to have lost his memory to get away with it, Napoleon's sanctions decree was issued.

The United States has high tariffs on tobacco. The "neutral country" Britain not only has freedom of navigation on the Mississippi River, but also has no tariff sanctions. In theory, it can make a lot of money. However, it was blocked by the Spanish governor when it arrived at the New Orleans estuary.

The Mississippi River is a boundary river, so why don't Spanish and French ships have freedom of navigation?

"And the Russians." Fredley continued, "I think some people have begun to believe in Napoleon's proposal."

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"Ari of Yanina found us and wanted to form an alliance with us." Fredley looked at Georgiana and said.

She didn't know what to say.

"I remember that he seemed to be in conflict with the Russians." She said after a long time.

Fredley began to "tell stories" like a museum guide.

Yanina is the most prosperous city in southern Albania. Through bribery and other means, Ali got the consent from the Sultan and became the ruler of Yanina, and he also set the capital of the Pasha District there.

The Surets who fought against Ali Pasha, the name is taken from Greek, and some say it comes from Albanian, which means "supervision war" or "mountaintop". They are composed of refugees and have an irreconcilable hatred with the Turks. In order to conquer the Surets, the Turks also paid a heavy price.

Ali Pasha was transferred to Egypt by the Sultan as a combat-capable force. After the French withdrew their troops, he returned to Albania and continued to encircle and suppress the Surets.

However, there was a traitor among the Surets, who helped the Ottoman Empire enter the village of Surets.

Then on the coast of Epirus, the Ottoman Empire's ammunition depot was blown up, and it happened that the French navy appeared at that time.

"So, Ali found you?" she murmured.

"It's us, Georgiana, we." Fridley corrected, "I think Mr. Smith would tell you the same."

It's better if Fredley doesn't mention him. Once he mentions him, she grits her teeth.

Others are locked up for a long time and it's hard to correct them, who locked him up?

At this time, a French wizard came over.

"Madam, we found something." The young man said.

"Is it dangerous?" Georgiana asked.

"It's dangerous to some people." The young wizard looked at Fredley and said.

"Then we have to go and see it." Fredley said excitedly.

"Don't think of yourself as the owner here, we are guests." Georgiana said to the two, "Go and call the butler."

Even if it is a dangerous item, Georgiana doesn't intend to use this as an excuse to "pack" it away.

In short, she doesn't want to be a "flower of the court". She left "Wuthering Heights" not for those "treasures" that everyone wants.

Where the treasure is, there is the heart.

In order to preserve the love of worldly things, people will remove more of the sacred love in their bodies and turn to them, thus making people further away from love or "true joy".

"So what do you want?" It was as if a voice was asking her.

She didn't know how to answer. She felt that her heart was like a cauldron with a hole in it. It was not only useless, but also could never be filled.

If she had a desire for something, it would be like a bottomless pit, never satisfied.

"Don't you want a bowl?"

In fact, she wanted to knock on it, accompany the ancient Buddha with the green lamp, and think about why she came to this world.

But at this moment, she was moving forward numbly. She was not the kind of person who didn't believe in fate. Instead of fighting with fate, she was more willing to "go with the flow".

Just like traveling to a place, she was not the one who made the decision, but a follower.

If she didn't meet that person, it would be okay not to go anywhere. Maybe this is why she chose to take care of plants instead of animals.

"Your soul is cold."

It's a pity that the person who could warm her up is gone.

It's cold, and when the sun comes out, it may still be warm.

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