Chapter 3460 Shelter from the Wind (Part 9)

If time is a river, people cannot walk into the same river twice.

For the river flowing from Mount Purgatory to Hell, the ice lake at the bottom of Hell is the end point. But if the lake water cannot evaporate, it will continue to flow. Even if the space of Hell is vast, it will be filled with water sooner or later.

When water evaporates, it will form steam that cannot be seen by the human eye. The white smoke produced when water boils is not water vapor, but a kind of fog. When water vapor encounters cold air, it will condense like clouds.

Dante also had this question. Although he had just seen a horrible scene, he asked Virgil "Where is the ice?"

Virgil told him: "Do you think we are still on that side?"

From Dante's perspective, Lucifer was upside down, and he thought he had not left the abyss.

Suppose a person stands on a mirror and looks down, he will also find that he is "upside down" in the mirror.

However, Dante's situation was not a mirror world. The Lucifer he saw was head down and legs up, like a person standing upside down on a mirror, with the top of the head facing each other.

Of course, no one would "stand" like this, so it seems to be upside down.

The original text used travagliato here, which means "to be confused and bewildered". There are many different interpretations by commentators of the Divine Comedy.

The Ouroboros is a circle that constantly devours itself and generates itself at the same time.

Another image is a two-headed snake. They share a body like the rune snake, but do not share a tail like the rune snake. This animal means "two-way progress" in ancient Greece.

There is a kind of jade called "Huan", which imitates the rainbow. In hieroglyphics, "rainbow" is a giant worm with a body like an arch and heads at both ends.

Hera would use this two-headed snake to turn demons and beasts into ashes when they saw it.

"Rainbow" is a big worm that drinks water, which can turn water into an arc-shaped halo.

In short, the two-headed snake can be understood as the power to turn tangible "matter" into intangible. Hermes also has a two-snake staff. If you look closely, it has two tails. It is just two snakes entangled together, not a two-headed snake.

In the process of understanding, decomposition, and refining, the two-headed snake did not refine this step. Sometimes Hera would use the two-headed snake to deal with her love rivals. This is a pure destructive force.

"Huang" does not mean to split a bi into two, which is very unlucky, although the appearance of a rainbow represents auspiciousness.

It has been a "half-bi" from the beginning, and the two heads will not touch each other.

Pomona saw a group of photos in a magazine. A team used infrared to observe the impact of emotions on human body temperature. If a person is in a calm state, his whole body is "blue".

But when he is in emotions such as happiness and love, his whole body is almost warm orange and yellow. When he is angry, his upper body and fists are red, and his lower body is black.

When disgusted and anxious, there will be a "gas" in the stomach, and people usually feel nausea or stomach discomfort.

When fear and jealousy occur, the heart will obviously "brighten", and the biggest difference between fear and anger is the hands. Anger will make people unconsciously clench their fists and want to swing them out, while fear will subconsciously raise their hands and use both hands to block the target that makes them afraid. This kind of power is negative compared to swinging fists, and it does not look as "bright" as angry hands.

Snakes may not be able to see human expressions, but they can judge what state a person is in based on this infrared imaging. This physiological reaction is much more "honest" than human expressions.

When Harry saw through Nagini's eyes, what he saw was not what the real snake saw.

Perhaps, because he still remembered that he was a human, he did not really become a snake, nor did he "borrow" Nagini's eyes.

That kid has too many unsolved mysteries, and Georgiana temporarily put his questions aside.

After going around the castle along the secret passage, they saw the same exit at the other end of the castle.

"What is up there?" Georgiana asked.

"The theater and the banquet hall were both designed by Leonardo da Vinci." Simon replied.

"Is the road on the left the same?" Augereau asked.

"It's exactly the same." Simon panted.

Grando, Simon and Georgiana were all a little out of breath, but Augereau was fine.

Under the light of the torch, you can see a copper ring on the wall. It suddenly appeared there, and I don't know what it is used for.

"What is it for?" Grando asked, looking at the copper ring.

"Don't touch it." Simon said, "Unless you want the whole tunnel to be flooded."

Grando looked at Simon in confusion.

"There is a lake in the park behind. If you move the ring, it will be like pulling out a plug, and all the water will come in." Simon said alarmist.

"You are a semiotician. Do you know what the two-headed snake represents?" Georgiana asked, carefully observing Grando's expression.

He was very surprised and looked at the copper ring again.

"It's just placed there, without any protection?" Grando said in a loud voice.

"As long as no one is impatient and touches things that shouldn't be touched, nothing will happen." Georgiana said coldly, "Do you think people who know about this secret passage don't understand what it means to be cautious?"

"How did you know there was a secret passage?" Simon asked, "Did the First Consul tell you?"

"Has he been here?" Augereau asked.

"He didn't tell me, I guessed it." Georgiana said to Simon, "Women's intuition."

Simon laughed, and then asked, "Now can you tell me why you have to go down from the main entrance instead of the theater entrance?"

Indeed, it is much closer to go down from the theater.

But even if they stay in the secret passage, they can still hear the noise in the Duke's courtyard.

It is also difficult to give knowledge to the right people. Which teacher would not like a smart and handsome student like Tom Riddle?

Fear and love can make people's heart beat faster, and there are also anger and pride. These four emotions will make the heart "highlight", but love will make the lower body light up, but happiness will not.

Before entering puberty, boys don't like to play with girls so much, unless girls also like to play games with them.

Such girls are also not accepted among girls, and it has nothing to do with jealousy and beauty.

After entering puberty, boys will not like this kind of girls, Rousseau mentioned it in "Emile". "Youth troubles" began to appear on their faces, not just acne.

Snape and Lily's first love stopped before they began to develop, although he also performed broom riding for Lily in the fifth grade, and Lily could not understand.

Pomona could sense Narcissa's mood of signing an unbreakable oath with Severus with the same woman's intuition.

"Peacock" is unreliable, although he is the ideal object of many women.

Georgiana raised her wand and searched on the wall opposite to the copper ring.

"What are you doing?" asked Glandor.

Simon stood aside and smiled mysteriously, watching her busy, as if he was not going to give any hints.

"There are two 'peacocks' next to Apollo, I'm looking for another one." Georgiana said.

"What?" Glandor asked in surprise.

"The 'key' to get out, use your brain to think about it." She said excitedly.

"I can tell you, but that will reduce a lot of fun." Simon looked at Glandor and said.

"Is it dangerous?" asked Augereau.

Simon shrugged, and then Augereau watched them look for the "key" on the wall with him.

"What are the hints in Leonardo's notes?" asked Grando.

"How should I know? He wrote so much!" Georgiana complained.

But she remembered one thing. Leonardo did draw an eel with horsehair, which was coiled like a snake.

"Eel." She said subconsciously.

"Eel?" asked Grando.

"What does the eel represent in semiotics?" asked Georgiana.

Grando was stunned, as if he didn't understand what she was saying.

From her perspective at the moment, she felt that he looked a bit like Ron.

"It may not be semiotics... think about something related to ladders." Simon said.

"What kind of eel is it?" asked Grando in confusion.

In "The Last Supper", bread and eels are placed between St. Philip and Matthew.

Chapter 14 of the Gospel of Matthew records the miracle of bread and fish, which tells the story of a group of people working, but they have no food, only a little boy's bread and fish, which is not enough for the little boy himself, but the hungry people did not snatch the little boy's food.

The Savior appeared, took the bread and fish from the little boy, and conjured up many bread and fish, so that everyone could eat their fill. Philip witnessed it at the time.

Everyone ate according to their needs. After eating, the Savior ordered the disciples to collect the rest so that nothing would be wasted, and filled twelve baskets.

"There are clearly stairs here." Grando said, holding a torch and looking at the upward stone stairs, his voice echoing.

Thomas, Philip and James the Younger are a group in the painting. He has nothing to do with the fisherman Jacob, but his finger points to the eels outside the window and on the table.

Thomas's finger pointed upward, and Georgiana looked up and saw a torch fixed on the wall.

"Jacob in Genesis took the stairs to heaven to obtain the holy fire, and that is the key you are looking for," Simon said.

"How to open it?" Augereau said, raising his hand and intending to pull the torch.

"No!" Georgiana shouted.

"It's okay, we opened it, it's safe." Simon said, "It will lead to the theater."

But my goal is not the theater.

Georgina thought to herself, continuing to observe the decorations on the wall.

Love is not just love between men and women, and not all love involves the lower body as shown in the infrared map.

This is also what confuses her. Why can Severus stay under the same roof with Wormtail? If he really loves Lily, loves her to the point of being willing to do anything, and has remained unchanged for so many years, why didn't he kill the traitor who indirectly killed her?

Wormtail sacrificed a hand to resurrect Voldemort, but Voldemort still hated this "servant".

He hated his father and even killed him with his own hands, but still used Old Tom's bones as medicine to resurrect himself.

He still has a connection with Old Tom...even if he doesn't want to admit this relationship.


She heard a hoarse voice, this time it was undoubtedly Parseltongue.

She remembered that she didn't, and didn't have a lightning scar on her head like Harry.

But she had been possessed by Voldemort before, and she didn't end up like Quirrell simply because she wasn't completely human.

"What's wrong?" Glandor asked, and Augereau withdrew his hand.

The sound came from behind the wall facing her. She pointed her wand at it, and a mottled "painting" appeared in the light close to daylight.

To be precise, it was a Da Vinci knot, which looked like some kind of decoration.

"We guess that actors in the past would go on stage from here." Simon said, "It's like rising from the ground."

"How did you think of the secret passage?" asked Grando.

"The granary." Georgiana said, "There is running water in the castle... If it was just a reservoir, the pool in the Duke's courtyard would not always be full, and there would be no mosquitoes."

"Well, if there is a secret passage leading to the granary, why not dig under the castle?" asked Grando.

"Because its foundation is not rock, sir, it can't bear the weight of the castle if it is hollowed out." Simon said.

"Are you going to knock down this wall?" asked Augereau.

"No, of course not. There is a moat outside this wall, and it will be the same as pulling the ring." Simon said in horror.

"Use your brain." Grando imitated Georgiana, but this angered Augereau.

Although there was no warning, Glandor remained silent, holding a torch and searching for a mechanism on the wall.

Georgiana shook her head, and when she refocused her attention on the wall, the hoarse voice was gone.

Why was Little Jacob, not Old Jacob, placed first on the left hand side? Obviously Old Jacob had been following for a longer time and was more intimate, and Old Jacob's position was more suitable for Little Jacob. Little Jacob only mentioned his name, also known as "the unsung saint".

Under the theater, "unsung".

She couldn't help laughing.

It was indeed much more interesting underground than above ground, although the starry night sky could not be seen here.

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