Chapter 3465 Water Garden (Part 2)

In addition to drawing on manuscripts and mechanical designs, Leonardo da Vinci also left some "fables".

On the Saturday before Easter, a priest visited his parish and sprayed holy water on each household according to tradition. He came to a painter's studio and began to spray holy water on some of the painter's paintings. The painter turned around and angrily asked him why he did that to his paintings. The priest replied that it was a traditional custom, he had an obligation to do so, and he was doing good deeds, and people who do good deeds may get the same or greater rewards, because God has promised that for every good deed we do on earth, heaven will give him a hundredfold reward.

After the priest left the studio, the painter stepped up to the window of the studio, poured a bucket of water on the priest, and shouted to him: "As you just said, please see that God has sent you a hundred times the reward, thank you for treating me with holy water and messing up my paintings."

There is another story that the Franciscan friars have a period of fasting in certain seasons. During this period, they cannot eat meat in the monastery. However, if they are on the road, such as begging for food, they can eat any food placed in front of them. Two friars who were begging for food came to an inn, and a merchant came with them. The three of them happened to sit at the same table. Because the inn was too poor, there was only one roasted rooster for them to eat. The merchant thought he had every reason to enjoy this dish alone. He turned to the two friars and said, "If I remember correctly, you are not allowed to eat meat in the monastery during this period." The friars strictly abided by the rules of the church. After hearing this, they readily admitted that their rules were indeed like this. The merchant was satisfied and wolfed down the roasted chicken alone. The monks made do with some other food.

After finishing this meal, the three friends set out together, and after walking for a distance, they came to a wide and deep river. The two monks were originally poor, and the merchant was very stingy. Since they were all walking, according to the tradition of the country, the monk without shoes and socks should carry the merchant across the river, so he gave his clogs to the merchant and carried him across the river. However, when the monk reached the middle of the river, he suddenly remembered another canon. He stopped and imitated St. Christopher, turned his head and asked the merchant who was weighed down on his back, "Tell me, do you have money with you?"

"Hey, of course you know I must have money," the merchant replied. "Do you think a merchant like me can go around without money?"

"Alas," said the monk, "our canon forbids us to go around with money on our backs."

He then threw the merchant into the river.

Georgiana was reading Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts with great interest. There was a long table in the park where lunch would be held.

In any case, Murat won, and those who came to celebrate were considered friends, and Ash Wednesday was coming soon.

She turned to the next page of her notes. This time, Leonardo painted figures. Four ugly people seemed to be gathered together to talk. The picture was not beautiful or harmonious at all.

Georgiana thought that the ancient Roman fountain smelled of wine, but others smelled of rotten eggs. There was another similar fountain in Piazza Sant'Angelo, but it was much cleaner than the one in the Sforza Castle Park. Someone cleaned the top of the fountain regularly. The dust accumulated for two thousand years has formed a mound on the "rotten water" fountain, and grass has grown on it. The one in Piazza Sant'Angelo has accumulated water, which can be drunk by birds. There is also a bronze sculpture of Francis next to the fountain.

Some people drink the water of the fountain in Piazza Sant'Angelo, but no one nicknamed it "rotten water". The nearby residents think that the water can be used for "water therapy". It smells of sulfur and is constant temperature like a hot spring. After all, birds are drinking it and it's fine.

When Napoleon ordered the moat to be drained, the water in the pool in the Duke's courtyard did not dry up, nor did it emit the stench of "rotten water". So where did the water in the courtyard come from?

She first thought of the god of war. The place where the Sforza Castle was located was used to worship the god of war.

In the hell written by Dante, the city of Dis is considered to be the city of the devil, where sinful citizens and the "army" composed of demons live.

However, Dis is the Celtic Hades. When Caesar conquered Gaul, he wrote the name of Dis into the Gallic War. Virgil mentioned Dis in the Aeneid and called him the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is closer to the God of Wealth.

When there were attacks one after another in the school, there were still people who went out at night, not like Harry.

The "love birds" knew there was danger, but they still wanted to meet.

Descartes said, please don't let my desire exceed my ability.

There is a kind of emotion called sense of deprivation, just like the rooster in front of the monks, they also want to eat chicken, what the merchant said seems to be true, according to the rules, the monks cannot eat meat in the monastery, but they are on the way to beg for food, they can eat whatever they can beg, that is, they "can accept the chicken given by the merchant".

The merchant felt that he was right, he enjoyed the chicken alone, and the monks ate it. When they were about to cross the river, the merchant felt that he had the right to use the canon rules to ask the monks to carry him across the river, even though he did not get the friendship of the monks.

If someone knows that he is a free man, but does not know that he has the right to dispose of the relationship between relatives, then he is wrong about the law.

If someone does not know his biological parents, such as an abandoned baby, or even thinks that he is a slave serving someone, then he has made a factual mistake, not a legal mistake.

There is also a philosopher who likes to tell the boatman that you have not learned this or that. When he fell into the river, the boatman asked him if he could swim.

The mistake of the businessman is to put his life and property on a person who has neither friendship nor "trust". Why does he believe that the other party will definitely carry him to the other side? Because those monks did not ask to share the chicken and abide by the commandments?

We all hope to have a certain resource. When we are at a disadvantage and have the right to enjoy it but do not have it, we will have negative emotions such as anger, dissatisfaction and resentment.

Grindelwald makes people feel that he is a revolutionary. He not only gives wizards hope, but also reform benefits - freedom, love and truth.

As Grindelwald's former friend, Dumbledore was shackled by the Ministry of Magic to restrict his use of magic.

Now that no one was shackled to Georgiana, she ordered the wizard who occupied the "underground city" to leave.

She had tried to let the bandits who attacked her leave on their own, but in order to cover up her mistake, she had to use public power to say that it was just an avalanche.

Not all dark wizards are as "cute" as Severus. It is possible that he holds a secret that can turn the whole of Milan into ashes. But if he is not strong enough and knows that he is no match for Georgiana, and leaves on his own, it is also following a rule.

Muggle children cannot beat the dragon, but they still want to wake it up and see. If the dragon is afraid of the sound of bells like the one under Gringotts, they will also "play" in this way.

They thought it was a pet raised by Slytherin, and the owner certainly has a way to make the pet obedient.

The danger level of the basilisk may be no less than that of the dragon. Knowing Parseltongue does not mean that it can be controlled. Harry cannot snatch Tom Riddle's Horcrux.

In the story of the Deathly Hallows, three brothers used magic to create a bridge, and then the Grim Reaper appeared and gave each of the three brothers a treasure that would make them feel happy when their desires were satisfied. The eldest and second brother chose the one that made them happy, and in the end only the third brother and the Grim Reaper left equally like old friends.

The so-called "fairness" must be supported by power, otherwise the peace treaty signed would also be unequal.

Leonardo da Vinci believed that the phoenix was a model of immortality. It knew that it could be reborn, so it calmly endured the raging flames devouring itself.

Dumbledore calmly went to death. In addition to the fact that an old man had experienced too much pain, his life was no longer fun, and the candy given to him by the children could not make up for his own deprivation.

She herself was once a member of the "Love Birds". If someone has never experienced deprivation, then he is very lucky. Isidora wants to eliminate all the pain in the world. Wouldn't the world be better without the feeling of pain?

Severus always said that she was a "bad girl", and he might really see through her.

No wonder Severus said that power brings happiness. Da Vinci also wrote in his notebook: Those who offend others are not safe themselves.

Learning to be sober like Dumbledore can certainly win, and winning is happiness, but knowingly committing a crime can also make you happy.

When "Saint Christopher" threw away the burden on his body, he felt relaxed.

Instead of using roundabout methods, it is better to be simple and easy to understand.

She didn't intend to use the hypocritical method.

At this time, the smell of food came from a distance, and Caroline and Paulina came with the dining car.

Today's dishes include Spanish grouse, sea bass with ham, duck with olives, Italian bread, fruit tarts, fat hens with truffles, and many kinds of salads and sauces.

The young people who had just finished exercising also came. They sat down with a smell of sweat, playing around at the table while waiting for the meal.

She endured the smell and thought about how to get a bathroom.

"Is that... Leonardo da Vinci's manuscript?" Alessandro said, staring at the manuscript paper that Giorgiana placed beside him.

She bet that he didn't know the copy spell and thought that she put the priceless treasure that should be placed in a glass cover on the greasy table.

"Yes." She said with a smile and put the napkin on her legs.

Then she turned her eyes to the dishes on the table. Although she knew that these dishes were all fake, which one should she choose to taste first?

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