Chapter 3476 Robinson on Land (Part 3)

According to the description in the book "Lord of the Rings", Gollum took Frodo to a dark and smelly tunnel. In Moria, at least there was air flowing and sound echoing, but in that tunnel, darkness was everything, no matter the past or the future.

It was actually the lair of a spider-shaped monster. Gollum deliberately brought them to this place. Although both Frodo and Sam called him Smeagol, the name when he was still a hobbit, it did not awaken the kind part of his heart. He was still the Gollum distorted by the ring.

With a "splash", a large handful of water poured on her head and face.

"Hey!" She shouted at the giant octopus in the Black Lake, which was the water it splashed on her just now.

"Where did I offend you!" Pomona questioned, but the giant octopus ignored her and continued to float on the surface of the Black Lake to bask in the sun.

"Sooner or later, I will roast you." She complained, looking at the book in her hand, which was also soaked by water.

She hesitated for a moment and decided to leave the drying to the sun, so she placed it under the scorching summer sun, and continued to sit in the shade of the dock, enjoying the cool lake breeze.

The spider monster, called "she" in the book, seemed to be a female. If Aragot had remained single and Hagrid had not found him a "companion", the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest would not have been so rampant.

Of course, in "The Silmarillion", a big spider that destroyed the sacred tree of Valinor was mentioned. It was the descendant of Shelob. This black widow not only drank the blood of elves and humans, but also killed all her offspring and partners, and the survivors had to run farther away.

At this time, she heard footsteps, and Snape was walking towards her along the steps.

To be honest, he was still wearing black in the summer, wasn't it hot?

"You are very free." He walked to her side and smiled hypocritically, using a tone of affirmation rather than questioning.

"No, I'm busy!" Pomona immediately picked up the books that were still drying.

He handed her a pot.

"What?" She asked doubtfully, looking at the pot.

"Help me get some Loba venom." Snape said.

"What are you going to do?" She asked warily.

He was silent, as if thinking about how to fool her.

"You know that Loba venom is contraband." Pomona stopped reading and stood up. At this moment, she felt like a hobbit, and a troll stood opposite her.

"Venom can be used in potions." He said openly.

"What potion?" Pomona asked.

"Insecticide, Ollivander's order." Snape said.

"Olivander?" She asked incredulously.

"There are woodlice on the wand wood, and he hopes to kill them with an effective potion." Snape said.

She looked at him suspiciously.

"Why would Ollivander come to you, and there are so many potion masters in Diagon Alley..."

"Do you want to do it or not?" Snape forced the pot into her hands.

She thought it would be best to check with Ollivander before collecting the Loba venom.

"Wand woods are protected. They are different from ordinary woods. Think about what would happen if the 'herbicides' bought outside killed them?" Snape said.

"Well... when do you want it?" Pomona asked.

"Did Friday ask Robinson this question?" Snape asked.

"I am Friday?" she asked in disbelief.

"Don't take it personally." He smiled cunningly, and then walked away "arrogantly".

Bats only fly low when it's about to rain. Now it's a clear sky, how come he appears?

She turned her head to look at the Black Lake, where the giant squid was still swimming leisurely.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted why she told him about Robinson, and wouldn't it be good for him to stay in London?

"Who cares? Swimming in the summer is also good." She comforted herself, took off her witch robe, and jumped into the lake.


Georgiana raised her head from the silver basin, took the handkerchief handed over by the maid, and wiped her face.

She felt that there might be some power at work. She was now called "Lady Sevres". Didn't the Sevres porcelain factory make porcelain and pottery?

As Robinson became more and more skilled in making pottery, he even made a pipe. The island where he lived also produced tobacco leaves.

After conquering Isengard, Pippin and Merry found Saruman's storeroom, which was full of various foods and fruits, but what really made the Hobbits ecstatic was that they found tobacco leaves, and they were produced in the Shire.

While they were happy, they were also a little worried. If they smoked those tobacco leaves, would they offend the Ents? Who knows if these tobacco leaves are their relatives.

But whether it was because of the addiction to smoking, the longing for the previous life, or to celebrate the victory, they still took out the pipe and smoked it secretly.

It was really hard for them to remember to bring their pipes after traveling so far and visiting so many places.

When Robinson Crusoe came up with the idea of ​​making a pipe, he had lived on the island for eleven years. It was amazing that he had not forgotten the passage of time. Some people would forget the morning and evening and the time in a trance.

No one urged him to master a certain skill as soon as possible. No one in the civilized world wanted the pipe that made him feel happy. Some people would despise him for not being beautiful enough and not having good-looking arcs and shapes. There were more people than him. Do better.

There was actually a pipe on the boat, but he didn't know there was tobacco on the island, so he didn't take it. What would he do with a pipe if there was no tobacco?

In fact, the Indians were the first to discover tobacco leaves, and they also tried everything. There were other plants that contained nicotine. However, as Robinson said himself, he had not learned any skills, so he could not identify those plants that could replace tobacco leaves.

Nicotine can make people feel relaxed, but excessive intake of nicotine will definitely be harmful. Tobacco companies have to print skulls and skulls on the casings of cigarettes.

Death is certainly unpleasant, but for soldiers on the battlefield, bullets and shells are much closer.

She actually didn't like the last two parts of the Lord of the Rings trilogy that much because they were too much pressure and war.

"Madam, Captain Bougainville is waiting for you. Do you want to ask him to come in?" Margaret asked.

"Let him come," Georgiana said. Although she didn't have to do any getting-up rituals, how could she meet guests later?

If tobacco was produced in the Shire, then it would be understandable why a mithril shirt worn by a hobbit would be worth more than the entire Shire.

She walked back to the table, picked up the Easter egg, opened it and looked at the observatory model.

"How did he know I wanted this?" Georgiana asked without looking back.

"Do you like it?" Bougainville asked.

Georgiana turned to look at him.

"If I told you that this was all a coincidence, would you believe it?" Bougainville asked.

"Who designed this?" Georgiana asked, holding up the small observatory.

"A student named Dominique Arago was introduced by Laplace." Bougainville said with a smile.

"What's interesting?" Georgiana asked.

"He said he was a physicist and shouldn't observe astronomy," Bougainville said.

"Then he designed this thing?" Georgiana looked at the rotatable observatory in her hand.

"His job was to observe meteor showers. He made a self-made rotating platform and took him to rotate with the telescope." Bougainville said, "The First Consul saw him when he went to inspect the observatory."

So what's the use of carrying a small telescope around?

Although she didn't understand, the doubts in her mind were still solved, so she put the observatory model on the table. It was good to use it as a small ornament.

"You have been in Milan for so long. Today is the first day you come to my place for breakfast." Georgiana smiled and said to Bougainville, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

He was silent for a while.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." He said apologetically, "How can I make up for it?"

"Please tell me honestly, what have you misunderstood me about?" Georgiana asked calmly.

After a while Bougainville said "What are you going to do with those young men?"

Her original plan was for them to learn some skills and go to Pontine Marsh to pump water.

"Sit down and we'll talk over breakfast," said Georgiana.

"Not going to the restaurant?" Bougainville asked in surprise.

"My old habit is that you don't have to choose a special place to eat with friends. The most important thing is your mood." Georgiana said with a smile, "Or do you want to go to a restaurant?"

Bougainville took off his hat and sat across from her.

She didn't know what he had been through. At least he didn't look like a downtrodden old sailor now, more like a retired naval officer who wanted to go to sea again while he could still bear it.

"How about going to Brazil, I heard a lot of Italians go there," said Georgiana.

"It's too far for young people traveling away from home for the first time," Bougainville said.

She also felt that if Frodo died from a sword attack at Weathertop Lookout, there would be no Fellowship of the Ring, and it would be time for Sam and Pippin to return home.

Then wait, waiting for the Lord of the Rings to return to the hands of its original owner, Middle-earth is ruled by darkness, and the Shire is also destroyed.

"Let's have breakfast first. What do you want to eat?" Georgiana asked.

"Speaking of this, I think of a person." Bougainville said.


"Arthur Young," Bougainville said.

"How did you associate him with breakfast?" asked Georgiana.

"I want to eat polenta, made from corn. That's what you had at the restaurant last time, right?" Bougainville said.

"Corn?" she asked tentatively.

"It's related to corn, but not entirely." Bougainville sighed. "There's also leprosy."

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