Chapter 3490 The Disappearing Emerald (Part 1)


Pomona returned to the shared house and saw Sirius Black playing "fetch" with a little baby on the sofa in the living room.

She had never seen this child before, but she had never seen Sirius in this state. It seemed that he had become a toddler.

"Who is this child?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

"It's not this kid." Sirius said excitedly, stopping to throw around. "This is my godson!"

"When did you become a godfather?" Pomona looked at the childish Sirius.

"James and Lily asked me to do it yesterday!" Sirius said, holding the baby up so that his green eyes faced her.

"So, this is Harry?" Pomona asked.

"Yes!" Sirius turned little Harry towards him.

"Why is he here with us?" Pomona asked.

"James and Lily have something to do, so let me take care of him for a day on their behalf," Sirius said.

Pomona probably understood that the two of them needed some "me time."

In fact, Lily doesn't really want to have children, it's just...

"Pfft." Harry bubbled at his godfather.

Sirius' dog nose was very good, and he pushed James Potter's son away at once.

"Do you want to change his diaper?" Pomona said coldly.

"I don't know how to change it." Sirius looked at Harry with disgust.

"What's that package?" Pomona said, looking at a large package in the corner of the living room.

"Probably Harry's toy," Sirius said.

"I guess that's a diaper... You should open it and take a look." Pomona said, looking at the diaper on Harry. It had fallen down due to absorption of water.

Sirius looked pained.

Pomona wished she had a camera to record the scene.

"You can also use a hiding spell to hide the diaper." Pomona kindly reminded, "Of course, you have to be careful not to hide things that shouldn't be hidden."

"Aren't you a girl? Help me!" Sirius looked at her with his beautiful smoky gray eyes.

Pomona smiled disingenuously "I wouldn't touch that thing."

Then she left her godfather and son behind and returned upstairs.


"Look on the bright side, you can ask that old bastard to help you train the contestants for the Potions Competition, because don't you have to hand in a paper?" Pomona said to the anxious Snape. She had a feeling that this was Dumbledore. Lido's idea.

"Let him train?" Snape asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you want to imitate his technique and write the paper like that?" Pomona asked.

Snape looked at her inscrutably.

Although food can be cooked by simmering over high heat or simmering over low heat, stewing over low heat can better dissolve the nutrients in the food into the water, making the soup more delicious, while fast cooking retains the nutrients in the food. Authentic, the soup is relatively not that delicious.

Ji Ge's unique skill can not only shorten the time of brewing the potion, but also the efficacy without any compromise.

He made a fortune from this trick, and the shop he opened in Diagon Alley was doing a booming business. Of course, there were many people who wanted to learn from it.

Then Pomona saw Draco Malfoy in the school, he was the godson of Severus Snape, and Lucius Malfoy, who was bringing his children today as the school director. Visiting the school.

Both father and son were equally arrogant, with their platinum-blonde hair slicked down. After all, Malfoy purchased the company and secret formula for Potter's smoothing agent.

Seeing this scene, Pomona felt the need to remind Gig to be careful of his stunts being leaked to the Death Eaters, but as soon as she turned around, she ran into Minerva.

"What are you looking at? Professor Sprout." Minerva looked at Pomona through her glasses.

"Uh-oh," Pomona whispered.

"What does that 'oh' mean?" Minerva asked.

"You call me 'Professor,' and you only call me that when something bad happens," Pomona explained.

Minerva looked at her seriously, and after a while handed Pomona a scroll.

"This is a new paper topic... You don't need to rush to hand it in, but you have to be well prepared." Minerva said, "Just in case the principal asks you questions at any time."

Pomona opened the scroll with a grimace.

This is a paper about transfiguration, about innate Animagus. If innate Animagus can control body deformation at will, can they make themselves disappear?

It just so happened that there was a natural Animagus Tonks in her academy.

"I suggest you take a look at Transfiguration magazines from the 1920s," Minerva said. "You'll find something interesting."

Minerva finished speaking mysteriously, then turned and left.

"A Transfiguration magazine from the 1920s? That book is older than me." Pomona muttered, wondering where to find a magazine from the 1920s.

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Later, Pomona found a paper written by Giger in a magazine, which was about werewolves and human transfiguration. Lockhart once mentioned in the book how to deal with werewolves - you must point a wand at the werewolf's throat. Human transfiguration can Make them human again for a while.

For the UK, human body transformation is a relatively obscure branch of transfiguration. Fortunately, due to the portrait curse incident a few years ago, she knew that the human body can be turned into inanimate substances such as paint.

Giger's idea was to temporarily turn the werewolf into some kind of inanimate object, which brought him death threats and he had to run away to live in Australia for a while.

Giger has no family, so he doesn't need to worry about the same retaliation as Remus to relatives who remain in England.

However, he also faced the problem of having no successor.

"You can't go near Delmid for a while, Georgiana. How could you even think of going into that place?" said Bougainville.

Because of her temporary naivety and recklessness, she thought helplessly.

"As your guardian, I have really failed in my duty. I will follow you every step of the way." Bougainville said.

"You are not the worst guardian. Shaptar is basically invisible." Georgiana said weakly.

"He is the interior minister," Bougainville said.

Do you mean it’s normal for him to be a little busy?

But she remembered the letter he wrote to the opera actress that was published in the newspaper.

"If I wasn't beautiful, would anyone still love me?" she asked, looking into Bougainville's eyes.

"Is this why you did something stupid?" Bougainville asked in disbelief.

Otherwise, what should she say?

Organic chemistry had to wait until the second industrial revolution.

Chemists invented a new symbolic language so that even people who did not speak the same language could communicate through that language.

This is a very efficient means of communication. During the Muggle hippie movement in the 1970s, various symbols could be seen on the streets at any time, some of which represented life.

When the Dark Mark appears in the sky, people who know it and people who don't know it exist at the same time. Seeing a snake crawling out of the skull's mouth, that snake does not give people a good feeling, and Voldemort's Dark Mark It represents terror and death.

Suppose she, like Fitzgerald and the others, went through all the troubles to find an inheritor of ancient magic, but didn't expect that she would go astray and eventually have to be cleaned up. Wouldn't it be better not to teach him in the first place?

In the end, Giger taught Snape his skills, even though he knew that Snape was a Death Eater.

When Sirius ran away from home, it was the Potters who took him in, and James also "caught" Remus Lupin, allowing him to do what he wanted to do without any worries.

The same goes for Lily, except that she is the one who is loved, and more importantly, James allows her to be herself.

This may be because James was influenced by his parents. They had children when they were old, and they were more tolerant of James.

She felt that this kind of man was very rare, so rare that he was worth less than gold. Of course, some people think that it was James who taught Sirius a bad lesson and made him leave the Black family, abandon his identity as heir, and eventually go to jail.

"You must first know what kind of person you are before you can be yourself." Georgiana said softly, "You told me that global voyages in this era will not bring the honors and heroic triumphs of previous navigators. You Still did it.”

"What do you want to do?" Bougainville asked.

She originally wanted to say a miracle, but then she thought it was too exaggerated.

So she pushed the recipe in front of Bougainville.

"I'm going to do an experiment, find a few lepers with bayberry tongues, and let them eat according to the menu. Remember, this plan must be kept secret."

"Okay madam, just leave this matter to us next time. You..."

"There are also 'air pillows'." Georgiana continued to talk about the symptoms of niacin deficiency. "That's it for now. You go find someone first."

Bougainville didn't ask too much why, just took the recipe and left.

She looked at his back, wondering whether she should tell him the answer she got from throwing the dart just now.

It was child's play, and Bougainville almost went to the guillotine. He became the captain because he flattered the king's mistress.

"Do you miss the past?" said Georgiana as she walked to the door in Bougainville.

"As Lorban said, we have to choose between being the remnants of the past and adapting to the new era." Bougainville said without looking back, "I believe what you saw, Watcher."

"Don't believe it, I..."

"I know what I should believe." Bougainville interrupted her. "Let's talk about sailing next time."

Then he disappeared.

She looked at the darts in her hand, what should she do next?

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