Chapter 3500 The Terrifying Sound (VIII)

"The sunspot activity cycle is 11 years, but 11 years is not absolute, there will be deviations. We observed that the sunspot activity this year is more obvious than in previous years..."

The sound in the radio became blurred here. The person sitting closest knocked it and it returned to normal, but it was playing another channel.

"The Weatherley family has signed a contract with the Danish North Sea Storm team and will serve the team from next year..."

There was a burst of boos in the lounge.

"Turn it off, how much bad news do we have to hear!" A boy complained.

The person sitting closest did not move, and another boy who was doing homework put down his pen and turned off the radio, and the singing of the magic plant became clear.

Pomona didn't know much about Quidditch, but she had heard of the Weatherley family. Almost every generation of their family would have a star player.

"Dean." The male and female prefects came running over breathlessly. "We have confirmed that there are no vixens and holes for them to enter and exit the common room."

"Thank you." Pomona said, giving each of them a vanilla ice cream. "Be careful."

Then she left the common room.

Just in case, she still set up a protective spell at the door to prevent someone from putting a vixen in when the door of the common room opened and closed when they went to the kitchen to get food.

After finishing all this, she breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back to her office to rest.

"Dean!" Tonks hurried over and shouted, "Something happened."

Pomona didn't want to disturb others, so she followed her out of the cellar.

They soon arrived at the Four Beast Well in the Transfiguration Courtyard. The deans, principals, Aurors, and members of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures of other colleges were all there, and everyone was looking at the Four Beast Well.

The well had not actually been used. At least it had been like this since Pomona came to school. Now the water in the well was overflowing.

"What's going on?" Pomona asked everyone.

Dumbledore looked serious, and the others were confused about what was happening before their eyes. Then she followed the others and stared at it.

About ten minutes later, the water in the well stopped bubbling out, but it didn't go down, maintaining a height that was just about to overflow.

"Don't let anyone get close to it recently." Dumbledore said, and then turned and walked towards the castle.

Everyone followed Dumbledore, and then Snape walked quickly to her side.

"The headmaster who lives on the top of the tower is here, but you are the last one to come." He said sarcastically.

"I'm settling the students!" She pouted at him.

He smiled contemptuously and followed the others.


In the end, no results were found. The three "warriors" found the nest of the vixens in the shaft of the west tower. After catching the queens, the reproduction rate of the vixens in the school slowed down, and it was not so troublesome to continue to eliminate the vixens.

Charlie was Gryffindor's Seeker, but he was fascinated by the "dragon egg" at the time. Later, he found out that he bought a fake one. He and his friends ran to Diagon Alley to find the trader who sold the fake dragon egg. They almost fought in the street, but were later stopped by Olivia Green, a former employee of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic who lost her key.

She was reluctantly transferred from the Centaur Office to the Department of Magical Creatures Supervision to be in charge of a missing Muggle girl case.

Muggles in the 20th century have already attached importance to children. If a child is missing, they will immediately start searching, and even search the mountain.

The place where the girl disappeared was near the "Goblin Forest", which is a famous habitat for magical animals, but the forest did not cast a Muggle-repelling spell because there was also a royal territory there.

The Muggle Liaison Office has not been able to solve this matter. The missing girl is the daughter of a construction worker. At that time, they were cutting wood and building a commercial real estate complex according to the design of the Prince of Wales.

The girl was already unconscious when she was found, and she was sent to St. Mungo's for treatment.

When she woke up, she didn't remember what happened. Some people said she was kidnapped by Cornish elves, and some said she was attacked by centaurs, which was another centaur habitat besides the Forbidden Forest.

Some people thought it was done by wizards, because the Muggle excavator drove into the forest of magical creatures.

Georgiana twisted her hair with her fingers.

What if history changed and the Killer Forest incident was not in the Siberian forest, but in the Pannonian Plain?

It was the dark wizards in Romania who caused the whole incident.

There is no dragon protection area now, and dragons, especially Hungarian Horntails, don't hide themselves like Welsh green dragons and don't take the International Statute of Secrecy seriously.

She got up from the rocking chair and walked slowly to the window sill. Looking at Lake Como from a different angle is a completely different view.

The wizards who participated in the Grindelwald gathering were not like the elves who left, pinning their hopes on humans.

In the "Fairy Forest", there is a huge rowan tree, which has lived there for many years and is surrounded by a circle of boulders.

If Helena hid the crown in a tree like that, it would be easy to find, but which woodcutter would dare to cut it down?

In other words, the tree had to be both special and ordinary.

At this time, she felt a line of sight from downstairs, so she looked over and found that it was the reckless guy who jumped into the water to save her.

He put on his uniform and hat at this moment. When he lowered his head, the hat blocked her view.

She had heard a story that a French Muggle rescued a "male" mermaid. Because "he" had an androgynous face, the Muggle took "him" home and kept him in the bathtub, hoping to develop a love story.

At least the Muggle did not put the mermaid in a fish tank for exhibition and charge admission.

It is possible that Helena, who had hidden the crown, was found by the Bloody Baron before she could take out her wand, and his dagger pierced her heart.

It is also possible that Helena took out her wand, but was no match for Baron.

Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights loved Catherine, but his love was desperate and crazy. Sunlight and grass could not nourish his heart, and he dragged many people into his hell.

Georgiana looked at the lake and mountains again.

Loneliness does not mean madness. Druid Cleona discovered the moon dew flower, which can turn the bitterness in butter beer into sweetness.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald always talked about how great love is. If they really believed it, why didn't they become an ordinary couple?

Ordinary people will not leave their names in history. They are not willing to be ordinary. Who makes them so talented?

There is a black spot in the distance, which seems to be a ship heading in this direction.

"Madam." Oshana said in her ear, "Mr. Lestrange said that there are guests."

"We are all guests. How can we call others guests?" Georgiana said, and then left the balcony.

She remembered that there was a place to receive goblins. Their cave was dark in the daytime and was more afraid of light than vampires.

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