Chapter 3504 Blood Dance (Part 2)

It's really strange that Hogwarts actually has a vanishing cabinet. Who put it in this empty classroom?

"What should we do with it, Dean?" Filch asked. He had already taken off his bird-beaked doctor's uniform. It seemed that he felt that the students' ridicule made him more uncomfortable than the bites of the vixen.

"Put it in your office first. Ask the vice-president how to deal with it." Pomona said, and then left.

On the way, she met two students who were bitten by vixens. They all ran towards the medical wing.

Except for Hufflepuff, the other three houses disagreed to keep the Augurey outside the lounge, so they continued to suffer from the harassment of the vixen.

Gryffindor thought that the Augurey would bring bad weather, which would affect their Quidditch training. Slytherin thought that one myrtle was enough for this school, and Ravenclaw thought that their house symbol was an eagle or a raven.

Who cares? Anyway, if the antidote is gone, just make it again, although it is said that rare antidotes are sold very expensive outside the school.

The most expensive of these was the horn powder of the hornbeast. In fact, the horn powder of the hornbeast is similar to human nails. It can grow again after being cut. There is no need to hunt it for its horn.

She thought for a while and thought that she should prepare a bottle for each contestant in the potion competition. It can be used as a Christmas gift. Maybe it will come in handy.

Fortunately, this is the potion competition, not the triwizard competition. Each school must select a "champion" to participate in the competition. Anyone who wants to go can go.

In the end, they decided to take Malfoy's jet and find a way to go to Durmstrang after arriving in Norway. It should be snowing in Northern Europe at this time.

Soon she arrived at the Four Beasts Well. The water level in the well had dropped a little compared to a while ago, and fallen leaves were floating on the water.

Not far away were students riding in the Thestrals to Hogsmeade for the weekend. Most of them thought that those carriages were like the boats that the freshmen took, and they moved by themselves after casting a spell.

"What are you looking at?"

Pomona was startled and glared at the "culprit".

"You actually left the Bat Cave during the day." She mocked the old bat.

He examined her for a while, then turned his gaze to the Four Beast Wells.

"Have you found out the reason?" Snape said.

Pomona shook her head, "I don't know who is checking, anyway, I didn't check."

He didn't seem to be very curious, and turned away.

"After getting off the plane, how do you get to Durmstrang?" Pomona asked after him.

He completely ignored him, as if she was just a chirping bird.


According to Draco, when he was repairing the Vanishing Cabinet, some Cornish pixies often appeared around the cabinet. They were probably brought by Lockhart and then settled down in Hogwarts.

Georgiana sat in a rocking chair, looking at the lake and sky at dawn, thinking that before it was completely light, the water of Lake Como was actually not much different from the Black Lake.

Cornish pixies guard a lot of things, from crystal balls to Vanishing Cabinets, and Sniff also collects shiny things, from diamonds to decorative buckles on shoes.

It has been a while, and she almost forgot that the last time she was drawing a map of the North American cotton belt, there was a place called Little Rock, and she felt that the name sounded familiar.

Vampires don't actually like to drink plasma products. They prefer the feeling of hot blood just flowing out of their veins. Plasma products are more like meat that has been frozen for a long time, and there is no taste at all.

Originally, Lockhart planned to make a hologram of his face and then launch it into the sky like the Dark Mark, but later changed it to releasing fireworks, otherwise the Muggles on both sides of the Thames would have a good show.

If it weren't for the fact that "couples" had to attend the press conference, Jig actually wanted to go alone, mainly because Dumbledore wanted to confirm whether the rumor that the Ministry of Magic would reopen the Triwizard Tournament was true, and Fudge loved to do these things.

Even if there was no Augur predicting rain that year, Quidditch could not be played, because there were too many vixens on the court, and the Ministry of Magic believed that they would bring "uncontrolled dangers."

Pomona didn't want to go to Scandinavia, but Christmas that year was too boring, so she went to Northern Europe and experienced dog sledding, which took the contestants to Durmstrang. Of course, the sleds were pulled by cruppies, not huskies.

Durmstrang is a place where there is no human connection and even no roads. When studying at Hogwarts, at least you can go to Hogsmeade on weekends.

Draco was so afraid of the Forbidden Forest because he had lived in the magical world since he was a child. In order to prevent the little wizards from running in and becoming the "takeout" of the eight-eyed spiders, he heard a lot of true or false stories, and his emotions infected Harry and Ron, and then they saw another "monster" besides the eight-eyed spiders.

Pomona didn't like Slytherin's "bloodthirsty ball" very much. The dungeon was already very dark.

Myrtle later left the bathroom where she was bound, which was also where she died, and then she became cheerful and would play pranks with boys. She later met Draco, who was also lonely. Ghosts are not like humans, although they used to be humans.

She slowly closed her eyes, feeling the long-lost, dark freedom, as if she had been soaking in ice water for too long. A warmth began to flow from her heart to her limbs.

This is why she doesn't like Plato, unless the living want to experience that terrible feeling of being cold all over.

Of course, it is against the Ministry of Magic to let Myrtle go without permission. Myrtle was locked in the cubicle where she died because someone complained.

It's unfair, isn't it? She was just seeking revenge, even though it was the basilisk that killed her.

When he freed Myrtle, he was also freed.

Georgiana opened her eyes, and not far from her was a glowing swan, floating quietly on the lake.

She didn't think about the things that made her happy just now, and Myrtle was not free enough to leave school for revenge.

She found other happiness, left the terrible bathroom, and started a new "life".

In front of her appeared a man shrouded in darkness and coldness, and he was shivering all over.

She raised her hand and touched him. He stiffened for a moment, then slowly raised his head and looked at her.

"We will have a new life in the future." She looked into his black eyes and said, then put down her hand and looked into the distance.

This is an ice lake in the forest, or it would be more appropriate to say a pond, and a sword is slowly sinking to the bottom of the water.

Then the man took out his wand, and silver mist flew out from the end of the wand, finally forming a deer-shaped patronus.

At this moment, she felt very calm, and she even wanted to touch it in a friendly way.

But it turned its head, stepped on the ice, and walked towards the depths of the forest.

"After the war, we will have a new life in the future." He said, and it was unknown who he was talking to, because there was no one else around him at the moment.

"If you hadn't crossed that line that Christmas, we would still be friends." She said softly, "Friends for life."

"I don't want to be just friends." He frowned and said, "I crossed that line because I wanted to do that."

She wanted to say something else, but there was a blue light in the distance, and then a person walked towards her.

She squinted her eyes subconsciously, and when she opened her eyes, it was already dawn.

Lake Como was still so beautiful. This time she heard the sound of the lake hitting the lakeside, which was very soft and suitable for telling a long story.

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