Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3510 Blood Dance (VIII)

All wands processed by Ollivander make it almost difficult to see the original material. After peeling, sanding and polishing, they are made into various shapes more suitable for human use, sometimes even the color of the wood is changed. Changed, as if a coat of paint had been applied to it.

Snape's wand is pure black. He believes that with this layer of protection, the wand can be better maintained.

"Can I see your wand?" Ollivander said to Pomona as they walked along the leaf-strewn path.

"Of course," Pomona said, handing Ollivander his beech wand.

It still retains the appearance of a branch without peeling. It looks like a randomly picked branch, and therefore the unique beautiful luster of beech wood cannot be seen.

"It doesn't seem to be in good condition." Ollivander looked at Pomona's wand and said, "It seems to need adjustment."

"Can you help me adjust?" Pomona asked.

Ollivander bent the wand slightly, as if feeling its elasticity, and then raised it again, level with his eyes.

"Interesting...very interesting." Ollivander muttered, but returned the wand to Pomona. "I suggest you find its original maker."

Pomona took his wand and put it away, because Dumbledore's second wand was not made by Ollivander. It had bark like Pomona's beech wand. Vander was also unable to adjust for him.

"When the founders first established the magic school, they would make their own wands and give them to every new student." Dumbledore comforted himself by saying, "We can learn how to make and adjust wands ourselves."

"Actually, I think oak is more suitable for me than beech." Pomona said jokingly, "I heard that its skin is so thick that it can't be peeled off no matter how hard it is."

"Mr. Grigovitch believes that hawthorn is a paradoxical wand. Its leaves and flowers have some healing properties, but its branches represent death." Ollivander said, "I think hawthorn It may be particularly good at healing magic, but of course it’s also good at cursing, so I gave it a unicorn hair.”

Pomona felt that she was not "chatting" with Ollivander, but fortunately at this time, Grapeland's "birdcage" had arrived, and Grapeland was chopping wood outside.

A lot of wandwood had been killed by insects this year and had to be destroyed, but the wood Graplan split was not dead wandwood.

The Bowtruckles arranged a "funeral" for them, and the dead wandwoods were burned along with the Bowtruckles' former homes.

"Because the hawthorn tree was healed, that's why you think it should have unicorn hair?" Pomona asked Ollivander.

"The whole tree looks dead, except for that one tree, which still has fruits hanging on it." Ollivander said, "I have never seen hawthorn fruits so red."

"Why don't you leave it up there?" Pomona said disapprovingly. Maybe that small branch was the only living part of the dying tree.

"The power needed to bring the dead back to life is something we can't feel at ordinary times. I know you tried your best, but not every tree has been saved." Ollivander said sadly, "I feel that we need some extraordinary power. ”

"You mean like 'miracle'?" Pomona asked.

Then Grapeland noticed them and waved to them.

Ollivander did not answer Pomona's question and walked towards Grapeland.


Not all centaurs like Firenze and like to be close to humans. The same goes for unicorns. Most unicorns, especially females with children, will stay away from humans.

Leonardo da Vinci once wrote in his manuscript: The unicorn didn't know how to control his infatuation with the girl. He put aside all his fears and came to a sitting girl, snuggled on her knees and fell asleep. The hunter Just capture it.

Even if Dumbledore went crazy, he would not let a few 11-year-old freshmen go to the depths of the Forbidden Forest, not to mention the only son of school director Lucius Malfoy among them, so Hagrid only took them to "test their courage" at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. ".

No one expected that the unicorn would actually run to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It should not have appeared so close to humans.

Georgiana slowly opened her eyes. In fact, she didn't sleep for long, but she felt much calmer.

She remembered a story she heard in Venice. A local girl and an Austrian soldier fell in love, but their relationship would not be blessed by anyone.

The Republic of Venice has always been independent. Even though the Italian city-states on the mainland have been more or less ruled by foreign countries, some other places have experienced the process of "boiling frogs in warm water" and the feeling of being "ruled" is not so obvious. After the Treaty of Campo Formio was signed, they were suddenly annexed by Austria. It was like putting a hot sword into cold water. The feeling was vivid.

Lorbon sent Louis XVI's princess to Vienna, but did not stay there, nor did he "move in reinforcements". Instead, he went to Russia.

Chateaubriand also joined the army in Belgium. After experiencing something, he lamented that "a few brave nobles could not defeat an awakened nation", then took off his military uniform and fled to England.

Just because the Viennese nobles wouldn't go doesn't mean the "Junkers" wouldn't go. Murat is now a famous general. The Austrian colonel who once captured him was also considered to have made a contribution, although he caught Murat in a hospital in Brescia when Murat had malaria.

If Schendelhannes "changed sides", with his command ability, he might one day become a great marshal like Murat. How about he is the son of an executioner? Murat is just the son of an innkeeper.

But his mistress gave birth to a son for him. Would the robbers recognize this "little master"?

Georgiana got up, cast an illusion spell on herself, and left her room without alarming anyone. Although she was wearing a nightgown, the style of women's clothes in the early 19th century was similar to that of a nightgown.

She walked alone in the garden by Lake Como. After the chaos last night, the security today was much stricter than usual, which disturbed the tranquility of this quiet place.

Bertin said that Marie Antoinette preferred Lorbonne to the Marquis de Choiseul, even though it was Choiseul who arranged for her to marry into France and become the Queen.

Being the Queen of France might be the dream of many girls. France was not a state within the Holy Roman Empire. If the King of France really invited all the eligible women in the country to attend the ball, Versailles would not be able to accommodate them, let alone a castle.

Before the wake-up ceremony every day, the maids would make a booklet of new clothing styles for the queen to choose from. Marie Antoinette would use a pin to select three of them to suit different occasions.

Cinderella could not attend the ball without beautiful clothes. It would cost a lot of money to buy the clothes of the nobles in the old times, and many nobles had to buy on credit.

The pure white Ionian skirt was very cheap, and many girls from ordinary families could also buy such a white skirt to attend the ball.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a sound of horse hooves coming from far away. She looked over and saw a knight on a white horse coming towards her along the road by the lake.

The early morning sun blinded her eyes, and she had to block her eyes with her hands to barely see who was coming.

The other person had no beard and wore a blue-black short jacket with yellow braids. He looked like a hussar.

He opened his mouth and looked at her with a little surprise, then pulled the reins of the white horse to stop it, and turned over neatly to get off the horse.

She couldn't help but laugh. How could this plot be similar to the fairy tale when the prince charming first met the princess?

The knight walked towards her with his horse. He had a broad forehead, a short nose, and a slightly reddish complexion. He stopped six steps away from her and nodded stiffly to her.

"Good morning, Madame Sevres, Michel Ney of the Rhine Army sends you greetings." The knight said.

"Good morning, General." She raised a hand. "I heard that you are in Switzerland now, not in the Rhine."

Ney let go of the horse, took two steps forward, kissed her hand, and then stepped back two steps.

"I've finished my work in Switzerland. I've asked for leave and will be back to Paris soon. My wife is about to give birth." Then Ney stroked the white horse beside him, "By the way, I'll give it to you."

Her eyes turned to the white horse. She thought it was very majestic. If it had a horn, it would be similar to a unicorn.

But after careful observation, she felt that she seemed to know this horse.

"Why is Coco here?" she asked Ney.

Coco is a white horse of Norman descent. Napoleon always rode it to review troops and attend large-scale celebrations. He rode it to Belgium last time.

"The First Consul asked me to give it to you. Remember to ride it back next time you go back to Paris." Ney said with a smile, "Also, you can't wear the clothes he gave you."

She thought about it for several times before she realized how to "fight back."

"Please tell him that I wear men's clothes through application, and he has no right to interfere with my legal rights." She said coldly.

"Yes, you can wear men's clothes, but not his clothes, otherwise 'my generals' won't know who to listen to." Ney paused and asked in a slightly serious tone, "Can you tell me why you don't call in the Swiss army?"

At this time, Georgiana noticed that Ney had a pair of blue eyes, as clear as the water of Lake Como.

This moment is really a suitable scene for love, but unfortunately she is facing a married man, and his wife is still pregnant.

So, no matter how romantic the encounter is, it's useless. She should polish her brain that is always thinking about love and think about what to say so as not to be regarded as a spy.

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