Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 514 Foe glass

It wasn't just the Church that was devastated during the French Revolution, witches were also implicated. During the Reign of Terror, Duke Vincent Pique was captured by the Revolutionary Party and was almost beheaded. He cast a concealment spell on his neck to escape.

In the tide of the great era, no one can survive alone, even wizards with superhuman strength in the eyes of Muggles.

Everyone is a little guy, starting with Louis XIV, the king signed a blank secret letter to the nobles, and the nobles could use this secret letter to send anyone they didn't like to the Bastille.

The terrible thing about secret letters and the Bastille is that there is no guarantee for people's basic rights, and they depend entirely on a certain idea or gift: there is no reason to be imprisoned, and there may not be a trial after being imprisoned, and there is even no definite imprisonment. the term.

The nobles who used to be so powerful have become prisoners who need to rely on magic to avoid the death penalty in just two or three years. The big era is like a roulette on a gambling table. Everyone is a gambler, and no one knows. What will happen to your own destiny in the next moment.

This is why Voldemort believed in Sybill Trelawney's prophecy so much. The Third Eye saw the future more accurately than ordinary people. According to Voldemort's consistent style of cutting grass and roots, he wanted to get rid of Lily together. The person who caused all this It was Severus Snape, the man who loved Lily and was now entangled with her.

The French Muggle nobles are gone, but wizards still exist. Pomona hopes that she is just an ordinary country girl, living a simple life like in the Jane Austen story, not becoming a nobleman, let alone being with Lestrange home in any way.

She also didn't want to know so much and live as carefree as a little girl.

The powerful France built by Louis XIV won the admiration of the world, but his militarism and extravagance also overwhelmed the French economy.

Louis XV intensified, and his famous saying Even after my death, even if the flood is torrential (Après moi, le déluge) intensified social conflicts.

Mary, who didn't know anything, just lived the way women of that era lived.

If Louis XVI was a contented little craftsman and Marie was a vain and romantic housewife, they would probably be able to spend their lives in peace. Their tragedy is that they were born in the emperor's family, born in an era that is hard to return.

A superficial and willful deficit queen would be fine if she doesn't care about political affairs, but she, who has no political experience, will interfere in state affairs and the appointment and dismissal of officials on a whim or under the instigation of others.

Women are not allowed to participate in politics, Pomona sneered, even Cixi herself said so before she died, how ridiculous.

In that era, whether she was a country woman or an aristocratic woman, it seemed that she could not escape the fate of violent death. Whether she died of starvation or went to the guillotine, the way of death was not so beautiful.

French women are passionate and unrestrained, and I heard that they seem to be more willing to manage love as an art.

After reading such a hopeless story, she hoped to find something to relax her mind, so instead of making tea, she changed her clothes.

Professor! she called to Severus, who was looking at the papers, and he looked up at her.

What are you doing in this suit? He asked in surprise.

Do you know why Lucius was abandoned by the Dark Lord? She paced slowly in the mansion contributed by the albino snake, but did not make a sound. ', forgetting that he was a wizard himself, he put down his wand and picked up his quill, and since he didn't need it, why didn't he dedicate his wand to the Dark Lord? I know Lucius had a great influence on you, but you are You, he is him, you are not the same person as him.

Pomona was wearing Hufflepuff's school uniform at the moment. She wanted to go to Beauxbatons to study, but she was glad that she stayed at Hogwarts in the end.

Maybe she doesn't have the romantic, confident, and natural freedom of Furong, but she also has her own unique temperament.

She likes to hide and camouflage, like a devil's web disguised as a crab claw.

The truth is a beautiful and terrifying thing. There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth, and the truth is exactly what the wizard in front of her is curious about.

You want to get my attention?

Aren't I cute without money? She turned around in a circle.

What the hell are you trying to do?

I don't know, I just don't want to be alone. She racked her brains to think, she wanted him to be an admirable person, and she wanted him to be like Arthur, a career and a family, but he only had 24 hours a day , Excluding the sleeping time, his waking time has to be redistributed, how much time can she allocate to him?

You think I'm losing my mind, right? He curled the corners of his mouth into a dimple. Aren't you satisfied with what we made in the kitchen this morning?

She thought of the picture of a beast without any sense of beauty, just enjoying desire...

But that only existed in her imagination, she didn't really see it, and she suddenly had an idea.

What was I doing when you saw me in the Mirror of Erised?

He didn't answer her.

There is a big mirror in the dressing room. She continued to say seductively, It can also reflect the desire in your heart.

Do you know how Albus 'borrowed' the Mirror of Erised from the Room of Requirement? He put down the papers in his hand and stood up. Only things belonging to the Ministry of Magic must be returned after being borrowed. If the mirror doesn't belong to the Ministry of Magic anymore, then even if it's taken out of the room, the rules won't be broken and the Room of Requirement can still be used.

So Albus took advantage of the privileges of the head wizard of the Wizengamot?

In terms of details, the Mirror of Erised is a magical mirror. When he lost his power, our people changed the ownership of the mirror. He couldn't let that house disappear. Fortunately, Barty Crow Jr. Qi also kept a mirror, which can reflect the appearance of the enemy. When the enemy is far away, it will cast a smoky shadow, and when the enemy is close, it will show its outline. In the mirror, he saw me, Minerva There is the White Wizard, but there is no you and his father, old Buddy Crouch, after the Black Lake game, he deliberately greeted old Buddy Crouch with Moody's appearance, why do you think that is?

She looked at the wizard who was exuding a dark aura.

Yes, in the torrent of that era, even wizards would be hanged by Muggles, but it was only a matter of thought for wizards to kill Muggles. After the green light of Avada Kedavra flashed, the ground fell There will be one more corpse.

He didn't even need a reason, he didn't need a motive, he just raised his hand and killed the Muggle like a fly, and then he occupied the Muggle's house, just because he liked the Muggle's house very much.

Grindelwald is like that.

If Albus saw Grindelwald in the mirror, was he seeing an enemy or his desire?

The white wizard may be going crazy, and the pathogen is Grindelwald, an ambitious man who distorts the facts, misleads others, and pushes the world to destruction.

Attention, said Pomona. He wants attention!

Like what you want now, if you want attention, why not go up to people and perform?

I don't want to be someone like Lockhart...

That's why you really hate him, isn't it? He's obviously a clown. You're more capable than him but no one notices you, so you're jealous of him.

What about you? Why are you so annoying? You like being noticed too, right?

That's right, I like the awed eyes of others. He admitted frankly, Only an old fool would let such a beautiful woman wear such dirty clothes.

Is desire an enemy or a friend?

If it is an enemy, then the desire to pursue a better personal life needs to be eliminated. In this way, it becomes asceticism, and everyone lives like the Middle Ages.

If it is a friend, the unrestrained misuse of money will bring ruin, and this friend will kill you.

Wanting to buy something comes from an idea.

Wanting to imprison a person comes from an idea.

Wanting to kill a person with magic is also an idea.

So why should the misuse of magic alone be punished? Who is that international secrecy law protecting?

I don't need to hide anymore. She looked at him with water blue eyes. I just don't like to show off.

This is my girl. Severus kissed her on the lips, looking very pleased.

You like fame, but you don't like showing off, that's why you like being sucked up to you?

That's another question. He put his arm around her shoulders and walked to the cloakroom.

Sometimes the things we enjoy are harmful and have adverse effects on physical and mental health, but we still can't help wanting them.

It may be cigarettes, it may be luxury, even fame and vanity, but we still desire these things.

This is human beings, their nature is to make mistakes, and they will not correct them after repeated admonitions. Just like Hydera's head, if one is cut off, a new one will grow again. There is no solution once and for all.

Socrates said that when the time comes, we will each go our own way, and only God knows whether we will live in this world or die.

There are two kinds of people in this world, one is happy pigs and the other is miserable people.

Harry was so happy when he was a kid that Severus said he was like a pig that was raised, waiting to be slaughtered at the right time.

Men's cruelty and ruthlessness are sometimes so chilling.

To make matters worse, the person who knew it was unethical to do so became an accomplice.

It is of no use to indulge in vain dreams and forget about real life.

That mirror is not a good thing, but those who see it are still reluctant to destroy it, even if the things it reflects are fake.

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