Harry Potter, Sovereign

Chapter 19 - Discoveries

After the delicious meal, the 7 people relaxed. Harry would have loved to give them some wine, especially to Semimaris, but he didn't think about buying alcoholic drink during shopping. So he settled for tea. Despite being a good cook, he wasn't that good with drinks and tea. But he could make something decent.

Harry spent his afternoon practicing all the spells he knew, under the watchfull eyes of Xuanzang and Vi.

More often than not, he used too much power in his spells. His rod may have been more powerful than his firs wand, but it was also harder to handle. In Ollivander's words, it would be temperamental, or wild. His lack of control over his magic didn't help. Xuanzang and Vi observed not only to make sure that he didn't hurt himself, but also to see what kind of spells were used in the magical world.

At the end of the day, Harry was exhausted, mostly mentally. He had to concentrate more on his spellcasting, and his failures frustrated him. He estimated that it would take him a few days of practice to recover a decent level of control. When he entered the tent, Semimaris and Scathach were already waiting for him.

"You should go and take a shower" said Semimaris. "We will start the examination as soon as you're done."

Harry looked at them with a perplexed expression.

"It is best to perform that before you eat" continued Scathach. "The earlier we start, the earlier we finish, the earlier we will be able to eat diner."

The last part was said in a lower tone than usual, with a hint of anticipation and shame. Harry nodded in agreement, not noticing his 2 other companions nodding as well, but for a different reason. The glint in their eyes would have betrayed their thoughts.

30 minutes later, Harry was in his room, lying on his bed in u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, with the 3 casters surrounding him.

"The healing magic from your world is quite interesting" said Scathach. "I dare say it is superior to what was possible in our world in some regards. But when it comes to scanning the body to detect wounds and ailments, I believe we have an edge. Still,we are going to use both methods to make sure we don't miss anything."

With that said, they spent several minutes casting various spells on him. Some he could tell were from the wizarding world, other that were from their world because of the foreign language and the shift in wand movements.

At some point during the examination, Harry felt his scar tingle in contact with their magic, and it slowly turned into an irritating itch. All 3 casters frowned at that moment, and Scathach and Semimaris focused on it. After investigating it, their frowns turned into glares, and seeing this, Harry started to get really worried. After finishing the examination, they sat down on the nearby chairs and had a whispered discussion. Semimaris sighted and they turned to him.

"So? How am I doing?"

"You are both in a better and worse condition than I expected" said Semimaris. "The 10 years of mistreatment inflicted by your relatives left some damage in your body. You're still slowly recovering from malnourishment despite spending most of your time at your magic school. You didn't receive specialised treatment for that, thus the slow healing. Since you are in the middle of puberty, it is still possible to completly correct it."

"You awakened traits you acquired a little over 2 years ago" continued Scathach. "Traits related to some kind of magical beast, something to do with health and vitality. I am guessing it is from the Chamber Of Secret incident, when you were bit by the basilisk and healed by the phoenix. You gained something from a beast with a very long lifespan and another that is reborn after death. Aside from the lingering damage from malnourishment, your body is in a good condition."

"On the magical side, until 3 days ago, your magic was bound" continued Semimaris.


"You had a magical block whose function was to limit the amount of magic you could use in a single instance. It is usually used on children who are prone to strong bouts of accidental magic. It limits the damage they can do on their surroundings and prevent magical exhaustion, which is dangerous for young children. It was most likely placed on you by your parents, and left there after their death. It got overloaded when you summoned us."

"How much of my magic was blocked?"

"Between 20 and 25%. It's difficult to say because the source of wizard's magic is different from our own."

"Not too much then. Anything else?"

"There is a faint blood based barrier magic on you."

"My mother!!"

"The original protection placed on you by her that saved your life. It was stressed and stretched until today, when it started to stabilise. I think that linking to the manor wardstone affected it."

Semimaris grimaced before resuming her talk.

"It also used to protect you from something."

Harry locked eyes with her, and she could see the fear hidden within his eyes. He understood that whatever it was, was terrible news.

"There is a soul fragment in your scar, shrouded in dark magic. The barrier had it contained, until 6 weeks ago..."

With each word she spoke, Harry's complexion whitened. He wasn't the only one, as Xuanzang looked at him in horror. He was starting to have trouble breathing.

"... I have a piece of Voldemort soul in my head?"

Semimaris and Scathach grimly nodded.

"He took my blood. He could touch me. And now, this disgusting piece of shit in there can affect!!!"

The end of that last sentence was shouted as he abruptly stood up. He was starting to panic and furiously wiped his scar."

"Get it out. GET IT OUT!!" he screamed as he tried to scratch the scar and rip it.

Thankfully, Xuanzang and Scathach reacted first and took hold of his arms. They may have been casters and weaker than they should be, but still stronger than ordinary humans, and Xuanzang was also a martial artist. They easily subdued him.

"Calm down Harry!" said Xuanzang.

"I have some of that bastard in me!! Without protection!!"

"You faced him, weakened and surrounded by his followers, and still made it out alive. The thing in your scar is just a small piece! Are you telling me that you're weaker than that?"

Harry stopped resisting, his gaze got lost as he processed what she said, before wincing and lowering his head in shame.

"No... Sorry. It's just. I can't bear the thought of having a bit of him stcuk in me. It's making me feel horrible, tainted in the worst way."

He sat down on his bed, head held in his hands. His magic flaring eratically, mirroring his mental state. He was a step away from having powerful accidental magic.

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