
"Okay, Hermione listens to you in everything, if there is an unexpected situation at that time, we will continue to communicate!"

Seeing this, Hermione said with a serious face:

"Listen to Harry, I don't need an ambiguous answer, I need an affirmation."

Harry can't help it!

Glancing at his cousin Dali.

However, Dudley did not continue to help himself in depth, so he said helplessly:

"Okay, I know this matter Hermione, although it is not satisfactory, but I promise you!"

Seeing that Harry agreed, Hermione released her grip on Harry's wrist.


"Go this way!"

Without hesitation, Harry picked a hidden corner and dashed towards the other side of the Hogwarts corridor.

Dudley looked at Harry and Hermione departing in front of him.

In his heart, he thought more.

Compared to Harry's, pure friendship for Ron.

Dudley was more concerned about what Ron was doing.

And Ron's current state of mind.


According to Harry's basic description, it is likely that Ron fell into complete amnesia.

Even this amnesia may be intermittent.

This intermittent memory couldn't make Ron feel about what he should be doing right now.

In such a dangerous situation, it was impossible to predict Ron's specific moves.

But it was this unexpected situation that made Dudley feel a little uncertain.


Based on current methylmercury levels, Ron shouldn't have been allowed to enter the deterioration phase so quickly.

Tumors in the human body are also divided into malignant and benign.

However, whether malignant or benign, tumors will gradually change over time.

Finally to the untreatable stage.

This process is by no means something that can be achieved in a day or two or as little as a week.

Could it be that as a wizard, something happened to Ron's body when it encountered methylmercury that he did not expect?


The three ran through the dark corridor.

Dudley's mind quietly made the next decision.

After finding Ron, the specific situation will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and if it cannot be delayed, then there is no way.

After all, the experimental energy he had invested in Ron was too great.

If you want to unknowingly ask a little wizard to fully cooperate with him in his experiments, it is difficult to find a second one in a short time.

"Hey! Hasn't Harry arrived yet?

Hermione gasped and ran on the promenade for a long time, which was especially strenuous for her teenage body.


PS: Update, maybe the amount of updates this month will be less, and it is expected to return to normal after a while~

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